Potassium chloride: properties, instructions for use in medicine

Potassium chloride: properties, instructions for use in medicine
Potassium chloride: properties, instructions for use in medicine

In medicine, many substances are used that are designed not only for it. An example of this is potassium chloride. This substance is actively used in various spheres of human life. But in pharmacology s alt potassium chloride has taken its important place.

Why is this substance so useful and dangerous? How and for what is the medicine potassium chloride used? Is it possible to prescribe it yourself and what to do so that it is only beneficial?

Properties of matter

In appearance, they are crystals or odorless white powder. Outwardly, they look like ordinary table s alt. They have a s alty taste. This potassium s alt is highly soluble in water and insoluble in alcohol. Does not ignite or explode. Can be transported both packed and loose.

It occurs naturally in the minerals sylvin, sylvinite and carnallite. Commercially mined from ore.

Where is potassium chloride used?

The various properties of this s alt allow it to be used in various areas of people's lives.

potassium chloride properties
potassium chloride properties

The bulk of raw materials goes to the production of potash and complex fertilizers. Potassium s alts contribute to the fact that plants develop the root system better, they absorb more nitrogen from the soil. At the same time, crops under the influence of this substance absorb less nitrates and radionuclides.

Potassium chloride is also actively used by the chemical industry. Various potassium compounds are obtained from it. It is also irreplaceable in the production of leather substitutes and rubbers.

Food supplement E508 is also potassium chloride. It is added to foods to create what is known as low-sodium s alt. It is also used in cooking as a gelling agent. And so that bulk products do not cake, it is added to their composition.

Also, potassium s alt is used in glass, textile, cellulose and other industries, in photography and pyrotechnics.

In the United States, this substance carries out the death pen alty by injection.

And of course, potassium chloride is widely used in medicine. That's about it later in the article.

Indications for use

Since potassium is an important trace element in the functioning of the human body, its deficiency can lead to serious diseases. Therefore, drugs have been developed that help to quickly make up for its deficiency.

where is potassium chloride used
where is potassium chloride used

The use of potassium chloride in medicine is associated with such diseases:

  • Hypokalemia (low potassium in the body).
  • Digitalis intoxication.
  • Arrhythmias in myocardial infarction.

In the body, potassium is associated with metabolic processes. Therefore, its normal concentration in the blood contributes to the proper functioning of all muscles, including the heart. Its lack can lead to serious consequences. It is most quickly absorbed by the body in the form of potassium s alt. But its use must be strictly controlled by a doctor, as overdoses are possible.

Side effects

Even the use of drugs based on potassium chloride as prescribed by a doctor cannot guarantee their perfect tolerability. Many patients experience negative symptoms after taking this s alt. The most common among them are:

  • hyperkalemia;
  • arrhythmia;
  • paresthesia;
  • confusion;
  • heart block;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • allergy.

If at least one of the symptoms appears, you should immediately consult a doctor for advice.

Issue Forms

Potassium chloride is introduced into the body in the form of tablets and injections. Instructions for use for these types of drugs are slightly different. So, tablets give off the active substance throughout the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, they should not be taken if there are acute diseases of any of the gastrointestinal tract. Pills are prescribed more often to prevent negative consequences.

potassium chloride instructions for use
potassium chloride instructions for use

In liquid form, potassium chloride can be administered intravenously by stream or drip. But in any case, it is done slowly. Inkjetintroduction applies only in emergency cases.


The properties of potassium chloride allow us to identify a number of contraindications. It should not be used with complete heart block, because it can cause it to stop.

Also, the substance is contraindicated in acute and chronic renal failure, as it is excreted from the body with urine. Inadequate kidney function can contribute to its accumulation and cause hyperkalemia.

Elevated blood potassium is also a serious contraindication, as its concentration may increase, leading to an overdose of the substance.

potassium chloride medicine
potassium chloride medicine

Any metabolic disorders can be aggravated if they are also loaded with potassium s alt.

Pregnant women should not be given drugs unless their benefit far outweighs the harm to the fetus. Lactation at the time of taking potassium chloride should be stopped. Children under 18 years of age are also not prescribed drugs.


If you uncontrollably take potassium chloride tablets or injections, an overdose may occur. Its danger is that for a long time it can be asymptomatic, and only in the last stages a violent reaction of the body appears, which often leads to death. But if the following conditions appear while taking potassium s alt preparations, you should urgently consult a doctor:

  • increased muscle tone;
  • arrhythmia;
  • paresthesia;
  • muscle paralysis.

It's all about developmenthyperkalemia in the body. The best help to the patient will be the introduction of sodium chloride into the body intravenously or through the gastrointestinal tract. The thing is that these substances are considered antagonists. Sodium promotes the rapid excretion of potassium from the body. If intoxication is too severe, hemo- and peritoneal dialysis may be prescribed.

Interaction with other drugs

potassium chloride injections
potassium chloride injections

Before taking any medications, tell your doctor what other medications you are currently taking. According to the instructions for the use of potassium chloride, it is contraindicated if the patient uses potassium-sparing diuretics, Cyclosporine, Heparin, ACE inhibitors, beta-blockers. These drugs contribute to the development of hyperkalemia.

Antiarrhythmic drugs in combination with potassium preparations increase the negative dromotropic and batmotropic efficacy.

If you take potassium s alt along with cardiac glycosides, their tolerance improves.

Popular potassium s alt preparations

Potassium chloride is available as tablets, powder and injectable solutions. The name of the drug is not patented, so it is produced by many pharmacological factories around the world. It is sold most often under the name "Potassium chloride" or "Potassium chloride".

Some manufacturers add excipients to s alt so that it is absorbed faster and more efficiently in the body. Therefore, if you are purchasingpotassium chloride in ampoules for injections or droppers, carefully read the composition. Each medication has a common contraindication - intolerance to the components. Therefore, it is so important to always read the summary so as not to harm yourself even more.

Here is a list of medicines containing this potassium s alt:

  • "Glucosil";
  • "Xylate";
  • "Laktosil";
  • "Plerigo".

But remember that any medicine can be used only after a doctor's prescription and clearly according to the scheme prescribed by him.

Interaction with alcohol

We have previously said that potassium s alts are not soluble in alcohol. But this substance helps to eliminate the negative effects of alcohol intake. Potassium chloride is introduced in this case into the body through droppers.

potassium chloride in ampoules
potassium chloride in ampoules

During the intake of strong drinks in the body, significant changes in the water-s alt balance occur, the nervous system and muscles suffer. When a hangover syndrome sets in, the vessels narrow, the amount of water in the organs decreases, and muscle tone decreases. Everyone knows the symptoms of these disorders: headache, thirst and tremors of the limbs.

Adding potassium chloride to the composition of the dropper solution is advisable, since this substance helps to normalize the water-s alt balance. In addition, we have already mentioned the beneficial effect of this substance on the heart. Potassium contributes to the expansion of blood vessels, but not only coronary, but throughout the body, especially in the brain. This isrestores the work of the heart muscle and relieves headaches.

Also, potassium returns normal muscle tone. This eliminates their weakness and tremors in their arms and legs.

Potassium chloride is a part of droppers from hard drinking. The reasons for this are described above. But if earlier it was said about the simple therapy of alcohol intoxication, now we are talking about severe intoxication of the body. For this reason, the patient is administered up to two liters of glucose solution with physiological fluid per day. It is precisely the composition of the latter that includes the potassium s alt.

Physiotherapy applications

Many have heard about s alt rooms (halochambers) or just lamps. They are recommended to visit for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the skin, respiratory system, problems with metabolism. But most people think they use sodium chloride.

potassium chloride use in medicine
potassium chloride use in medicine

In fact, such rooms are often covered with sylvin, halite and carnallite - minerals that include potassium chloride. The creation of halochambers aims to reproduce the natural conditions of caves in potash mines.

Even in ancient times, people noticed that staying in such an atmosphere helps to strengthen the body and cures many diseases. The therapeutic effect is achieved due to s alt aerosol (small particles of minerals, the concentration of which in the air is quite large). Inhaling it, a person naturally enriches the body with the necessary micro-macroelements. Also, the aerosol settles on the skin, stimulating metabolic processes in it.

ButIt should be understood that such therapy has not only a positive effect on the body. There are a number of contraindications that must be considered before visiting the halochamber. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor in advance.

At the same time, special lamps made from these minerals improve the microclimate in the house. They are relatively inexpensive. Their regular use can reduce the frequency of colds in the cold season.

It is worth noting that some doctors do not recognize this method of therapy, while others strongly recommend that their patients undergo preventive and maintenance therapy in specialized sanatoriums.
