Consider the composition of the drug "Ingalipt". This is a topical remedy with a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and analgesic effect. This medicine is widely used in the development of inflammatory diseases of the oropharynx and upper respiratory canals.
Composition of the drug
Spray "Ingalipt" can be found on sale in aluminum bottles of 30 ml. The package includes a sprayer and detailed instructions.

In the composition of the drug "Ingalipt" there are numerous active elements. These include:
- Thymol is a natural component that has a pronounced antiseptic effect and is used in the treatment of inflammatory pathologies of the upper respiratory tract. What else is included in the Ingalipt aerosol?
- Glycerol - a substance that has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, softens the irritated and inflamed mucous membrane of the throat, quickly relieves tissue swelling. Under the action of this active ingredient, the tonsils are cleared of purulent plugs. It's not yetthe entire composition of the drug.
- Spray "Ingalipt" contains peppermint oil - this element is obtained by pressing dried or fresh leaves of the plant. The extract has analgesic, antispasmodic and distracting properties, relieves dry cough and soothes irritated mucous membranes of the pharynx.
- Also in the composition of the drug "Ingalipt" there is streptocide - a substance that has a pronounced antimicrobial effect, eliminates inflammation and swelling of the mucous membranes, is a prophylactic in the development of purulent exacerbations.
- Essential oil of eucalyptus - suppresses attacks of dry cough, destroys pathogenic microbes, softens the surface of the mucous membrane, relieves swelling and pain in the larynx, heals microcracks and reduces signs of inflammation.
Auxiliary substances in the preparation "Ingalipt" are: sugar, purified water, ethyl alcohol.

Pharmacological properties of the drug
The drug is widely used for local therapy of pathological processes in the pharynx and upper respiratory tract of an inflammatory nature as part of complex treatment. When the aerosol gets on the mucous membrane, the patient notes a significant relief of painful symptoms. Under the influence of this medication, an attack of painful dry cough is suppressed, swelling is removed, microorganisms that provoke the progression of the inflammatory process are destroyed. The composition of "Ingalipt" and instructions for useexamine carefully before starting treatment.
Indications for prescribing the drug
Medication in the form of an aerosol or spray is prescribed to patients for the treatment of the following diseases of the head and respiratory organs:
- pharyngitis;
- chronic tonsillitis at the stage of exacerbation;
- SARS, which are accompanied by a sore throat, dry cough, redness of the mucous membrane of the pharynx;
- inflammatory pathologies of the upper respiratory organs as part of complex treatment - laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, adenoiditis, laryngotracheitis.
The drug in some cases can be prescribed as a prophylactic after tonsillectomy and other surgical interventions in the throat.

List of contraindications
Not only the composition of the Ingalipt spray needs to be studied before use. It is important to understand that the aerosol has some contraindications for use. These include:
- bronchial asthma and a tendency to develop allergic bronchospasm;
- individual intolerance to the constituent components;
- symptoms of bronchial obstruction;
- in history - allergic reactions elements of the composition;
- Children under 12.
Dosage, method of application
What else does the instructions for use for Ingalipt aerosols tell us? The medicine is used by irrigating the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat. adult patients andchildren over 12 years of age are prescribed 1-2 sprays of a medical agent into the focus of the inflammatory process, 3-4 times a day. The duration of the therapeutic course is 5-7 days. If during this period the patient does not experience positive dynamics from the use of the medication, then you should contact a specialist in order to clarify the diagnosis and the correctness of the prescribed treatment regimen.
Before using a medical aerosol, it is recommended to shake the can well, then put on a special spray and irrigate the mucous membrane. When spraying the drug, it is necessary to breathe through the nose to prevent inhalation of the drug solution and reduce the likelihood of bronchospasm. After using the Ingalipt aerosol, the sprayer must be removed and rinsed thoroughly under water.

Use of "Ingalipt" in aerosols during pregnancy and lactation
Studies regarding the safety of the effect of this medicine on the fetus during pregnancy have not been conducted. Therefore, the drug "Ingalipt" is not recommended for pregnant women. Since ethyl alcohol is present in the medication, its use during pregnancy can lead to negative consequences on the part of the fetal central nervous system.
Whether the drug passes into breast milk, and how it can affect the baby's body, is not known. Therefore, the use of aerosol and spray "Ingalipt" during lactation is not desirable. If treatment is needed, breastfeedingrequired to stop.
Side effects of this drug
As a rule, the Ingalipt medication is well tolerated by patients, but in certain cases, the following adverse reactions may occur during its therapy:
- development of bronchospasm;
- itching and burning in the throat after the medication hit the mucous membranes;
- decrease in mucosal sensitivity (this effect is due to the influence of essential oils present in the composition of the drug and, as a rule, does not require discontinuation of drug therapy);
- Quincke's edema;
- dry mouth;
- urticaria;
- other manifestations of allergic reactions.
Signs of an overdose
Cases of an overdose of the drug "Ingalipt" in medicine have not been described. However, in order to prevent the occurrence of such situations, it is not recommended to exceed the dosage recommended in the instructions or use the medication for more than 7 days.
Drug Interactions
The drug "Ingalipt" in the form of a spray and aerosol qualitatively complements the therapeutic effect of the use of antibiotics and antiviral drugs.
It is not recommended to use several local antiseptics at the same time, especially if they contain ethyl alcohol, as this can lead to the development of burns of the mucous membrane or the development of adverse reactions.

Special Recommendations
After irrigation of the oropharynxthe patient should refrain from eating and drinking drinks or other drugs for 40 minutes, otherwise the therapeutic effect of the use of the drug is significantly reduced.
Absorption of the drug into the general blood system is insignificant, however, since the drug contains ethanol, during treatment with an aerosol or spray, one should refrain from managing complex mechanisms and transport.
What else can you learn from the instructions for "Ingalipt"? Spray for children under 12 years of age is prohibited due to the content of ethyl alcohol in this preparation.
Patients with diabetes are advised to use the medicine with caution, as it contains glucose.
The following medicines are similar in therapeutic effect with the drug "Ingalipt":
- "Strepsils" is a medicine whose antiseptic effect is provided by its combined composition, including a derivative of benzene and phenol. The effectiveness of this agent is associated with the coagulation of proteins infected by fungi and microbes of cells, and the interaction of the drug with the components of cell membranes.
- "Lyzobakt" - a medicine that is produced on the basis of two substances - lysozyme and pyridoxine. Lysozyme is an enzyme of protein origin, used as an antiseptic, due to its direct effect on pathogenic microorganisms, including fungi and viruses. In addition, the substance is involved in the regulation of nonspecific local immunity. Secondelement - pyridoxine has a protective effect on the oral mucosa (anti-aphthous effect).
- "Septefril" - tablets used for throat diseases based on decamethoxin, which belongs to the group of ammonium compounds with an antiseptic effect. By acting on microbes on the surface of the mucous membrane, this substance disrupts their permeability, acts on them bactericidal, sporicidal and fungicidal.
- "Proposol" is an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, antimicrobial drug, the active substances of which are propolis, glycerin and ethyl alcohol. The bactericidal activity of the drug is manifested in relation to all representatives of pathogenic microflora, including those resistant to antibiotics. Glycerin, present in the composition of the drug, softens and moisturizes the mucous membranes of the larynx, and is effective for irritation caused by colds and viral diseases.
The approximate cost of the Ingalipt medical product is 90 rubles. It depends on the region and pharmacy chain.

You can find a huge number of reviews about this drug on the forums. This is due to the fact that this medicine has been produced for several decades and many people have been familiar with it since childhood. Patients characterize "Ingalipt" as a time-tested drug that is intended for the treatment of throat diseases - tonsillitis, pharyngitis, etc. Some patients consider it insufficiently effective, because in itsthe composition contains only natural substances, however, other patients note that the effectiveness of the use of this remedy is maximum.
The drug has an unpleasant taste, causing many patients to refuse to use it due to intolerance. Nevertheless, Ingalipt is still the most popular pharmaceutical product, which is also confirmed by numerous consumer reviews.

Adverse reactions from treatment with Ingalipt spray and aerosol are extremely rare. Most often they are minor allergic reactions on the skin. It is also indicated that this medicine can provoke the appearance of the urge to vomit, which is also due to its specific taste and smell. Otherwise, the medication is characterized positively by both doctors and patients.
We reviewed the instructions and composition of Ingalipt.