"Ursosan": composition of the drug, instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Ursosan": composition of the drug, instructions for use, analogues and reviews
"Ursosan": composition of the drug, instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Consider the composition of the drug "Ursosan". The tool acts as a drug from a series of hepatoprotectors. They are protected from the harmful effects of liver cells, their membranes are stabilized, and the functioning of the organ improves. The protective effect on cells is associated with the numerous pharmacological properties of the drug, which relate to the improvement of bile outflow, the prevention of stone formation and their dissolution.

It is used to treat any hepatitis (for example, infectious, alcoholic or toxic), biliary cirrhosis, cholestasis or fibrous degeneration of liver tissues. Among other things, the drug is prescribed to patients with sclerosing cholangitis, reflux gastritis and esophagitis, as well as in case of a digestive disorder syndrome.

composition of the drug ursosan
composition of the drug ursosan

Composition of the drug "Ursosan" and release format

Currently, a drug calledUrsosan is produced exclusively in the form of capsules, which are sometimes mistakenly called tablets. The capsule has a gelatinous opaque shell, painted white. Inside each of them there is a powdery content with the same shade. The composition of Ursosan is described in detail in the instructions.

It is produced and sold in packs of 50, 10 or 100 capsules. Ursosan contains ursodeoxycholic acid as an active ingredient. Each pill contains 250 milligrams of this ingredient. As auxiliary ingredients, Ursosan contains substances in the form of corn starch, magnesium stearate, colloidal silicon dioxide and gelatin.


Capsules are used for a wide range of different liver diseases, as well as for the prevention of toxic damage to the organ due to work in hazardous industries or taking medications that have a negative effect. Many patients are interested in what Ursosan is good for. Indications for the use of these capsules are the following pathological conditions:

  1. Cholelithiasis without complications. In this case, the pills are taken to dissolve gallstones, as well as to prevent their occurrence after cholecystectomy.
  2. If you have chronic active or acute hepatitis.
  3. Development of acute viral hepatitis or chronic opisthorchiasis.
  4. Against the background of toxic liver damage (including drugs or alcohol).
  5. In case of alcoholliver disease.
  6. For non-alcoholic steatohepatitis.
  7. When developing primary biliary cirrhosis.
  8. The appearance of cholangitis occurring with sclerosis in the biliary tract.
  9. Development of cystic fibrosis of the liver.
  10. The presence of atresia (inferior development in the prenatal period of the bile intrahepatic ducts).
  11. On the background of dyskinesia.
  12. Appearance of biliary reflux gastritis and reflux esophagitis.
  13. Digestion failure syndrome associated with bile duct dyskinesias.
  14. Prevention of harmful effects on the liver of anticancer drugs and hormonal contraceptives.

Consider below analogues of Ursosan and reviews.

Instructions for use

These capsules must be taken by mouth and should not be chewed. The instructions warn about this. The composition of Ursosan is described above, the capsules are washed down with a sufficient amount of water. The optimal time to use the drug is in the evening. The dosage and duration of the course of therapy directly depend on the severity and type of pathology. On average, the dosage is calculated from the ratio of 10 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. For example, a person who weighs 75 kilograms should take an average dosage of 750 milligrams, which corresponds to three pills.

For the treatment of gallstone disease (in order to dissolve stones), the medication is taken at a dosage of two to five capsules daily for a long time. As a rule, the duration of the therapeutic course of treatment depends on the rate of dissolution of solidformations, and in addition, from the development of positive dynamics of the disease. Taking the drug can last several months or even years. It has a completely safe composition. Instructions for use "Ursosan" is recommended to drink until the stones are completely dissolved, plus an additional three months in order to prevent the formation of new ones. The entire daily dosage should be taken once daily at bedtime.

ursosan composition
ursosan composition

To combat diffuse liver diseases, such as chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis, the daily dose is calculated by weight, based on the ratio of 15 milligrams per kilo of mass. For example, with 75 kilograms of weight, the amount of Ursosan is 1125 milligrams, which corresponds to five capsules. Further, the calculated daily dosage is divided into two or three doses per day. The received one-time norm of the drug is taken twice or three times during meals. The course of therapy for such pathologies of the liver is usually long and can amount to several years. The decision on the duration is made by the doctor, who starts from the dynamics of the pathology and the general condition of the patient.

To eliminate reflux gastritis, you need to take Ursosan one capsule in the evening before going to bed. The duration of treatment is determined by the dynamics of the disease and the rate of onset of positive changes. The course is ten days, but in some cases it can last two years. During this period, Ursosan can be taken without interruption.

In order to prevent the appearance of stones after cholecystectomy, you need to drink one capsuletwice a day for four months. For the treatment of liver damage of medicinal, toxic or alcoholic origin, the daily individual dosage is calculated by body weight from a ratio of 15 milligrams per kilogram of weight. The resulting daily volume of the drug is divided into two doses. The single dosage calculated in this way is taken twice a day with meals for six to twelve months.

Therapy of primary biliary cirrhosis is carried out by Ursosan at a dosage calculated by weight from a ratio of 20 milligrams per kilo of weight. Thus, in this case, the daily dose is 1500 milligrams, which corresponds to six capsules. The resulting daily volume of the drug is divided into two or three doses. The medicine is taken for a period of six months to several years.

In the case of sclerosing cholangitis, the use of "Ursosan" is required at a dose of 15 milligrams per kilo of weight per day. The daily volume is divided into three doses. The average single dose of the drug is two capsules three times a day. Treatment of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis will require the use of a drug in a dose calculated by weight, based on a ratio of 15 milligrams per kilogram of weight. The resulting daily rate is divided into three doses per day. Therapy involves the daily use of the drug for a long time period - from six months to several years. With cystic fibrosis, it is necessary to take the drug in the amount of 30 milligrams (nine capsules) per day, for a long time. This is indicated in the instructions for Ursosan. For children, the dosage is also indicated there. Let's talk about it below.

how to replace ursosan the same composition
how to replace ursosan the same composition

For newborns

These babies may develop jaundice, which is a physiological condition if it lasts no more than three weeks. When, at the end of the specified period, the disease does not recede, then we are talking about the presence of a pathological condition. If the disease gradually disappears, and by the first month after the birth of the child disappears completely, then this is considered a variant of the norm. As a rule, a gradual improvement in the color of the integument of the skin is allowed up to four months. In such situations, neonatologists are advised not to take any medication.

Jaundice among newborn babies is associated with the breakdown of a large amount of hemoglobin, which their liver is not able to quickly remove. But with a strong manifestation of pathology, when a high content of bilirubin is recorded, damage to the nervous system may occur. In such cases, it is necessary to reduce the concentration of bilirubin with medication.

In order to eliminate such severe jaundice, pediatricians recommend giving Ursosan to children. The drug is taken from two to four weeks in a row, daily for a quarter of a capsule. Doctors advise pouring the contents of the capsule onto a plate, dividing it into four equal parts and, dissolving it in water, give it to the child.

Subject to good and positive dynamics (in the event that jaundice quickly disappears), you can reduce the therapeutic course to ten days. Weekly while taking this medication, you need to monitor the concentrationbilirubin in the blood. A weekly intake of "Ursosan" on average provides a decrease in bilirubin by 50 units. After reaching the level of bilirubin, equal to 100 milligrams per milliliter, the drug can be canceled. This is confirmed by the instructions for use for the drug "Ursosan".

How to take the remedy for children?

This drug can be used to treat various diseases of the liver and bile ducts in children. In this case, the dosage is calculated for each baby individually, which depends on its body weight. As a rule, pediatricians proceed from a ratio of 10-20 milligrams per kilo of weight. In this case, the baby should be given the entire daily dose in the evening with meals.

In the event that the child cannot swallow a large capsule whole, its contents should be poured into water, and then dissolved. Next, give Ursosan a drink to the child in the form of a solution. In this case, it is necessary to make sure that he drank it whole. It is worth noting that among children aged two to four years, it is likely that difficulties with swallowing large capsules, in connection with this, it is necessary to control the moment of taking the drug.

It is known that children tolerate Ursosan quite well. The instructions for use noted that the drug helps in the treatment of acute hepatitis that occurs in childhood, as well as for various disorders of the bile outflow (for example, in the case of bile duct atresia). Among other things, the medication will certainly help to cope with various digestive disorders in children, which are formed due tofried food abuse.

Can the body react negatively to the composition of Ursosan?

Side effects

Capsules are generally well tolerated by all patients, regardless of age, but they still have some side effects. Mostly this medication provokes unwanted reactions that affect the organs of the digestive system. These include, for example, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, occasional elevated liver transaminases, calcification of stones, and abdominal pain.

composition of ursosan tablets
composition of ursosan tablets

Such information is available in the instructions for use for the drug "Ursosan". It is worth noting that the development of diarrhea when taking the drug depends on the dose. That is, when using three capsules, the patient may develop such an unpleasant condition, and when using a smaller amount of the drug (one or two capsules), there will be no such disorder. In this regard, in the event of diarrhea against the background of Ursosan, it is necessary to slightly lower the daily dosage.

In addition to the negative impact on the digestive system, these capsules can provoke undesirable effects from the functioning of other organs. For example, back pain is possible along with allergic reactions, itchy skin and baldness.


According to the instructions, the drug "Ursosan" has absolute and relative prohibitions on use. The relative age of children is from two to four years. This is due to the fact that the crumbs in this period of their livesmay experience some difficulty swallowing large capsules. But, in principle, children can still take Ursosan, since this drug has no age restrictions. If there are absolute contraindications, the drug should not be used in any case. Such prohibitions include the following states:

  1. The appearance of an X-ray-positive structure of gallstones (when the calculi contain a high content of calcium).
  2. Presence of low functional activity of the gallbladder.
  3. Appearance of gastrointestinal fistula and acute cholecystitis.
  4. Against the background of cholangitis and cirrhosis in the stage of decompensation.
  5. With liver and kidney failure.
  6. Appearance of blockage of bile ducts.
  7. The development of acute diseases of the gallbladder of an infectious nature, as well as the patient's empyema of this organ.
  8. Occurrence of sensitivity, allergy or intolerance to the components of Ursosan.
medicine ursosan instruction
medicine ursosan instruction


A drug on the domestic pharmaceutical market has analogues and synonyms. Let's figure out how to replace Ursosan. Many medicines have the same composition. That is, in the role of the main active ingredient, they contain ursodeoxycholic acid. Of course, the doctor should choose the drug.

Today, the Russian market has the following Ursosan analogues in the composition with ursodeoxycholic acid. These are preparations such as Livodex, Urdox, Ursodex, Ursoliva, UrsoromaRomfarma", "Ursofalk", "Ursodeza", "Ursoroma", "Choludexan" and "Exhol", as well as medicines "Allochol" and "Holenzim".

Something else to replace Ursosan? The same composition is not always necessary for treatment.

Ursosan and Ursoliv medicine

These medicines are synonymous drugs, that is, they contain the same substance as an active ingredient. True, some people are better tolerated by Ursoliv, while others, on the contrary, its competitor Ursosan. In such a situation, it is necessary to start taking a course of one medication, if for one reason or another it does not work, then it is worth switching to another. You can also read different subjective reviews about the effectiveness of these drugs.

For example, in some people the stones dissolved under the influence of Ursosan, while in others this medical remedy did not help at all. But Ursoliv, on the contrary, helped to achieve the expected effect. Thus, both of these drugs can have different effects in their effectiveness, which depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

In this situation, there are no objective signs by which you can accurately determine who is best suited for Ursosan, and for whom its substitute Ursoliv. Therefore, you need to try both drugs, and then choose the most effective of them, based on your own subjective feelings.

Ursofalk drug

According to the instructions for the Ursosan analogue, this pharmaceutical product is a drug of the hepatoprotector category. It hascholeretic, immunomodulatory, cholelitholytic (dissolving stones) and hypocholesterolemic (lowering blood cholesterol) properties. Means "Ursofalk" makes the membranes of liver cells more resistant and durable, which prevents the destruction of liver cells, stops the formation of fibrosis and normalizes the functioning of the liver. So it says in the instructions for use.

ursosan for children instruction
ursosan for children instruction

An analogue of Ursosan is used by physicians to dissolve stones in patients with cholelithiasis. It is also necessary to achieve the normal functioning of this organ if a person has biliary cirrhosis, sclerosing cholangitis, fibrosis, hepatitis, and toxic damage (drugs, poisons, alcohol).

It is advisable to use it in the case of dyskinesia, with reflux gastritis, and in addition, against the background of stagnation of bile. In addition, "Ursofalk" is used to prevent drug-induced damage to the liver after courses of treatment with drugs that adversely affect this organ.

Making a choice

Ursofalk" or "Ursosan"? We will try to compare the compositions of these funds below. Hepatologists, as well as infectious disease doctors along with therapists, argue that Ursofalk is a more preferable remedy than Ursosan. Doctors of these speci alties base such a recommendation on the result of clinical observation from their own practice, as well as on the basis of feedback from their own patients.

ursosan for children instructions for use
ursosan for children instructions for use

For example, according to patients, the synonym "Ursofalk" is tolerated by people much easier compared to "Ursosan". Doctors note a higher rate of dissolution of stones and normalization of the functional he alth of the liver under the influence of the composition of Ursofalk tablets.

True, you need to remember about the individual characteristics of the human body. Despite the fact that the vast majority of patients are better suited for Ursofalk, there is a smaller group of patients who need Ursosan. In this regard, we can first recommend taking a course of Ursofalk therapy, and if the result of the patient is not satisfactory, then it is advisable to switch to Ursosan.


The pharmaceutical agent in question is an imported medicine, it is not produced in Russia. In this regard, its price directly depends on the cost of wholesale lots. The approximate price range in domestic pharmacies is currently as follows:

  1. For ten capsules of the drug, you need to pay from 160 to 190 rubles.
  2. For fifty pills you will have to pay from 750 to 840 rubles.
  3. One hundred capsules cost from 1300 to one and a half thousand rubles.

Next, let's get acquainted with the opinions of consumers who took the pharmaceutical product in question as part of the treatment of liver and gallbladder pathologies.

ursosan composition instruction
ursosan composition instruction


The vast majority of comments on the Internet about Ursosan is positive, because goodeffectiveness in relation to the pathologies of the bile ducts regularly helps people treat chronic ailments. For example, a number of patients who took this medicine to dissolve stones note that the drug does an excellent job, and it is thanks to this that it is often possible to avoid surgical intervention aimed at removing the corresponding organ.

In addition, people point to the ability of Ursosan to effectively relieve colic, exactly like attacks of long-term cholelithiasis. In addition, many patients take the drug in question due to dietary errors, alcohol abuse, or after antibiotic therapy. It is noted that this drug helps to effectively and quickly normalize the functioning of the gallbladder, while eliminating heaviness with pain in the right hypochondrium.

People who suffer from chronic cholecystitis, and in addition, disorders of the digestive system against the background of gallbladder removal, write that Ursosan perfectly relieves pain and discomfort in violation of the diet, abuse of fatty, fried foods and alcohol. People who suffer from hepatitis also note the positive effect of the capsules, which is expressed in an improvement in overall well-being. When it comes to the acute form of hepatitis, there is an acceleration of recovery along with the rapid disappearance of jaundice and the normalization of the color of the skin.

In the reviews, patients also report a good composition of Ursosan tablets, it is often used as a prophylactic, well suited forsupport of functional hepatic activity. This category of people, as a rule, takes Ursosan courses after various feasting events, during which they have to abuse harmful products.

Separately, it is worth talking about the reviews of parents in whose newborn babies this medicine helps to eliminate neonatal jaundice. This category of consumers notes that due to the use of the described hepatoprotector, the jaundice of babies passes very quickly, and the skin of the child acquires a normal color.

Despite the large number of good reviews, there are also negative statements about the composition of Ursosan tablets. These are due to the fact that not everyone manages to dissolve gallstones and the organ has to be removed surgically. In such cases, people rely on the fact that Ursosan therapy is guaranteed to do without surgery, but even a long course does not always help to defeat the disease, formed by years of poor diet.

As a result, patients feel disappointed when they leave negative feedback about the drug. Doctors, in turn, comment on this situation not with the uselessness of the pharmaceutical agent, but with the degree of neglect of the disease, and therefore insist on regular examinations to prevent the formation of stones, starting from a young age.

We reviewed the composition of the drug "Ursosan" and instructions for it.
