"Doxycycline" for cystitis: instructions for use, reviews of hosts

"Doxycycline" for cystitis: instructions for use, reviews of hosts
"Doxycycline" for cystitis: instructions for use, reviews of hosts

In the article, we will consider how "Doxycycline" works with cystitis. During the treatment of inflammation of the bladder, a person needs antibacterial drugs. They are the basis of the therapy prescribed by the urologist. Among the huge list of antibiotics, it is worth highlighting "Doxycycline". What is its feature when the drug is effective, and how does it manifest itself?

When is this drug prescribed?

"Doxycycline" for cystitis in women is not included in the primary list of appointments. The fact is that urologists prefer to start therapy with safer and milder means and only then move on to medicines of modern antibacterial groups. The drug in question will be useful if the pathogenic flora does not respond to the use of penicillin and cephalosporin antibiotics.

doxycycline instructions for cystitis
doxycycline instructions for cystitis

Who is assigned "Doxycycline" whencystitis? First of all, patients whose urine bacterial culture shows that pathogens are susceptible to it. In addition, the medicine will be useful to patients immediately after surgery. Such a prophylactic use of this medication is fully justified, since the patient's body, especially his genitourinary organs, under the influence of the disease are less protected than ever. And Doxycycline, in turn, will help prevent possible infection.

The effectiveness of the antibiotic, which has properties to inhibit the reproduction and growth of various bacteria, is noted against Klebsiella, meningococcus, clostridia, gonococcus, streptococcus, hemophilic bacteria, listeria, staphylococcus and enterobacteria. Why does Doxycycline help with cystitis? We will look into this issue below.

What is its advantage over other antibiotics?

Specialists note the main advantage of the described drug, which is a relatively gentle effect on the digestive system. This minimizes the harmful effects on organs that are not directly involved in the fight against the disease. The positive differences of this drug from other analogues are as follows:

  • "Doxycycline" with cystitis has a minimal effect on the change in microflora.
  • Has an affordable price. On average, one pack of ten capsules costs no more than thirty rubles.
  • Good absorption. The fact is that any components of the products that are absorbed by the patient do not affect the effectiveness of the main component in any way.drug.
  • Long-term activity of the active substance, which can remain in the bloodstream throughout the day. No other analogue can boast of such success.
doxycycline for cystitis
doxycycline for cystitis

When can a medication be ineffective for cystitis?

Since this drug is so wonderful, why not use it for all patients suffering from inflammation of the bladder? It is worth knowing that sometimes cystitis is provoked not by bacteria at all, but by viruses, various fungi, or does not at all differ in the infectious nature of origin. In such situations, the use of "Doxycycline" for cystitis will not be justified. Its use will not positively affect the inflammatory process. In addition, like any medication, it has negative consequences for the functioning of a number of organs (liver and kidneys), which can only aggravate the situation.

Instruction: how to take Doxycycline for cystitis?

Antibacterial agents are called drugs that need to be used exactly with the doctor's prescriptions. Even the attached annotation is not always correct, because urologists take into account any features of the clinical picture, for example, the patient's weight, concomitant ailments, previously used antibiotics, the form and type of the inflammatory process in the organ, and so on. Following accurate dosing is the key to successful treatment.

So, how to take "Doxycycline" for cystitis in women? The pharmacological drug itselfIt is considered a long-acting drug, and therefore, as a rule, it is enough to drink just one pill per day. For example, if a patient took an antibiotic at 11 am, then the next use should occur at the same time the next day.

doxycycline for cystitis in women
doxycycline for cystitis in women

How can changing the time of taking the medication be dangerous? The concentration of the active ingredient in the patient's bloodstream throughout the entire period of treatment should remain unchanged. Even its slight decrease, associated with the untimely use of Doxycycline, leads to the development of drug resistance in bacteria, and as a result, therapy may be ineffective. In addition, the further use of drugs of this series will not make any sense, and the urologist will be forced to prescribe the patient an alternative group of antibacterial agents, to which pathogens do not yet have resistance.

With the decrease in time between capsules, the patient may suffer from an overdose, which leads to side effects. It is patients who violate the therapeutic course that can get a negative impression from the treatment of cystitis with this medication.

How to take "Doxycycline" for cystitis in women, it is important to find out in advance. It is required to stock up on water, since the capsule must be washed down with liquid in the amount of at least one glass. Also, you can not drink the medicine on an empty stomach. It is better to choose a meal time for this. The products themselves do not affect the absorption of the active ingredient.

How long does treatment last on averagecystitis with this drug? Most often, it is enough to drink it for only five days, but sometimes, for example, in the presence of a chronic form of the disease, this period can be extended.

What else does the instructions for use for "Doxycycline" for cystitis tell us?

Overdose of this drug

This is extremely rare, and, as already noted, this occurs only among negligent patients. So, the maximum dosage of taking the active ingredient per day is 600 milligrams, and this is related to cystitis caused by or combined with gonococcal infection. This dosage is suitable for the most severe cases, and in no case should it be used independently. Even a doctor would not prescribe long-term use of Doxycycline in such a large amount.

If the specified dose of the drug is exceeded, the patient can fully experience all the symptoms of an overdose, which will be felt like a classic poisoning of the body. In this case, you will need to urgently consult a doctor by calling an ambulance. Often, patients in this situation require gastric lavage. You can take activated charcoal or drugs that block the absorption of harmful components in the organs of the digestive system. The next medication will need to be cancelled.

doxycycline for cystitis how to take
doxycycline for cystitis how to take

The symptoms of an overdose can also be caused by improper use of the drug, namely not following the rule to drink the capsule with water, or using it on an empty stomach. AtIn this case, the patient may experience severe cramps along with pain in the abdomen, since the active substance of the remedy is very irritating to the gastric mucosa.

Side effects from using the drug

Any negative consequences, as a rule, are directly related to the long-term use of Doxycycline, and therefore, subject to a standard course, lasting no more than seven days, the patient is unlikely to feel them. So, the possible side reactions are:

  • The appearance of dysbacteriosis.
  • Occurrence of pressure surges or symptoms of hypertension.
  • The presence of changes in the composition of the blood, in particular a violation of the norm of the content of leukocytes and eosinophils.
  • Formation of an inflammatory process in the oral cavity in the form of stomatitis or glossitis.
  • Presence of body aches.
  • Failure of the liver and kidneys.
  • Closed vision along with headaches.

Medicine advice

Among patients treated with Doxycycline for cystitis, individual photosensitivity reactions are likely to occur, which should be taken into account. Even a short amount of time in the sun can lead to the formation of age spots and reddening of the skin. A visit to the solarium, of course, is also prohibited.

doxycycline for cystitis reviews
doxycycline for cystitis reviews

In the event that the patient develops dental tissue, then taking this medicine can affect the formation of its color. The condition of the teeth for a long period may be accompanied by a dark shade. Most often this hasattitude towards adolescents with cystitis. Women who take oral contraceptives should be aware that Doxycycline reduces the effect of these drugs, and thus the onset of an unwanted pregnancy is quite likely.

Control over the functioning of the liver

The recommendations should also include control over the functioning of the liver, even if the patient does not notice any negative consequences when using the medicine. This is especially true for those patients who are not prescribed medication for the first time. The above preventive measures help to prevent disorders in the body, whose consequences will be more difficult to eliminate.

Instructions for "Doxycycline" with cystitis must be strictly observed.

Who should not use this drug?

There are a number of patients for whom it is forbidden to treat cystitis using this medicine:

  • Nursing and pregnant. The fact is that the drug passes through the placenta, as well as into breast milk. When carrying a fetus, the drug can provoke pathological changes in development, as well as a significant delay in the skeleton. This antibiotic also negatively affects infants. In the event that, with cystitis in a woman, the doctor still decides to prescribe "Doxycycline", then for the period of treatment, the baby must be transferred to artificial feeding.
  • For patients with lactase intolerance. Such a violation of the enzyme composition is also a contraindication for the use of "Doxycycline", since such people are more likely to experience negative reactions from thisantibiotics.
  • Young patients under the age of twelve. Until this age, the body is actively formed, and it is necessary to intervene in the natural process very carefully. "Doxycycline" can negatively affect the body during this period. The fact is that in young patients the skeleton is being formed, and the main substance "Doxycycline" is involved in the reaction with calcium ions and, against the background of the formation of insoluble complexes, can be deposited in the bone tissue.
  • Patients who are underweight. The critical threshold is 45-50 kilograms. Such people do not tolerate Doxycycline very well, and therefore it is better to replace it with an alternative antibacterial agent.
  • Intolerance to tetracyclines. Knowing about such an individual feature of your body, you must inform the doctor about it.
  • In the presence of liver failure. Taking this antibiotic can exacerbate comorbidities. One ailment cannot be treated to the detriment of other organs.
doxycycline for cystitis in women how to take
doxycycline for cystitis in women how to take

Reviews of "Doxycycline" for cystitis

Today, you can find a lot of different comments on the use of "Doxycycline" in the treatment of cystitis. It is worth noting that the medicine in question is very popular, by the way, this is facilitated by its affordable cost, which is one of the advantages. Thus, due to the wide availability of the remedy, it is not surprising that he has many fans who were cured of cystitis thanks to the remedy, but also ardent opponents who were not helped by it.

In general, when "Doxycycline" is prescribed by a doctor, such patients experience an improvement in the functioning of the genitourinary organs and often they are completely cured of cystitis, including its chronic form.

doxycycline helps with cystitis
doxycycline helps with cystitis

Negative reviews about "Doxycycline" from cystitis in women are left by people who took the drug "on the advice of friends", and, moreover, with the low qualification of the attending doctor. It should be noted that an incomplete analysis of the clinical picture and the rapid prescription of such a serious drug without taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient most likely leads to failure and disastrous consequences. In this regard, it is very important not to self-medicate, as well as to choose competent specialists.

In general, reviews of "Doxycycline" in the treatment of cystitis are mostly positive. For example, it is reported that it has a minimal effect on the change in microflora and is characterized by good absorption, as well as a long period of activity of the active substance, which can remain in the bloodstream throughout the day. It is worth noting that it is rare when one drug can simultaneously boast of such success.
