Solution "Milgamma" is a complex preparation containing vitamins from group B. This remedy is produced in pills for oral use, as well as in the form of a solution for injection. The main purpose of the drug is the treatment of neurological pathologies, which are accompanied by a violation of the conduction of the impulse in the tissues of the nerves. The effectiveness of the drug in the complex treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system is explained by the effect of B vitamins on degenerative and inflammatory processes, as well as on the relief of pain syndrome. The instructions for "Milgamma" describe only general recommendations on dosages and duration of the course, in this regard, the drug can be taken only after consulting a doctor in accordance with a personal prescription.

Issue Forms
On the market, the drug is sold in two versions - tablets and injection solution. The injectable form of the drug is considered the most preferable due to the fasterthe entry of substances into the bloodstream and the efficiency of absorption. We will talk about this form of the drug "Milgamma" further.
Composition of the solution
The complex active ingredient in this medicine is B vitamins. The remedy includes pyridoxine (this is B6), which enhances metabolic processes in organs and tissues. This component improves the conductivity of the nerve impulse and affects the production of hemoglobin. Its combination with other representatives of group B affects the formation of serotonin, histamine and adrenaline. Thiamine (that is, vitamin B1) regulates the energy resource of tissue and cells, the effect is reflected in the process of converting carbohydrates.
Milgamma solution for injection is also significantly enriched with cyanocobalamin (B12), which affects the severity of pain, provides a moderate pain-suppressing effect and reduces the risk of anemia.
Injections achieve a local pronounced analgesic effect due to the presence of painkiller lidocaine in the composition, which quickly relieves any discomfort. The use of this component helps to restore motor function damaged due to a neurological disease or pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

Milgamma solution is prescribed, as a rule, as part of complex therapy to reduce the severity of inflammation and reduce the intensity of pain against the background of diagnosing the following pathologies:
- Presence of neuralgia, neuritis andlesions of nerve tissues, which is characterized by non-inflammatory etiology.
- Development of paresis of the facial nerves, which are accompanied by a violation of the motor function of facial muscles.
- Against the background of a convulsive syndrome.
- Multiple lesions of peripheral nerve endings.
- In the presence of plexopathy and retrobulbar neuritis.
- In case of osteochondrosis and inflammation of nerve ganglia.
Apply this solution also in the event of night cramps of the calf muscles. With appropriate indications, the medicine may be included by the doctor in the treatment of diseases provoked by the herpes virus.
Instructions for use
The use of the Milgamma solution for the relief of acute attacks in patients and as part of course therapy differs. To get rid of the pain syndrome, a single dosage is prescribed, equal to 2 milliliters (one ampoule) intramuscularly.

How to inject Milgamma: every day or every other day?
The duration of treatment in the presence of acute attacks directly depends on the patient's condition. As a rule, injections are performed daily until the patient reaches a stable state. Maintenance therapy is carried out at a dose of 2 milliliters per injection with a frequency rate every other day.
Where to inject "Milgamma"?
This drug is administered exclusively by intramuscular injection. Against the background of accidental intravenous administration, a doctor's supervision is required.
Features and duration of treatment
Before starting therapy with this drug, it is necessary toit is mandatory to consult with a neurologist, who must decide how often Milgamma injections can be made, when the medicine should be injected (in the morning or in the evening), and select the required dosage.
The duration of the course for persons who have severe pain can be from five to ten days. After the inflammatory process begins to subside, and the intensity of pain decreases, patients are orally prescribed "Milgamma Compositum". True, in some cases, the doctor may recommend continuing intramuscular administration of the drug, but not more than three times a week.

How to inject properly?
It must be said that such treatment is quite painful, provided that the injections are performed correctly. In this regard, there are special rules of procedure, the observance of which will make it possible to significantly minimize any discomfort:
- As part of the intramuscular injection of the Milgamma preparation, it is recommended to use the thinnest needle, since the oily consistency of the solution makes manipulation difficult.
- In order to reduce the risk of damaging the blood vessels and nerve bundles with a needle, it must be inserted very deeply into the muscle. In this regard, the choice must be stopped at the longest rod.
- The plunger of the syringe should be subjected to a smooth and slow pressure. The medicine should be administered within one and a half minutes, which will make it possible to significantly reduce pain.
- After theprocedure, the patient needs to be massaged in the injection area, thanks to which the solution will be distributed faster in the muscle tissues and the likelihood of bruising will decrease.
- If a bump forms in the injection area, you can apply a warm compress, and a lotion based on magnesia is also suitable.
Why Milgamma injections are prescribed for adults is now clear. The main prohibitions on the use of the agent under consideration include heart failure in the decompensated stage, along with conduction disturbances in this organ, as well as individual sensitivity to the ingredients of the drug.
Injection solution "Milgamma" is contraindicated in children under sixteen years of age due to the high content of vitamins. The use of this remedy at a young age can lead to hypervitaminosis and the occurrence of all kinds of deviations in the functioning of systems and organs.

The use of the drug against the background of the gestational period is not contraindicated, but due to the lack of information on testing the composition on this category of recipients, it is not recommended by manufacturers.
The described medication is prescribed with great care while being treated with other drugs and vitamin complexes that contain pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin and thiamine because of the risk of overdose.
Side effects
The probability of such reactions is extremely low, but increased individual sensitivity to the composition of the drug cannot be ruled out. Often with side effectseffects in patients, there are reactions from the integument of the skin in the form of itching, rash, urticaria. With the injection method of administering the drug, local manifestations are not excluded, which, as a rule, are due to a too high injection rate of the solution or non-compliance with standard aseptic requirements. The following types of effects may be less common:
- The digestive system can respond with nausea or vomiting.
- You may experience a feeling of dryness, peeling, mainly there are complaints on the skin of the face and lips.
- Presence of oppressed breathing.
- Increased sleepiness along with episodes of confusion.
- Irregularities in the rhythm of the heartbeat.
- The occurrence of convulsive syndrome and increased sweating.
- Anaphylactic shock is not excluded.
Any side effects when using this drug are a reason to go to the doctor. Normally, the medication in question does not have a negative effect on the reaction rate and mental function, which allows it to be used when driving a car and work that requires special attention.

The average cost of a medicine in pharmacies is as follows:
- Five ampoules of injection solution will cost three hundred rubles.
- Twenty-five 2 ml Milgamma ampoules cost an average of one thousand two hundred rubles.
So, let's find out what is the compatibility of "Milgamma" with other medicines. Necessarysay that thiamine is incompatible with reducing and oxidizing compounds, including carbonates, iodides, acetates, phenobarbital and tannic acid. It is not combined with such means as "Riboflavin", "Benzylpenicillin", "Dextrose", "Disulfitamin". The drug "Riboflavin" also has a destructive effect, especially with the simultaneous influence of light.
Copper accelerates the destruction of thiamine. Among other things, thiamine loses its effectiveness in case of increasing acidity values (more than 3). Against the background of parenteral use of lidocaine as part of the additional use of epinephrine, increased side effects on the heart are likely.
Cyanocobalamin is incompatible with heavy metal s alt. "Nicotinamide" accelerates photolysis, while antioxidants produce an inhibitory effect.
Special Instructions
In the event that Milgamma was accidentally administered intravenously to a patient, then he should be under the strict supervision of a doctor who will prescribe symptomatic treatment of side symptoms.
Reception of "Milgamma" should be prescribed exclusively by a qualified specialist who is familiar with the characteristics of the patient's body, its accurate diagnosis and various diseases in history. The doctor selects the required dosage, and only the doctor decides how long to inject this drug.
Are there any analogues of "Milgamma" in ampoules? More on that later.

There are a large number of structuralsubstitutes that contain B vitamins. If necessary, you can buy "Binavit" or "Combilipen", and in addition, individual B vitamins with lidocaine are suitable. It is very important to consult a doctor before purchasing an analogue of Milgamma in ampoules, since not all medicines contain the same number of components, and any replacement with a set of vitamins will require compliance with the rules for introducing different active substances to achieve the desired therapeutic effect.
Thus, B vitamins are responsible for the processes of hematopoiesis, the functioning of the motor apparatus and nerve fibers in the human body. To make up for their deficiency, Milgamma is used: intramuscularly or orally (we remind you that this medicine is not administered intravenously). Injections allow you to quickly eliminate any pain, since with this method of administration, the required therapeutic concentration is reached already fifteen minutes after the manipulation.