Alum is nothing but natural natural s alt crystals. In this case, potassium and aluminum. They don't have a smell. Alum quickly dissolves in hot water (in a dilution of 0.5% - 1.0%) and is not able to do this in alcohol. They are produced most often in the form of a powder and are sold in almost all pharmacies. The shelf life of this product is unlimited (if stored unopened).

Means "Alumina alum" are characterized by many properties that determine the popularity of the drug among the population. What effect can these crystals have?
• Antiseptic. It is aluminum that has antimicrobial properties.
• Anti-inflammatory.
• Absorbent (absorbent).
• Astringent.
• Hemostatic (cauterizing). A concentrated solution of alum is able to stop bleeding.
•Disinfectant (drying).
• Relieves itching and is great for sores from insect bites.
Preparation "Aluminum-potassium alum": application in medicine
An important advantage of these crystals is that they have no contraindications. Apply alum only externally. Before use, be sure to read the instructions. The substance has found application in various fields: cosmetology, medicine, food and textile industries.
Means Potassium Alum can relieve itching, redness and reduce swelling. It also has medicinal properties. Can be used neat (crystals) or diluted.
So, dermatologists recommend the use of Potassium Alum crystals for the treatment of the following pathologies:
alum potassium aluminum application in medicine dermatitis;
- eczema;
- neurodermatitis;
- seborrhea;
- Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating): alum helps to reduce the secretion of the sebaceous and sweat glands without disturbing their function. They can replace antiperspirant. The effect will last for days. In this case, you need to use an aqueous solution of alum (1 tsp of the substance per 250 ml of water);
- foot mycosis (in this case, doctors recommend using baths);
- herpes: the site of the sore must be cauterized with a crystal several times a day. The infection will not spread further.
In addition, the substance in question is used in dentistry (for the treatment of stomatitis, gingivitis),ophthalmology (conjunctivitis) and gynecology (thrush, condylomatosis, vulvovaginitis).
Crystals of Potassium Alum found their application in industry:
• Food. They help purify water. They are part of the baking powder dough.
• Textile. They impregnate fabrics, making the material resistant to fire. When tanning leather and dressing fur, this substance is also used.
Where else is Potassium Alum used?
Use in cosmetology
1. Foot baths: 2 tbsp. Dissolve alum spoons in warm water (+37 °C), dip the legs into the container and hold for no more than 15 minutes.

Acne Lotion: To cleanse porous skin, dissolve alum (1 tsp) in water (50 ml), add cologne (50 ml) and glycerin (1/2 tsp). Wipe problem areas 3-4 times a week. Store the lotion in the refrigerator.
3. The mask for narrowing the pores has earned the approval of many girls. Beat the white of one egg. Add olive oil to it (1/2 tsp). Dissolve alum in warm water (5 g per 100 ml) and pour 4 tsp. solution into a mixture of protein and oil. Cover the skin of the face with the prepared mass and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with water, preferably cold. Refrigerate leftover solution.
4. In addition, alum is able to stop bleeding from cuts during shaving. In this case, you just need to cauterize the cut with a crystal. And women can use the substance in question after depilation to prevent irritation. For thisthe desired areas of the skin should be treated with an aqueous solution.
Among other things, this remedy is also used to alleviate the condition of hemorrhoids. It is necessary to dissolve 1 tsp. alum in 250 ml of warm water, wait a few minutes. Soak a tissue in the resulting solution and apply to the inflamed area.
If you are going on vacation, be sure to take Potassium Alum with you. As mentioned, they are great for insect bites, which will come in handy.
Means "Aluminum-potassium alum": application in the economy

This is a good product for whitening hands after dirty work. Thanks to him, you can do without aggressive detergents. Alum will also relieve the skin of the smell of fish and garlic. You just need to dilute the crystals with water and wash your hands with this solution.
The Potassium Alum preparation is available in several forms: whole crystals, in the form of a powder, an alum hemostatic pencil. There are other medicines made on the basis of the mentioned crystals: Burova liquid and Burnt Alum.
Summarizing, we note that the drug "Alumina alum" has no contraindications. These crystals are not prohibited even for asthmatics, allergy sufferers, pregnant women and children of all ages. Use is possible on any part of the skin. When applying the solution, stains on clothes do not remain.