The use of "Miramistin" for burns

The use of "Miramistin" for burns
The use of "Miramistin" for burns

Miramistin is an antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, immunoadjuvant drug. It is used in the fight against viruses, fungi, bacteria. It is effective for burns, as it has a local immunostimulating effect. Due to the effect of the molecules of this drug on the outer shell of microbes, the destruction and death of pathogenic cells occurs.

Today, this medical product is used in surgical, dental, traumatological, dermatological, venereal areas, etc. It can be used not only by adults, but also by children from the age of three. Most parents use Miramistin for burns in children.


The development of this drug began in 1980 in order to use it as an antiseptic by astronauts. The development was complicated by the fact that the fight of the drug against various infections (bacterial, viral andfungal) could occur in difficult conditions. Also, the latest development was supposed to be detrimental to bacteria resistant to antibacterial drugs. As a result, after some time, a drug appears that is able to fulfill all the requirements. In 1991, this medication was officially registered, and in 1993 the first batch was released. Initially, the drug was called "Ifacept", then it changed to "Miramistin".

Over the years, the scope of "Miramistin" has expanded more and more, from 1994 to 1999 research work was carried out on its use in gynecology, otolaryngology, gastroenterology. They also started using Miramistin for burns.

With the help of this medicine, measures were taken to prevent and treat purulent lesions of burns of various degrees. This suggests the conclusion that it is possible and necessary to use Miramistin for burns.


This antimicrobial drug, when used topically, does not penetrate the mucous membranes and skin. Hospital strains of viruses, including those resistant to antibacterial drugs, are not resistant to it. "Miramistin" causes the death of aerobic and anaerobic organisms. Capable of destroying some types of fungi and viral infections, as well as sexually transmitted infections.

When using this remedy, local immunity is stimulated, and, accordingly, damage heals faster.

Of the contraindications, only individual intolerance should be noted.

The popular remedy "Chlorhexidine" is considered a similar medicine.


"Miramistin" can be produced in the form of a colorless, transparent solution that foams when shaken, as well as in the form of an ointment.

The main component is benzyldimethyl ammonium chloride monohydrate, the auxiliary is water.

Produced in two forms. Liquid vials have different nozzles depending on their application: sprayer, applicator, gynecological procedure nozzle.

Bottle with nozzle
Bottle with nozzle


"Miramistin" is a broad-spectrum medical preparation that is used in various fields:

  • in surgery: preventive measures for festering wounds and their treatment, including burn wounds;
  • in dermatology: preventive and curative measures for diseases caused by different types of fungi;
  • in otolaryngology: treatment of inflammation of the ears, maxillary sinuses, tonsils, larynx;
  • in dentistry: preventive and curative measures of oral diseases;
  • in obstetrics and gynecology: preventive and curative measures for injuries, infections after childbirth, treatment of vulvovaginitis, endometritis;
  • in urology: in the complex treatment of diseases such as urethritis, urethroprostatitis;
  • in venereology: preventive measures for sexually transmitted diseases.


Quite often, patients ask the question: "Is it possible to "Miramistin" withburns?" The answer will be positive, as it is used both in medical institutions and at home.

But the use of it will depend on the extent and type of burn. Sometimes one Miramistin is simply not enough for burns.

Treatment measures in the first and second degree

First degree burns are mild and may cause redness or slight swelling after exposure. Recovery occurs in a few days.

First degree burn
First degree burn

The second degree is that in which redness, pain, swelling and blisters form. Recovery will take 7-14 days. In the second degree of damage, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

Second degree burn
Second degree burn

Therapeutic measures for both forms of such burns can be carried out at home, provided that the area of damage and the resulting blisters are small.

The question of how to use Miramistin for burns can be answered in the form of a small instruction:

  • The source of the burn is removed.
  • Clothes are removed at the site of damage, if necessary, a fragment of it is cut out.
  • The wound is washed to cool and cleanse it.
  • A sterile piece of tissue (bandage, swab) is wetted with a solution. If an ointment is used, it must be applied to the damaged area. It all depends on the extent of the damage. Then you need to fix the wound with a sterile bandage.
  • Take pain medication if needed.

Apply dressings with"Miramistin" for burns is necessary until the damaged surface heals.

Bandage for burns
Bandage for burns

It is forbidden to rip off pieces of tissue from the wound, apply ice, use adhesive plaster, tight bandage, iodine, brilliant green, sour cream, oil, open blisters yourself.

First steps for third-degree burn injury

This degree is a serious injury in which damage to the skin, muscles, bones occurs. These patients must be hospitalized without fail.

third degree burn
third degree burn

First steps to be taken:

  • eliminate source;
  • call doctors;
  • wash the damaged surface with running cold water for a long time;
  • treat with an aqueous solution of "Miramistin" for burns with boiling water;
  • cover the damaged surface with a sterile cloth;
  • to prevent dehydration, give the victim more to drink;
  • give pain medication if needed.

Compulsory hospitalization for burns should be carried out by babies under one year old, as well as children with a surface damage of more than two percent. Adults whose surface damage exceeds five percent, as well as the elderly, require urgent hospitalization.

Application reviews

According to numerous reviews, and about 400 of them were considered, this drug earns a solid four.

Among the positive aspects noted: conveniencein use, multifunctionality, approval for use by pregnant women, no negative sensations, excellent antiseptic properties, efficiency.


  • may cause allergies;
  • cannot be used in children under the age of three;
  • dear;
  • in some cases there is no positive dynamics;
  • you need to start taking in the initial stages, otherwise it may be useless.

If we compare "Chlorhexidine" with "Miramistin", then the first is slightly inferior to the second.

Image "Chlorhexidine" or "Miramistin"
Image "Chlorhexidine" or "Miramistin"

"Chlohexidine" has a bitter taste. It is not so convenient to use, does not cope with some tasks where Miramistin is effective. But "Chlorhexidine" has its advantages: it is cheaper and more diverse in terms of release forms, since it is produced in the form of vaginal suppositories, emulsions, creams, ointments, and also in the form of a solution.
