Anti-anxiety drugs: list, use, contraindications, reviews

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Anti-anxiety drugs: list, use, contraindications, reviews
Anti-anxiety drugs: list, use, contraindications, reviews

Video: Anti-anxiety drugs: list, use, contraindications, reviews

Video: Anti-anxiety drugs: list, use, contraindications, reviews

Stress today has become an integral part of the life of almost every person. It can be caused by unforeseen difficulties, problems at the workplace or in the family, as well as emotional and physical overstrain of a different origin. Sometimes the feeling of depression is so depressing that it becomes impossible to cope with it alone. In such cases, many find it necessary to take drugs for anxiety and fear. They help to overcome many unpleasant manifestations of stress with the help of chemical effects. How do anti-anxiety drugs work? What medicines belong to this group of medicines? Can stress and anxiety medication help anyone? We will consider these issues in more detail in this article.

valosedan instructions for use
valosedan instructions for use

Anti-anxiety drugs

Stress, although it seems to be a familiar state for most people today, however, it is necessary to approach the issue of treating stressful conditions seriously and comprehensively. The planning of this kind of therapy needs professional correction and should be controlled by the appropriate specialists. Why you shouldn't trydeal with stress on your own? As a rule, the patient is only able to reduce the manifestation of his symptoms, but cannot eliminate the cause itself, which, of course, only aggravates the existing situation. In the fight against stressful conditions, anti-anxiety drugs are of great help. It is these funds that will become a reliable help in eliminating neuroses.

"Adaptol": instructions

Reviews calls this medication an effective mild tranquilizer. The drug in question does not have a hypnotic effect on the body, but at the same time calms the central nervous system. The drug "Adaptol" instructions, reviews are strongly recommended to be taken by those patients who seek to significantly increase their performance and efficiency of mental activity. Sometimes prescribed as a daytime tranquilizer. The main release form is tablets.

phenibut instructions for use
phenibut instructions for use


Instructions for use recommends using the drug in question in the following cases: seasonal psycho-emotional disorders, meteosensitivity, emotional and psycho-vegetative disorders (including fatigue, emotional burnout, long-term depression, decreased ability to work), disorders characteristic of menopause.

The main active ingredient of this drug is St. John's wort extract. The components included in its composition normalize the functioning of the central nervous system, as well as all its autonomicdepartments. The drug "Deprim" instructions for use also advises using to correct a variety of conditions: malaise, lack of mood, apathy, various sleep disorders.

Take one tablet three times a day for adults and one to two tablets once a day for children six years of age and older. The drug should be swallowed with a sufficient amount of clean drinking water before meals. The course of treatment, as a rule, lasts from one month, and a positive trend becomes apparent already ten to fourteen days after the start of treatment.

It is forbidden to use the drug for children under six years of age, as well as for those patients who have individual intolerance to the components of the medication. In case of prolonged use of tablets, the following side effects may develop: skin irritation, itching, dry mouth, increased fatigue, disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, a feeling of anxiety, confusion.

No research on whether pregnant women can use the drug. There is no data on whether the drug is able to penetrate the placental barrier and into breast milk. Therefore, pregnant women should be careful and use the remedy in question only if the attending physician constantly monitors her condition.

In case of an overdose, there is a possibility of developing individual symptoms characteristic of side effects. If this happens, the drug should be stopped and start taking effectiveenterosorbents.

This medicinal product is not recommended to be taken concomitantly with certain other substances such as triptates, warfarin, cyclosporine, antidepressants, theophylline, indinavir, digoxin, anticonvulsants and oral contraceptives. Their effectiveness may decrease.

The drug in question can be purchased in the form of biconvex tablets in a green shell. Each tablet contains sixty milligrams of the active ingredient.

The drug should be stored no longer than two years in a place where the temperature does not exceed twenty-five degrees.

At one time, the patient should not take more than one working dose of the drug. If a dose was missed for some reason, then the pill should be taken as soon as possible, except when the time has come to take the next portion of the medicine.

The drug does not affect the patient's ability to drive or operate dangerous machinery in any way.

anti-anxiety drugs
anti-anxiety drugs


The agent under consideration has a pronounced antixiolytic activity. Tablets "Tenoten" instructions for use calls an effective anti-anxiety and sedative drug. At the same time, the drug does not have any hypogenic or muscle relaxant effect. Also, hypoxia, chronic intoxication, circulatory disorders of the brain of any origin are direct indications that allow you to take pills"Tenotin". Instructions for use allow the release of medicines from pharmacies without a prescription.


The remedy in question is a daytime tranquilizer. When is it reasonable to take Grandaxin tablets? Indications for the use of the drug are as follows: disorders of psychovegetative reactions, various autonomic disorders, an obsessive feeling of anxiety. The drug does not have a muscle relaxant, sedative or anticonvulsant effect. In this it differs from its counterparts, therefore, before the patient decides to use the Grandaxin tablets, the indications for use must be carefully studied. You can buy the drug without a prescription from your doctor.

deprim instructions for use
deprim instructions for use


This remedy is a nootropic medication that is used as a mild tranquilizer. Also, the instructions for use recommend using Phenibut for nervous asthenia, reduced physical activity, and a decrease in the efficiency of mental activity. The drug effectively reduces the feeling of anxiety, eliminates psychosomatic tension, reduces the level of anxiety, eliminates the feeling of fear, improves sleep. The medicine "Fenibut" instructions for use allows you to take it without a prescription from a specialist. Effective in dealing with stress (both acute and chronic).

"Afobazol": instructions

The price of the medication in question corresponds to its quality and effectiveness. BUTThis drug is considered a quality anti-anxiety agent. This medicine reduces anxiety, relieves tension and vegetative manifestations of stress. The drug is sold without a prescription and does not cause addiction, as the instruction notes about the drug "Afobazol". The price of the medicine is on average three hundred and seventy-five rubles. The cost may vary depending on the policy of the network of pharmacies you apply to.

tenoten tablets instructions for use
tenoten tablets instructions for use

"Persen forte": instructions

Reviews of experts recommend taking this drug as a sedative. The composition of the medicine includes exclusively herbal ingredients. Among them: lemon balm, peppermint leaves, valerian rhizome extract.


The drug in question is an effective sedative medicine made exclusively on the basis of herbal ingredients. Release form: blue or light blue coated tablets. The drug "Dormiplant" incorporates an extract of valerian root, as well as melissa leaves. Microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, colloidal silicon dioxide, crospovidone, sucrose, hydrogenated castor oil, ethyl acrylate, sodium dodecyl sulfate, povidone, eudragit, methacrylic acid, polysorbate, dextrose syrup, macrogol, hypromellose, titanium dioxide, and pigment are used as auxiliary components. based on indigo carmine.

Anti-anxiety drugs, which include and"Dormiplant", have a strong hypnotic, sedative and antispasmodic effect. The agent in question relieves irritability during psycho-emotional overwork, eliminates stress and reduces the excitability of the central nervous and autonomic systems.

The main indications for the use of the drug are significant problems with falling asleep, excessive nervous excitability.

Medicine should be taken orally, regardless of meals (both before and after it). The drug should be washed down with plenty of clean drinking water. The duration of therapy is determined by competent specialists, taking into account all the individual characteristics of the patient. If the drug is used to correct sleep disorders, then it must be taken about thirty to forty minutes before going to bed. In other cases, it is recommended to take two tablets of the medicinal substance twice a day. In case of irritability, it is advised to drink one tablet only once a day. Within the first fourteen days, a positive effect should become apparent. If this does not happen, then you should consult with your doctor.

Prolonged use of the drug may cause the following side effects: itching, urticaria, burning, swelling, skin rash, redness.

There are some contraindications to taking the drug in question. Among them: individual intolerance to the individual components of the drug, renal failure, the period of bearing a child, hepaticinsufficiency, diabetes mellitus, breastfeeding period, children's age (up to six years), the need to drive a car or any complex mechanisms (significantly affects the reaction rate of patients). There were no cases of overdose during the entire period of use of the drug.

It is not recommended to take the drug for more than two months. The duration of therapy should be determined directly by the attending physician.

The best place to store the drug in question is in dark, dry, cool places. Shelf life - no more than four years. "Dormiplant" can be dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription issued by a specialist.

grandaxin tablets indications for use
grandaxin tablets indications for use


Instructions for use reports that the remedy in question belongs to the group of complex sedative drugs that effectively calm the central nervous system. It is reasonable to use this medication in case of a neurosis-like condition or neurosis.

Experts recommend taking one teaspoon of medicine twice or thrice a day. Overdose may cause drowsiness, obsessive dizziness.

The main form of release - bottles of thirty milliliters. The composition of the medicinal product includes tinctures of hawthorn and hops, as well as valerian extract, distilled water, sodium barbital, ethyl alcohol.

phenibut instructions for use
phenibut instructions for use

As you can see, the drugs for stress and anxiety are so diverse thatliterally anyone who needs medical help in dealing with stress will be able to find something suitable. It is important to remember that, although most of these types of drugs are sold without the requirement to present a prescription issued by the attending physician, they should not be taken without permission. This is due to a number of factors. Firstly, only an experienced specialist will be able to correctly select the drug that will be most effective in a particular situation for a particular patient. Sometimes a person is not able to understand what factors should be considered when choosing a drug. Secondly, only a competent doctor has enough knowledge to accurately prescribe the required dose of the drug, which will not only be effective, but will not cause any harm to the patient's body.

Moreover, it is always important to provide your body with all possible assistance in restoring the normal functioning of the central nervous system. So, for example, for this it is important to make efforts to normalize sleep (in particular, follow the regime), maintain water balance (drink enough clean drinking water daily), get rid of bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse, poor eating habits), as well as it is enough to move (depending on the physical capabilities of a particular patient).

Don't miss the opportunity to get professional help. In matters of he alth, one should not be presumptuous. The quality of future life directly depends on this. That is why it is important to take seriously the issue of choosing the rightmedicinal product. The description of the drugs contained in this article will be a good help for such a study.

Spare time and effort to maintain or restore the mental and emotional he alth of your loved ones. Choose only the best treatments available to you. Be always he althy!
