Increasingly, young people have to deal with a disease that a few decades ago was considered age-related. It's about varicose veins. It should be noted that the lower extremities are most often affected. Sometimes a person can see a vascular network or protruding veins in the upper half of the body, but this is far from a sign of varicose veins. This article will tell you about what are the cures for varicose veins. You will learn about the effectiveness of certain drugs. You can also find out that the cure for varicose veins on the legs can have several forms of release. This is for the convenience of the patient.

Varicose veins
Before you know which cure for varicose veins is more effective, you should first get to know the disease itself. Vein damage can occur at any age. However, more often the pathology appears in female representatives. The main symptoms of the disease are the following signs:
- heaviness and pain in the legs (often appear in the evening);
- edema and pronounced vascular pattern;
- protrusion of venous nodes;
- itching in the affected area and so on.
The more neglected the situation and the higher the stage of varicose veins, the more pronounced the signs of pathology. In some cases, the patient is not bothered by any symptoms at all, but the aesthetic appearance of the veins leaves much to be desired. Other people suffer greatly from the manifestation of symptoms, but do not observe the protrusion of the venous nodes.
Medicines for varicose veins
Varicose veins must be treated. Otherwise, the pathology can lead to quite serious complications. Over the years, the stage of varicose veins increases, and the area of the affected veins increases. Currently, the treatment of pathology is trying to be carried out by conservative or minimally invasive methods. However, in particularly difficult situations, surgical intervention cannot be avoided.
All medicines for varicose veins can be divided into several types. They differ in their effect on the affected areas of the lower extremities.
- Phlebotonics (drugs for varicose veins that affect the condition of the veins and blood vessels). Such drugs increase the strength of the venous wall and prevent capillary rupture.
- Disaggregants (drugs that prevent blood clots). These compounds enter the bloodstream and cleanse the vessels of plaques and cell accumulations.
- Anticoagulants (drugs for varicose veins in the legs that thin the blood). The drugs are absorbed into the patient's stomach and intestines, after which they actively begin to act in the vessels.
- Decongestants. These medications speak for themselves. They relieve swelling and give the legs a feeling of lightness.
- Antioxidants (drugs that cleanse the patient's body of adverse substances).
One cure for varicose veins in the legs can have several characteristics at once. So, some medicines have a pronounced decongestant activity, improve blood circulation, and also strengthen the vascular wall. Consider the main drugs for varicose veins (effective).
Perhaps the most popular remedy for varicose veins of the lower extremities is the famous Detralex drug. The main active ingredient of this remedy is diosmin. The drug is taken orally and quickly begins to be absorbed. After a few hours, you can feel the effect of the reception. The medicine not only treats varicose veins on the legs, but also eliminates hemorrhoids. Thus, the composition strengthens the venous wall, reduces the fragility of capillaries and blood vessels. Also, the tablets relieve swelling and severe pain. It is worth noting that the drug "Detralex" is most often used for correction in the initial stages of varicose veins. During this period, the drug is recognized as very effective and efficient. Also, the medication is prescribed after minimally invasive and surgical interventions.

The above medicine for varicose veins on the legs has reviewsgood ones. However, patients note its relatively expensive cost. The duration of treatment is always chosen individually and is at least two months. During this period, the patient needs to take two to six capsules per day. It all depends on the severity of the pathological process.
This medicine for varicose veins on the legs has good reviews. Patients say that the tool has a cost two times lower than that of Detralex. It is also worth mentioning that these drugs are absolutely identical in composition. That is why the actions will be similar: the symptoms will disappear, and the appearance of the lower extremities will become much better. Doctors also note that the medicine "Venarus" does not work immediately. The effect of the correction becomes noticeable only a few weeks after the start of treatment.
Patients say that the remedy is not very convenient to take. You need to drink tablets twice a day at the same time interval. So, if you took the capsule at 7 am, then the second pill should be taken at 7 pm. Only in this case the effectiveness of the correction will be noticeable.
This drug also contains diosmin. However, its amount is one and a half times more than in the above-described means. That is why the drug is taken only once a day. This is the convenience of its use. The Flebodia tool is quite new. Many doctors prefer to use already proven formulations. However, many patients say that this is the best cure for varicose veins.

Flebodia tablets relieve heaviness from the lower extremities and eliminate swelling. The effect becomes noticeable within a few hours after the first use. Also, the medicine improves blood circulation, diluting it. At the same time, there is a tonic effect on the venous wall. Vessels become stronger and lose their former fragility.
This drug improves blood circulation. This effect is achieved due to the active substance - troxerutin. It is a bioflavonoid. The medicine has several forms of release. For the most effective result, doctors prescribe oral capsules and a gel for external application. Patients also say that it is not very convenient. Not every person has the opportunity to smear pathological areas with this compound several times a day.
It is worth noting that the medicine "Troxevasin" perfectly relieves pain, heaviness in the legs, swelling and cramps. However, even after long-term treatment, you will not achieve that the dilated veins will return to their original state again. After correction, the symptoms of pathology tend to return.
This drug is available in the form of a gel. The tool is applied externally. A thin layer of the drug should be applied directly to the affected areas of the lower extremities. The drug has the main active ingredient - heparin. It is able to penetrate tissues and affect blood vessels. Lyoton perfectly removes bruises and bruises. It also makes it easiercondition of the lower extremities. Doctors in most cases prescribe a medicine as a complex therapy (together with capsules and tablets).

Similar medicines for varicose veins have the following reviews. Patients talk about the rather expensive cost of the drug. The basis of the gel "Lioton" is heparin. You can purchase regular heparin ointment. The cost of such a drug will be about five times lower than that of the above remedy.
This drug is often prescribed to treat blood disorders. Doctors also use it in the complex therapy for the correction of varicose veins of the lower extremities. The medicine "Kurantil" helps to thin the blood and improve its circulation. In addition, the tablets have an immunomodulatory effect, which in itself has a positive effect on the correction of the disease.
The drug has positive reviews because of its relative safety. So, the drug is often recommended for use during pregnancy and the treatment of young children. With the joint intake of the composition "Kurantil" with phlebotonics, a rather positive effect of the treatment is observed.
This remedy contains a large amount of vitamin C, or ascorbic acid. This component has a beneficial effect on the vessels and veins of the lower extremities. The drug strengthens the walls and increases their elasticity. It is worth noting that the medicine does not give a positive effect when taken separately. That is why "Askorutin" must be used in a complextherapy for the treatment of varicose veins.
Ethoxysclerol and Fibro-Wayne
These drugs are sclerosants. They are available in liquid form and are intended for injection. It is worth noting that the use of these drugs should only be carried out in a hospital by an experienced doctor. Independent use can lead to unexpected consequences. After opening the ampoule, the solution is drawn into a syringe and injected into the affected veins and spider veins. Within a few hours, the process of sclerosis begins. The affected areas are replaced by connective tissue. This leads to the disappearance of varicose veins and associated symptoms.

Patients and doctors say that this cure for varicose veins is the most effective. However, it can not be used at all stages of the disease. After the correction, the patient needs to walk for a long time and wear compression stockings. The appearance in medicine of such compounds and drugs makes it possible in many cases to avoid surgical intervention, which was previously simply necessary. The compositions have practically no contraindications and are administered completely painlessly.
This drug is more of a herbal medicine. It has the appearance of an alcohol tincture. That is why it has quite a few contraindications. "Aescusan" is a tincture based on horse chestnut. The positive effect of this substance on the walls of blood vessels and the human circulatory system has long been known.
Doctors rarely prescribe such a medicinefor the correction of varicose veins. It is more suitable for the prevention of pathology. Also, experts during this treatment are advised to use vitamin complexes or diversify your diet. Be sure to include in the daily menu the intake of vitamins such as B3, E and C. In this case, the therapeutic effect will be more pronounced.
This product is available in the form of a gel for application to the surface of the skin and medicinal capsules. In its composition, the drug contains an extract of Gingo Biloba. The medicine has a decongestant, anti-inflammatory effect on the lower extremities. The elasticity of the venous wall is also restored. Vessels are strengthened and blood supply is improved.

Patients are very suspicious of this medicine. All because of the lack of popularity and rather high prices. Doctors are also skeptical. They rarely prescribe this remedy, trying to give preference to the proven drugs described above. It should be assumed that soon this medicine will become very popular and gain the trust of patients and doctors - phlebologists and angiosurgeons.
The cure for varicose veins on the legs: reviews
Which medicine for varicose veins on the legs is better to choose? It all depends on the severity of the pathology and the presence of symptoms. In some cases, only the use of ointments and gels will be enough. Other situations require the use of sclerosing drugs.
Patients say that the effectiveness of many drugsdepends on the stage of the varicose veins. A lot of positive feedback was received by the drug "Detralex" and its analogue "Venarus". It is these drugs that are most often prescribed by doctors for the treatment and prevention of varicose veins. In order for the treatment to be as effective as possible, it is worth consulting with a specialist before starting the correction. Self-medication can not only not give positive results, but also aggravate the course of the disease. In this case, the formation of blood clots can become a complication, which is very dangerous.

Summarizing the article
You now know effective medicines for the treatment of varicose veins. Remember that only a doctor should prescribe this or that drug. If you have problems with veins or prerequisites for their appearance, you should contact a specialist and be examined. You may already be prescribed drugs to prevent varicose veins. Take care of the he alth and beauty of your feet. Stay he althy!