In the article, we will consider the instructions for use for "Vinilin" for stomatitis.
The drug also has a different name - "Shostakovsky's Balm". It has antimicrobial, antiseptic and regenerating effects. A common area of application of the drug is the elimination of the inflammatory process in the oral cavity. The medical name for the balm is polyvinyl butyl ether. The main active ingredient is polyvinox.

Is Vinylin effective for stomatitis? Let's figure it out.
Polyvinox is a potent antiseptic that has a detrimental effect on bacterial strains that are active in the oral cavity. The balm is produced in the form of a thick viscous substance with a yellowish color without taste and smell. The drug is not water soluble.
Indications for use
In addition, "Vinilin" is prescribed for the following indications:
- Suppurative lesions.
- Carbuncles and boils.
- Burns.
- Ulcers.
- Frostbite.
- Mastitis.
- Dermatitis.
- Hemorrhoids.
- Glossitis, gingivitis and periodontal disease.
- Dysentery.
- Gastritis.
- Crohn's disease.
- Peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach.

"Vinilin" with stomatitis has a number of advantages over other drugs, the main of which is its low toxicity, subject to local use. The main side effect is the potential risk of developing an allergic reaction. There are no other adverse reactions in the drug. The balm does not have any taste, which makes it possible to use it in children and makes the treatment procedure easier and more convenient.
With stomatitis "Vinilin" treats wounds and ulcers. Also, the balm can be used as a preventive measure at the risk of damage to oral tissues. Shostakovsky's balm is considered an affordable and inexpensive drug. It is sold without a doctor's prescription and on average its cost reaches about 180 rubles per 50 grams.
Action of the balm
"Vinilin" with stomatitis is most effective in the treatment of its infectious and traumatic form. The drug helps to disinfect the mucous membranes of the mouth, preventing new harmful microorganisms from entering the infected areas. In addition, Shostakovsky's balm promotes the regeneration of the epithelium andrestoration of the oral mucosa, which significantly speeds up the healing process.
Balm in the treatment of stomatitis effectively helps relieve soreness. Due to the fact that the balm is able to envelop the mucous membrane, it protects it from further damage. A similar effect is also found on the gastric walls with gastritis and ulcers, which significantly reduces the risk of developing allergic stomatitis.

"Vinilin" for stomatitis in adults of infectious or traumatic origin is not used as an independent drug, but is part of complex therapy. It is recommended to combine it with rinsing the mouth with herbal infusions, this approach speeds up the healing process and improves the patient's well-being. In addition to the fact that the balm cleans and disinfects ulcers well, it also creates a film on the oral mucosa, protecting it from bacteria and quenching pain.
According to the instructions for "Vinilin", with stomatitis, its effect can be increased through the use of other drugs, but the decision on the appointment should be made by the attending physician. With a mild course of the disease, Shostakovsky's balm can relieve stomatitis in combination with herbal rinses. In more severe forms, the drug requires the addition of other drugs, in particular antibiotics.
Another important point is that stomatitis can be a symptom of another, more severe disease. Ulcers in the oral cavity may indicate pathology of the hormonal, immune andcancer.
"Vinilin" is produced in the form of a balm and capsules based on polyvinox. For the treatment of stomatitis, a drug is prescribed in the form of a balm. It is applied to the affected areas with a cotton swab or gauze pad.
Treatment of stomatitis "Vinilin" is no different for children and for adults. The mucous membrane of the mouth should be treated after eating and pre-treatment of the cavity with water. You can also treat the balm on an empty stomach, while you can have breakfast an hour later.

Shostakovsky's balm is an effective and efficient drug for the treatment of stomatitis. However, if there is no result from therapy within a few days, you should consult a doctor for advice.
Self-treatment of stomatitis is not acceptable, as an integrated approach to therapy may be required depending on the area of the lesion, the severity of the disease and the form of the course.
Sometimes there is information that there is "Vinilin" in the form of an ointment. However, this is a common misconception associated with the property of the balm to thicken over time. It can also be used medicinally.
The treatment procedure must be repeated up to three times a day with a break of 2-3 hours. The therapy is carried out until complete recovery, however, even after the elimination of ulcerative lesions, it is recommended to continue treatment with a balm for prophylactic purposes for several days.
This confirms the instructions for use. "Vinilin"with stomatitis, the child helps very quickly.
A solution based on it is recommended to use for rinsing the mouth. But capsules are prescribed only to patients in adulthood, they are contraindicated in children. With caution, a balm is prescribed for children, especially for allergy sufferers. At the same time, during the treatment period, parents should carefully monitor the child's condition, and at the first signs of an allergic reaction, take all necessary measures and consult a doctor.

"Vinilin" only helps to eliminate the symptoms of stomatitis, it requires the addition of other drugs. First of all, in the event of stomatitis, one should strengthen the immune system, increase physical activity and establish a sleep and rest regime. Quite often, immunostimulants are prescribed during the treatment of stomatitis. If stomatitis is allergic, then nutrition is adjusted.
Stomatitis of viral origin can be transmitted by airborne droplets, therefore, in this case, treatment of all persons in contact with an infected patient will be required.
One package is usually sufficient for the treatment of stomatitis. Full recovery can occur in two or ten days of using the balm. This depends on the severity of the oral lesion.
Interaction with other drugs
It is permissible to combine Shostakovsky's balm with Hexoral, Iodinol and Ingalipt. You can also rinse your mouth with salinesolution, decoction of sage, calendula and chamomile.
"Vinilin" for stomatitis in children is used very often, since it is considered a safe drug for all age groups of patients. Only its oral intake is limited, and for external use it can be used both in infants and in the elderly.

Use in pregnant women
It is not recommended to use "Vinilin" during gestation and breastfeeding. Balm is prescribed with caution to patients with severe pathologies of the gallbladder and kidneys. Hypersensitivity and an allergic reaction to the components of the drug will also become a contraindication.
This drug collects a large number of reviews. Most often they are positive. People love this remedy, especially when it comes to stomatitis. Helps quickly, does not cause side effects. Best of all, it's inexpensive. It is a time-tested, reliable anti-inflammatory drug.