Pharmacy stores sell a lot of antipyretics intended for children and adults. One of them is Paracetamol. It is given to a child to restore temperature and eliminate pain of various localization. For children's use, the medicine is released in the form of a suspension and suppositories. But ordinary tablets are also used. The rules for using the drug are described in the article.
Issue form
Paracetamol tablets are produced by different companies, so in pharmacies there are not only drugs with this name, but also tablets with a mark about the manufacturer.

The solid form of the drug is presented in the form of small round white tablets. They are packaged in blisters and sold in boxes of 10 or more. It is this form that is considered the most common.
Other shapes
For the manufacture of this tool, all pharmacological forms are used. They differ in how they are used andthe amount of the main component. When prescribing a remedy, the doctor always specifies which "Paracetamol" is allowed to be given to children. The most popular drug release forms:
- Syrup. It is convenient to use for children from 3 months. The syrup has a sweetish taste with bitterness, sometimes fruit flavoring is added to it. 1 ml of syrup contains 24 mg of the active ingredient, the rest of the volume is auxiliary components approved for children. The product is sold in bottles of 50 ml and 100 ml. How to give "Paracetamol" to children in this form? Up to 1 year, the dosage is 5 ml. The dose is then calculated by weight. It is allowed to bring down the temperature in this way no more than 4 times a day for three days. The main disadvantage of the syrup is that it is presented in the form of a dilute suspension with chemical components, therefore it is considered less effective. This product should not be diluted with water, it is advisable to drink it after taking it.
- Suspension. The consistency of the product is soft and liquid, but more viscous compared to syrup. "Paracetamol" in suspension for children is allowed from 2 months. There is no sugar in the medicine. The bottle can be 50 or 100 ml. An allergy to the active ingredient is considered a contraindication. "Paracetamol" in suspension for children aged 1-3 months is prescribed 2 ml. At 3-12 months - 2.5-5 ml, 1-6 years - 5-10 ml. Children from 6 years old are given a suspension of 10-20 ml.
- Candles. They are administered rectally. Candles have different sizes: from 0.125 g to 1.0 g. In this form, the drug can be used to lower the temperature in children aged 3months. Candles are preferable to give at night. They have an effect in an hour, but it lasts longer compared to tablets or syrup.
The main component of this medication is paracetamol. The amount of active ingredient in tablets can be different - 200 or 500 mg. The drug is sold abroad in a dosage of 325 mg.

Additional components vary by manufacturer. These may include gelatin, starch, povidone, etc. Paracetamol should be given to a child if there is no allergy to these substances.
Paracetamol should only be given to a child when needed. After the penetration of the drug into the stomach, it is rapidly absorbed, and then the component enters the bloodstream to the brain tissues and affects the centers of pain and thermoregulation. In such centers, due to the action of this compound, cyclooxygenase is blocked, so the pain goes away and the body temperature returns to normal.
In peripheral tissues, the action of the agent is blocked by cellular peroxidases. Due to their presence, the anti-inflammatory effect of the drug is almost absent, but it has no side effects.
Is there a danger to the child's body
At the stage of metabolism, the drug in the liver is transformed into toxic components. They have a pronounced toxic effect on the liver and the entire body. For this reason, the medicine is very often not given to children. Prolonged use may cause liver damage andalso adversely affect the kidneys of the baby. Therefore, before taking, you need to consult a specialist.
Often, doctors prescribe ibuprofen for children under 1 year of age. They have a long-term antipyretic effect, have an antiviral effect, are less toxic, but are difficult to perceive by the stomach.
When medicine is used
When is Paracetamol given to a child? It is used:
- As an antipyretic drug for high fever due to vaccination, childhood infection, influenza and other ailments.
- As a pain reliever for mild to moderate pain.

Is the drug allowed for children
As indicated in the instructions, the medicine in tablets should not be given to children under 6 years of age. But for a child older than this age, it will be effective. What "Paracetamol" can be given to children under 6 years old? Suspensions or suppositories are needed at this age.
The medicine in these forms is given from three months. They relieve pain and temperature in preschoolers. In the treatment of children up to a year, "Paracetamol" has shown itself to be an effective remedy. Suspensions and suppositories can be given to over 7-8 years of age if they find it difficult to swallow a pill.
When not to use Paracetamol
Pills should not be given to a child when:
- intolerance to paracetamol or other excipient;
- ulcer and erosive changes in the gastrointestinal wall;
- bleeding of the walls of the digestive tract.
The medicine should not be used if there is a serious blood disease, liver function is impaired, or kidney failure is detected. You need to see a doctor. Another effective remedy may be recommended.
Side effects
Medication may cause itching, rashes and other signs of allergy. Rarely, tablets adversely affect hematopoiesis, the state of the gastrointestinal tract, or liver function. If side effects appear, you need to stop taking the medicine, and show the child to the doctor.
Rules of application

How to give "Paracetamol" to children? It is used 1-3 times a day. Tablets are swallowed 1-2 hours after eating with water. How is the dosage determined for children? "Paracetamol" (200 mg or 500 mg) is given based on the age of the patient. This is important to consider so as not to harm. What is the dosage of "Paracetamol" (200 mg) for children? If the patient is from 6 to 12 years old, then the maximum daily dose is 2000 mg. Specialists individually prescribe 200 to 500 mg every four hours as needed.
Adult "Paracetamol" for children is allowed only if indicated. It is important to consider contraindications and side effects. As indicated in the instructions, for children "Paracetamol" (500 mg) in the form of tablets can be used only after they reach the age of 6 years. Depending on age, the maximum allowable daily dose is set: 1.5 g for 6-9 years, 2 g for 9-12 years and 4 g for 12 years and older.
If the drug is prescribed for pain, thenthe duration of admission reaches 5 days, and longer treatment should be carried out only under the supervision of a physician. When tablets are prescribed as an antipyretic, the course should not exceed three days.
When a child takes a lot of pills, it can lead to vomiting, stomach cramps, loose stools and other negative signs of gastrointestinal irritation. A very high dose of the drug is considered dangerous for the liver, and since signs of damage to this organ do not appear immediately and can cause serious consequences, in case of an overdose, the child must be shown to the doctor (even if he feels normal).

Combination with other means
As evidenced by numerous reviews, children's "Paracetamol" when taken normally has a positive effect on the body. Just do not combine taking the drug with other drugs with the same main component, as this increases the risk of overdose. Without a doctor's prescription, you should not give pills with other antipyretic drugs, for example, with acetylsalicylic acid or Ibuprofen.
In the annotation to the drug there is an extensive list of other drugs that cannot be combined with it. If the child is taking another medication, then it is necessary to clarify whether it is permissible to combine it with these tablets. Careful attention to this issue will prevent negative consequences.
Terms of sale

Paracetamol can be bought without a prescription. The cost depends on the manufacturer, dosage, pharmacy chain and region. So, 10 tablets (200 mg) costs from 5 to 120 rubles, syrup (120 mg / 5 ml) - 120-150 rubles, rectal suppositories (250 mg, 6 pcs.) - 130-150 rubles. According to reviews, children's "Paracetamol" can be bought at every pharmacy.
The shelf life of the drug differs for all manufacturers, but, as a rule, it is 3 years or 5 years. Keep the medicine at home at +25 degrees, placing it in a place inaccessible to children.
Effervescent tablets
This drug is manufactured by Hemofarm (Serbia). From 10 to 20 white round tablets are packed in a plastic tube. They contain 330 mg of paracetamol and 200 mg of ascorbic acid. Excipients: citric acid, carbonate, benzoate, docusate, saccharinate and sodium bicarbonate, lactose monohydrate, povidone. Judging by the reviews, many doctors recommend just such a remedy.
Such tablets are given to children from 6 years of age. The agent is dissolved in water (1 glass), and then the resulting solution is drunk. Patients 6-9 years old are given only half a tablet one to three times a day. The maximum single dose - 1 tab., Daily - 3 tab. With age, the dosage increases. So, children 9-12 years old can take up to 6 tablets per day, and from 12 years old - up to 12 tablets.
Paracetamol Extratab
This medication is produced in the form of white-yellow oblong tablets. They contain not only 500 mg of paracetamol, but also 150 mg of ascorbic acid.
The drug is considered an analogue of Paracetamol Extra powders, which can begive from 6 years. It is prescribed as an antipyretic for acute respiratory viral infections and / or analgesic for mild non-inflammatory pain syndrome, neuralgia. In the period from 6-12 years old, Paracetamol Extratab is taken ½ tablet up to 4 times a day. Adolescents over 12 and adults require one tablet.
Similar products
Tablet preparations with the same active ingredient, for example, Efferalgan or Panadol, can be an excellent replacement for the remedy. Instead of these drugs, the doctor may prescribe a remedy with a similar therapeutic effect - Ibuprofen, Mig 400, Faspic. The basis of these tablets is ibuprofen, which also brings down the temperature, but its effect is longer - up to 6-8 hours.
Sometimes pediatricians prescribe other pills instead of antipyretics. These can be drugs such as Voltaren, Nise, Nimesil. But it is undesirable to use these medicines without the supervision of a specialist, since they have age restrictions and contraindications.
Recommendations for taking paracetamol supplements
For the treatment of children, it is preferable to use suppositories, syrups and suspensions, especially for babies under 1 year old. To reduce the harmful effects on the liver, the medicine is given after meals. Dangerous for the body of children is a dose of 150 mg per 1 kg of weight. In case of an overdose, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Sometimes, when the temperature is high, which is difficult to bring down, doctors prescribe Nurofen and Paracetamol. Drugs are given with a certain time interval. Nurofen workslong.

Thus, "Paracetamol" is effective in lowering the temperature. It is only necessary to follow the dosage and take into account the rules of use indicated in the instructions, and then the treatment will be effective.