"Sodium thiosulfate": application for cleansing the body, reviews

"Sodium thiosulfate": application for cleansing the body, reviews
"Sodium thiosulfate": application for cleansing the body, reviews

Over a period of time, a large amount of harmful substances accumulate in the body, which prevent individual systems from working normally, and also cause various failures. To get rid of toxins and toxins, official medicine suggests using special medications. One of these drugs is sodium thiosulfate. This is a broad-spectrum drug that was previously used to eliminate the effects of heavy metal administration. Later, the drug began to be used to relieve the inflammatory process, allergy symptoms and other pathologies.

Sodium thiosulfate granules
Sodium thiosulfate granules

What is this drug?

In the chemical sense, it is a s alt of thiosulfuric acid and sodium. The unique ability of the substance lies in its ability to find, bind and remove poisons and toxins from the body, which usually accumulate in the tissues of the human body. Thus, "sodium thiosulfate"has been used in medicine for quite a long time as an effective detoxifying drug, as well as an antidote. Relatively recently, doctors began to use it to cleanse the body.

Mechanism of action

Sodium thiosulfate formula
Sodium thiosulfate formula

As already mentioned above, "sodium thiosulfate" finds toxins in the tissues, binds them, and then eliminates them. The principle of action is based on the formation of compounds that are safe for humans, based on the active components of the drug and hazardous chemicals. The drug is able to eliminate the effect of even extremely harmful substances, which happens when the body is poisoned.

"Sodium thiosulfate" differs from many other detoxification drugs in that it fights the disease not at the level of symptoms. In other words, it eliminates the cause of the pathology, which lies in the internal state. It is this approach to the treatment of poisoning that is considered the most effective, since if you get rid of only the symptoms, the disease will sooner or later make itself felt again. In the case of the action of "Sodium thiosulfate", you can not worry about the possibility of such a phenomenon.

Indications for the use of "sodium thiosulfate"

Today the drug is used in traditional medicine in the following cases:

  • purification of the liver from harmful compounds that destroy it;
  • eliminate rashes and other signs of skin allergies;
  • stabilization of the digestive system;
  • improvementinternal and external condition of hair and nails.

"Sodium thiosulfate" has an excellent anti-toxic, desensitizing and anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, all pathologies characterized by symptoms of poisoning are a direct indication for the use of this drug in the therapy. It is used for allergic reactions, asthma, malfunctions of the liver and pancreas, tuberculosis and scabies. Also, the drug cleanses the body (that is, it is an antidote) against such substances:

  • copper;
  • benzene;
  • aniline;
  • iodine;
  • Suleme;
  • hydrocyanic acid;
  • phenols.
Treatment of poisoning with thiosulfate poisons
Treatment of poisoning with thiosulfate poisons

"Sodium thiosulfate" is useful for the body not only because it eliminates the cause of poisoning and the symptoms of pathology. After cleansing, the craving for alcohol also decreases, the appearance changes (the condition of the skin, hair and nails), the general physical condition improves in diseases such as cholecystitis, atherosclerosis and osteochondrosis.

Treatment of psoriasis with sodium thiosulfate
Treatment of psoriasis with sodium thiosulfate

Special attention deserves the use of the drug in the complex therapy of psoriasis. With the development of this pathology, a deep cleaning of the body is required, which can greatly alleviate the patient's condition. After the elimination of poisons, the immune system begins to work more stably, and this, in turn, contributes to the achievement of goals in the shortest possible time. Cleansing with "sodium thiosulfate" in psoriasis, as inpoisoning, gives such positive effects:

  • purification of the blood and lymph, as a result - the elimination of poisons from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • tissue restoration;
  • increased peristalsis and liquefaction of intestinal contents for the fastest removal of toxins;
  • slowing down the absorption of toxins from the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, as a result - preventing the penetration of poisons into the bloodstream.

Contraindications and restrictions

Symptoms of poisoning
Symptoms of poisoning

The drug should not be used during pregnancy, breastfeeding and individual intolerance. However, the doctor may insist on therapy with this drug in the first two cases, if there is a need to save the life of the mother.

The drug is excluded from renal failure, hypertension, heart disease, swelling, malignant neoplasms, diabetes mellitus, pathologies in the stomach. The use of sodium thiosulfate in these cases can lead to irreversible consequences.

Since studies of the effect of the drug on the child's body have not been conducted, it is forbidden to give the drug to a child. Therefore, this remedy is not used in pediatrics.

Possible side effects, overdose

In some reviews, "Sodium thiosulfate" is positioned as a strong remedy that should not be taken on its own, without the advice and supervision of a doctor. And there are good reasons for that. The drug can cause an allergic reaction and a sharp decrease in blood pressure, so it does notsuitable for self-treatment. The medicine should be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician. If adverse reactions of the body occur, the doctor should be notified about this, as a replacement for an analogue will be required.

The most important and terrible symptom of an overdose is a decrease in blood levels. Problems with the blood supply to the body gradually disable vital organs, which threatens the patient with a fatal outcome. Complicating the problem is that this condition manifests itself quite late. Therefore, if the doctor prescribes sodium thiosulfate in a certain dosage, he must follow the tests. The patient is strongly advised not to exceed the dosage prescribed by the physician. If you find hypotension and other unpleasant signs, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Medication forms

"Sodium thiosulfate" is produced in two forms:

  • 60% topical solution;
  • 30% solution in ampoules for intravenous administration or oral administration.

Depending on the form of the drug, the dosage and treatment regimen changes.

Method of application and dosage of "Sodium thiosulfate"

Solution for external use, as a rule, 60 percent is used. Three times a day, a compress is applied to the affected area of the body. Depending on the severity of the disease, more compresses may be recommended.

If the oral route of taking the medication was chosen, the solution is not consumed in its pure form. It needs to be dissolved in water2 ampoules for 1 glass. The first half is drunk by the patient in the morning, on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals. The second - in the evening, 2 hours before dinner. On average, the duration of therapy is 4-5 days. The duration of admission can be extended up to 12 days. It all depends on the severity of the disease, so the therapy is selected individually.

When administering "sodium thiosulfate" intravenously, it is equally important to take into account the patient's condition, his age, the severity of the disease, weight and other parameters. Therefore, in this case, the treatment regimen is also selected by the doctor individually. Intravenous administration of the drug is prescribed in severe cases, when oral administration of the drug did not give the desired result. For injection, a 30% solution of the drug is used. For one injection, from 5 to 50 mg of the substance is administered. The duration of therapy is determined during treatment.


Diet in the treatment of sodium thiosulfate
Diet in the treatment of sodium thiosulfate
  • Since the drug is designed to cleanse the body, it is necessary to prepare for the fact that after taking the drug, nausea, diarrhea, discomfort in the abdomen may occur. These are short-term phenomena that usually occur in the morning, but quickly pass.
  • During the course of treatment with sodium thiosulfate, you must adhere to a diet. At this time, it is forbidden to eat milk and meat products, bakery products, fast food and other junk food and drinks. Otherwise, the therapy will not give the expected result.
  • You need to drink more fluids. Plain water is bestdiluted citrus juice.
  • During the period of treatment with sodium thiosulfate, other drugs are stopped, as most of them lose their pharmacological effect.

Reviews about the drug

Improved skin condition
Improved skin condition

Is it effective and safe to cleanse the body with "Sodium thiosulfate"? Reviews about the drug, as well as about any other drug, are quite diverse. From many comments, it can be understood that most of the girls began to take the drug on their own, without the recommendations and supervision of a doctor, having read on the forums the praising reviews of the "experienced" ones. This is a huge mistake that can lead to irreversible consequences, and this is what you need to think about, wanting to cleanse the body in such an unthinkable way at home. Any drug should be taken under the supervision of a physician! However, many of those who self-medicate report a good weight loss, although not everyone is so lucky. The disadvantage is the hydrogen sulfide smell from the mouth. It is not uncommon for cases when digestion worsened, it was necessary to look for drugs to restore the normal function of the gastrointestinal tract.

If you study the reviews of patients with psoriasis, for whom thiosulfate therapy was selected by a doctor, we can conclude that the drug really works. But this is with intravenous administration! Albeit slowly, but the disease is still receding. And this is the best result of well-chosen therapy.
