Drugs 2024, October

Medicine "Remens": review, instruction, price

Medicine "Remens": review, instruction, price

Prescribe the medicine "Remens" in violation of the cycle of menstruation, with premenstrual syndrome, secondary amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, endometritis. The greatest effect of taking the drug is observed as part of complex therapy. Contraindications and side effects of Remens - a review of many patients says that the medication is well tolerated, in rare cases salivation may increase

"Lindinet 20": reviews, instructions for use

"Lindinet 20": reviews, instructions for use

The drug "Lindinet 20" is used for contraception. It is also prescribed for functional defects of the menstrual cycle. Reviews about Lindinet 20 will be presented in this article

Para-aminobenzoic acid: properties and indications for use

Para-aminobenzoic acid: properties and indications for use

A substance that ensures the functioning of the immune system and reduces the risk of developing dysbacteriosis is para-aminobenzoic acid. Another name for the chemical compound is vitamin B10. This substance is found in food products, and is also available in the form of medicines

Tablets "Azithromycin", 500 mg: description, instructions, reviews

Tablets "Azithromycin", 500 mg: description, instructions, reviews

"Azithromycin", 500 mg - one of the most famous drugs. He is able to help a person and improve his condition. The main thing is to consult with a specialist

Aminophenylbutyric acid: instruction, application, reviews

Aminophenylbutyric acid: instruction, application, reviews

Obsessive anxiety, insomnia, neurosis, fear and anxiety - all these are signs of nervous diseases

Drug "Linex": reviews and positive aspects of the drug

Drug "Linex": reviews and positive aspects of the drug

Linex contains a full range of beneficial bacteria that are necessary to restore and maintain intestinal microflora. This is one of the most modern medicines for dysbacteriosis. In addition, the Linex drug exhibits high resistance to antibiotics. Reviews of grateful customers who got rid of the problem of microflora disturbance speak of its effectiveness and popularity

"Biobran": reviews of oncologists, indications, instructions for use

"Biobran": reviews of oncologists, indications, instructions for use

For the preparation "Biobran" instructions for use should be read by everyone who is going to take it. A substance such as arabinoxylan, which is part of the Biobran product, helps to strengthen the immune system in a safer and more effective way compared to other substances, both natural and synthetic

"Calcium D3 Nycomed" for children: composition, description, effect of the drug, instructions for use, analogues and dosage

"Calcium D3 Nycomed" for children: composition, description, effect of the drug, instructions for use, analogues and dosage

Can children "Calcium D3 Nycomed"? The drug is prescribed for babies in the presence of rickets and convulsions, acute blood loss, allergic reactions and other conditions. It is very important to make sure that your baby is getting enough calcium from an early age

"Calcium-D3 Nycomed Forte": instructions for use, indications, composition, side effects, contraindications

"Calcium-D3 Nycomed Forte": instructions for use, indications, composition, side effects, contraindications

The pharmaceutical preparation "Calcium D3 Nycomed Forte" is used for prophylactic purposes, as well as for the treatment of such a serious manifestation of bone tissue destruction as osteoporosis

"Doppelherz Cardio System 3": review, features and reviews

"Doppelherz Cardio System 3": review, features and reviews

The German company "Doppelhertz" is represented on the pharmaceutical market by several dozens of medicines and dietary supplements. The action of almost all medicines under this brand is aimed at strengthening the heart and blood vessels, normalizing blood circulation, healing and rejuvenating the body

Effective vascular cleansing tablets: list, features and reviews

Effective vascular cleansing tablets: list, features and reviews

Tablets are a convenient dosage form for cleansing the heart, blood vessels and other organs. Medicines are used according to the prescription which is written out by the doctor. There are such indications for the use of drugs for cleaning the vessels of the body: atherosclerosis; history of ischemia; diabetes; strokes; disorders of blood flow in peripheral vessels

Altai mummy "Balm of mountains": composition, application, effectiveness, reviews

Altai mummy "Balm of mountains": composition, application, effectiveness, reviews

Among all dietary supplements, the most common are drugs whose action is aimed at increasing the tone of the whole organism. Mumiye Altai "Balm of the Mountains" is no exception and helps to cope with many diverse problems associated with human he alth. According to numerous positive reviews, this substance is really effective

"Gexoral" - rinse solution: purpose, form of release, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications

"Gexoral" - rinse solution: purpose, form of release, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications

Gexoral series drugs are produced by a French pharmaceutical company. In Russia, these drugs have good reviews from patients who suffer from inflammatory diseases localized in the mouth and throat

"Biseptol": how to drink, conditions, time and instructions for taking, release form, dosage and composition of the drug

"Biseptol": how to drink, conditions, time and instructions for taking, release form, dosage and composition of the drug

"Biseptol" is a drug with an effective bactericidal effect. It is used in the treatment of a wide range of pathologies and only on prescription. This drug is not an antibiotic, it belongs to the class of sulfonamides. The drug "Biseptol" consists of active components that complement the therapeutic effect of each other, namely sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim. How many days to drink "Biseptol" is indicated in the instructions

Levomycetin alcohol in the ear: doctor's prescription, dosage, instructions for use and therapeutic effect

Levomycetin alcohol in the ear: doctor's prescription, dosage, instructions for use and therapeutic effect

Otitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the organs of hearing. This disease is very common and can appear as a complication of a cold. The disease is extremely unpleasant, accompanied by acute pain, inflammation, sleep disturbance and appetite, especially in childhood. Levomycetin alcohol in the ear is prescribed as an adjuvant in the treatment of otitis in both adults and children

"Anastrozole-TL": composition, instructions for use, review of analogues, release forms, reviews of doctors and patients

"Anastrozole-TL": composition, instructions for use, review of analogues, release forms, reviews of doctors and patients

Medication "Anastrozole TL" consists of the active element of the same name and auxiliary components that form a shell and improve the absorption of the main substance. This drug has an antitumor effect and is prescribed for breast cancer

Mast cell membrane stabilizers: drugs, principle of action, pharmacological properties, instructions for use, indications and contraindications

Mast cell membrane stabilizers: drugs, principle of action, pharmacological properties, instructions for use, indications and contraindications

The mechanism of action of these medications is that they are able to block the entry of calcium and chlorine ions into cells, as a result of which the allergy mediator (histamine) is stabilized and the membrane loses the ability to leave this cell. In addition, membrane stabilizers are able to prevent the release of other substances that are involved in the development of allergic phenomena

Antibiotic for pharyngitis in adults: names, instructions for use and reviews

Antibiotic for pharyngitis in adults: names, instructions for use and reviews

Throat diseases are countless at the moment. All of them in symptoms (especially at the initial stage) are very similar. That is why, before prescribing treatment yourself, it is necessary to consult a doctor. If the diagnosis is confirmed, then you need to purchase medicines prescribed by a doctor. An antibiotic is usually prescribed, for pharyngitis in adults this is the best choice

Heparin ointment: instructions for use, features, properties and reviews

Heparin ointment: instructions for use, features, properties and reviews

Many products are available for the treatment of skin diseases. One of the most effective is Heparin Ointment. This drug has a wide range of uses and few side effects. The rules for its use are described in the article

Fleming's ointment: instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Fleming's ointment: instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Fleming's ointment has become one of the effective local preparations for hemorrhoids. This remedy is a homeopathic combination. Its undoubted advantage is the natural composition, due to which side symptoms do not appear. The ointment helps to relieve pain, protect against germs, eliminate inflammation and relieve swelling

"Viferon" - candles for children: instructions, reviews

"Viferon" - candles for children: instructions, reviews

Each mother, during the period of growing up her baby, more than once faces a lot of infections around him. Not always a child can cope with them on their own due to their immunity. With reduced immunity, diseases overcome the child's body. Almost all infectious diseases in young patients occur with fever. Babies are very sensitive to viral infections. To strengthen the body's defenses, you can use the effective remedy "Viferon" in candles

"Rinofluimucil": reviews, instructions for use, analogues

"Rinofluimucil": reviews, instructions for use, analogues

The pharmaceutical industry in the modern world is simply replete with various drugs for the treatment of nasal congestion, runny nose, sinusitis. One of the most popular among the leading medicines is Rinofluimucil. What is this drug? What can be said about its effectiveness in the treatment of sinusitis and other diseases of the ENT organs?

"Nasonex": reviews, instructions for use, analogues

"Nasonex": reviews, instructions for use, analogues

In the modern world, there is a huge selection of antiallergic medicines. One of the most active means is "Nasonex". Reviews about him are only good. This is the main drug of choice for allergies of any degree. "Nasonex" is an original Belgian drug produced by the corporation "Schering Plow"

"Mezim forte": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

"Mezim forte": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

According to the instructions, "Mezim forte" is a powerful digestive enzyme. Its main active ingredient is pancreatin. The dosage form of the drug is tablets or capsules. In this article we will describe the method of application, the benefits and harms of the drug. Before taking the drug, the patient must read the annotation printed in the instructions for use "Mezim forte"

Drops "Sinupret": instructions for use for adults and children, analogues, reviews

Drops "Sinupret": instructions for use for adults and children, analogues, reviews

Taking into account all the features of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, to improve the effectiveness of treatment, as well as to prevent the development of complications, secretolytics occupy an increasingly strong place. Instructions for use with a drop of "Sinupret" confirms that it has a secretolytic and anti-inflammatory effect, it also exhibits antiviral and immunomodulatory properties

"Sinupret" for children: instructions for use, analogues, composition and reviews

"Sinupret" for children: instructions for use, analogues, composition and reviews

Respiratory diseases are the most common abnormalities in children. Treatment of these pathologies is a difficult task. The course of bronchitis, laryngitis and sinusitis is accompanied by edema and abundant mucus formation. When is the use of secretolytics indicated in children? What is the most popular secretolytic agent? Can these drugs be used to prevent the development of respiratory diseases?

"Zirtek": reviews, instructions for use, analogues

"Zirtek": reviews, instructions for use, analogues

According to reviews, "Zyrtec" is one of the most popular antihistamines that are actively used in the practice of treating children. Parents need to understand in detail how to properly use the drug for young patients. In this matter, it is necessary to focus not only on reviews of Zirtek drops. This medicine has a number of analogues. In this article, we will study in detail the instructions for use and reviews of Zirtek, as well as indications and contraindications

"Creon 10000": instructions for use for children and adults, reviews

"Creon 10000": instructions for use for children and adults, reviews

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are a human problem in the modern world. People are forced to turn to doctors with pains that torment them in the abdomen, and they, in turn, prescribe various procedures and medicines for them. "Creon 10000" is prescribed to patients more often than many other medicines

"Cavinton": indications for use, analogues and reviews

"Cavinton": indications for use, analogues and reviews

Medication "Kaviton" was created in the 60s of the last century. It is a semi-synthetic version of the alkaloid vincamine, which has a vasodilating effect. Its usefulness has been established for circulatory disorders in the brain. To date, "Kaviton" is widely used in many countries, including, of course, our country

"Akriderm GK": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Akriderm GK": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Akriderm GK" is a drug of combined action for external use in dermatology. The therapeutic effect of the drug is determined by the active active ingredients that make up its composition. According to the instructions, "Akriderm GK" has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, antifungal and antimicrobial activity

"Depakin": side effects, instructions for use, reviews

"Depakin": side effects, instructions for use, reviews

"Depakine" is an antiepileptic and anticonvulsant drug. It is active in all types of epilepsy. The drug also reduces the feeling of panic and fear, improves the mood of patients. There are a number of side effects of "Depakine" and many contraindications

"Ginkgo Biloba": instructions for use and analogues

"Ginkgo Biloba": instructions for use and analogues

Ginkgo biloba tree grows on our planet, which has existed on Earth for more than two hundred million years. Ginkgo biloba leaves have been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years, and in Western medicine. The leaves of the tree contain active substances such as flavonoids (twenty-four percent of the total mass), organic acids and phenolic compounds

Folk remedies for the common cold: foreign and domestic

Folk remedies for the common cold: foreign and domestic

If you get a runny nose, then you should not immediately run to the pharmacy and choose expensive drugs there. This article contains the most popular folk remedies for the common cold, and not only traditional domestic, but also foreign

Laxative suppositories for constipation. Glycerin suppositories: price, instructions

Laxative suppositories for constipation. Glycerin suppositories: price, instructions

Surely every person throughout his life more than once encounters a violation of the chair. In this case, the correction is made with the help of food and following a certain diet

Saline laxative: indications and contraindications

Saline laxative: indications and contraindications

Change of environment, travel, changes in diet are the main causes of stool problems. Often, to normalize digestion, you have to take medications. For acute constipation, experts recommend taking a saline laxative, which has the fastest effect

Snoring clips: customer reviews. Does the clip help with snoring?

Snoring clips: customer reviews. Does the clip help with snoring?

Almost all people are familiar with the problem of snoring. Someone himself is sick with such an ailment, while someone close to him suffers from it. Then why not buy snoring clips, reviews of which give hope for a speedy deliverance

Cold and flu powder. The best cold powders for kids and adults

Cold and flu powder. The best cold powders for kids and adults

Cold and flu powder will be your salvation if you feel the first signs of the disease. However, they must be treated with caution, because most of them have a number of contraindications

Balsam "Taiga Doctor": reviews, instructions

Balsam "Taiga Doctor": reviews, instructions

Among the many dietary supplements, the Taiga Doctor balm has been especially popular lately. Reviews give him the best recommendations. Siberian miracle elixir can save you from many ailments

Antiseptic - what is it? What are they like?

Antiseptic - what is it? What are they like?

What is antiseptic used for? This is one of those topics that require a special, careful approach. The fact is that there are many types of antiseptics. All of them should be used for their intended purpose, in a strictly defined dosage

Antibacterial hand gel: good or bad for he alth

Antibacterial hand gel: good or bad for he alth

Handrails in public transport, money, elevator buttons, handles of carts and baskets in the supermarket, and many other things familiar to us are a transit point for many bacteria. Once in our hands, they are easily transferred to the mucous membrane, and through it into the body. In conditions where water and soap are not available, a convenient solution for sanitation is a special antibacterial hand gel