You can see a lot of medicines on the pharmacy shelves. They are available in the form of tablets, drops, syrups, sprays, capsules, etc. They have different effects, composition and uses. Let's try to decide what types of pills are and what they are for.
For the heart
Minor disturbances in the cardiovascular system can be corrected with medicines. For example, they will help relieve pain in the heart, relieve arrhythmia, normalize the heartbeat and support the body in case of heart failure.

Sharp pressing pains, burning in the chest manifests itself as angina pectoris, and lumbago under the scapula and in the left shoulder - myocardial infarction. With such symptoms, immediate professional help is needed. Before they arrive, Aspirin and Nitroglycerin will help alleviate the condition.
Arrhythmia pills improve myocardial conduction and excitability. They are taken in combination (for example, with vitamins) and according to a certain scheme. Drugs are prescribed depending on the type of rhythm disturbance:
- "Etmozin" and "Propafenone" (with refractory arrhythmia);
- Atenolol and Bisoprolol (for persistent disorders);
- "Amiodarone" (for ventricular fibrillation);
- "Kordaron" and "Sotalol" (with extrasystole).
Glycosides and adrenoblockers will help relieve tachycardia. If it started against the background of neurology, then sedatives are used: Relanium and Tranquilar. "Propaferon" and "Inderal" will help to equalize the pulse.
What types of pills will save heart failure? In this case, they treat:
- ACE inhibitors (Captopril, Trandolapril);
- diuretics;
- beta-blockers (Bisoprolol, Metoprolol, etc.).
Hormonal pills
Different human organs secrete certain hormones that perform different functions. They are produced by: pituitary, thyroid and pancreas, adrenal glands and reproductive system.
Steroids are widely used, for the release of which the adrenal glands are responsible. Preparations with them well relieve inflammation, swelling, severe allergies and autoimmune processes. Steroid-based drugs: Dexamethasone, Prednisolone, Metipred, etc. You should be aware that self-administration of these drugs can lead to obesity, hypertension, high blood sugar (and then to diabetes).

Decrease in thyroid function is treated with Levothyroxine Sodium and Triiodothyronine. The lack of its hormones causes obesity, anemia, atherosclerosis and decreased intelligence. An overdose of drugs can lead to abnormal heart rhythms or heart attacks.
A very important type of hormonal pills -oral contraceptives. They prevent unwanted pregnancy by suppressing ovulation. Such drugs are divided into:
- one-component ("Charosetta", "Exluton");
- combined ("Yarina", "Jess", "Logest");
- postcoital ("Postinor", "Escapel").
Most of the colds are accompanied by a cough that brings a lot of discomfort. If left untreated, serious complications can begin. You should know that treatment is prescribed depending on the manifestations of the disease. There are the following types of cough tablets:
- Inhibiting cough receptors. Such funds help if there is no sputum.
- Broncholytics. The drugs relax the muscles of the bronchi, as a result of which the spasm disappears.
- Mucolytics. These medicines thin the mucus and move it out of the lungs.
- Expectorant effect. Means provoke the release of a viscous secret from the lungs.
- Anti-inflammatory drugs. They relieve inflammation from the mucous membranes of the respiratory system.
- Antihistamines help with allergic coughs.

The following medicines will help get rid of a cough:
- Codelac Broncho, Stoptussin, Ambrohexal, Falimint (for dry cough);
- "ACC", "Doctor Mom", "Bromhexine", "Muk altin" (for wet cough).
Pain pills
There are different types of painkillers, which are classified according to the type of effect on the body. They can changebiochemistry, affect consciousness, remove inflammation or lower the temperature. By composition, such drugs are divided into narcotic and non-narcotic.

Narcotic pills usually contain small doses of morphine, codeine, promedol, tramadol, etc. They work well for pain, but are addictive. Among narcotic analgesics, it is worth highlighting: No-shpalgin, Nurofen Plus, Panadein, Parcocet, Pentalgin N, Solpadein.
Non-narcotic painkillers:
- "Aspirin". Tablets relieve pain, fever, and also relieve inflammation. Medications based on acetylsalicylic acid: Holikaps, Aspicor, etc.
- "Ketoprofen", "Nise", "Diclofenac", "Ibuprofen" and others. They stop inflammatory processes to a greater extent.
- Butadione is a highly toxic agent that is used as a last resort.
- "Paracetamol" is considered a safe analgesic, so it is prescribed even for children.
From pressure
There is a condition when a person's blood pressure rises or falls. It can be associated with various serious medical conditions, but such a symptom can be managed with medication. Let's focus on high pressure, which will help:
- alpha blockers;
- beta blockers;
- calcium antagonists;
- ACE inhibitors;
- angiotensin II blockers (sartans);
- diuretics (diuretics).
Alpha-blockers relieve spasms, relax and dilate blood vessels. They are often prescribed along withbeta blockers and diuretics. The drugs are suitable for severe cases when other remedies have not helped. Alpha blockers include: Prazosin, Butyroxan, Phentolamine, Minoxidil and others.
Beta-blockers reduce the heart rate, relax the walls of blood vessels. They are used in severe forms of hypertension, atrial fibrillation, heart failure. Preparations of this group: "Concor", "Biprol", "Bisoprolol", "Coronal", etc.

Sartans are a type of pills for pressure, which well reduces it, acting during the day. The drug does not have to be taken often - one tablet per day is enough. This group includes: Valz, Losartan, Candesartan, Valsartan, Lorista.
Calcium antagonists are prescribed as a complex treatment with ACE inhibitors or sartans. They block calcium channels, resulting in increased blood flow and improved blood supply to the myocardium. The most popular are: Verapamil, Diltiazem, Amlodipine, Nifedipine.
ACE inhibitors are prescribed when hypertension is accompanied by a concomitant disease - diabetes mellitus. They are dangerous because long-term use increases the level of potassium in the blood. As a result, this affects the he alth of the heart muscle. The most popular means of this group: Captropil, Univask, Monopril, Enam.
Diuretics - a type of pill that reduces swelling of blood vessels by removing urine. At high pressure, they are prescribed together with alpha and beta blockers, ACE inhibitors, calcium antagonists. Diureticsdivided into several types:
- loop ("Lasix", "Furosemide", "Piretanide");
- thiazide ("Ezidrex", "Chlorthalidone");
- potassium-sparing ("Veroshpiron", "Amiloride", "Triamteren").
From allergies
Histamine is a substance that, when an allergen enters the body, is activated and becomes dangerous. To avoid serious consequences, it is necessary to take antihistamines. In addition to them, hormones, adsorbents, homeopathic remedies are also prescribed. This type of tablet is divided into three groups: first, second and third generation.
First generation drugs:
- "Ketotifen". It is used to treat various forms of allergies, as well as rhinitis and conjunctivitis.
- "Suprastin". Helps with hives, hay fever, various skin rashes.
- "Diazolin". Copes with rhinitis, urticaria, food and drug allergies.
- "Fenkarol". Relieves rhinitis, pollinosis, skin itching and other manifestations of the disease.

Second Generation Allergy Medicines:
- "Fenistil". Indispensable for rhinitis, itching, food and drug allergies.
- "Claritin". Suitable for children from one year old, has no sedative effect.
- "Histalong". Reduces capillary permeability, relieves edema.
Third Generation Pills:
- "Cetirizine". Very effectively removes itching, swelling.
- "Telfast". Safe, fights all forms of allergies.
- "Tsetrin". Relieves allergic rhinitishives, skin rashes.
- "Prednisolone" is a very strong hormonal drug. It quickly relieves all symptoms, but should only be used as a last resort.
To improve digestion
The main function of any digestive preparation is to ensure the intake of important substances: fats, carbohydrates and amino acids.

This type of tablet contains substances and enzymes that support the body in a normal state. The most popular ones:
- "Pancreatin" - a very effective tool with low cost. It is prescribed for: lack of pancreatic enzymes, overeating, problems with the stomach, intestines and liver.
- "Creon" - contains pancreatin, which stimulates the production of important enzymes. The drug is necessary for: chronic pancreatitis, overeating, recovery after operations on the gastrointestinal tract.
- "Mezim" is an effective drug consisting of pancreatin, lipase, amylase and protease. It is covered with a sweet shell, so it is prescribed even for children.
- "Festal" activates lipase, as a result of which it helps to absorb fiber, fats and other beneficial substances. The drug helps quickly and effectively.
- "Somilase" has a positive effect not only on the gastrointestinal tract, but also on the pancreas. The enzyme contained in the medicine helps to break down vegetable and animal fats.
It happens that there are difficulties with losing weight. Then diet pills come to the rescue, whichare: fat-burning, diuretic, appetite suppressant.
Fat burners are a type of pill that speeds up the metabolism. They help break down fat cells and convert them into energy. Efficiency increases with intensive loads. With their help, fat is removed from the sides and abdomen. Popular fat burning pills are L-carnitine, Black Widow and others.

Diuretic tablets contain natural diuretics (extracts of exotic plants). Weight loss is associated with the removal of excess water from the body. The funds will not have any effect on body fat. Among diuretic drugs, there are: "Bumetanide", "Furosemide", "Indapamide", "Asparkam", etc.
Appetite-reducing pills make you feel full. As a result, a person eats smaller portions, and therefore loses weight. These drugs act differently: some swell in the stomach ("Ankir-B", "Kortes") due to microcrystalline cellulose. Other means ("Goldline", "Reduxin") are considered more dangerous because they contain psychotropic substances. They send a signal to the brain that the body is full.
Antiparasitic pills
All drugs that get rid of parasites are divided into two groups:
- Disturbing metabolic processes in their cells, as a result of which they die. These drugs include Albendazole, Mebendazole, Praziquantel. They treat ascariasis and enterobiasis.
- Causing paralysis of the body of harmful microorganisms. Each drug acts on a specific type of parasite. For example,Pirantel and Levamisole will save you from roundworms, and Niclosamide from tapeworms.

Most popular antiparasitic pills:
- "Levamisole". Effectively treats ascariasis, necatoriasis, enterobiasis, toxoplasmosis, etc.
- "Piperazine". Eliminates nematodes in two days.
- Mebendazole. Copes with almost all parasites in one day. In the presence of several types of helminths, treatment may be delayed.
- "Pirantel". Removes various types of parasites from the body.
- Sanaris. Effectively eliminates not only pests, but also their eggs. The drug has a minimum of side effects due to its natural composition.
- "Nemozol" is one of the best remedies that is assigned to each person according to an individual scheme.
- "Krimikuthar Ras" - Indian tablets from helminths with herbal composition.
Such a variety of pills can alleviate the patient's condition and save him from many diseases. It should be remembered that all medicines must be prescribed by a doctor.