The idea of saying goodbye to being overweight disturbs the minds of a large number of people. But not everyone has the time, energy and desire to go on a diet and go to gyms, but you want to lose weight as quickly as possible. Many simply dream of eating some pill and in a few days turn into a slender doe. Sounds good, doesn't it?
In our harsh world, there are impartial economic laws. One of them says: if there is demand, there will be supply. Moreover, this dependence is directly proportional. The more people want to say goodbye to the hated kilograms, the more and more diverse weight loss products we will see on the market.
Weight loss products in pharmacies
Today, many people are looking for weight loss products in pharmacies. Reviews about these drugs can be heard quite contradictory. Some are insanely happy that they got rid of them in an easy way.overweight, others with tears in their eyes recall the bitter experience. What determines the success of taking pharmaceutical drugs for weight loss? The answer is simple: every case must be approached from the standpoint of common sense and listen to the recommendations of a professional.
Doctors believe the very idea of weight loss pills is not entirely correct. Many weight loss products in pharmacies, reviews of which doctors have to listen to from their patients, may be unsafe for he alth. Easy and fast weight loss is always fraught with negative consequences. You can do great harm to the body, and the treatment will be long and difficult. Think about whether carefree weight loss is worth such sacrifices!

However, the drug drug strife. Some of them are quite harmless to themselves and, apart from intestinal upset, do not threaten anything terrible. However, all weight loss products in pharmacies, reviews of which are on everyone's lips, can be divided into two main groups:
- biologically active food supplements;
- pharmaceuticals;
- other funds.
Let's take a closer look at each of them.
Supplements for weight loss
These drugs have long and firmly entered our daily lives. Now many of us are even surprised: “How did we manage without them before?” They differ in a variety of forms: tablets, drops, syrups, powders and teas. Dietary supplements have a different origin and composition. They can be divided into nutraceuticals and parapharmaceuticals.
Nutraceutical dietary supplements
These products containminimum drugs. They are food additives. The most expensive of them are made from natural plant materials and contain a lot of useful biological substances in an active and easily digestible form. These weight loss products in pharmacies reviews are mostly positive. They really improve the general condition of the body, help cleanse it, reduce appetite and act very gently. The natural vitamins and minerals included in the composition improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Probably, these are the best weight loss products in pharmacies, reviews confirm this. The effect of them, of course, cannot be compared with medications, but they act softer, and there is less harm from them. The only contraindication to such drugs may be individual intolerance to the components that make up the composition.
An example of such weight loss products is microcrystalline cellulose. This is an absolutely natural product. Once in the stomach, it binds to the liquid, increases in size and makes a person feel full. Passing through the intestines, cellulose, like a sponge, collects all toxic substances and waste products on its surface and removes them from the body. The effect of losing weight is achieved by reducing the amount of food eaten and detoxifying the body.

Slimming teas like Turboslim also promote weight loss. These effective weight loss products in pharmacies have positive reviews. The main active ingredient is an extracthay (Alexandrian leaf). It has a pronounced laxative effect. The composition also contains herbal ingredients that produce a diuretic effect. Weight loss occurs by cleansing the intestines and reducing swelling. Excess water leaves the body, so the effect is quite obvious. However, it is worth noting that when you stop taking this tea, the lost kilograms strive to return if you do not follow a diet. In addition, it is impossible to abuse such dietary supplements. This threatens with dehydration and exhaustion of the body.
This group of drugs includes dietary supplements for weight loss from China: "Lida", "Beelight" and others. They are declared by manufacturers as natural preparations based on herbal extracts. It is only quite difficult to find these effective weight loss products in pharmacies. They have quite mixed reviews. Many of those who took them state rather strange side effects: dizziness, hallucinations, changes in vision and hearing, loss of orientation in space. According to some reports, amphetamines and similar substances were found in the composition of such drugs, which, in fact, are drugs and are addictive. What is inside the mysterious box - we do not understand. Chinese characters are incomprehensible to our perception, so this information remains a secret.

The best weight loss products in pharmacies, reviews of which encourage many women to buy, are protein shakes. They have a wonderful taste and aroma and are very satiating. In addition, it is a good source of protein and amino acids that are easy for the human body to digest and contribute to weight loss. In addition, for those who combine weight loss with exercise in a fitness club, protein shakes provide excellent athletic performance.
There is a rather interesting dietary supplement for weight loss - Spirulina. This remedy is based on a natural product - a microscopic organism belonging to the class of blue-green algae. The content of substances useful for the body in it is very capacious - 1 gram of this product can replace a kilogram of various vegetables. "Spirulina" not only helps in weight correction, but also strengthens the immune system, saves from diabetes, anemia, cardiovascular diseases, skin and eye problems. However, this remedy also has contraindications. Spirulina is not recommended for people with kidney and digestive problems.
Dietary supplements-parapharmaceuticals
These pharmacy weight loss products have a variety of reviews: both positive and negative. The composition of parapharmaceuticals includes substances that are similar in action to drugs. In connection with this fact, it is not recommended to abuse them. This group includes:
- Anorectics, or drugs to regulate feelings of hunger by reducing appetite. These pharmacy weight loss products are effective (reviews confirm this). However, it is recommended to choose anorectics without caffeine, as it can be contained in a rather high concentration. This can cause insomnia and problems withheart. Anorectics are available in various forms: in the form of tablets, sprays and drops. They include herbs, vitamin complex and sodium benzoate. Some anorectic dietary supplements are made on the basis of aromatic oils. It is known that these fragrant substances can work wonders with the human body: promote weight loss and reduce appetite.
- The so-called fat burners are a kind of weight loss products in a pharmacy. Reviews about them help to make the following conclusion: the drug gives an obvious effect only when visiting the gym. Without this condition, good results are difficult to achieve. The big advantage of dietary supplements-fat burners is that they improve the condition of the heart and blood vessels.

If you want to buy such an anorectic, pay attention to its cost. Real essential oils are expensive, and if the price of the drug is low, then you have a fake with the addition of fragrances. There will be no benefit from it and the effect of losing weight too. A fake can be recognized by dropping oil on a piece of paper. A high-quality essential product does not leave streaks and evaporates without a trace. Try to buy such drugs for weight loss in pharmacies. Feedback from people who have had experience with such products suggests that in this way you can protect yourself from buying fakes.
Pharmaceutical weight loss
This group of anti-obesity drugs has a medicinal nature. They must be prescribed by a doctor after a comprehensive examination of the patient. Unreasonable use of these drugs can lead to irreversible consequences. But if the doctor has recommended, then you can easily find these diet pills in pharmacies. Reviews of these funds are directly related to the professionalism of the doctor who recommended them to an overweight patient.
All pharmaceuticals for weight loss can be divided into several groups:
- hormonal drugs;
- blockers of fat absorption;
- laxatives and diuretics;
- products based on biologically active compounds (amino acids, organic acids, polysaccharides, etc.) obtained synthetically or microbiologically;
- psychotropic substances that act on the brain centers of hunger and satiety.
Hormonal drugs for weight loss
These pharmaceutical drugs for weight loss reviews are positive, but are prescribed by a doctor if indicated. Independent unjustified intake of such funds can have disastrous consequences. Hormonal imbalance in the body can lead to serious diseases that are difficult to correct. In most cases, the appointment of hormonal drugs is justified by a deficiency of thyroxine (produced by the thyroid gland), estrogen in women and testosterone in men. Hormone replacement therapy can help with severe obesity associated with insufficient work of the endocrine glands.
Fat Absorption Blockers
This group is represented by several drugs. One of the most popular is Ksinekal. Hedeveloped by Swiss specialists in the field of pharmaceuticals and has the international name "Orlistat". The action of this substance is based on the suppression of lipases - enzymes that break down fat in the gastrointestinal tract. The drug "Ksinekal" is used during meals or within an hour after a meal. Fat that is not hydrolyzed by enzymes is not absorbed by the body and is excreted along with feces. Thus, the effect of weight loss is achieved. Features of taking this drug is that its effect persists even some time after the end of the course. Therapy with this remedy must be combined with a moderate calorie diet, then the effect will be maximum.

However, the developers of Xinecal warn of possible side effects of this drug, expressed in impaired digestion, pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, deterioration of the teeth and gums, flatulence, fatty anal discharge, frequent urge to defecate and fecal incontinence. Allergic reactions very rarely occur, so people with sensitivity to the components of this remedy should better refuse it. The drug is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women. Joint use with vitamins K, E, A, D leads to worse absorption of Xinekal in the human body.
Laxatives and diuretics
The action of these funds is based on the removal of excess water and the stabilization of the stool.
Most people eat too much s alt. Sodium, its main component,retains water in the body and provokes edema. Diuretics or diuretic drugs remove excess fluid, and weight is reduced. An example of such funds is Furosemide. It is prescribed for edema of various origins: heart and kidney failure, hypertension, cirrhosis of the liver. However, this drug is contraindicated in hepatic coma, urinary tract obstruction, in the first trimester of pregnancy. Side effects from taking Furosemide can include digestive upset, flushing of the skin, dizziness, temporary hearing loss, and general fatigue.
Laxatives have an irritating effect on the intestinal wall and increase its peristalsis. As a result, the chair is normalized, and this has a positive effect on weight, which decreases. The simplest and most effective laxative is Senade. It includes a hay leaf, as well as mineral s alts. The effectiveness of this tool has been proven by many years of use, but prolonged use can cause inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. Doctors also do not recommend the use of laxatives constantly due to addiction.
Products based on biologically active compounds
These medicines contain a biologically active component as the main active ingredient. The following weight loss drugs of this type are commercially available:
- "L-carnitine". The active substance of this drug is an amino acid, which has properties to reduce the sensation of pain, and also exhibits antithyroid and antihypoxic properties. The drug normalizes metabolism,promotes fat burning and slow absorption of proteins and carbohydrates from food consumed. It is contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation.
- "XLS duo slim &shape" is a Belgian drug that, in addition to natural extracts, contains inulin. This substance is a polysaccharide that is not digested by the body and effectively cleanses it. Inulin also lowers blood sugar. The drug normalizes metabolism and promotes weight loss.
- "Reduxin Light" contains conjugated linoleic acid as the main component. This drug is statistically included in the "Best weight loss products in pharmacies" group. Reviews "Reduxin Light" is positive and is in great demand among those who want to lose weight. Linoleic acid promotes increased metabolism and the replacement of adipose tissue with muscle. The drug, however, is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, people with allergies to the components of this drug and children under 18 years of age.

Psychotropic drugs for weight loss
These drugs contain substances that affect certain areas of the brain responsible for feelings of hunger and satiety. It is these centers that govern the human appetite. The most effective and widely used substance in this practice is sibutramine hydrochloride monohydrate. It directly affects the human brain and suppresses the feeling of hunger. There are several preparations on the market containing this substance:
- "Reduxin". Among the ingredientsThis remedy includes not only sibutramine, but also cellulose. It perfectly absorbs all toxic substances and cleanses the body of toxins. As a result, a person's content of harmful cholesterol, uric acid and triglycerides is reduced. But do not think that for effective weight loss, the fact of buying this weight loss product in a pharmacy will be sufficient. Reviews "Reduksin" is twofold. The feeling of hunger and extra pounds easily return with the end of the drug. In addition, the drug has serious contraindications: hypothyroidism, anorexia, bulimia, nervous disorders and mental illness, heart and vascular disease, pregnancy and lactation, kidney and liver pathologies, alcoholism and drug addiction, glaucoma, prostatitis, age up to 18 and over 65 years. Also, this drug threatens with complications: sleep disturbance, anxiety, digestive problems, convulsions, tachycardia, allergies, bleeding.
- "Lindax". This drug has the same active ingredient - sibutramine hydrochloride monohydrate. Therefore, its contraindications and side effects are the same as those of Reduxin. It is unlikely that this drug can be included in the list of "The best weight loss products in pharmacies." Reviews of "Lindax" are not the most flattering. All of them are associated with a huge number of warnings and dangerous consequences from taking. However, this drug has its fans and is popular.

It would be useful to remind you that taking such medications must be agreed with your doctor.
Losing weight with pills is a last resort. The best means for finding ideal proportions is a he althy balanced diet and physical activity. Medical weight management is acceptable only for serious he alth reasons.