Altai mummy "Balm of mountains": composition, application, effectiveness, reviews

Altai mummy "Balm of mountains": composition, application, effectiveness, reviews
Altai mummy "Balm of mountains": composition, application, effectiveness, reviews

Among all dietary supplements, the most common are drugs whose action is aimed at increasing the tone of the whole organism. Mumiye Altai "Balm of the Mountains" is no exception and helps to cope with many diverse problems associated with human he alth. According to numerous positive reviews, this substance is really effective.


Altai mummy "Balm of the mountains" is highly valued by adherents of traditional and oriental medicine. This product is very popular due to its unique properties. The homeland of the substance is Altai, and it consists of the following components:

  • animal waste products;
  • resin;
  • remains of plant origin;
  • oxidized rocks;
  • accumulations of microorganisms.
mummy altai balm of mountains
mummy altai balm of mountains


Enriched soil in the mountains absorbs the listed substances. At the same time, the process of mummy formation is rather fragile and becomes possible only in conditions of stay in the highlands. By its properties, this compound is unique and has a beneficial effect on many processes in the human body. Here are the main effects of Shilajit:

  • stimulation of the immune system;
  • anticoagulant effect;
  • tissue regeneration;
  • antibacterial and antimicrobial action;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • antispasmodic.

All these effects are indicated in the instructions for the Altai mummy "Balm of the mountains". This is also confirmed by the reviews, which we will consider below.

Mummy Altai balm of the mountains instructions
Mummy Altai balm of the mountains instructions

Other drugs do not have such a complex effect. At the same time, the entire mechanism of action of the mummy has not been fully studied so far. Various laboratory observations allow us to make promising predictions that the healing properties of this substance will play a role in the development of medicine in the future and help solve many problems.

Issue Forms

Mumiye Altai "Balm of the Mountains" is produced both in the form of tablets and as a dry substrate. The former are intended for oral administration and are an active food supplement. To prescribe the mummy in tablets, there must be indications confirmed by a medical examination.

When dried, the substance is applied only locally. The tool is used in the field of cosmetology fortreatment of skin and hair problems. It is possible to use mummy in this form without examination and testing. The breeding method is indicated in the instructions attached to it.

You can buy both versions of the mummy in specialized pharmacies. In addition, various Internet resources are now widespread, where you can order the necessary dietary supplements with delivery. In a diluted form, the substance is rarely sold and is most often part of complex medicines.

mummy altai balm of the mountains application
mummy altai balm of the mountains application

Shilajit efficiency

Mumiye Altai "Balm of the Mountains" has become a breakthrough in the field of establishing the work of many human systems and organs. The general strengthening effect provides a positive effect on the body and well-being. If you strictly follow the rules for the use of Altai mummy "Balm of the Mountains", you can achieve the following results:

  • Strengthening excretory systems and immunity.
  • Vascular support.
  • Restoration of hair, connective tissues and damaged areas of the skin.
  • Supporting a he althy heart rate.
  • Activation of cleansing processes in the body.

The active components of the purified preparation are enriched with useful elements that have been fermented in unique natural conditions. After purification from large fractions and remains of organic origin, up to 80% of biologically active components are preserved in the Altai mummy, providing the healing effect of the product.

What else does the instruction manual tell us aboutmummy Altai "Balsam of the mountains"? Of course, it details the rules for using the tool.

mumiyo Altai balm of the mountains application instruction
mumiyo Altai balm of the mountains application instruction

Indications for use

Most often, Altai mummy is prescribed as an aid to strengthen and support the body in the following cases:

  • After surgery.
  • Against the background of significant and extensive skin damage by infections.
  • When it is necessary to replenish the deficiency of minerals and vitamins, as well as the body's energy reserve.
  • After sprains and fractures.
  • To eliminate post-traumatic consequences, damage to connective and bone tissues.
  • After severe vascular damage.
  • To eliminate the degradation of hair growth.
pharm product mummy altai balm mountains
pharm product mummy altai balm mountains

Sometimes a doctor may prescribe a complex application of a local remedy in combination with tablets. Mumiye Altai "Balm of the Mountains" should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the absence of hypersensitivity to the substance in a particular patient. Also, the full clinical picture of the patient's condition is taken into account.

For prevention

The use of dietary supplements for prophylactic purposes is also allowed after an examination that will help establish the daily dosage. Altai mummy is considered a potent remedy, so its use requires caution. Nevertheless, the insufficiency of the immune qualities of the body is the reason for the appointmentadditives.

Farm. the Altai mummy product "Balm of the Mountains" is able to influence different organs and systems. Efficiency directly depends on the frequency of use, as well as on the form of the drug. The properties of shilajit are under study and, perhaps, in the near future, the substance will be included in a number of drugs for the treatment of severe autoimmune conditions and other diseases.

The unique healing compound is especially effective in suppressing pathogenic processes occurring in the body. This conclusion was made on the basis of already conducted laboratory studies. The dietary supplement components are absorbed by the body and stimulate tissue repair processes.

tablets mummy altai balm mountains
tablets mummy altai balm mountains

Shilajit can be combined with any medication, which greatly simplifies its inclusion in the therapeutic regimen. The substances included in dietary supplements do not accumulate in the organs, and the metabolites of the compound are excreted from the body after a day.

Use in cosmetology

Altai shilajit is gaining more and more popularity in the field of cosmetology. Reviews about its use in this area are mostly positive. Thanks to the use of the product, it is possible to restore the skin, nails and hair.

The drug also has a rejuvenating effect. Scientists cannot yet explain its dynamics, however, studies show consistently positive results in solving problems with wrinkles, scars, adhesions, burns, skin pathologies, paresis of surgical origin, etc.

In addition, the mummy helps to restoreweakened work of the glands, damaged hair follicles, eliminates age-related changes in the structure of the hairline, as well as the negative effects of fungal and viral infections.

Altai shilajit allows you to achieve a stable renewal effect. Diluted masks are especially effective.


Altai shilajit can be used in three ways:

  1. External use to normalize skin tone.
  2. Compresses and poultices for the regeneration of damaged tissues.
  3. Taking the drug orally according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor.

To prepare a mask for the treatment of pathological changes in the skin, as well as for rejuvenation, Altai Shilajit is diluted in a ratio of 1:1. The mask can be made by steaming, soaking or diluting raw materials with hot water.

The resulting substance is applied to damaged areas of the skin. If you need to eliminate adhesions, cuts or cellulite, you can do a wrap. In other cases, the mummy is used as a mask, which is applied to cleansed skin.

Compresses and poultices are applied to the joints and ligaments. To do this, prepare a mixture of mummy, with the addition of honey and white clay. All components are thoroughly mixed until smooth and bandaged to the affected area of the body.

balm mountains reviews
balm mountains reviews

Reviews about Balsam of the Mountains

Altai Shilajit is not a new drug on the pharmaceutical market. Its medicinal properties have been known for a long time, and dietary supplements with it are well-deservedly popular. The remedy is often prescribed for the treatment of inflammation in the liver, kidneys and bile ducts. Patients at the same time respond well to the drug and do not reveal any adverse reactions to taking the healing substance.

Women use Shilajit mostly for cosmetic purposes. In addition, many take dietary supplements to speed up metabolism, which allows you to quickly reduce body weight with obesity. No less effective tool, according to reviews, in the fight against cellulite.

Experts also confirm the effectiveness of the Altai shilajit, but warn against its use by nursing women, children under 12 years of age and the elderly, as well as patients with hypertension, tumors, bleeding and lesions of the nervous system.
