Cold and flu powder. The best cold powders for kids and adults

Cold and flu powder. The best cold powders for kids and adults
Cold and flu powder. The best cold powders for kids and adults

Perhaps there is not a single person in the world who has not experienced a cold. She slyly sneaks up with inaudible steps and often takes us by surprise. No, this tricky disease does not have any serious complications, but it is quite capable of spoiling the mood and creating discomfort. And in our organizer for tomorrow there are a million cases that cannot be transferred in any way. It seemed like a hopeless situation. What to do in this case? The answer is simple: take cold and flu powder.

cold and flu powder
cold and flu powder

However, it is worth mentioning right away: this is a symptomatic treatment. That is, any cold and flu powder does not eliminate the cause of the disease. He only fights the symptoms, alleviating the condition of the patient.

Such a flu remedy is simply necessary in cases where there is an important meeting, exam or any other event that there is no way to miss. But after adequate treatment is still necessary. At least for a couple of days you need to provide yourself with bed rest.

When to take powders?

As soon as you feel the first signs of a coldor the flu. For example, these:

  • Feverish or chilly.
  • General weakness, fatigue.
  • Runny or stuffy nose.
  • Pain and heaviness in the muscles.
  • Sore throat, dry cough.

By the way, it is better to use any powdered flu remedy to treat a runny nose. Why? Yes, because the sprays have a negative effect on the nasal mucosa, burning it. This can lead to chronic rhinitis. And here everything is simple: I drank a powder for colds and flu - and it became easier to breathe. At the same time, note, no effect on the mucous membrane.


Medications of this form appeared on the shelves of pharmacies 20 years ago. However, long before that, powders were used. True, then they were not consumed orally. So, our grandmothers believed that the best remedy for the flu was mustard powder. In fairness, we note that no one detracts from its value today, just along with it, more modern means appeared that the ailing public could appreciate. Why are flu powders good?

list of cold powders
list of cold powders

The list of their benefits can be written:

  • Quick and effective effect on the body. It's not a pill that still needs to dissolve in the stomach. The powder acts instantly, and after 20 minutes (maximum half an hour) the patient feels relief.
  • Good taste. Almost all powders have some sort of berry or fruit flavor. They can be drunk like tea.
  • Deal with almost all symptoms at the same time. That is, they not only relieve headaches or eliminate nasal congestion, but also lower the temperature, improve the general condition of a person.

Thanks to these properties, cold and flu powders have become a lifesaver for us.

Let's talk about disadvantages

Despite the fact that such remedies are easy to drink (like a favorite drink) and give quick relief, they also have disadvantages. These disadvantages cannot be called serious, but they should not be forgotten either. So for example:

  • Similar flu medicine will be effective only at the very beginning of the disease.
  • Powders can cause gastrointestinal upset. Do not be alarmed, this side effect is not mandatory, but such cases have occurred in medical practice.
  • These products do not work with certain medications. Therefore, if you are taking any medications, then you need to choose a powder only on the recommendation of a doctor. As a last resort, on the advice of a pharmacist.
  • Powders cause drowsiness. If you have a day off ahead, this can even be called a plus, but if you have an important meeting where you need concentration, then this is a huge minus.
  • flu medicine
    flu medicine

Contraindications for use

Despite the fact that powders do not leave a trace of flu or cold symptoms for a short time (however, not always), not everyone can use them. Their use shouldrefrain:

  • Women during pregnancy or lactation.
  • People with liver or kidney problems.
  • You can not give such funds to young children, as acetylsalicylic acid is contraindicated for them. So, for example, "Fervex" is allowed only from the age of six. But this is usually not a problem, because almost any powder also has a baby form.

Basic admission rules

When resorting to powders at the beginning of a cold, you should be aware of their features:

  • Do not take this remedy for a long time. Maximum 3-5 days.
  • Powders are not combined with sedatives. Even with seemingly harmless valerian.
  • Never drink alcohol during treatment.
  • It is not recommended to use more than 4 sachets per day.
  • It is better not to use powders if the body temperature is below +38 degrees.


Yes, yes, if you abuse the rules of admission, all sorts of negative consequences are quite likely.

flu remedy
flu remedy

Overdose of powders (and you can use them no more than 4 times a day) is fraught with such phenomena as:

  • Unjustified excitation of the nervous system.
  • Allergies and dry mouth.
  • Bleeding due to low platelets.
  • Problems with urination.

In order to avoid such troubles, you must strictly follow the instructions or recommendations of the doctor.

Composition of powders

The effectiveness of powders is due to their complex composition. It is thanks to him that they act better and faster than single-component pharmaceuticals. They must include:

  • Anticongenstants. They dilate blood vessels well, improve breathing, reducing the symptoms of a runny nose.
  • Antihistamines. These components are necessary to save the patient from signs of allergy (itching, sneezing, tearfulness).
  • Analgesics. Their task is to relieve pain symptoms.
  • best cold powders
    best cold powders

Such a multicomponent composition ensures the effectiveness of the use of these medications.


In the modern pharmaceutical market, these flu remedies are presented in a wide range. It is impossible to name the best powders for colds, because they act individually for everyone. In addition, their range is more than diverse. "Fervex", "Grippoflu", "Pharmacitron", "Antigrippin", "Nimesil", "Teraflu", "Coldrex" - these are all cold powders. The list is endless.

However, there are some favorites in this area. On the pharmacy shelves you can see the most popular cold powders. The list is quite impressive.


The most common cold and flu powder. Its anti-inflammatory effect is weak, but due to the presence of phenylephrine, paracetamol and other components in its composition, it quickly relieves fever and pain.

However, keep in mind that"Theraflu" is contraindicated:

  • Patients with epilepsy and bronchial asthma.
  • If you suffer from diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • While pregnant or breastfeeding.


One of the first appeared on the pharmaceutical market. It is a multicomponent drug. Contains in its composition, in addition to paracetamol and pheniramine, ascorbic acid. Great for a runny nose, even if you have allergic rhinitis, relieves muscle pain.

Be careful because Fervex:

  • Do not use in the 1st and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy.
  • Sick, suffering from alcoholism.
  • For eye diseases such as glaucoma.

In addition, the classic drug is not recommended for children under 15 years of age. But there is a special children's variety.


Combined flu medicine containing the same paracetamol, vitamin C, to which chlorphenamine is added. Effectively relieves headaches and muscle pain, and also fights against the common cold.

cold powders for kids
cold powders for kids

However, for all its effectiveness, Antigrippin is considered an insidious drug, because it can cause side effects. Among them are dizziness, fatigue, general weakness of the body.

Contraindications include:

  • Any period of pregnancy.
  • Glaucoma disease.
  • Periods of exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease.
  • Chronic alcoholism.

Children's first aid kit: cold powders for children

Children are known to get sick much more often than adults. This is explained very simply: their immunity has not yet been fully formed. But treating babies is much more difficult. After all, we all know about the harmful effects of chemicals on a fragile children's body. It is for this reason that many pharmaceutical companies produce special medicines marked "children's". There are such medicines among the powders.

When treating a baby with powders, the following rules should be strictly adhered to:

  • Only buy your child the products recommended by the doctor.
  • Be sure to follow the exact dosage as the powders destroy the stomach lining.
  • Do not use multiple drugs at the same time.
  • Give your child bed rest and plenty of fluids.

Children's cold powders list

What are the flu remedies for children? Basically, these are more gentle modifications of powders for adults. However, there are also special medicines designed specifically for the child's body.

the best of the flu
the best of the flu

Most commonly used in the treatment of colds and flu:

  • "Antigrippin", which can be given to a child after 3 years. It has an anti-allergic effect, relieves pain and lowers the temperature.
  • "Panadol Baby and Infant". It has different forms of release: candles, syrup, powder. Can be used by children older than one month. It is very effective, because, in addition to the painkiller, it also has an anti-inflammatory effect.effect.
  • "Efferalgan". Another tool that has many varieties (powders, syrup, candles). Soothes pain, lowers fever, relieves inflammation.

As you can see, there are a lot of powders for both adults and children. However, they should not be considered a panacea for all ills. Relieving the symptoms of a cold is one thing, but curing it is another. Therefore, a visit to the clinic to the attending physician is still unavoidable. This is especially true of such a disease as the flu, because it is fraught with serious complications.
