The drug "Lindinet 20" is used for contraception. It is also prescribed for functional defects of the menstrual cycle. Feedback on Lindinet 20 from satisfied consumers will be presented in this article.

The drug is taken orally regardless of food intake, always at the same time. The first tablet is taken from the first to the fifth day of menstruation. The use of this remedy involves the use of one tablet per day for 21 days, after which a week-long break is taken, that is, menstruation actually begins. Reviews of Lindinet 20 confirm that this is how most contraceptives work.
Pills from another blister are taken on the first day after a seven-day break at the same time as in the previous cycle. To switch from another combined oral contraceptive, you need to take the first pill of the drug the day after the previous pack is finished, at the beginning of the menstrual cycle. What are the reviews about Lindinet 20 for women over 30?
They write in their comments that while using the mini-pill, you can start the transition to"Lindinet 20" on any day of your cycle. If an implant was used before, then the next day after it is removed. If injections were used, then before the next injection. To switch from single drugs, you need to accompany this stage with the use of barrier contraceptive methods as an adjunct during the first week. If an abortion was performed in the first trimester of pregnancy, then it is recommended to take pills immediately after the operation, without using additional methods of protection.
After the abortion
After an abortion in the second trimester or after childbirth, the use of the drug should be started after 21-28 days, also without using additional methods of contraception. If a woman had an intimate relationship before the start of contraception, then the drug should be taken after pregnancy is excluded or with the onset of menstruation.
Reviews of Lindinet 20 birth control pills confirm this.
If the next dose was missed at the set time, then if the delay is less than twelve hours, the pill should be taken immediately, as soon as the missed pass is remembered (the contraceptive effect of the drug has not yet been broken), the next pills - at the usual time. If you are more than twelve hours late, do not take the missed pill, but continue using the drug in accordance with the scheme and using additional contraceptive methods over the next week.

If an appointment is missed less than seven days before the end of the pack, thenyou need to start using the drug from the next blister without interruption. In this case, menstruation begins after the second blister is completed, oral contraception should be continued only after pregnancy has been ruled out.
Reviews of women about "Lindinet 20" indicate that taking pills is missed quite often, but with the right further actions, unwanted pregnancy did not occur in anyone.
When is an extra pill needed?
If the patient develops diarrhea and/or vomiting within 3-4 hours after taking the tablet, which disrupts the absorption process and reduces the clinical effect of the drug, then in this case there are two ways of further treatment. So, one of them is based on the fact that the next pill is taken at the scheduled time according to the scheme, after which measures are taken that comply with the recommendations that are associated with skipping the drug. Another way is for a woman to take the same pill from another blister, while not deviating from her usual contraceptive regimen. If acceleration of the onset of menstruation is required, it is recommended to reduce the break in the use of Lindinet 20, according to doctors.
It should be borne in mind that the shorter the break, the higher the risk of breakthrough or spotting bleeding while taking pills from another blister (similar to situations with a delay in menstruation). If you want to delay menstruation at a later time, then you need to continue taking the pills from a new pack without a week break. The onset of menstruation can be delayedthe desired period, even before the end of the drug from the second package. During a planned delay in bleeding, spotting or bloody breakthrough discharge may occur. After a week break, you must continue to use Lindinet 20 regularly. Feedback on this is available.
Contraindications are:
- severe and/or multiple signs of a risk of venous or arterial thrombosis (including atrial fibrillation, which is complicated by disorders of the heart valve apparatus, severe or moderate arterial hypertension (blood pressure of 160/100 mm and above), diseases coronary vessels or cerebral arteries);
- transient ischemic attack, angina and other precursors of thrombosis;
- vein thromboembolism;
- long immobilization after surgery;
- migraine with focal neurological symptoms;
- vein or arterial thromboembolism or thrombosis (deep vein thrombosis of the lower leg, pulmonary embolism, myocardial infarction, stroke);
- liver tumors;
- jaundice with glucocorticoid use;
- pancreatitis;
- hyperlipidemia;
- pathology of the liver of a pronounced nature, cholestatic jaundice (the period of bearing a child is also considered), hepatitis (including history) - until the period when functional and laboratory parameters are not restored, after their normalization for three months;
- gallstone disease;
- Gilbert, Dabin-Johnson, Rotor syndromes;
- severe itching;
- diabetes mellitus, which is complicated by angiopathy;
- vaginal bleeding of unknown origin;
- otosclerosis with further progression during a previous pregnancy or with the use of corticosteroids;
- malignant hormone-dependent neoplasms of the mammary glands and various organs of the reproductive system, or suspicion of them;
- breastfeeding time;
- smoking by people over the age of 35 (more than fifteen cigarettes per day);
- hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the product;
- pregnancy or its assumption.

With caution
Reviews of women about "Lindinet 20" confirm that you need to be extremely careful when using the remedy for patients with risk factors that increase the likelihood of thrombosis of the veins or arteries, as well as thromboembolism. Risk factors:
- genetic predisposition of the patient to thrombosis (thrombosis, circulatory defects of the brain and myocardial infarction in the youth of the next of kin);
- age over 35;
- smoking;
- liver pathology;
- angioneurotic hereditary edema;
- herpes in pregnant women;
- chloasma;
- Sydenham chorea;
- porphyria;
- chorea minor and other diseases that appear or worsen during previous use of sex hormones or during childbearing;
- obesity with a weight index over 30 kg perm2;
- arterial hypertension;
- hemolytic uremic syndrome;
- valvular disease, dyslipoproteinemia, atrial fibrillation;
- epilepsy, prolonged immobilization, migraine, severe trauma;
- surgical intervention in the lower extremities, major surgery, superficial thrombophlebitis, sickle cell anemia, Crohn's disease, postpartum period, varicose veins, diabetes mellitus (not complicated by vascular disorders), ulcerative colitis, acute and chronic pathologies liver, systemic lupus erythematosus, abnormal biochemical tests, deficiency of antithrombin III and protein C or S, including antibodies to cardiolipin, severe depression, hyperhomocysteinemia, lupus anticoagulant, antiphospholipid antibodies, activated protein C resistance, hypertriglyceridemia.

Side effects
According to reviews, Lindinet 20 may cause the following side effects:
- sense organs: hearing loss due to otosclerosis;
- vascular and heart system: arterial hypertension;
- in more rare cases - myocardial infarction, stroke, pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis of the legs and other arterial and venous thromboembolism;
- in very rare cases - thromboembolism of the hepatic, mesenteric, retinal, hepatic veins and arteries.
But most often the use of "Lindinet 20", according to reviews, does not provoke negative reactions of the body.
Besidesthis, the tool can cause other side effects. Not as severe but more common:
- genital organs: vaginal acyclic bleeding and discharge, candidiasis, deformation of the state of the vaginal mucosa, after termination - amenorrhea, development of vaginal inflammation processes, enlargement of the mammary glands, their pain and tension, galactorrhea;
- from the side of the nervous system: unstable mood, headache, depression, migraine;
- metabolism: weight gain, hyperglycemia, fluid retention, decreased carbohydrate tolerance, increased thyroglobulin levels;
- digestive system: epigastric pain, nausea, ulcerative colitis, vomiting, Crohn's disease, cholelithiasis, hepatitis, hepatic adenoma, itching or exacerbation due to cholestasis, jaundice;
- dermatological reactions: erythema nodosum, rash, severe hair loss, chloasma, erythema exudative;
- sense organs: increased corneal sensitivity in patients with contact lenses, hearing impairment;
- other: development of allergic reactions.
This information is available in the instructions and reviews for Lindinet 20. The decision on the possibility of further use of the drug should be made only after consulting with a specialist on an individual basis, analyzing the risks and benefits of this contraceptive method.

Special Instructions
"Lindinet 20" is required to be applied aftermedical consultation and gynecological and general medical examination.
Recommended to be examined every six months. Taking into account the clinical condition of the patient and the risk factors for side effects, the disadvantages and advantages of oral contraception are determined, and the question of the appropriateness of its use is decided.
Reviews about Lindinet 20 tablets are contradictory.
The specialist should inform the woman about the possible worsening of her existing diseases, the undesirable effects of the drug and the mandatory visit to the doctor if her he alth changes for the worse. Hormonal contraception is also canceled if any of the following conditions or diseases worsen or occur: epilepsy, pathology. They can cause kidney and cardiovascular failure, hemostatic disease, migraine, the likelihood of developing estrogen-dependent gynecological diseases, diabetes mellitus without vascular defects, severe depression, abnormal liver function test results, sickle cell anemia.
The drug is characterized by a good contraceptive effect two weeks after the start of administration, and therefore, to exclude pregnancy during this time, it is recommended to use additional contraceptive barrier methods. This is confirmed by the instructions and reviews for Lindinet 20.
When taking hormonal oral contraceptives, the likelihood of arterial andvenous thromboembolic disease. It is necessary to take into account the possible (but very rare) occurrence of venous or arterial thromboembolism of the mesenteric, renal, hepatic or retinal vessels.

Risk factors
Factors that increase the risk of developing venous or arterial thromboembolic pathologies are: hereditary predisposition, obesity, excessive smoking, the patient has arterial hypertension, dyslipoproteinemia, heart valve pathologies with hemodynamic defects, diabetes mellitus with vascular lesions, atrial fibrillation. Reviews of women about "Lindinet 20" for 20 years will be considered at the end of the article.
The risk also increases with the age of the patient, with prolonged immobilization due to extensive surgical intervention, including operations on the lower extremities or after a serious injury. During planned operations, the drug is advised to cancel the drug four weeks before the event, and resume taking it fourteen days after remobilization. According to reviews and instructions for use, Lindinet 20 requires constant medical supervision for diagnosed Crohn's disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, diabetes mellitus, hemolytic uremic syndrome, ulcerative colitis of a nonspecific nature, sickle cell anemia, and also in the postpartum period. The likelihood of developing thromboembolic pathologies of veins or arteries increases resistance to activated protein C, lack of antithrombinIII, proteins S and C, as well as the detection of antiphospholipid antibodies. Taking the drug is regarded as one of the many factors that affect the development of cervical or breast cancer.
So you should take Lindinet 20 with caution. Contraceptive reviews abound online to help you make the right decision.
The increase in the number of registration of such diseases in patients who take hormonal contraceptives may be due to irregular medical supervision and appropriate examinations. With prolonged hormonal oral protection, it is necessary to take into account the possible appearance of a liver tumor of a malignant or benign nature in the differential diagnostic study of abdominal pain associated with bleeding inside the peritoneum or an increase in liver volume.
This is confirmed by reviews of Lindinet 20. Women over 35 with a predisposition to chloasma should avoid exposure to direct sunlight or ultraviolet radiation.

The remedy reduces its contraceptive effect when the next dose was missed, with diarrhea and vomiting, the simultaneous use of drugs that may affect its effectiveness. In order to avoid conception, the patient must use additional protective barriers in accordance with the recommendations. If irregular breakouts appearor spotting bleeding, as well as the absence of menstruation during a week break, this may indicate pregnancy. That is why, before using the tablets from the new blister, it is necessary to discuss all the nuances with the doctor, and start the treatment again only after the pregnancy is excluded. The presence of an estrogen component in the preparation can affect the result of laboratory tests of the degree of lipoproteins and transport proteins, functional data of the kidneys, thyroid gland, liver, hemostasis, adrenal glands. This is confirmed by the instructions and reviews of doctors about Lindinet 20.
You can use the drug after acute viral hepatitis no earlier than six months later, if the functioning of the liver has been normalized. Patients who smoke are more likely to develop vascular diseases, especially after the age of 35 (the level of risk is also determined by age parameters and the number of cigarettes smoked during the day). Means "Lindinet 20" is not able to protect against infection with various sexual infections, including HIV infections. The impact of the drug on the woman's ability to drive mechanisms and vehicles has not been identified.
Interaction with other drugs
Inducers of hepatic microsomal enzymes (barbiturates, Oxcarbazepine, Rifampicin, Hydantoin, Felbamate, Phenylbutazone, Rifabutin, Griseofulvin, Topiramate, Phenytoin), antibiotics ("Tetracycline", "Ampicillin") help to reduce the level of ethinylestradiol in the blood plasma.
Lepatic inhibitorsenzymes increase the level of ethinylestradiol in the blood plasma.
Drugs that increase gastrointestinal motility, reduce the absorption of active active ingredients and their concentration in the blood plasma when used with Lindinet 20.
Ascorbic acid and other agents that are prone to sulfation in the intestinal wall slow down the sulfation of ethinyl estradiol and increase its bioavailability. The simultaneous use of Tetracycline, Ritonavir, Rifampicin, Ampicillin, barbiturates, Primidone, Carbamazepine, Topiramate, Phenylbutazone, Phenytoin, Griseofulvin also leads to a decrease in the contraceptive effect of the drug, "Felbamata", "Oxcarbazepine".
That is why during the reception and for a week (when used simultaneously with Rifampicin - four weeks) after treatment with the listed drugs, the patient needs to use indirect barrier contraceptive methods.
It is undesirable to simultaneously prescribe drugs with St. John's wort, as the likelihood of breakthrough bleeding increases. Patients with a diagnosis such as diabetes mellitus may need to adjust the dosage of hypoglycemic drugs.
Reviews of gynecologists about "Lindinet 20" are presented below.
The contraceptive has such analogues as: Logest, Femoden, Lindinet 30, Model Tin, Vidora, Dayla, Angeleta, Novinet, Gestarella, "Naadin" and others. Only a doctor should select them. Otherwise, you can harm the body.
Reviews about "Lindinet 20"
Reviews indicate that it protects well from unwanted conception. Patients note that menstruation comes more regularly, it is easier, pain in the lower abdomen disappears. Another advantage of the drug is its relatively low price. In addition, it helps to bring the hormonal background back to normal after gynecological operations.
However, there are also negative reviews about Lindinet 20, which are most often associated with individual intolerance to the components of the drug. The drug is not suitable for everyone, and can cause a number of side effects. In addition, there is such a drawback as the absence of marked days of the week on the package. Self-administration of the drug is categorically not recommended, as well as changes in its dosage.
Consider the reviews of women about "Lindinet 20" 20 years old. Most often in the comments you can read complaints about a sharp weight gain while taking the medication, the appearance of spotting after the end of the course of treatment, as well as nausea, lethargy, pain in the mammary glands.
But for many, the drug fits perfectly, no adverse reactions occur.
Reviews of gynecologists about "Lindinet 20"
Doctors often prescribe this remedy to patients. It is well tolerated, according to doctors, it is 100% protected from unwanted pregnancy. Adverse reactions happen, but more often it is individual intolerance. In this case, you need to choose a more suitable contraceptive drug. It is best to undergo an examination in advance, donate blood for hormones. This will help in choosing a contraceptive.
We reviewed the instructions for use of Lindinet 20 and reviews.