Levomycetin alcohol in the ear: doctor's prescription, dosage, instructions for use and therapeutic effect

Levomycetin alcohol in the ear: doctor's prescription, dosage, instructions for use and therapeutic effect
Levomycetin alcohol in the ear: doctor's prescription, dosage, instructions for use and therapeutic effect

Can I use levomycetin alcohol in the ear according to the instructions? Let's figure it out in this article.

Otitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the organs of hearing. This disease is very common and can appear as a complication of a cold. The disease is extremely unpleasant, accompanied by acute pain, inflammation, disturbed sleep and appetite, especially in childhood.

levomycetin alcohol vial
levomycetin alcohol vial

Levomycetin alcohol in the ear is prescribed as an aid in the treatment of otitis in both adults and children. This solution does not have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, and its use should be agreed with the attending physician, since the drug has a number of limitations and possible side reactions.

Is it possible to drip levomycetin alcohol into the ear, many people are interested.


Levomycetin is an antibacterial substance of synthetic origin with a wide spectrum of action, which has a pronounced antimicrobial effect. The component demonstrates effectiveness against both gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms. The drug based on levomycetin actively affects microorganisms at various stages of division. At the same time, resistance to chloramphenicol in bacteria develops rather slowly.

Doctors' opinion

Otolaryngologists are doubtful about the use of levomycetin alcohol in the ear, believing that the drug can negatively affect the quality of auditory perception and even cause hearing loss. Therefore, the drug has not received wide distribution in ENT practice.

And yet, let's consider how to use levomycetin alcohol in the ear of a child and an adult according to the instructions.

levomycetin alcohol in the child's ear
levomycetin alcohol in the child's ear

For the treatment of ears, it is an alcohol solution that has a powerful disinfecting effect. However, one should take into account the proximity of the inner and middle ear to the brain and use the drug as carefully as possible to prevent dangerous complications.


Useful properties of chloramphenicol alcohol include the following:

  • Anesthetic action.
  • Removal of the inflammatory process.
  • Destruction of harmful bacteria.
  • Rehabilitation of the ear canal.
  • Warming action.

Described therapeutic propertiessolution can not be taken as therapeutic for otitis media. There are cases when warming up can make the patient worse and significantly aggravate his general condition. The feasibility of prescribing the drug should be determined by a specialist based on the examination.


Before prescribing levomycetin alcohol in the ear, the otolaryngologist determines the type of otitis media. The drug can be used only for the external form of the disease. In addition, the effectiveness of chloramphenicol is determined by how sensitive the harmful microorganisms are to the effects of the antibiotic.

levomycetin alcohol in the ear instructions for use
levomycetin alcohol in the ear instructions for use

The duration of treatment with a solution, as well as the dosage and frequency of use, are determined individually. For the treatment of otitis media of the upper ear, levomycetin alcohol is not always used in the traditional way (instillation). Most often, especially in childhood, the laying of turundas from cotton wool soaked in a solution is prescribed.

Levomycetin, which is part of the alcohol solution, is active against most known pathogens of otitis media. Alcohol dries the skin in the affected area and disinfects the inflamed focus.

Most otolaryngologists agree that it is not worth dripping chloramphenicol into the ear. This can be dangerous as it can cause an allergic reaction, itching and swelling.

Indications for the use of levomycetin alcohol in the ears are:

  • Otitis media of bacterial or viral origin.
  • Inflammation of the external ear.
  • The presence of discharge of purulent content from the ear canal.
  • Furunculosis.

Against the background of the use of the alcohol composition, the integrity of the inflamed structures is violated, the harmful cells die, and the recovery process starts.

A specialist should prescribe the treatment of otitis media with levomycetin, he also determines the necessary dosages. Self-use of the drug can lead to mucosal burns and other dangerous complications.


Contraindications for the use of the drug as an anti-inflammatory agent are:

levomycetin alcohol in the ears
levomycetin alcohol in the ears
  • Intolerance to the components included in the solution, including chloramphenicol.
  • The period of gestation and breastfeeding. This limitation is due to the fact that levomycetin is able to penetrate into breast milk and through the placental barrier.
  • Infection of the ear canal of fungal origin. In this case, the drug will be ineffective.
  • Impaired kidney and liver function.
  • Presence of wounds and ulcers in the ear canal.
  • Child under 3 years of age.
  • Risk of eardrum perforation.
  • Eczema and psoriasis.

If the described conditions are detected, the doctor will recommend other, safer drugs for the treatment of otitis externa.

levomycetin alcohol drip into the ear
levomycetin alcohol drip into the ear

Instruction: adults and children

It is not recommended to treat inflammation and stop painbefore visiting a specialist. Only a doctor can determine the type of otitis media and the degree of ear damage, as well as select the appropriate treatment. It is forbidden to inject alcohol solutions into the ear canal if the patient has a perforation of the eardrum.

Before using levomycetin solution, preliminary preparation is carried out. Alcohol is diluted with purified water in equal proportions and warmed up to body temperature.

If treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis and improvement is not observed after three days of using the drug, you should consult a doctor. In this case, the risk of complications increases.

For therapeutic purposes, a 3% solution is used. If an adult patient has no contraindications, levomycetin alcohol is used to treat otitis media. Turunda soaked in the solution is injected into the ear once a day before going to bed for 10 minutes. Sanitation is carried out only on the affected ear. Alcohol solution is not used for prophylaxis. After removing the turunda from the ear, it should be insulated for the night.

Adults in some cases are allowed to instill an alcohol solution. You can carry out the procedure up to three times a day, 1-2 drops.

Instillation of chloramphenicol into the ear of a child under 10 years of age is prohibited. This is due to the sensitivity of the epithelium layer and mucous membranes at this age. The likelihood of irritation when used in young children is increased. An allergic reaction will be accompanied by pain and burning.

Children over the age of threeLevomycetin alcohol is administered in the form of turundas. The solution is injected for 5-10 minutes, after which the ear is insulated. If adverse reactions occur, it is not recommended to continue treatment with the drug.

is it possible to drip levomycetin alcohol into the ear
is it possible to drip levomycetin alcohol into the ear

Compresses and lotions

To put a compress, levomycetin alcohol is diluted with warm water in equal proportions. The cloth or gauze is wetted in the resulting solution. In this case, a hole for the ear must first be made in the compress. Next, the bandage is applied to the affected area, and the ear remains open thanks to a special hole. To achieve the maximum effect of the compress, it is insulated with cotton wool and fixed with a bandage. The bandage is not removed for three hours. It is a mistake to believe that the compress can be left all night, it can cause irritation and allergies.

After removing the compress, the ear should be treated with petroleum jelly or baby cream. This will prevent the development of irritation. The course of treatment with chloramphenicol lotions should not exceed one week. It is impossible to warm up otitis in case of its purulent or internal form.

When treating otitis with chloramphenicol, the rules described above should be followed. To minimize possible adverse reactions, you must first consult an otolaryngologist. In some cases, it is absolutely impossible to use the solution, as this can lead to serious complications.

Prevention measures

To prevent otitis media, as well as to exclude its recurrence, a number of recommendations should be followed,including:

  • Timely visit to the doctor at the first signs of developing otitis media.
  • Treatment of inflammatory foci in other organs of the ENT system.
  • Regular preventive visits to the otolaryngologist.
  • Observance of oral hygiene.
  • Keeping a he althy lifestyle, including avoiding bad habits, exercising and strengthening immunity.
  • Moderate exercise.
  • Taking vitamin preparations.
levomycetin alcohol in the child's ear instruction
levomycetin alcohol in the child's ear instruction

This is a pretty simple list of tips to help prevent otitis media.


Despite the fact that chloramphenicol alcohol solution is recognized as an effective disinfectant and antibacterial agent, with otitis media, the drug can be used only if indicated and in consultation with a specialist. Inappropriate use of the solution can aggravate the patient's condition and cause complications, including hearing loss.

We reviewed the instructions for use for chloramphenicol alcohol in the ear.
