"Calcium-D3 Nycomed Forte": instructions for use, indications, composition, side effects, contraindications

"Calcium-D3 Nycomed Forte": instructions for use, indications, composition, side effects, contraindications
"Calcium-D3 Nycomed Forte": instructions for use, indications, composition, side effects, contraindications

Means sold in pharmacies can be divided into two equivalent parts. The bulk - drugs that have a therapeutic effect, the second group - drugs assistants. They serve as preventive or additional means to the main treatment. It is the second group of pharmacy products that includes Calcium D3 Nycomed Forte. The instructions for this tool describe it in detail.

Why do people need calcium?

As established by scientists, about 60 basic chemical elements included in the table of D. I. Mendeleev, include organs, tissues, physiological fluids of the human body. Their division is conditionally defined by two groups - micro and macro elements. The names of the groups characterize the amount of presence of the element in the norm. Trace elements, as you know, are contained in small doses - a maximum of a few micrograms. But macronutrients can reach a weight of several hundred grams. The presence of all elements in the required quantity contributes to the improvement of the quality of the he alth of the individual. The lack or excess of such substances negatively affects the state of individual systems andorgans.

For example, the musculoskeletal system depends on a certain amount of calcium and vitamin D3. According to physiologists, an adult human body should contain from 1 to 1.5 kilograms of this chemical element, and almost all of it is in the bone tissue. Rational nutrition, rich in a variety of natural products, allows you to replenish the required amount of all components for he alth. But in some cases, calcium, for example, is metabolized and consumed faster than its amount is replenished. That's when calcium supplements come to the rescue. Scientists have found that calcium is absorbed in greater quantities along with vitamin D3. The developers of medicines took this moment into account and "Calcium-D3 Nycomed Forte" became the drug that allows you to get substances in the maximum biologically available amount.

calcium d3 nycomed forte instruction
calcium d3 nycomed forte instruction

Terrible osteoporosis

The skeleton is a supporting structure, it must be strong and reliable. And the strength of bones depends on many components, in particular, on the presence in the human body of an important building material - calcium. The destruction of thin tissue, changes in density, the appearance of fragility leads to many complications, one of which is osteoporosis. This is an insidious symptom of serious problems in the body. It may not appear for a long time.

A person lives a normal life, but meanwhile his skeleton is gradually losing its strength due to degenerative processes occurring in bone tissue. After all, the processesthe use and replenishment of building material, including for bones, take place constantly. But in some situations, useful substances perform their necessary functions, are destroyed, metabolized, but their replenishment does not occur. Then the helpers should come to the rescue. Preparations for the prevention of osteoporosis replenish the necessary elements that are important for the reliability of the skeletal system.

calcium d3 nycomed forte price
calcium d3 nycomed forte price

What is the drug made of?

One of the popular pharmaceutical preparations among the assistants of the skeletal system is "Calcium D3 Nycomed Forte". The composition of the active substance is not very complicated, it is a two-component preparation, it works:

  • calcium carbonate;
  • cholecalciferol (vitamin D3).

As a formative component, the manufacturer of the drug used: aspartame; isom alt; monom alt; povidone; sorbitol; stearate. Lemon oil gives the taste and aroma to the preparation.

osteoporosis is
osteoporosis is

What form is the drug in?

The drug called "Calcium D3 Nycomed Forte", used to help the bone apparatus, is produced by the Swiss pharmaceutical corporation Nycomed Pharma. This company has been operating for almost 150 years and today is one of the 30 largest pharmaceutical companies. The medicine with calcium and vitamin D3 is available in one dosage form - chewable tablets with lemon flavor. They are without a shell, have a biconvex rounded shape, white in color with a few inclusions. Tablets may have an uneven surface, as they are not coated with a dense protective shell and have a natural structure.

calcium d3 nycomed forte contraindications
calcium d3 nycomed forte contraindications

How does the active substance work?

Pharmacological properties of the drug "Calcium-D3 Nycomed Forte", like any other drug, directly depend on the components that work in it. This drug is based on two interacting substances - calcium and vitamin D. According to the pharmaceutical code, it belongs to the pharmacological group of calcium-phosphorus metabolism regulators, and is used as a medicine that compensates for the lack of calcium and vitamin D3.

Working in combination, these components reduce the leaching of calcium from the body, and therefore increase its content in the bones. Calcium is also an active participant in neuronal conduction, is responsible for muscle contractions and the high-quality work of the blood coagulation system. And vitamin D3 helps calcium to be absorbed in the intestine, thereby increasing its functional level. Together, these substances inhibit the production of parathyroid hormone (PTH), which stimulates the leaching of calcium from the skeletal system and the development of osteoporosis. Such a symbiosis of medicinal natural substances makes the drug with calcium in demand in the market of vitamin supplements.

calcium d3 nycomed forte composition
calcium d3 nycomed forte composition

The pathway of drugs in the body

Describes in detail about the drug "Calcium D3 Nycomed Forte" instruction, which describes the main components, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.

Calcium,entering the body through the stomach and intestines, absorbed approximately only 30% of the dose taken. Since vitamin D3 helps this element to be more actively absorbed, their joint intake is more rational. Colecalciferol is absorbed up to 80% of the amount received through the gastrointestinal tract, thereby serving as a conductor for calcium, which is so necessary for bones, teeth, and ion cellular exchange. Distributed to the tissues where these components work, in the amount that is available and necessary, the excess substances are metabolized in the liver and kidneys, and the metabolites are excreted in the urine, feces and through the sweat glands.

calcium d3 nycomed forte indications
calcium d3 nycomed forte indications

When is the drug prescribed?

For the regulator of calcium metabolism - the drug "Calcium-D3 Nycomed Forte" indications for use are based on the lack of a building substance for the skeletal system:

  • bone fractures;
  • prevention and treatment (in combination) of osteoporosis;
  • Prevention and treatment of calcium and/or vitamin D3 deficiency.

About the preventive properties of "Calcium-D3 Nycomed Forte" reviews are quite positive, many patients consider his help in the treatment of deficient conditions effective and necessary.

drugs to prevent osteoporosis
drugs to prevent osteoporosis

When should calcium not be taken?

Any drug or prophylactic has its own restrictions on use, so "Calcium-D3 Nycomed Forte" has quite extensive contraindications:

  • hypervitaminosis D;
  • hypercalcemia - an increase in the amount of calcium in the blood;
  • hypercalciuria - detection of calcium in the urine;
  • hypersensitivity to drug components;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • hereditary fructose intolerance;
  • nephrolithiasis;
  • kidney failure;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • sucrose-isom altase deficiency;
  • tuberculosis (active form);
  • phenylketonuria.

This medicinal product is not intended for use in patients with limited mobility (sedentary) patients. Also, it is not recommended for children under the age of 3 years. A contraindication to taking "Calcium D3 Nycomed Forte" is soy and peanut intolerance.

pharmacological properties
pharmacological properties

If something is wrong

A pharmaceutical preparation that works to replenish the body with calcium and vitamin D3 is chewable tablets "Calcium-D3 Nycomed Forte". Side effects of this remedy may appear as follows:

  • pain and discomfort in the abdomen;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • hypercalciuria;
  • diarrhea;
  • dyspepsia;
  • constipation (constipation);
  • itch;
  • urticaria;
  • flatulence;
  • rash;
  • nausea.

If the unwanted symptoms described above or any newly identified appear, you should consult a doctor for symptomatic therapy and stop taking this remedy.

Abuse of calcium chewable tablets cancause an overdose of active ingredients, which manifests itself as follows:

  • anorexia;
  • cardiac arrhythmia;
  • bone pain;
  • dyspepsia;
  • thirst;
  • soft tissue calcification;
  • urolithiasis;
  • muscle weakness;
  • nephrocalcinosis;
  • polyuria;
  • kidney damage (organic);
  • dry mouth;
  • nausea.

Taking high doses of the drug can provoke mental disorders.

Any manifestations of overdose symptoms require seeking qualified medical help, discontinuation of the drug itself, as well as cardiac glycosides and diuretics of the thiazide group taken simultaneously with it. As an antidote, "loop" diuretics are most often used, for example, Furosemide, bisphosphonates, oral glucocorticosteroids, the hypocalcemic hormone Calcitonin. If an overdose of the drug with calcium has occurred, then it is necessary to regularly monitor such indicators of the patient's physiological state as:

  • diuresis and kidney function;
  • venous pressure (central);
  • amount of electrolytes in blood plasma;
  • electric activity of the heart.
chewable tablets
chewable tablets

Calcium and other substances

When prescribing for use the drug for osteoporosis "Calcium-D3 Nycomed Forte", the price of which is available to all buyers, the doctor must necessarily take into account the medications taken by the patientmedicinal products for medical reasons. Indeed, for use in the treatment of this drug and some other groups of drugs, it is very important to take into account their interaction with each other and the effect on the patient's body.

Cardiac glycosides potentiate their toxic effect when taken together with "Calcium-D3 Nycomed" tablets. In this case, regular monitoring of the activity of the heart is indicated.

If a patient is prescribed certain medications, and these can be tetracycline antibiotics, bisphosphonates, levothyroxine, quinolines, sodium fluoride, together with the appointment of a drug with calcium, then the use of these drugs should be separated. You can take calcium first and another medicine 6 hours later, or you can take medicine first and then a calcium supplement.

There are drugs that, when taken simultaneously with Calcium D3 Nycomed Forte, reduce the bioavailability of the latter. These include: glucocorticosteroids, barbiturates, laxatives, phenytoin and cholestyramine. If such a combination is necessary for medical reasons, then it is necessary to adjust the intake regimen, as well as the amount of the drug with calcium.

Calcium can not only be washed out of the skeletal system, but also accumulate in tissues or blood serum. This is bad, as it leads to hypercalcemia. This result can lead to the simultaneous administration of the drug with calcium and a thiazide diuretic. If such treatment is necessary, then the patient should regularly undergo blood calcium monitoring to avoid adverseconsequences of drug overdose.

Oxalates, contained in large quantities in potatoes, rhubarb, spinach, sorrel, as well as the substance of many crumbly cereals - phytin, have a negative effect on the absorption of calcium from the gastrointestinal tract when taken orally. If the next meal included dishes from the above products, then you need to take the medicine after four hours.

calcium d3 nycomed forte
calcium d3 nycomed forte

How should I take the drug?

The instructions for use attached to Calcium D3 Nycomed Forte indicate the dosage and mode of administration. Since it is made in the form of chewable tablets with a lemon flavor, they must be taken by chewing thoroughly with meals. For prophylactic purposes, the drug is taken in the amount of 2 tablets per day, either at the same time, or by dividing the dose into two times: 1 tablet in the morning and 1 in the evening. If the diagnosis of "osteoporosis" has already been established, then this medicine is taken 3 tablets per day. The duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician with regular monitoring of the condition of bones, teeth, hair and nails and is carried out in combination with other medical prescriptions.

Calcium and vitamin D3 deficiency conditions in the patient's body are compensated by the course intake of this medication and take into account the patient's age.

  • Under 3 years this medicine is contraindicated;
  • from 3 to 5 years, only half or a whole tablet per day is prescribed;
  • From 5 to 12 years old, chew 1-2 tablets a day;
  • Adults and adolescents over 12 years of age are shown one tablet twice a day.

It is not recommended to take this drug on your own. A doctor's consultation is necessary to exclude both possible contraindications and overdose, and poisoning with the drug, determine the duration of the course of treatment and the dose of the drug.

calcium d3 nycomed forte reviews
calcium d3 nycomed forte reviews

Pregnancy, lactation and calcium

Osteoporosis is a serious symptom of musculoskeletal problems caused by the destruction of bone tissue due to an insufficient amount of calcium in it. The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding can cause a lack of calcium in the body of a woman. Many women take its signs as natural ailments of pregnant women:

  • back pain;
  • hair loss;
  • weak nails;
  • numbness of the limbs, both upper and lower;
  • destruction of tooth enamel;
  • cramps in the calf muscles.

Use "Calcium D3 Nycomed Forte" (the instructions for it offer) as a preventive measure necessary for pregnant and lactating mothers. But the doctor must prescribe the medicine, taking into account the state of he alth of the woman and with his constant monitoring. The same applies to the lactation period. The active components of this drug penetrate into breast milk, and, therefore, into the body of the child. Therefore, a woman needs to control the intake of this medication, as well as other ways of entering this substance into the body, since an overabundancechemical element can lead to pathological processes, such as hypercalcemia.

calcium d3 nycomed forte side effect
calcium d3 nycomed forte side effect

An over-the-counter drug in pharmacies - "Calcium D3 Nycomed Forte" (prices may vary slightly) is an important component that helps maintain he alth. It is advisable to take it after the recommendation of your doctor, according to the prescribed scheme. It will help make bones and teeth stronger, hair and nails he althy. For an over-the-counter drug, the average price is from 400 to 700 rubles.

Reviews about the drug "Calcium D3 Nycomed Forte" doctors and patients leave positive. This tool works well for preventive purposes, saturating the body with building material for the skeletal system. Its role in complex therapy is also important. Patients note a convenient form - chewable tablets that can be taken once or twice a day.

Vitamin-mineral complexes are useful, essential for maintaining good he alth. They supplement the diet, deliver important elements for the proper functioning of all organs and systems. But such drugs should be taken only after the recommendation of the attending physician, who will collect a complete history, find out the general state of he alth with the help of the necessary examination and clinical tests, compare the possible prescription of the drug and the existing diseases and medications taken by the patient. There is no need to self-medicate with medications, because substances important for the body are stored behind the seeming absolute safety,an overabundance of which can lead to adverse consequences. So first visit the doctor and consult, and then go to the pharmacy to buy vitamins.
