Fleming's ointment has become one of the effective local preparations for hemorrhoids. This remedy is a homeopathic combination. Its undoubted advantage is the natural composition, due to which side symptoms do not appear. The ointment helps relieve pain, protect against germs, eliminate inflammation and relieve swelling.
Form and composition
The drug is produced in the form of a white-yellow ointment with a specific menthol aroma, in a polymer tube of 25 and 15 grams.

Main ingredients:
- zinc oxide is the main component that dries, eliminates puffiness and eliminates the inflammatory process in the mucosa, strengthens the vascular walls to prevent bleeding;
- calendula (D1 dilution) - produces a decongestant, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect on hemorrhoids, eliminates discomfort, suppresses allergies and starts recovery processes; medicinal marigolds are effectivein the treatment of various wounds;
- menthol - a local antiseptic that has an analgesic and cooling effect, normalizes vascular tone;
- virgian witch hazel (D1 dilution) – strengthens vascular walls, increases their elasticity, improves blood circulation and prevents bleeding, relieves inflammation and produces a protective effect;
- esculus (D1 dilution) - horse chestnut, which has a local tonic and anesthetic effect, makes the nodules dissolve;
- Vaseline acts as a basis, which helps to accelerate healing and soften the mucous membrane, improves outflow in the veins and increases regeneration;
- excipients: alpha-pinene, anethole, cineole, carotenoids, glycosides. Instructions for Fleming's ointment are very detailed.
As a percentage, each plant component accounts for 1.75%; menthol contains 0.65%; zinc - 9.3%. Vaseline fills the rest of the volume.
The D1 indicator, which is used in the creation of homeopathic medicines, reflects the fact that the active ingredient is diluted in a ratio of 1:10.

Drug effects
The composition contains vegetable ingredients, petrolatum and zinc. Fleming's ointment for hemorrhoids (drug) makes it possible to prevent further venous stretching of the rectum. Due to the outflow of blood, the tension of the blood vessel walls decreases. They are less injured and relaxed. After the inflammation subsides and the swellingdisappears, the pain decreases, and the burning and itching almost do not appear.
The outflow of blood from the veins eliminates the feeling of fullness of the cones. The bleeding stops, and the wounds present gradually heal.
Redness and swelling in the anal region are reduced due to the anti-inflammatory effect of the ingredients of the ointment, which reduce capillary permeability in the tissues located near the hemorrhoids.
The agent used, which produces an antibacterial effect, prevents the further reproduction of microorganisms of pathogenic flora. The likelihood of complications of external hemorrhoids (suppuration, paraproctitis) is minimized.
The ointment dries the epidermis and eliminates wetting caused by inflammation exudate. Irritated skin heals and soothes faster.
Characterization of the effect of a drug clearly reflects its healing effectiveness. If during treatment with Fleming's ointment the patient adheres to a laxative diet, the signs of hemorrhoids can be completely eliminated.

The drug is used in the treatment of the following pathologies:
- hemorrhoids, especially at the initial stage;
- rhinitis (runny nose);
- skin rash (allergic dermatitis).
The drug is suitable for both internal and external hemorrhoids. The ointment can also be applied to mucous membranes.
Effective for itching, anal fissures, anal bleeding, uncomplicated hemorrhoids.

For external hemorrhoids, the ointment is used prophylactically to avoid paraproctitis, thrombosis and tissue necrosis.
Using ointment for hemorrhoids
The use of Fleming's ointment for hemorrhoids is determined by the stage of pathology and the severity of disease-causing symptoms. To assess the patient's condition, you should contact a specialist who will tell you in detail how to use the drug correctly.
Cotton swabs are best suited for treating a problem area. They cannot be re-immersed in the product. If you need to dial a new portion of the ointment, then you should use a clean cotton swab. When the applicator is immersed in the ointment again, pathogenic microorganisms can get into it, the colonies of which will make the composition dangerous to humans and ineffective.
The drug should be applied to hemorrhoidal bumps in a thin layer one to three times a day. The jar should be tightly twisted after each use. It is stored in a cool dark place at a temperature of less than 25 ˚C.
Before treating the problem area and after manipulation, it is imperative to wash your hands. Patients who will apply the ointment for several days will feel how the condition improves markedly. To consolidate the effectiveness of the treatment course, it is necessary to continue therapy even when the painful symptoms disappear. The average duration of treatment with Fleming's ointment is two weeks. If necessary, its duration is increased.
The most noticeable effect can be achievedin the treatment of hemorrhoids in the initial stages.
Side effects
According to the instructions for use and reviews, Fleming's ointment does not cause side effects. It is used in very small doses and does not cause negative symptoms in patients. That is why it can be used to treat weakened categories of patients (the elderly and children).
What else does the instructions for use for Fleming's ointment tell us? In rare cases, allergies may occur to components. Treatment in such a situation is terminated. You need to see a specialist to change the medicine.

If you are allergic to the composition of the drug, you need to test before using it. To this end, a little ointment is applied to the wrist, and the skin reaction is observed for several hours. With reddening of the epidermis, the product can not be used. It is not recommended for children under two years of age.
Use in Pregnancy
Pregnancy often accompanies hemorrhoids, in this condition allergic manifestations and dermatitis can also worsen.
Because the ointment contains no artificial substances, it can be used during breastfeeding and pregnancy.
However, caution must be exercised when using Fleming's ointment, as some patients may experience an allergic reaction even to herbal ingredients.

Ointment can be used inthis period is also with rhinitis and dermatitis, it is not dangerous for the he alth of the child and the expectant mother. Before using the medicine, a medical consultation is required, only an experienced specialist can determine the most effective and efficient treatment regimen.
The drug has a number of analogues, similar in their effects. These include Vishnevsky's ointment, Esculus, Hepatrombin, Aiolaks, Proctosan, Cyclo 3 Fort, Bezornil, Firelex, Troxevasin, Trombless, heparin ointment, Sulgan, "Avenok", "Simetrid", "Aescin", "Rutin", "Bisacodyl", "Romazulan", "Venarus", "Relief", "Venocomfort", "Prostopin", "Heparoid", "Papaverine", " Gipozol", "Normazep", "Detralex", "Nefluan", "Doloprokt", "Metovit", "Laksatin". A doctor should select a replacement.
Reviews on Fleming's ointment
Patients in the reviews of the ointment note its ease of use and availability, the drug is in great demand among medicines with a similar effect. The maximum number of responses from people is associated with the treatment of hemorrhoids, and almost everyone notes the high effectiveness of this drug.
Itching and pain are noticeably reduced almost immediately after the start of therapy, when using the drug for more than seven days, hemorrhoids resolve, cracks heal. Some patients use the ointment for bleeding and itching (there is no diagnosis of hemorrhoids).
There are also reviews where patients note the high effectiveness of the drug in nasal congestion and the treatment of a runny nose already on the second day of treatment. Ointment for sinusitis allowseliminate symptoms on the tenth day.
Almost all patients say there are no side effects, contraindications, there is also the possibility of therapy during pregnancy.
Undoubted advantages are the herbal composition of the drug, a wide scope of use: pathology of ENT organs, anal fissures, hemorrhoids and allergic dermatitis.

Disadvantages: high price, lack of effectiveness in the later stages of the disease, individual sensitivity, inconvenient packaging, sometimes not available in pharmacies.
You can't self-medicate. Homeopathic medicines are usually used as part of complex therapy. Only a specialist after examination will determine the degree of pathology and select effective medicines.
We reviewed the instructions and reviews for Fleming's ointment.