Obsessive anxiety, insomnia, neurosis, fear and anxiety - all these are signs of nervous diseases. To eliminate them, you should definitely contact an experienced specialist. The latter is obliged to conduct a full examination, and then prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Quite often, to eliminate the listed conditions, drugs are used that are based on such an active substance as aminophenylbutyric acid. About what medicines it contains, how much it costs and how it affects the patient's body, we will tell in this article.
Pharmacological characteristics of neuroleptics
Aminophenylbutyric acid acts on GABA receptors, which are located in the central nervous system. It greatly facilitates GABA-mediated impulse transmission and improves the biological and energy processes in the brain.
Besides this, the mentioned substance eliminates anxiety, fear, tension and anxiety. It improves the quality of sleep, prolongs, and also potentiates the action of analgesics (narcotic), sleeping pills and neuroleptic drugs.
Remedies based on this component increase mentalperformance, reduce the manifestations of such vasovegetative symptoms as a feeling of heaviness in the head, emotional lability, headache, irritability and insomnia.

Also, aminophenylbutyric acid reduces signs of asthenia, improves the speed of sensorimotor reactions, memory, accuracy and attention. Her reception increases interest in work, gives a good mood.
All antipsychotics have a nootropic effect. And the substance in question is no exception. It reduces the duration and severity of nystagmus, and also increases the latency period.
Drug Kinetics
Aminophenylbutyric acid, analogues of which are presented below, is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and penetrates into all organs and tissues. Approximately 0.1% of the dose used is found in brain tissue. By the way, this figure is much higher in older people.
The metabolism of this substance occurs in the liver. As a result, inactive derivatives are formed.
Approximately 5% of the agent in question is excreted in the urine. It does not accumulate in the human body.
Indications for taking pills
The nootropic action of aminophenylbutyric acid, as well as other properties of this ingredient, are essential for treatment:
- asthenic syndrome;
- anxiety-neurotic states (for example, anxiety, fear and anxiety);
- compulsive disorder;
- dizziness;
- vestibular disorders of vascular, traumatic and infectiousorigin (including Meniere's disease);
- night anxiety and insomnia in older patients;
- psychopathy;
- otogenic labyrinthitis;
- premedication before surgery;
- tic, stuttering, enuresis in children.

It should also be noted that aminophenylbutyric acid, the price of which depends on the type of drug, is used to prevent alcohol withdrawal syndrome (in complex therapy) and motion sickness in kinetosis.
Contraindications to the use of medication
This substance has practically no contraindications. It should not be prescribed only for hypersensitivity.
Instructions for the use of the drug and its dosage
Aminophenylbutyric acid is administered orally after a meal. People over 14 years old are recommended to take it three times a day for 0.26-0.5 g. If necessary, the dose can be increased to 2.5 g per day. The duration of treatment is three weeks. Persons over 60 years of age are prescribed no more than 0.5 g of the drug at one time.
Adolescents 8-14 years old are given 0.26 g of medication, and up to eight years old - 0.05-0.01 g three times a day.
The largest single dosage for adults is 0.76 g. Patients over 60 years old - 0.5 g, adolescents 8-14 years old - 0.26 g, and babies under 8 years old - 0.15 g.

In Meniere's disease and otogenic labyrinthitis during an exacerbation, the drug is prescribed four times a day, 0.75 g for a week.
Whento reduce the symptoms of vestibular disorders, the drug is recommended to be taken three times a day, 0.26–0.5 g for 7 days, and then 0.26 g (once a day) for 5 days.
For mild diseases, the drug is prescribed twice a day, 0.26 g for a week, and then once a day for ten days.
To relieve alcohol withdrawal syndrome at the beginning of therapy, it is advised to take 0.26-0.5 of the drug during the day and 0.75 g at night.
In case of dizziness, as well as in case of impaired functioning of the vestibular analyzer of vascular or traumatic origin, the medication is prescribed three times a day, 0.26 g for 2 days.
For the prevention of motion sickness, aminophenylbutyric acid is given to the patient once at a dose of 0.26-0.5 g 60 minutes before travel.
Features of the use of neuroleptics
With prolonged use of the drug, monitoring of liver function and peripheral blood patterns is required.
This tool should be used with caution by drivers of vehicles and those whose work is associated with the speed of motor and mental reactions.

With severe symptoms of motion sickness (vomiting, dizziness, etc.), the drug is ineffective.
Side effects
When taking aminophenylbutyric acid, the patient may develop drowsiness, dizziness and headache. It can also cause nausea, anxiety, increased irritability, allergic reactions, and agitation.
Aminophenylbutyric acid is able to prolong and potentiate the action of analgesics (narcotics). It similarly affects antipsychotics, hypnotics, antiepileptics, and antiparkinsonian drugs.
Popular medicines
What drugs use aminophenylbutyric acid? Analogues of this agent may contain a different amount of the mentioned substance. Therefore, for their appointment, you should definitely contact a specialist.
Drugs with such an active ingredient include: Phenibut, Anvifen, Noofen.

The price of these funds is not very high. It is about 180-190 rubles.
Reviews of doctors about aminophenylbutyric acid are quite rare. Most often, experts leave messages about specific drugs that contain this substance. Most of them are positive.
The disadvantages of this antipsychotic are the presence of a large number of side effects, as well as the inability to use in young children. Although experts say that with the right dosage, this drug cannot harm the baby's body.