Each parent during the period of growing up of his own baby more than once meets with a huge number of infections around him. Not always the child is able to cope with them without the help of medicines due to their immunity. With reduced immunity, diseases overcome the child's body. Almost all infectious diseases in young patients are accompanied by fever. Children are extremely resistant to infections caused by viruses. They mutate rapidly, as a result of which a child can get sick several times during the season. To strengthen the body's defenses, you can use the effective remedy "Viferon" in candles for young patients.

Main data
As indicated in the instructions, candles for children "Viferon" contain the active substance alpha2b-interferon. This component enhanceshuman immunity. "Viferon" is produced in various dosage forms, but for children it is recommended to use the medication in candles produced with different contents of the active ingredient. Candles looks like this:
- light color with a hint of yellow;
- possible color heterogeneity and the presence of a funnel-shaped cutout on the side cut;
- candle radius no more than five mm.

The drug is sold in a box of ten candles, each of them has an individual container. Shelf life of candles - two years. Keep them in a cool place.
Active content
The content of the active substance is determined by the colored strip on the packaging of candles "Viferon":
- 150000 (instruction recommended for children) - blue;
- green - 500000 IU;
- purple - 1000000 IU;
- red - 5000000 IU.

After the diagnosis is made, Viferon suppositories are prescribed for children at a dosage determined by the attending physician.
The medicine is used in the following cases:
- SARS. Diseases are accompanied by high fever, muscle pain, fear of light. In addition to the treatment of infectious diseases, according to the instructions, Viferon candles for children must be used to prevent viral diseases. This is especially important for flu and colds, which children so often suffer from in spring and winter.period.
- Pneumonia that occurs when an infection enters the respiratory system, which, without the required therapy, very quickly descends down to the lungs. Inflammation of the lungs is difficult to recognize, the disease manifests itself in the form of various symptoms. Unfortunately, often pneumonia gives a complication to the cardiac system.
- Meningitis. The disease is extremely difficult in young children. It begins with vomiting, fever, fear of light, fever. Meningitis is terrible for its consequences, such as mental retardation, toxic shock. Possible death if not properly treated.
- Sepsis, in which the infection enters the human blood plasma and instantly spreads throughout the body. The disease is extremely difficult, accompanied by high fever and disruption of almost all human systems. Possible death if not properly treated.
- Herpes, in which the body of a small patient is covered with a specific rash. The disease always speaks of a weak immune system of the child. Unfortunately, there is no cure for herpes.
- Chlamydia, transmitted to the child from a sick mother during delivery. Children with good he alth cope with the disease, but in weakened babies, chlamydia very often turns into pneumonia. Children begin to suffer from insomnia.
- Cytomegalovirus. It looks like chlamydia. The main manifestations of the disease are muscle pain, lethargy, fever.
- Cirrhosis of the liver. "Viferon" in candles for children is used in such cases for the treatment of symptoms.

Candles "Viferon" for children are suppositories used rectally. They are introduced to small patients in the rectum, where they are quickly absorbed by the mucous membrane. When a small patient enters the body, the medication begins to activate processes important for the child:
- accelerates the response of the child's immune system;
- activates cells that produce protection against viruses for the body;
- reduces the rate of the inflammatory response;
- starts the recovery process at the cellular level.
Using candles for children

Candles "Viferon" for children of all ages are recommended for use from the first day of life. It is strongly not recommended to use Viferon suppositories without consulting your doctor, since each disease has its own schedule for the use of the drug. The dose of Viferon suppositories for children is determined depending on the age of the patient and the symptoms of the disease. The pediatrician should prescribe the drug.

The drug is used rectally. One suppository contains the active ingredient in the dosages indicated on the package. The symptoms of the disease and the age of the patient determine the dose of the drug.
- SARS and pneumonia. The prescribed dose for adults, pregnant women and for school-age and older children is Viferon candles 500,000 IU, one twice a day. It is necessary to apply through equal intervals of time daily for five days. Children under seven years of age, including those under one year old and premature babies born after the 34th week, are prescribed according to the instructions for the dosage of Viferon suppositories for children 150,000 IU - one at a time. Apply twice at regular intervals daily for five days. For premature babies born before the 34th week, the dosage according to the instructions of "Viferon" in candles for children is 150,000 IU - one unit three times a day every eight hours every day for five days. According to indications, treatment can be continued. Between courses, the break should be at least five days.
- Meningitis. The prescribed dose for newborns born after the 34th week, according to the instructions for use of "Viferon" in suppositories for children, is 150,000 IU every day, one suppository. It is necessary to apply through equal time intervals twice daily for five days. For premature babies or those born after the 34th week, for newborns, up to a year, according to the instructions, - candles "Viferon" 150,000 ME every day, one suppository three times a day every eight hours daily for five days.
- Hepatitis B, C, D. The prescribed dose for adults is 3,000,000 IU, one unit twice a day at regular intervals daily for ten days, then three times in seven days every other day for a year. The duration of therapy depends on the effectiveness of treatment and laboratory tests of the patient. Small children under six months are given 300,000-500,000 IU per day; aged six months to one year- 500,000 ME/day Small patients from one to seven years old are prescribed 3,000,000 IU per square meter of human body area in 24 hours. Children over seven years of age are prescribed ME 5,000,000 per square meter of human body surface area per day.
- Cirrhosis of the liver. Assign children under the age of seven years "Viferon" 150,000 ME, over the age of seven years for children - candles "Viferon" 500,000 ME one unit twice in 24 hours, at regular intervals daily for a crescent.
- Chlamydia. The prescribed dosage for adults is a medication of 500,000 ME in twelve hours, one unit twice every day for five to ten days. Pregnant women from the second trimester are prescribed "Viferon" 500,000 ME one suppository twice a day at equal intervals of time daily for ten days, then one suppository twice a day after twelve hours every fourth day for ten days. Then every month until the birth "Viferon" 150,000 IU, one suppository twice a day every twelve hours every day for five days. On demand, "Viferon" 500,000 ME is prescribed before childbirth, one candle twice a day after twelve hours every day for ten days.
- Herpes. The prescribed dosage is not for children - "Viferon" 1,000,000 ME, one unit twice a day at regular intervals every fourth day for ten days or more with a newly manifested infection. pregnant from the secondtrimester of pregnancy, "Viferon" 500,000 ME is prescribed one unit twice a day at equal intervals every fourth day for ten days, then one unit twice a day after twelve hours every fourth day for ten days. Then every four weeks until delivery - "Viferon" 150,000 IU, one suppository twice a day after twelve hours every fourth day for five days. According to indications before childbirth "Viferon" 500,000 ME one unit twice at equal intervals of time every fourth day for ten days.
The use of candles "Viferon" for children is perceived favorably by them. There are no contraindications to their use.
Side effect

The only thing that the instruction of the Viferon candles for children warns about is an allergy to the medication. Usually it is caused by coconut oil, which is part of the medication. Sometimes an allergy occurs to other components of the drug. A negative reaction manifests itself in the form of a rash. When using Viferon suppositories for the first time for children, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the skin of a small patient. The number of such children is small. And even in this case, "Viferon" does not stop taking, but continues to use it against the background of antiallergic therapy. As a rule, the allergy recedes on the third day.
Use during pregnancy and lactation
The drug is approved foruse from the fourteenth week of gestation. Has no prohibitions for use with breastfeeding.
Data on the overdose of the drug in the instructions for the candles "Viferon" for children are not provided. At the same time, the medication should still not be taken without consulting a doctor.

According to the instructions, Viferon suppositories for children are well combined with all drugs used in the treatment and prevention of the listed diseases of patients.
The medication should be kept out of the reach of children, in a cool and dark place. The shelf life of the medicinal product is two years.