"Cavinton": indications for use, analogues and reviews

"Cavinton": indications for use, analogues and reviews
"Cavinton": indications for use, analogues and reviews

Medication "Cavinton" was created in the 60s of the last century by pharmacologists "Gedeon Richter". The active ingredient of the drug is vinpocetine (one tablet "Cavinton forte" contains 10 mg of the active substance). It is a semi-synthetic version of the alkaloid vincamine, which has a vasodilating effect. Its usefulness has been established in case of blood flow failures in the brain. This, by the way, served as a motivation for pharmacologists to create a new drug. Today, "Cavinton" is used in many countries, including, of course, our country.

The main indications for the use of the drug "Cavinton" are: violations of stable blood flow in the brain, acute forms of pathology of the cerebral vessels. "Cavinton" has a stabilizing, calming effect on blood vessels by influencing the cellular exchange of nucleotides in the smooth muscle tissue of the walls, and also leads to a decrease in the tension of the walls of the vesselsbrain, prevent white blood cells from sticking together and significantly improve the properties of blood.

Indications for the use of "Cavinton" indicate that the main advantages of the drug are the accuracy of its action and narrow focus. It does not affect the circulatory system as a whole, and the stimulation of blood flow and relaxation of blood vessels occurs against the background of general blood pressure and a constant heart rate over time.


Issue form

The method of taking the medicine "Cavinton" depends on the form of release of the drug. It is available as a tablet or concentrate.

  • Tablets "Cavinton forte" 5 mg. They are sealed in blisters of 25 pieces, and then two blisters in a cardboard box. Tablets are white, round and flat, bevelled, printed on one side and scored on the back.
  • Concentrate "Cavinton" for solution for injections. It is available in ampoules of 2, 5 and 10 ml. They are packed in plastic cells of five ampoules, and then in packs of cardboard.

Dosage and method of administration

"Cavinton" is taken by patients after meals. The usual dosage is two tablets (with a dosage of 5 mg), which must be taken three times a day. The initial dose per day is 15 mg. The largest dose per day is 30 mg. The therapeutic effect occurs no earlier than a week after the start of drug therapy. The course of therapy is from one to three months. With dysfunctions of the kidneys and liver inthe patient is prescribed the drug in a standard dose, the uniform distribution and excretion of the active substance from the body allows for long courses of treatment.

To prepare a substance for injection into a vein, the concentrate is diluted with saline or a solution containing dextrose. Infusion is carried out slowly, with a maximum rate of 80 drops per minute. The initial dose per day is 20 mg (two ampoules), which must be dissolved in 500 ml of solution for infusion. Depending on the personal tolerability of the drug, over the next two days, the dosage can be increased to no more than 1 mg per 1 kg of the patient's weight per day. The duration of therapy takes from ten days to two weeks. The average dose per day, with a patient weighing 70 kilograms, is 50 mg (five ampoules in 500 ml of solution). In the presence of diseases of the liver and kidneys, dosage adjustment is not required.

At the end of the course of treatment, it is necessary to continue therapy with Cavinton Forte tablets (one tablet three times a day) or Cavinton tablets (two tablets three times a day). The solution with the drug "Cavinton" should be used in the first three hours after preparation. Remember: only the use of injections with Cavinton according to indications can lead to the desired effect without harm to the body. You should not use the drug yourself, you need to use the medicine only as directed and under the supervision of your doctor.

The duration of the course of therapy and dosage are selected individually. Indications for the use of droppers with "Cavinton"are determined by the condition of the patient and are clarified with the help of diagnostic studies.

Healing action

An attack of pain in the head
An attack of pain in the head

Medication "Cavinton":

  • Improves metabolism by increasing the absorption of glucose and oxygen by brain tissue.
  • Increases the resistance of neurons to hypoxia.
  • Increases the supply of glucose to the brain.
  • Transforms the breakdown of glucose into a more economical way.
  • Increases the concentration of the universal source of energy for all activities in the brain tissues; enhances the metabolism of serotonin in the brain.
  • Has an antioxidant effect.
  • Reduces the effect of platelets and blood viscosity, increases the changing ability of red blood cells and helps to increase the release of oxygen by red blood cells;
  • Increases the preventive effect of adenosine brain neuronal damage.
  • Increases blood flow in the vessels of the brain, reduces the resistance of cerebral vessels without adjusting the indicators of systemic blood flow (BP, minute volume, heart rate, OPSS).
  • Does not have a stealing effect, increases blood circulation, primarily in areas of the brain damaged by diseases.

Indications for use

headache symptom
headache symptom

Indication for the use of "Cavinton", according to reviews, is the need to improve cerebral circulation and metabolism. The drug is prescribed to reduce the severity of negative symptoms in neuralgia withvarious forms of insufficiently stable blood circulation in the brain. These include:

  • Stroke and its negative consequences.
  • Recovery stage after a stroke.
  • CNS disorder, which is acquired dementia in a patient.
  • Violation of the activity of the brain due to the weakening of blood flow in its vessels.
  • Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels.
  • Hypertensive or acquired pathology after brain injury.
  • Thrombosis of the central artery or retinal vein.
  • Dysfunction of the hearing organs of the perceptual type.
  • Diseases of the inner ear of a non-inflammatory nature.
  • Tinnitus.

Drug withdrawal

The use of the drug "Cavinton" according to indications has a number of limitations, such as:

  • Extremely severe phase of hemorrhagic blood flow disorders in the head.
  • Any form of coronary heart disease.
  • Arrhythmia.
  • Period of bearing a child.
  • Lactation period.
  • Under the age of eighteen.
  • Known personal hypersensitivity to the drug component, vinpocetine.

Side effects

An attack of pain
An attack of pain

Unfortunately, even the use of Cavinton according to indications sometimes causes side effects.

From the side of the heart and vascular system: change in cardiogram, tachycardia, extrasystole; change, more often a decrease in blood pressure, red spots on the skin, phlebitis.

Elderly patients may feeldeterioration, in them the use of the drug often causes a malfunction of the rhythm of the heart. Indications for the use of "Cavinton" may be heart disease in the elderly, but in such cases, before prescribing the drug, an ECG diagnosis of the patient is mandatory.

From the side of the central nervous system: dizziness, pain, weakness.

On the part of the digestive system: vomiting, nausea, heartburn, feeling of dry mouth.

The drug can cause allergies, even if used strictly according to indications. The use of "Cavinton" can also cause increased sweating and rashes on the body.

Special Instructions

"Cavinton" is contraindicated for use when carrying a child. Information on the safety of the drug during breastfeeding is not available.

Drug Interactions

Convenient drug intake
Convenient drug intake

Indications for the use of the drug "Cavinton" require careful study, before the appointment, you must familiarize yourself with the features of the drug interaction of the drug with other drugs. It is also necessary to consult about the possibility of combination therapy, all these issues should be discussed with your doctor, this will help to avoid negative consequences. Interactions with other drugs:

  • Simultaneous application does not show interaction with beta-blockers.
  • Simultaneous use with alpha-methyldopa is accompanied by an increase in the hypotensive effect, when using this combination, it is requiredcontinuous monitoring of blood pressure.
  • Concomitant administration with active, point-acting drugs and antiarrhythmics requires caution.
  • Concentrate for the manufacture of infusions for injection and heparin are incompatible, as a result, it is forbidden to administer them in the same mixture. The concentrate is also incompatible with infusion solutions that may contain amino acids.


Doctors often recommend this drug and leave positive feedback about its use:

  • Indications for the use of the drug "Cavinton" are often diseases in young patients. The drug works great for VVD, blood flow failures in the brain, during the recovery process after a craniocerebral injury, hydrocephalic syndrome, severe, recurring dizziness.
  • Indications for the use of the drug "Cavinton forte" are not only in neurology, but also in the practice of treating hearing organs, especially in acute and permanent sensorineural hearing loss in both adults and young children. The drug gives a tangible lasting effect on hearing changes in patients at a young age.
  • According to narcologists, the drug complements the combined therapy of asthenic conditions and depression in narcology.
  • According to gynecologists, indications for the use of Cavinton tablets can also be found in their field. The drug is very good at eliminating autonomic symptoms of menopause in women.

Diseases of the heart and cerebrovascular system are often indications forthe use of the drug "Cavinton". According to cardiologists, they, as a rule, try to prescribe the drug as part of joint therapy with other medicines. And this, unfortunately, indicates the poor effectiveness of "Cavinton forte" in monotherapy.

Other options

"Cavinton" has a number of analogues. All drugs have the same active ingredient and have similar pharmacodynamics. Generics include:

  • "Cavinton Forte"
  • "Cavinton comfort".
  • "Vinpocetine Forte".

Cavinton Forte


"Cavintona forte" with the active ingredient, vinpocetine, is a drug to improve blood flow in the brain. The active rhythm of life of a modern citizen implies a huge amount of stress and the presence of an increased load on the brain. This very often leads to violations of its vigorous activity. A clear sign of such disorders is the poor development of cognitive functions. You can also note:

  • deterioration of memory and attention;
  • difficulties with intellectual activity;
  • decrease in reaction rate.

Without treatment, blood flow disorders will become chronic and develop. The main role in the elimination of diseases of this profile is given to therapy aimed at stabilizing the metabolism in the tissues and vessels of the brain. For these purposes, drugs are used that prevent damage to brain neurons,one of them is Cavinton forte.

Vinpocetine's positive effect on blood circulation, metabolic processes and cognitive functions of the brain has been demonstrated in more than one hundred clinical trials. First of all, the active component is distributed in the tissues responsible for the performance of the higher functions of the human psyche, including memory and intellectual activity. The action of the active substance is aimed at normalizing blood circulation in the most difficult areas of the brain that need oxygen.

"Cavinton forte" activates the movement of blood in the brain, dilates its blood vessels, without causing a decrease in systemic blood pressure. In addition, the drug does not stimulate the deposition of calcium on the walls of the arteries. The main quality of the drug is its ability to stimulate blood flow in the brain by improving blood characteristics. "Cavinton forte" is an antioxidant. The antioxidant activity of the drug is sufficient to ensure the normal regulation of blood flow in the brain after ionizing radiation.

Tablets "Cavinton forte."
Tablets "Cavinton forte."

"Cavinton forte" actively promotes the entry of oxygen and glucose into cells, controlling their stable functioning. The use of the drug allows you to protect nerve cells during a period of increased stress. The drug rarely causes negative side effects and is well tolerated by patients with kidney and liver dysfunctions.

Indications for the use of "Cavinton forte" tablets are:

  • reduce neurological symptoms in poor blood flow to the brain;
  • vascular eye disease;
  • hearing loss treatment;
  • treatment of non-purulent disease of the patient's inner ear.

The drug does not harm the body if used strictly according to indications. Feedback on the use of "Cavinton forte" is mostly positive. Doctors often use the drug in small doses (up to 5 mg per day) when stopping antidepressants at the end of therapy. Also an indication for the use of "Cavinton forte" is complex therapy for mental vegetative abnormalities, as well as therapy for uncontrolled urination in young children.

Cavinton Comfort

According to doctors, "Cavinton Comfort" is a very convenient drug that is available in the form of chewable tablets that do not require drinking liquid. They have a citrus flavor. An excellent form of medication for patients who have difficulty swallowing.

"Cavinton comfort" has a stimulating effect on cerebral blood flow. The drug is effective for noise in the head and ears, with minor impaired functioning of the hearing organs. "Cavinton comfort" should be taken for a long time, from three to six months, if necessary.

Vinpocetine Forte

It is available as a 10mg tablet.

"Vinpocetine Forte" is taken orally one or two tablets three times a day. In the form of injections, in acute phases, a single dose is 20 mg, with positive tolerance, the dosage is increased over the next three days to 1 mg per kg of the patient's weight. The duration of treatment is from ten days to two weeks.

The drug improves blood flow in the brain and brain metabolism. The drug reduces the tone of the vascular walls of the brain, as a result of which the lumen of the vessels increases, which is due to a direct antispasmodic effect. When taking Vinpocetine Forte, systemic arterial pressure decreases slightly, but blood supply to the brain tissues improves, platelet aggregation decreases, blood rheological properties normalize and stabilize.

When taken orally, "Vinpocetine Forte" is rapidly absorbed from the digestive system. The highest concentration in the patient's blood plasma is reached after about an hour.

Has contraindications for taking while carrying a child.
