The leaves of the medicinal plant ginkgo biloba (two-lobed gingo) are used in Chinese medicine, and in Western medicine, and in cosmetology. Folk healers have known about its properties for more than one hundred years.
Today, in official medicine, the following properties of the extract of the leaves of a relict tree are used:
- Decontamination.
- Antiallergic.
- Antiviral.
- Decongestant.
The leaves of the tree contain active substances such as flavonoids (twenty-four percent of the total weight), organic acids and phenolic compounds. The relic tree is the only plant of its kind on the planet that contains ginkgolides. They are known to medicine for their ability to increase the elasticity of the walls of cerebral vessels. This leads to an improvement in the supply of essential substances and oxygen to the brain.

Relic tree
A tree grows on our planetginkgo biloba, which has existed on Earth for more than two hundred million years. Eastern countries such as China, Japan and Korea are considered the birthplace of this medicinal plant. Ginkgo biloba was brought to Europe only at the beginning of the 18th century; it currently grows in parks. This tree sometimes reaches a height of twenty-five meters. It is called the dinosaur tree. The ginkgo biloba leaf looks like a duck's foot. The plant resembles coniferous trees, although ginkgo biloba sheds foliage for the winter. The origin of the tree goes back to ferns.

Composition and release form
Relic tree foliage medicine comes in various forms. The most common are tablets. For example, Ginkgo Biloba Evalar. According to the instructions, each tablet contains forty mg of relict tree extract and twenty mg of glycine. Thirty kilograms of leaves are required to produce half a kilo of extract.
Biologically active supplements with relict tree extract are available in the form:
- Syrup.
- Gel.
- Powder.
- Pills.
Ginkgo Biloba capsules include:
- Relic tree extract.
- Pulp.
- Calcium stearate.
- Vitamins.
- Gelatin.
- Lactose monohydrate.
Medicinal effect

Ginkgo biloba extract (this information is available in the instructions) contains many components. Difficult to assess its impacton individual processes in the human body. According to the instructions, "Ginkgo Biloba" is a natural drug. Its Benefits:
- Influence on the vessels of the human brain to improve the performance of the brain, to maintain memory, which deteriorates with age, to improve blood circulation. According to the instructions for the use of Ginkgo Biloba tablets, when taken regularly, blood circulation in the brain stabilizes. The brain begins to be much better supplied with glucose and oxygen. According to the instructions for use of "Ginkgo Biloba", glycine, which is part of the drug, is responsible for metabolic processes in brain tissues.
- Protection of the human body from free radicals, cells from oxidation. Instructions for use "Ginkgo Biloba" confirms that preparations with this plant dilate blood vessels, normalize metabolic processes, restrain the influence of unoccupied radicals on the heart and brain, prevent the appearance of blood clots in blood vessels (the drug blocks the connection of platelets with each other, and then attaching them to the walls vessels). The substances contained in this plant reduce the rate of destruction of ascorbic acid in the body.
- Influence on metabolic processes in cells, blood circulation at the micro level, vasomotor processes occurring in vessels. Leaf extract is used by cardiologists in the treatment of vascular insufficiency. For example, in the treatment of hypoxia.
- Neuroprotective effect. The drug prevents damage to brain neurons. Instruction"Ginkgo Biloba" confirms that the drug affects the metabolic properties of dopamine and serotonin, because of this, the drug helps to cope with depression.
- Protecting kidney tissues. The instruction of "Ginkgo Biloba" confirms that the drug reduces proteinuria, has the ability to remove fluids from the body and normalize blood flow in the kidneys.
- Asthma prevention.
- Improving the quality of life in the elderly by improving the process of cerebral circulation, the normalization of metabolic processes. The use of "Ginkgo Biloba" can reduce the likelihood of heart failure and heart attacks in the elderly, lower cholesterol levels and normalize brain activity. The use of "Ginkgo Biloba" by elderly people allows you to normalize hearing, speech, vision, movement functions, memory, eliminate cycle disorders.
Doctors recommend using preparations with relic tree extract when:
- Discirculatory encephalopathy.
- Memory disorders, fear for no reason, decreased ability to learn, disruption of day and night.
- Dementia in old age.
- Weakness, fatigue.
- Impaired blood flow and microcirculation.
- Impaired reactions of nerve endings.
The dosage regimen and duration of therapy with Ginkgo Biloba is determined by the attending physician on a personal basis. The instruction to the medication recommends using it at leastthree months, taking one or two tablets (60-120 mg) once or twice a day. After a few months, to consolidate the therapeutic result, the course of treatment should be resumed. In the treatment of protracted prolonged painful conditions, it is possible to use six capsules per day. Preparations with relict tree extract must be swallowed with water.
Side effects

Despite the fact that "Ginkgo Biloba" is considered a well-tolerated drug, sometimes in patients with personal intolerance to the substances included in the medication, there may be malfunctions of the digestive system and the manifestation of allergic reactions. According to the reviews of those who used this drug, there may be such unpleasant reactions as irritability, drowsiness or insomnia, headache. Instructions for use "Ginkgo Biloba" contains the following contraindications for use:
- Age less than sixteen years of age, as there are no laboratory studies on the effectiveness of taking the drug in patients of this age.
- Personal intolerance to the components of the drug.
- Epilepsy.
- Period of planned operations.
Pregnant patients and during lactation, the drug is prescribed by the attending physician only under strict indications.
Terms and conditions of storage
Instructions for the use of "Ginkgo Biloba" confirms that the drug does not require special storage conditions. Hemust be kept in a dry place at room temperature. The shelf life of Ginkgo Biloba tablets (according to the instructions) is three years from the date of production. When the tablets were released is indicated on the package.
Instructions for the use of "Ginkgo Biloba" confirms the existence of numerous medicinal analogues:
- "Ginkgo Biloba Evalar".
- "Ginkgo Biloba Doppelgerz".
- "Vertex".
- "Tanakan".
Ginkgo Biloba Evalar

According to the instructions for use, "Ginkgo Biloba Evalar" helps to normalize blood circulation and improve brain performance. The composition of the drug includes an extract of a relic tree and glycine. According to the instructions for use, ginkgo biloba extract normalizes blood circulation and the supply of blood and oxygen to the brain, helps to keep blood vessels elastic and strong. Glycine normalizes metabolic processes in brain tissues. As stated in the instructions for Ginkgo Biloba, glycine also improves memory and attention.
There are contraindications for taking the drug: personal sensitivity and intolerance to components, pregnancy, lactation. Before using Ginkgo Biloba Evalar, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
According to the instructions for use of "Ginkgo Biloba Evalar", adults and children over twelve years of age take one tablet per day(e.g. at lunch). The course of admission takes approximately three weeks. According to the instructions, "Ginkgo Biloba Evalar" is recommended to be taken three times a year.
The medicine has a two-year shelf life.
Ginkgo Biloba Doppelhertz
Bioactive supplement "Ginkgo Biloba Doppelgerz" according to the instructions is intended to increase the intellectual abilities of patients of different ages and to normalize memory. The dietary supplement will be useful for the prevention of blood flow disorders in the head in the elderly. The vitamins of the drug "Ginkgo Biloba Doppelherz" are needed by the human body for good metabolism and for the functioning of the nervous system.

One tablet of "Ginkgo Biloba Doppelhertz" contains:
- Relic tree leaf extract containing flavonoids, amino acids and other beneficial trace elements. Flavonoids have an antimicrobial effect, prevent the appearance of sclerotic lesions, slow down blood clotting, reduce capillary fragility and permeability.
- Vitamin B1(thiamine). It helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system, participates in the carbohydrate, protein, fat and water metabolic processes of the human body. Thiamine increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases, stabilizes acidity, improves memory and the activity of the nervous system. With a lack of thiamine in the body, the functions of the working activity of the nervous system and muscle function are disturbed. The lack of this vitamin develops depressionand nervous breakdowns.
- Vitamin B2 (riboflavin). It is a catalyst for metabolic processes in the body. It is actively involved in the breakdown of fats and the absorption of nutrients in the digestive system. This vitamin is needed by the human body during the formation of red blood cells for tissue regeneration.
- Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). Plays a major role in metabolism, required for protein breakdown. This beneficial substance reduces cholesterol. Without this useful component, the peripheral and central nervous systems will not be able to function correctly. Vitamin B6 takes an active part in the production of the hormone of happiness. With an insufficient content of vitamin B6, serious heart diseases appear.
Before you start using the bioactive supplement "Ginkgo Biloba Doppelgerz" you need to consult your doctor. The drug can have side effects on the human body. Adults need to take it once a day, one capsule, which must be swallowed whole, without chewing, with water. To obtain a lasting result, you need to take these bioactive supplements every day for several months. After that, you need to interrupt for a month, and then, if necessary, repeat the reception.
Dietary supplement "Ginkgo Biloba Doppelherz" helps well in the event of such painful sensations:
- Headache or dizziness.
- Tinnitus.
- Violation of memory.
- Inability to concentrate on the task at hand.
- The emergence of fear withoutapparent reason.
- Violation of the regime of day and night.
- Sclerosis in the elderly.
Bioactive supplement "Ginkgo Biloba Doppelhertz" is not recommended for use in such cases:
- Age up to fourteen years old. There are no scientific studies on taking the drug before the age of fourteen, so this drug is not recommended for minors.
- Pregnancy or lactation.
- Personal intolerance to the components of the drug due to possible allergies.
- Acute period of disruption of normal blood flow in the brain or heart attack.
- When taken simultaneously with anticoagulants.
- Epilepsy. Seizures may become more frequent.
Ginkgo Biloba Forte

According to the instructions for use, "Ginkgo Biloba Forte" is produced in tablets, the composition of which is as follows:
- Relic tree extract.
- Green tea.
- Flower pollen, dried onion.
- Lactose monohydrate.
- Stearic acid.
- Polyvinylpyrrolidone.
30 tablets included in pack.
According to the instructions, "Ginkgo Biloba Forte" has the following pharmacological action:
- The drug normalizes pressure in the vessels of the brain, prevents the connection of several platelets with each other, acts antihypoxically on tissues and prevents the formation of free radicals. Supplement normalizes circulationin the vessels of the brain and all tissues of the body, normalizes the elasticity of blood vessels, reduces the likelihood of edema at the level of the head and in peripheral tissues.
- The constituent components of this dietary supplement, such as methylxanthines and catechins, have strong antioxidant properties, reduce stress, have a positive effect on the immune system of the human body, tone it up. Methylxanthines and catechins exhibit hypotensive, angioprotective effects, stimulate the breakdown of fat in all cells of adipose tissue. It actively helps to reduce excess weight, which is very important for people who want to lose weight.
- Dried onion has anti-atherosclerotic effect, reduces the increase in cholesterol deposits in the walls of blood vessels and reduces the formation of blood clots.
- Flower pollen contains vital unsaturated acids, without which there is no full recovery of cells. Flower pollen reduces the concentration of cholesterol and promotes its removal from the human body. The active substances of flower pollen inhibit the growth of harmful microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract and regulate its work, which is extremely important for increasing the bioavailability of biologically active substances. The pollen of flowers contains a complex of very important vitamins. Its complex vitamin composition has a positive effect on the circulatory system of the human body and has a cardiotonic effect, supports immunity.
- The effects of the components of "Ginkgo Biloba Forte" ensure the good functioning of the circulatory system of the brainat the microcirculatory level, have an anti-sclerotic effect, reduce thrombosis, restore vascular cell regeneration and rational nutrition of nervous system cells, have a positive effect on the body's immunity, reduce sensitivity to weather conditions and have a beneficial effect on a person's condition during periods of anomalies.
Ginkgo Biloba Forte is recommended as an additional source of flavone glycosides:
- During the recovery period after a stroke.
- During the recovery period after the outpouring of blood into the retina.
- To normalize blood flow.
- With atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels and myocardium.
- With a decrease in human performance.
- For anemia.
Medication not recommended:
- In case of personal intolerance to components.
- Pregnancy.
- During lactation.
Adults and children over fourteen years of age should take one tablet twice a day with meals. The duration of admission should be a month. This medication can be repeated two or three times a year.
The drug must be kept in a dry, dark box out of the reach of small children at a temperature not exceeding 25°C for no more than two years.
This analogue of "Ginkgo Biloba" is recommended by doctors as an active nutritional supplement for:
- Strengthening the elasticity of blood vessels.
- Improve blood flow in the brain.
- Normalization of metabolic processes of substances in cells.
The drug "Vertex" stimulates the tone in the veins, regulates the filling of blood vessels and protects against hypoxia. An indication for the use of "Vertex" may be slight dizziness, deterioration of a person's memory, poor concentration.
The composition of the medicinal product includes mainly an extract of a relict tree and other auxiliary components. You need to take "Vertex" according to the instructions, in the dosage regimen indicated by the attending physician.

The drug includes pomace from a tree and is produced in the form of capsules. As a result of taking this medication, the appearance of blood clots is prevented, vision and memory are improved.
This medicinal substance fights inflammation and has a diuretic effect. Doctors strongly recommend using the drug for progressive atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease and visual impairment. The total period of therapy is three months.
It is not recommended to take medication for diseases of the digestive system, diseases of the liver and stomach.