Antibiotic for pharyngitis in adults: names, instructions for use and reviews

Antibiotic for pharyngitis in adults: names, instructions for use and reviews
Antibiotic for pharyngitis in adults: names, instructions for use and reviews

Throat diseases are countless at the moment. All of them in symptoms (especially at the initial stage) are very similar. That is why, before prescribing treatment yourself, it is necessary to consult a doctor. If the diagnosis is confirmed, then you need to purchase medicines prescribed by a doctor. An antibiotic is usually prescribed, with pharyngitis in adults this is the best choice. The body is already hardy enough to prevent an unexpected reaction to the drug. This article discusses antibiotics for pharyngitis in adults, their names and characteristics are listed below.

antibiotic for pharyngitis in adults
antibiotic for pharyngitis in adults

What is pharyngitis?

This disease is most often observed in adults, it affects children much less frequently. Pharyngitis in symptoms is very similar to common angina. It causes inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat, itcharacterized by perspiration, dry cough and pain when swallowing. Such a disease affects a large number of people in the winter.

Those who like to be treated with folk remedies will have to be disappointed. Tea with raspberries and warm milk with honey will not cure this disease. The causative agent of pharyngitis is an infection, and it cannot be killed with medicinal herbs and other home treatments. In this situation, only an antibiotic can help. Therefore, you should not avoid going to the doctor. Delaying treatment can lead to irreparable consequences.

Disease types

Today, there are two types of pharyngitis: acute and chronic.

The first option is a concomitant disease with rhinitis. It is caused by a viral infection called adenovirus. By the symptoms, it is easy to distinguish this type of disease: the appearance of follicles with pus is observed in the throat, severe pain is felt when swallowing, and an hysterical dry cough is often tormented. The body temperature remains within the normal range. Two weeks is enough for a complete cure with the participation of antibiotics.

amoxicillin analogues
amoxicillin analogues

The second option most often occurs with regular avoidance of the treatment of acute pharyngitis. Chronic pharyngitis is dangerous in that a bacterial infection can also be added to a viral infection. Symptoms are even worse than in the acute form: in the larynx there is a sensation of perspiration, severe dryness; coughing may even keep you awake at night. People living in areas with low air humidity can get sick with chronic pharyngitis. If you are in a risk group, forprevention, you can take propolis - it stimulates the immune system.

Another type of disease is called granulosa pharyngitis, although doctors do not distinguish it as a third option. As symptoms, the presence of nodules on the back wall of the larynx is noted. Lymphatic tissue is also affected. If this type of pharyngitis is not treated, then it will go into a severe stage: the mucous membrane will dry out very much, and large brown crusts will appear on it. This can be a serious reason for hospitalization.

Treatment of disease

What remedies are effective in the fight against pharyngitis at the initial stage? Are there any peculiarities in taking drugs?

Depending on the type of disease, appropriate drugs are prescribed. These are not always antibiotics of the general spectrum of action; in cases of only the onset of the disease, it is possible to limit ourselves to local antiseptics. Among them are sprays and lozenges with antibacterial and analgesic effects. So an antibiotic for pharyngitis in adults is not the only way to combat the disease.

amoxicillin tablets instructions
amoxicillin tablets instructions

Anti-inflammatory drugs act directly in the pharyngeal cavity. But we must not forget about the rules for taking medications. If you drink alcohol while taking drugs, then the positive effect may decrease or disappear altogether. And in the treatment of antibiotics, the use of alcoholic beverages is highly discouraged! Mixing alcohol and medicine can even be fatal.

Types of antibiotics fortreatment of pharyngitis

If the disease still requires the use of serious drugs, then you should listen to the doctor's opinion. An antibiotic for pharyngitis in adults is prescribed for faster and better treatment. The types of antibiotics are listed as follows:

  1. Local preparations. These may be sprays to relieve the symptoms of pharyngitis. These include "Miramistin", "Kameton", "Bioparox", "Geksaliz". These funds are necessary for the disinfection of the inflamed mucosa.
  2. Drugs from the penicillin group. These are drugs already prescribed by a doctor. These antibiotics for pharyngitis in adults (names and instructions are listed below) are used for severe disease. Among them are Amoxicillin, Erythromycin, Phenoxymethylpenicillin, Cefadroxil, Clindamycin and a lot of their analogues. These medicines are famous for their fast effect.

"Amoxicillin": how to take, features

This antibiotic is the most commonly prescribed. Not only Amoxicillin itself is used, its analogues are also in demand among doctors. It belongs to the group of penicillins, and its effectiveness has been proven by many people. The most common form of release of a drug such as "Amoxicillin" is tablets. The instruction is attached to the medicine. If the doctor did not indicate the dosage, then you need to take this medicine three times a day, 500 mg.

antibiotics for pharyngitis in adults
antibiotics for pharyngitis in adults

We must not forget that "Amoxicillin",analogues of it can cause various allergic reactions. Long-term use of such drugs causes fungal diseases. To avoid such problems, it is necessary to take probiotics along with the antibiotic. Intestinal microflora in this case will remain as much as possible in the same state.

"Cefadroxil" and briefly about it

This antibiotic is a cephalosporin. In the case of treatment with this remedy, 7-10 days are enough for a complete recovery. The specified drug is prescribed with approximately the same frequency as Amoxicillin. Doctors are aware of the emergence of virus resistance to commonly used antibiotics and therefore are trying to diversify treatment in order to completely eradicate the infection.

If the patient was prescribed Cefadroxil, the doctor's instructions must also contain a regimen for taking this drug. Usually this medicine is taken as follows: one capsule per day. You can split it into two steps.

"Erythromycin": instructions and other details

Macrolide antibiotics are gaining more and more popularity every day. Their action reduces the likelihood of side effects, they are less toxic. These include Erythromycin, a new generation antibiotic.

erythromycin antibiotic
erythromycin antibiotic

The duration of treatment with this drug takes 10 days, it is better to check the dosage and method of administration with your doctor. He will explain the scheme of application of the drug. Most often, "Erythromycin" (an antibiotic from the macrolide group) is prescribedpeople prone to severe allergic reactions. It fully helps to relieve the patient of pharyngitis and at the same time does not have a big effect on the kidneys and liver.

How to take "Phenoxymethylpenicillin"?

This drug is a drug similar to "Amoxicillin" (tablets), the instruction says that both of these drugs belong to the same group of penicillins. The difference is that the antibiotic Phenoxymethylpenicillin is the precursor to Amoxicillin.

Today, doctors no longer recommend this antibiotic in the treatment of pharyngitis. Apparently, the toxicity of the drug still exceeds the expected benefits of its use.

The regimen (if it was not prescribed by the attending physician) is as follows: 3-4 times a day, 500-100 mg. But you should not adjust the dosage yourself, as this remedy has a lot of side effects.

"Clindamycin": instructions and effectiveness

This antibiotic belongs to the group of lincosamides. Most often it is prescribed for diseases of the ENT organs. "Clindamycin" is an antibiotic of universal action, it is available in various forms (tablets, solution, suppositories, gel) and quickly destroys harmful bacteria that cause a wide variety of diseases. It treats not only diseases of the larynx, but also of the skin and others.

macrolide antibiotics
macrolide antibiotics

Prescribe clindamycin individually. But if the patient was not provided with a regimen and dosage of the drug, then takeit is needed at a dose of 300 mg twice a day. Caution must be exercised in taking people with a history of liver and kidney disease. The components of the antibiotic may affect the functioning of these organs.

Reviews of listed antibiotics

Many people share their impressions of treatment with this or that remedy. Regarding the antibiotics listed above, the impressions of former patients remained extremely ambiguous. Someone writes about the complete absence of positive dynamics in treatment, someone, on the contrary, notes a significant improvement.

Most often, doctors replace the antibiotic with a negative effect from the first remedy prescribed. This trend does suggest a good outcome. Indeed, due to the individuality of organisms and the dynamics of the course of the disease, it is impossible to predict whether the use of, for example, the same "Amoxicillin" will be sufficient to cure pharyngitis.

cefadroxil instruction
cefadroxil instruction

Many pregnant women during pharyngitis do not know what to do. Their fear is quite clear - it is not known how the use of an antibiotic will affect the child's condition. This problem is often discussed with doctors, trying to clarify all the nuances. Positive feedback is observed in this situation only about "Amoxicillin".

Of course, you can't rely on reviews alone. Before you start taking this or that drug, you should consult with your doctor. It is he who must prescribe the treatment and explain the medication regimen and dosage.

In closing

Antibiotics –these are far from the most harmless medicines. They cannot be taken uncontrollably, and even more so, they cannot be prescribed independently. An antibiotic for pharyngitis in adults is prescribed by a doctor. It is necessary to strictly observe the treatment, take the drug on time and not be zealous with the dosage. So you can avoid a lot of various complications. If you want to completely cure pharyngitis, it is recommended to follow the doctor's instructions and not wind yourself up. At the present time, there are practically no incurable diseases left.
