"Calcium D3 Nycomed" for children: composition, description, effect of the drug, instructions for use, analogues and dosage

"Calcium D3 Nycomed" for children: composition, description, effect of the drug, instructions for use, analogues and dosage
"Calcium D3 Nycomed" for children: composition, description, effect of the drug, instructions for use, analogues and dosage

"Calcium D3 Nycomed" for children is positioned by the instructions for use as a biological food supplement, which is an additional source of vitamin D3 and calcium.

In addition to building the skeleton and making it strong, calcium is part of numerous enzyme systems and processes that cause various bodily reactions. For example, calcium ions contribute to:

can children
can children
  • voluntary movements and contraction of bodily muscles;
  • heart contractions with constant maintenance of the desired rhythm;
  • sending nerve impulses along nerve fibers;
  • provide muscle tone for both smooth and striated muscles;
  • good blood clotting;
  • activation and synthesis of certain enzymes and hormones;
  • Adequate intake of calcium along with magnesium has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and anti-stress effects.

Can children "Calcium D3 Nycomed"?The drug is prescribed for babies in the presence of rickets and convulsions, acute blood loss, allergic reactions and other conditions. It is very important to ensure that the baby gets enough calcium along with nutrition from an early age, this is necessary to prevent the formation of rickets and disorders of nervous excitability. However, calcium can only be absorbed along with dietary vitamin D, otherwise absorption is impaired.

There are specific norms of calcium, which must be supplied to the body along with drinking and nutrition, as well as with additional funds. From birth to six months, a baby needs approximately 400 milligrams, from six months to a year - 600 milligrams, from one to ten - up to 800 milligrams, after ten - from 1000 to 1200 milligrams.

If a child's body suffers from a lack of calcium, he has various he alth problems - a significant lag in weight and height indicators, inhibition of the development of the psyche.

calcium d3 nycomed instructions for use for children
calcium d3 nycomed instructions for use for children

If this is the first two years, that is, early age, calcium deficiency (most often together with vitamin D) forms a metabolic disease - rickets, which, if left untreated, can cause skeletal deformities, impaired digestion, development and growth, and functioning of the nervous systems. At an older age, in addition to skeletal problems, legs and hair suffer, stoop and other postural disorders appear, muscular dystonia and dental pathologies, metabolic defects, etc.

It is important to know that the appointment of a childcalcium preparations should be strictly justified by a specialist, since its excess forms calcifications and harms tissues and kidneys. In addition, calcium s alts are often difficult to digest, affect digestion and threaten constipation. It is necessary to replenish the calcium content with the help of food, while drugs are prescribed for a pronounced lack of the mineral and various diseases.

Composition of the drug and its action

"Calcium D3 Nycomed" for children is a combination remedy containing carbonate (1.25 grams) and 200 IU of vitamin D3 in each calcium tablet. Vitamin D enhances the absorption of calcium by the body, regulation of metabolism occurs both in bones and in nails, teeth, muscles and hair. Resorption decreases, bone density increases.

Calcium is one of the most important components of the life of the body, is included in the blood coagulation system, takes part in muscle contraction and regulates the functioning of the nervous system.

Thanks to vitamin D3, the production of parathyroid hormone, which is responsible for leaching calcium from bones and improving its absorption from the patient's intestines, is inhibited.

So it says in the instructions for use for "Calcium D3 Nycomed" for children.

calcium d3 nycomed for children 3 years old
calcium d3 nycomed for children 3 years old

Pharmacological influence

Combined remedy that regulates calcium metabolism in the body (muscles, hair, nails, teeth, bones). Resorption (resorption) decreases, bone density increases, deficiency of vitamin D3 and calcium in the bodyreplenished, required for dental mineralization. Calcium is involved in the regulation of nerve conduction, muscle contraction and is an element of the blood coagulation system.

Vitamin D increases the absorption of calcium by the intestines. The use of a complex of vitamin D3 and calcium prevents the increase in the production of parathyroid hormone, which is a stimulator of high bone resorption (washing out of calcium from bones).

Vitamin D3 absorption occurs in the small intestine. In the ionized form, calcium is absorbed in the proximal small intestine using an active, vitamin D-dependent transport mechanism.

Indications for use

Why is "Calcium D3 Nycomed" prescribed for children? Indications include prevention and treatment of vitamin D3 and/or calcium deficiency; prevention and treatment of osteoporosis - of a certain type or of unknown origin; during the period of active growth of the child.

calcium d3 nycomed for children from one year old
calcium d3 nycomed for children from one year old

Contraindications for use

Is "Calcium D3 Nycomed" suitable for children from one year old? Unfortunately no. Among the contraindications:

  • under 3 years of age;
  • hypercalcemia (excessive calcium in the blood);
  • kidney stones (nephrolithiasis);
  • increased concentration of vitamin D in the body;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • acute kidney failure;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • Phenylketonuria patients;
  • individual sensitivity to the composition of the drug.

During lactationand pregnancy, the drug should be taken very carefully. The daily amount of calcium is 1500 milligrams, D3 is 6'00 IU.

To avoid hypercalcemia, it is necessary to take into account how much calcium enters the body with food during the day and determine the desired dosage of the remedy.

What else does the instructions for use for "Calcium D3 Nycomed" for children tell us?

Side effects

This drug may cause the following side effects:

  • increase in the concentration of calcium in the blood;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • nausea and bloating;
  • abdominal pain;
  • increased calcium output with urine;
  • allergic reactions to the composition of the drug.
calcium d3 nycomed instructions for children
calcium d3 nycomed instructions for children

Application of additive

"Calcium D3 Nycomed" for children should be used in courses of four to six weeks. Their number is determined individually, which depends on the level of calcium deficiency in a person. Tablets are allowed to be swallowed whole, sucked or chewed. The drug has a pleasant taste, it does not cause negative emotions when taken by children.

How to use "Calcium D3 Nycomed" for children from 3 years old?

With a lack of vitamin D and calcium: children over twelve years of age and adults - twice a day, one tablet; children from five to twelve years old - 1-2 tablets per day; from three to five years - the amount in accordance with medical recommendations.

It is the pleasant taste that is a significant advantage of the drug, since children are not easily persuaded to take it,but if he's like "candy", it's very easy to do.

Drug Interactions

The simultaneous use of vitamin complexes or preparations with calcium requires monitoring the degree of replenishing components in the body in order to prevent their excess in time.

It is recommended by the manufacturer to take into account the possibility of using additional drugs and their impact on the result of therapy:

  • the concentration of tetracycline is decreasing, so products with this substance should be used with a break of 2-3 hours;
  • the use of corticosteroids reduces the degree of calcium, and therefore, with simultaneous use, the dosage of the claimed drug must be increased;
  • the intensity of bisphosphonate absorption decreases, so they are taken separately, a break of at least an hour;
  • diuretic drugs can increase the level of the drug used in the patient's body;
  • "Calcium D3 Nycomed" is able to influence the effectiveness of drugs for the thyroid gland;
  • certain foods can affect the absorption time of the product (cereals and green herbs);
  • Quinolone antibiotics should be used alone as they are less effective.

It must be remembered that Calcium D3 Nycomed is prohibited for children under 3 years old.

calcium d3 nycomed forte for children
calcium d3 nycomed forte for children


In case of an overdose of a drug, the patient should immediately stop using it and consult a doctor. The therapy is based on gastric lavage and rehydration treatment.

Signs of overdose are dyspeptic disorders; decrease in body weight, mental disorders, weakness, increased pressure, arrhythmia, distortion of renal activity.

Means analogues

On sale is "Calcium D3 Nycomed Forte" for children. It has one dosage form: chewable tablets with lemon flavor. The main difference between Calcium-D3Nycomed and Calcium-D3Nycomed Forte is the content of colecalciferol (vitamin D3). In one tablet of the first agent - 5 mcg (200 IU) of cholecalciferol, in a tablet of "Calcium-D3 Nycomed Forte" - 10 mcg (400 IU).

Complex preparations containing calcium are widely used in pediatrics. Usually these include vitamin D3, which helps calcium to be absorbed, as well as a number of other compounds and vitamins.

"Complivit-Calcium D3" is specially designed for babies, it comes in the form of a powder, the dilution of which helps to make a suspension. There is also a tablet form for patients over the age of three.

"K altsid" is a drug that is created on the basis of egg shells (it contains calcium carbonate), it is supplemented with a vitamin group complex - all fat-soluble, with the addition of B vitamins (riboflavin, thiamine B2, PP, cyanocobalamin). Used from the age of three.

"K altsinova" - a remedy with calcium in the form of a hydrophosphate dihydrate compound, combined with ascorbic acid, vitamins D and A, pyridoxine. Used after three years.

"Vitamins-Calcium plus" - in the formchewing gummies containing a combination of calcium with citric acid, phosphorus and vitamin D3. It is used from the age of three in children.

"Calcemin" - it contains calcium in combination with carbonate and citrate, supplemented with minerals - manganese, zinc, copper and boron, as well as vitamin D3. Used from the age of five.

All other calcium supplements are used for children over twelve years of age as instructed as for adult patients.

calcium d3 nycomed for children under 3
calcium d3 nycomed for children under 3

Special Instructions

In the preparation "Calcium D3 Nycomed" there is aspartame, which is transformed in the body into phenylalanine. That is why the drug should not be taken by patients with phenylketonuria.

To avoid an overdose, you need to take into account additional intake from other sources of vitamin D3.

Eating foods with phytin (in cereals) and oxalates (spinach, sorrel) reduces the absorption of calcium, and therefore you can not take the drug "Calcium D3 Nycomed" for two hours after eating these products.

"Calcium D3 Nycomed" is used with caution in immobilized patients with osteoporosis due to the likelihood of hypercalcemia.

Reviews about "Calcium D3 Nycomed" for children

Reviews about the drug vary. Some say that this is a worthy complex, supplying vitamin D3 and calcium to the body, helping to improve bone mineralization and density, contributing to the treatment of osteoporosis and various bone fractures. The tablets are tasty, the form is very convenient. The child takes the drug with pleasure. Teeth grow well, bone pains disappear.

Others talk about low absorption of vitamins due to the calcium content in the preparation in a complex form.

It must be remembered that before starting use, a doctor's consultation is required, determining the dosage and courses, the presence or absence of allergies, etc.

We reviewed the instructions for the preparation "Calcium D3 Nycomed" for children.
