Not everyone can boast of perfect facial skin. Acne, rashes, wrinkles, and blackheads can greatly spoil the mood and overall perception of appearance. Some of the dermatological problems disappear easily with the right cosmetic care. But most of them require immediate treatment.
One of the most unpleasant rashes on the skin of the face are small white wen. They quickly increase in size and spread to other parts of the body. To prevent wen on the face from causing discomfort, it is necessary to figure out how to treat this problem, as well as prevent its occurrence in the future.
What are wen
Wen are usually called skin neoplasms with a dense structure. Dermatologists also refer to such neoplasms as lipomas. Wen develop deep under the skin in the connective tissue. If you do not pay attention to them in time and do not remove the wen onface, lipomas grow and begin to affect the vascular bundles and muscles.

What to do with wen
They are completely painless growths. That is why many do not attach importance to them for a long time, having found a certain amount of compacted rashes on their faces. Nevertheless, it is very important to contact a dermatologist in time and remove the wen on the face. It will not work on your own, since the lipomas are deep enough. Having done the removal procedure in the beautician's chair, you can not worry about their reappearance. Experts say that the chance of their rebirth is extremely small. The removal operation should only be carried out by a qualified doctor. Fortunately, there are many specialized clinics where you can remove the wen on the face.
Causes for the appearance of wen
Lipomas can form under the skin of the face for various reasons. Some dermatologists adhere to the version that the cause of the appearance of wen lies in the disease or pathology of the function of the autonomic or nervous system. They can also be a consequence of trauma or hormonal problems. However, the most common reasons are:
- Drinking alcohol.
- Smoking.
- Diabetes mellitus.
- High blood cholesterol.
- Various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, thyroid or kidneys.
- Heredity.
- Hormonal disorders.
- Disrupted metabolic process in adipose tissue.
- Problems with metabolism.
- Lack of quality skin care.
Lipomas have nothing to do with the presence of malignant oncological diseases. Wen are benign growths under the skin. They are made up of fatty deposits surrounded by a membrane.

Varieties of wen
You need to remove wen on the face in any case. The reason for their appearance does not play a big role. However, before going for removal, it is necessary to determine the type of lipoma. Determine it depending on the location and size. Lipomas on the face are of the following types:
- Miliums. This is the name of small wen that appear on the skin due to clogging of hair follicles or sebaceous glands. The cause of such a problem can be improper cosmetic facial care, which entails a violation of the normal production of sebum. Milia also form on scars that remain on the skin after inflammation or injury. The location of such wen is most often the wings of the nose, cheekbones and forehead. It is strictly forbidden to squeeze milia on your own, as these wen do not have a flow.
- White wen. They are often called eels. According to external data, they are very similar to milia, but unlike them, they are quite easily squeezed out.
- Subcutaneous wen. These lipomas can be distinguished by their characteristic convex appearance. Such formations are not soldered to the skin, and therefore easily move under it when pressed. Wen subcutaneous type may have differentstructure: dense, spilled, localized or soft.
- Xanthoma. Such wen are located on the eyelids or on the skin around the eyes. If left untreated for a long time, they can merge together, forming large subcutaneous seals.
- Xanthelasmas. They are a type of xanthoma. They are very similar to milia, but larger in size. This type of wen can grow, increase in size and connect with each other. To remove them, you need to see a doctor.

Do I need to remove wen
Some believe that it is not necessary to remove wen on the face, and they will disappear on their own. However, without intervention, getting rid of them will not work. Such a dermatological problem should be treated, as well as prevent similar rashes in the future. It is not recommended to remove wen on the face at home. This can lead to inflammation and scarring of the skin.
You need to have them removed by a doctor and as soon as possible. There are two reasons for this. The first lies in the aesthetic considerations, since such a spectacle on the face does not look attractive at all. The second is the difficulty of removing overgrown wen, which have been sitting under the skin for too long. Advanced lipomas are more difficult to remove, and some of their varieties can lead to an inflammatory process in the tissues of the epidermis.
What to do with an inflamed wen
If the lipoma is inflamed, it cannot be masked with cosmetics or try to remove the wen on the face at home. inflamedthe neoplasm in this case becomes red and increases in size. Increasing pain is also added to these troubles, which is aggravated by pressure on the wen. It is forbidden to squeeze it out in this state. First you need to remove inflammation and redness. Once the swelling and pain subside, make an appointment with your doctor right away.
In the process of inflammation, the lipoma can greatly increase in size. That is why it is so important to use all possible methods that relieve the inflammatory process. The more the wen grows, the higher the likelihood of a scar after its removal. To avoid long-term skin treatment, you can not start such a problem and neglect a visit to the doctor. Fortunately, there are a huge number of clinics where you can remove a wen on your face quickly and safely.

Laser removal of wen
Laser removal of lipomas is the most reliable and effective method of removing neoplasms. With it, you can remove the wen on the face, both at an early and advanced stage. Laser removal has the following advantages:
- The beam works only in the affected area, without affecting he althy skin.
- The laser not only permanently removes any type of wen, but also disinfects the skin around it, preventing germs from spreading.
- When removed, the neoplasm is taken out as a whole, and not in a decaying form. This prevents possible infection of adjacent tissue areas.
Cons of the procedure
Thinking about whether it is possible to remove wen on the face with a laser, it should be remembered that this procedure is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. In addition to the advantages, laser hair removal also has disadvantages. Among them are the following:
- You can not remove the wen on the face with a laser if it is located too deep in the skin.
- The procedure is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women, as well as those who suffer from diabetes, herpes and immunodeficiency.
- Do not remove during menstruation.
Surgeon-oncologist is engaged in the procedure. It is done exclusively under local anesthesia, since without it all the manipulations will be very painful. The method itself involves cutting the skin with a laser, removing the wen and stitching the edges of the wound. During dissection, blood vessels are sealed, which prevents bleeding. The laser also eliminates the possibility of bacteria infecting he althy skin tissues. That is why this method is so often used to remove wen all over the face.
Chemical peeling
It is also used to cleanse the skin of various rashes. However, chemical peeling is not suitable for every type of lipoma. With it, you can not remove wen with an inflammatory process, as well as those that tend to grow. Otherwise, many cosmetologists highly recommend this method not only to eliminate lipomas, but also as their prevention. If you regularly do a chemical peel, the skin will always be even, smooth and without rashes. Then don'tyou will have to think about how to remove white wen on the face. The following advantages of removing lipomas by this method can be distinguished:
- The procedure involves a thorough cleaning of the sebaceous glands, the pollution of which provokes the appearance of wen.
- The epithelium is qualitatively cleansed.
- The procedure allows you to get rid of small scars and scars on the skin.
- The skin becomes smooth and even.
Of the minuses of chemical peeling, only the recovery process can be noted, which will take from 3 to 5 days. At this time, the skin will retain a reddish tint and sensitivity to sunlight.

Another effective method of removing wen on the face is electrocoagulation. In modern clinics, the procedure is done using a special device - an electrocoagulation knife. During the removal of the wen, the upper tissue of the epidermis is excised. Then the doctor removes the stagnant adipose tissue and disinfects the skin. Among the disadvantages of this method, it is worth noting the lack of modern technology in clinics in small towns. Not every owner of a beauty salon can afford to purchase such an expensive device for this service.
Mechanical cleaning
Surely every woman wants to know how to remove a small wen on her face with a minimum of effort and money. The most popular method in this case is mechanical cleaning. It is carried out in a cosmetologyoffice. This procedure can be done by almost everyone, since it has a minimum number of contraindications, unlike other methods for removing wen. Mechanical cleaning of the face is carried out by incision or piercing of the skin over the lipoma. Then the specialist manually or with the help of tools squeezes out the contents of the wen. The affected area is disinfected and carefully treated with antiseptic agents.

The big disadvantage of this procedure is pain. Not everyone can endure the pain of squeezing a lipoma. Unlike ordinary blackheads or blackheads, a wen is extremely difficult to come out. Some people think that there is nothing complicated in this procedure. Therefore, they begin to think about how to remove a wen on the face at home. Such a decision can lead to very negative consequences.
Only an experienced doctor can observe all the necessary hygiene standards that will help avoid infection and inflammation of an open wound. You should also take into account the fact that before squeezing out a wen, it is necessary to accurately determine its type. Some of them are not subject to indentation. Excessive manipulations can lead to an inflammatory process in the skin tissues and the growth of a lipoma.
Treatment of wen by surgery
Despite the many benefits of removing lipomas with the above methods, surgery is the most effective way to permanently get rid of this problem. However, it is worth resorting to it only in the most neglected case. If the situation is not critical and it is possible to remove the wen in another way, it is still better to use it. Surgery is the most effective way to get rid of lipomas, but also the most traumatic for the skin. This is especially true for the removal of lipomas in the face.
Depending on the type of wen, the surgeon is determined with anesthesia. It may be local in case of small tumors, or the doctor will recommend local anesthesia if the lipoma is too deep or large. Surgical intervention is carried out by incision of the skin over the wen and its direct extraction from the open wound. Then the doctor scrapes out the remnants of adipose tissue from it and thoroughly cleans the skin around it. After these manipulations, stitches are applied, and the wound is covered with a bandage on top.

Reviews on the removal of wen
Based on numerous reviews, the most practical, easy and effective way to remove wen is considered to be the use of a laser. Most people note that with the help of it it was possible to get rid of lipomas on large areas of the skin. Wounds on the face healed much faster, since the beam acted directly on the area with the wen.
In case of small lipomas, the chemical peeling procedure turned out to be the most effective. Many women note that after several sessions, the skin not only becomes even, but also noticeably rejuvenated. Ordinary white wen, which are amenable to indentation, are best removed by mechanical cleaning. However, the reviews say thatyou can not ignore the rules of skin care after this procedure. So that after squeezing out the wen on the face there are no scars, it is necessary to use special healing and regenerating creams.