Some people complain that the ribs hurt when pressed, which can be triggered by various injuries or illnesses. Usually people do not attach much importance to such a state, which is a very big mistake.
It is possible to determine the main cause of the formation of discomfort by the localization of pain. It is very important for recurring pain to visit a doctor and conduct a diagnosis, as well as treatment.
Main causes of pain
There are many different reasons why the ribs hurt when pressed, among which it is necessary to highlight such as:
- injuries;
- fractured rib;
- crack in the rib;
- diseases of the stomach and pancreas;
- diseases of the liver and gallbladder;
- inflammation of cartilage and muscle tissue;
- lung disease.

In addition, painful manifestations can be provoked simply by an uncomfortable position during sleep or work. Before treatment, it is imperative to determine why the ribs hurt when pressed, since in each case there are several methods of therapy.differ.
Pain on the right or left
If the lower ribs hurt when pressed, then this can be triggered by diseases such as:
- pleurisy;
- Tietze syndrome;
- osteosarcoma of the ribs;
- fibromyalgia.
Tietze's syndrome is a rare pathology characterized by inflammation of the right or left costal cartilage. The main manifestation of the pathology is pain, which increases significantly with inhalation. Patients note the presence of acute or increasing pain over time. Basically, the localization of discomfort is observed on one side. The disease is characterized by alternating acute stage and remission.
If your ribs hurt when pressed, it could be a sign of fibromyalgia. This is a lesion of soft tissues outside the joints, which is characterized by the presence of pain in the muscles and bones. The affected areas are particularly sensitive to pressure and probing. The main symptom of the course of the disease is pain in the muscles and bones, spreading to different parts of the body on both sides.
In this case, there is often some stiffness of the body in the morning, swelling of the legs and arms, increased fatigue, as well as tingling and numbness. All these signs can progress in case of weather change, stress, fatigue. During the course of this disease, a person may experience various kinds of mental disorders, which manifest themselves in the form of a deterioration in mood or in depressive states.
Another disorder that causes rib pain when pressed is osteosarcoma. It's malignantneoplasm that originates from bone tissue. The tumor grows rapidly, which leads to the formation of metastases even at the initial stages of the course of the disease. Among the main signs of the presence of the disease can be identified such as:
- minor pain in the sternum;
- swelling in the sternum;
- Limited rib mobility when breathing.
In the initial stages of the development of the disease, the symptoms are not too pronounced, but they progress very quickly.
Another cause of soreness is pleurisy. This is an inflammation of the membrane that covers the surface of the inside of the sternum. The disease mainly affects only one part of the sternum, but it can also be bilateral.
Pain on the left
If it hurts under the left rib when pressed, this may be a sign of the occurrence of diseases such as:
- duodenal disease;
- pancreatitis;
- gastric ulcer.
Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, the symptoms of which are:
- pain in the abdomen;
- intoxication of the body;
- mushy feces with undigested food particles.

If it hurts under the ribs when pressed, it may be a sign of duodenal disease. In particular, it may be acute duodenitis, which is manifested by such signs as:
- pain in the stomach, radiating to the lower rib;
- nausea;
- intestinal disorders;
- strong weakness.
Another dangerous and common disease is a stomach ulcer, in which the mucous membrane becomes covered with ulcers. It causes significant discomfort to the patient. Basically, the pathology develops against the background of erosions and gastritis.
Pain on the right
If it hurts under the right rib when pressed, then this may be a sign of diseases such as hepatitis or gallstone disease. Gallstone disease is characterized by the formation of stones in the gallbladder and its ducts, which provokes pain on the right side under the ribs. It occurs when metabolic processes are disturbed. For a long time, the pathology is asymptomatic and is diagnosed quite by accident during x-rays.
Hepatitis is an inflammatory liver disease that leads to the destruction of liver cells and has quite pronounced signs even at the initial stage, in particular, such as:
- pain and heaviness in the right side;
- fatigue and weakness;
- nausea;
- loss of appetite.
If all these signs occur, you need to visit a doctor, as with the aggravation of the pathological process, various complications can occur.
Injuries and diseases of the spine
If the ribs hurt when pressed from the front or side, then this may be a sign of problems such as:
- crack in the rib;
- fracture;
- chest injury;
- osteoporosis;
- osteochondrosis.
A crack in a rib is characterized by a violation of integritybone or its partial fracture, in which fragments of bone tissue are not displaced. A crack can form as a result of an injury or in the presence of certain anomalies in the body. Among the main signs of an injury are the following:
- excruciating pain in the injured area;
- shortness of breath;
- increased anxiety;
- migraine;
- fatigue, dizziness;
- blue and soft tissue swelling.
It is worth noting that the pain increases significantly when inhaling or coughing and weakens during exhalation. That is why a person complains that it is very difficult for him to breathe deeply. In addition, one can note the presence of severe swelling in the affected area and subcutaneous hemorrhage.
When a rib is broken, not only the bone tissue is damaged, but also some internal organs. Among the main symptoms of the presence of a fracture, the following can be distinguished:
- sharp pain in the affected area;
- painful breathing;
- pale skin;
- aching chest pain;
- shortness of breath;
- strong weakness;
- shortness of breath;
- temperature increase;
- blue skin.
A chest injury can be quite dangerous for a person's he alth and life, therefore, if it is present, urgent assistance must be provided. With an open injury, a person has wounds that can be from piercing objects, firearms. Injuries include:
- shaking, in which there is no change in the areasternum;
- contusions of soft tissues and internal organs;
- chest compression.
There are several fairly pronounced signs of closed injuries, among which it is necessary to highlight such as:
- acute chest pain;
- blue skin;
- swelling in the affected area;
- breathing difficulties;
- shortness of breath;
- increased belly size.
If all these signs occur, you need to visit a doctor for an x-ray, which will allow you to choose the right treatment method.
Painful manifestations can also provoke osteochondrosis. This is a degenerative lesion of the spine, provoked by squeezing, inflammation and irritation of the nerve endings. Basically, the disease manifests itself in the form of pain in the back, but pain in the ribs and sternum can also be observed.
Osteoporosis is considered another cause of pain. This disease is characterized by a decrease in the level of calcium in the bones and its subsequent destruction. When this pathology occurs, the right rib hurts when pressed, but pain can also be observed on the left side. This indicates the presence of microscopic cracks, as well as a change in the structure of bone tissue. Along with the process of bone tissue, there is a general exhaustion of the body and a deterioration in well-being.
Baby in pain
If the left rib hurts when pressed in a child of 4-9 years old, then this may be a sign of intestinal volvulus in the lower section. A similar disorder is diagnosed mainly in overweight children. Pathologycharacterized by the fact that one intestinal tube enters the lumen of another. In this case, the child has characteristic symptoms, namely:
- child becomes restless;
- squeezing her legs and crying;
- after the attack stops, the baby starts vomiting.
Baby's stool is initially normal, but after a while blood impurities may appear in the feces. In addition, if pain is felt in the rib when pressed, this may be a sign of injury in the child. If you experience even the slightest discomfort, you need to visit a doctor to get rid of the disease and prevent the development of complications.
Pregnancy pain
If there is pain in the ribs during pregnancy, then this can be triggered by factors such as:
- increase in the size of the uterus;
- active fetal movements;
- fetal growth.

If discomfort occurs, you need to raise your hands up and inhale as deeply as possible. After that, you need to take a slow breath. This helps to reduce pain symptoms. A woman during pregnancy should always try to keep her back straight. In addition, it is important to wear loose clothing that will not restrict movement and compress the ribs and organs.
If the child is actively pushing with his legs, then you need to rest a little, just lie quietly on his side until he calms down.
Additional symptoms
If the right rib hurts when pressed, then you need to pay specialattention to the presence of a problem and monitor its frequency and intensity. If you ignore the discomfort that occurs in this area, then this can provoke the development of various complications and dangerous pathological conditions. Basically, the ribs on the right side hurt when pressed when they are injured, diseases of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder. Often the pain becomes simply unbearable. In addition, there are signs such as:
- heavy sweating;
- palpitations;
- cold limbs;
- pressure drop;
- impaired functioning of internal organs.
The pains are mostly spastic and are characterized by a high degree of intensity of the existing manifestations. In ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, the patient has pain in the right side under the rib. Basically, such diseases are accompanied by bloating.
When acute pain appears, you should definitely call an ambulance. It is strictly forbidden to take antispasmodics, as they somewhat dull the existing symptoms, as a result of which the diagnosis can be difficult.
How to make yourself feel better
If the rib on the left side hurts when pressed, this may indicate the presence of various dangerous diseases or injuries. If painful manifestations occur, which may indicate the presence of fractures, cracks, or trauma to the sternum, bed rest must be observed until the doctor arrives. This must be done in order to prevent possible negative consequences and complications, which are oftenlead to the death of the patient.

To make you feel better, you need to do breathing exercises. Be sure to take deep breaths. In some cases, the pain may increase somewhat, but you should try to exhale as slowly as possible. If the injury is very strong and provokes the occurrence of unbearable pain, then you should try to do such gymnastics at least once an hour.
Regardless of the cause that provoked pain in the ribs, you should definitely consult a therapist. He will be able to decide on the choice of a narrow specialist who will help diagnose the underlying cause of the pain and prescribe the required treatment.
If the rib hurts when pressed on the left or right, then it is imperative to conduct a diagnosis to determine the cause of the pathology. To get rid of soreness, you need to seek help from a traumatologist, therapist or neurologist. Then you need to undergo a comprehensive examination.
Since pain can be triggered by various diseases and pathological conditions, it is imperative to undergo an examination and take tests. Initially, the doctor conducts a survey and a visual examination of the patient, and then prescribes an instrumental examination to suggest his suspicions. In particular, the use of diagnostic methods such as:
- blood test;
- ultrasound diagnostics;
- x-ray;
- tomography;
- scintigraphy;
- biopsy.

Basically, with Tietze's syndrome, the doctor prescribes only blood tests, as well as ultrasound. The diagnosis is made on the basis of the available symptoms. In some cases, tomography is prescribed, which allows you to confirm the diagnosis, as well as check the bone for malignant neoplasms.
In case of suspicion of a tumor or metastasis in the ribs, a coagulogram and a chest x-ray can be additionally prescribed. If the x-ray results are doubtful, then the doctor may prescribe a tomography or scintigraphy for a more detailed and layered image of the ribs.
Features of treatment
If the left rib hurts when pressed, it may be a sign of serious illness or injury. In the event of acute and sharp pain, it is imperative to call an ambulance. You can apply ice wrapped in a cloth to the affected area to eliminate discomfort. In order not to distort the results of the examination, it is forbidden to take painkillers before the arrival of the doctor.

After the examination, the doctor may prescribe an antispasmodic drug to relieve pain. Mostly used "No-Shpa" or "Nitroglycerin". Treatment is selected strictly individually, depending on what exactly provoked painful sensations. In particular, therapy is carried out with the help of medications, physiotherapy techniques and folk remedies. In especially severe cases, surgical intervention is prescribed.
To eliminate soreness in the side,provoked by diseases of the gallbladder, you need to boil the potatoes in their skins, crush them in water, let them stand for a few minutes, and then take the decoction several times a day.

In diseases of the liver and spleen, you need to take a rosehip decoction daily. Also a good remedy is a mixture of honey and ground cinnamon. It is worth noting that soreness can occur for a variety of reasons, so it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate.