Let's figure out that this is type 2 diabetes. Currently, this disease is becoming more common not only in Russia, but throughout the world. According to the latest information, over the past ten years, the number of patients has increased by sixty percent. In this regard, it is important to understand the symptoms, provoking factors and available treatment options for this disease. What is type 2 diabetes, it is important to find out in advance.
Basic concepts
Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a common non-communicable chronic disease. It can affect men and women, often over the age of forty. The danger of type 2 diabetes mellitus (ICD-10 - E11) is underestimated by many, and some patients, in fact, are not even aware that their body is susceptible to the disease.
And those who are aware of pathology often do notknows what it is and what it threatens, and at the same time does not suspect the danger posed by this disease. As a result, type 2 diabetes can take extremely severe forms, leading to threatening conditions. By the way, disability in type 2 diabetes is also possible.

Meanwhile, adequate therapy with proper nutrition can stop the development of such a disease. So, let's start by finding out what are the causes and symptoms of the disease in question.
To understand what type 2 diabetes is, let's look at the reasons. They can be very diverse. The second type is often caused by an improper diet, along with a lack of physical activity, overweight, heredity, stress, self-medication with drugs, for example, glucocorticosteroids, and the like. In fact, often the factor is not a single premise, but a set of various causes.
Considering the occurrence of this disease in terms of pathogenesis, it is worth noting that type 2 diabetes is usually caused by a lack of insulin. We are talking about a condition against which this protein produced by the pancreas is inaccessible to receptors that are located on cell membranes. As a result, the cells are simply unable to absorb glucose properly, which leads to a lack of supply of sugar, as well as to the accumulation of this substance in the blood and its excessive deposition in various tissues. It is by this criterion that the considered form of diabetes differs fromthe first type, in which the pancreas does not produce enough insulin.
Type 2 diabetes and its symptoms
Signs of this disease depend largely on the stage of the disease itself. At first, the patient may not feel a serious ailment, except for the presence of increased fatigue, as well as such manifestations as dry mouth, increased thirst and appetite. Such a condition is usually attributed to the wrong diet, and, in addition, to the syndrome of constant fatigue and stress.
But in fact, the cause is an underlying pathology. As the disease progresses, symptoms may include poor wound healing combined with weakened immunity, pain and swelling in the extremities, discomfort in the head, and dermatitis. Obesity in type 2 diabetes is very common. Unfortunately, for many, this ailment develops unhindered until it reaches an intractable stage or leads a person to threatening conditions.
We will talk in detail about the treatment of type 2 diabetes and nutrition below.
In fact, today there are no sufficiently effective methods that increase the absorption of glucose, in connection with this, the main emphasis in treatment is on lowering excessive sugar concentration in the blood. In addition, efforts are being made to reduce excess weight and bring it back to normal, since the abundance of adipose tissue plays a large role in the pathogenesis of this disease.

The main factor affecting the probabilitythe development of complications in type 2 diabetes, there is a violation of the process of lipid metabolism. An excess of cholesterol that differs from the required norm can lead to the development of angiopathy. By the way, type 2 diabetes is quite common in obesity.
Basic Therapies
Diabetes, referring to the second type, is a disease that requires long and persistent medical intervention. In fact, all the methods used are divided into the following three groups:
- Taking special medications.
- Following a diet.
- Changing habits and lifestyles.
Effective therapy involves the fight against the pathology itself and with concomitant diseases in the form of obesity, hypertension, angiopathy, neuropathy, depression, and so on.
This type of diabetes is treated on an outpatient basis as well as at home. Hospitalization, as a rule, is subject to patients with hyperosmolar and hyperglycemic coma. In addition, patients suffering from ketoacidosis, severe neuropathy and angiopathy, stroke, and so on should be under strict medical supervision.
What medications are prescribed for type 2 diabetes?
In fact, all medications for diabetes are divided into two groups:
- Means that affect the process of insulin production.
- Drugs that don't.
The main drug belonging to the second group is Metformin from the category of biguanides. This remedy is most often prescribed for type 2 diabetes. It does not affectpancreatic cells and maintains blood glucose at normal levels. The tool does not threaten the patient with a critically low decrease in the level of this element. They also burn fat and reduce appetite, which leads to a decrease in excess weight in patients. True, an overdose of this drug can be dangerous, since the occurrence of severe pathological conditions with a high percentage of mortality is not excluded, which occurs as a result of lactic acidosis.

Sulfonylurea derivatives are typical representatives of another group of drugs that affect the production of insulin. They directly stimulate the beta cells of the pancreas, as a result of which they produce insulin in an increased amount. But an overdose of such drugs threatens the patient with the onset of a hypoglycemic crisis. These medications are usually taken in conjunction with Metformin.
There are alternative types of medicines. The class of drugs that enhance insulin production includes incretin mimetics with inhibitors. But these are new medicines, and so far they are quite expensive. Their action involves the suppression of the synthesis of sugar-raising glucagon along with an increase in the activity of incretins (hormones of the digestive system), thereby increasing insulin production.

There is also a drug that prevents the absorption of glucose, we are talking about "Acarbose". This tool does not affect the production of insulin. It is often prescribed in prophylacticpurposes, to prevent the development of diabetes.
There are also drugs for type 2 diabetes, which increase the excretion of glucose in the urine, and drugs that increase the sensitivity of cells. Medical insulin is rarely used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Often it is used in case of ineffectiveness of therapy with other drugs, as well as against the background of decompensated diabetes, when the pancreas is depleted and is not able to produce enough insulin.
Among others, currently, as part of the treatment of this form of the disease, drugs are used in the form of "Glibenclamide", "Chlorpropamide", "Tolazamide", "Repaglinide", "Nateglinide", "Exenatide", "Liraglutide", " Lixisenatida” and others.
Means "Defort"

This is an innovative drug for diabetes, serving as a unique opportunity to get rid of any signs of this disease. It helps to eliminate its cause. According to the developers, the symptoms in the form of dry mouth, an eternal feeling of hunger or, conversely, lack of appetite, muscle pain, constant thirst, as well as problems with the digestive system (all manifestations of type 2 diabetes) will be eliminated by Difort in just one month.
It is worth noting that this medication is suitable for the treatment of type 1 and type 2 diabetes and is considered effective at any stage of the disease in question. It can be used without any he alth concerns, as it is absolutely safe. Natural ingredients not only restoresensitivity to insulin, but also improves the functioning of the cardiac, vascular, endocrine, genitourinary, nervous and digestive systems.
How does Defort work?
The biogenic composition of the drug begins its work only when used together with an activator. The active ingredients enter the small intestine, where they combine with natural enzymes and penetrate into the blood in half an hour. With it, the components are sent to the peptide cells, starting their work of stabilizing and regulating their sensitivity to insulin.
T2DM and diet
Nutrition plays an important role in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. The essence of changing the diet is the regulation of nutrients entering the digestive system. The necessary nutrition is determined by the endocrinologist, which is done individually for each patient, taking into account the overall severity of diabetes, concomitant ailments, lifestyle, age, and so on.
Today, there are several types of diets that are used in this form of diabetes. All of them have proved themselves perfectly and differ from each other only in some details. But they agree that the norms of carbohydrate intake in case of illness are strictly limited.
First of all, this has to do with products containing fast elements, that is, those that are absorbed from the digestive system with lightning speed. As a rule, they are found in sugar, jam, various confectionery products, and, in addition, they include chocolate, ice cream, desserts, baked pastries. Beyond downgradingamount of carbohydrates, it is required to strive to reduce weight, since increased body weight serves as a factor aggravating the course of this disease.

Additional instructions
It is recommended to increase water intake in order to replenish fluid against the background of frequent urination, which often accompanies diabetes. Along with this, it is required to completely abandon sugary drinks, such as cola, lemonade, kvass, juice and tea with sugar. In fact, you can only drink drinks that do not contain glucose, we are talking about mineral and plain water, unsweetened tea and coffee. It must be remembered that alcohol is also excluded, as it disrupts glucose metabolism. Regular meals are required, that is, at least three times a day, and preferably five or six. You should not sit down at the table immediately after physical exertion. What is possible with type 2 diabetes and what is not, it is better to know in advance.
Allowed and prohibited foods
Before considering in detail the products that can be used for this disease, let's recall the criteria by which they are selected:
- They should not contain carbohydrates. Only their minimum presence is allowed.
- Low glycemic index.
- Content of vitamins and beneficial trace elements.
- They should be tasty and nutritious.
There are quite a few products that meet these requirements. Creating a safe and appetizing menu for a diabetic is not difficult at all. To visually studynutrients that can be eaten with this form of the disease, consider them in groups.
Is it possible with type 2 diabetes cereals?
What for each of us is the basis of the diet, for diabetics is, unfortunately, under an absolute ban. Porridges for type 2 diabetes, along with flour and pasta, are prohibited, as they contain a lot of carbohydrates, which must be excluded from your menu. You can give preference to exotic options in the form of green buckwheat or rice quinoa, which contain carbohydrates in the smallest amount. But only as an exception, when you want it very much.

Vegetables - okay or not?
Is it possible for type 2 diabetes vegetables? They form an important part of the patient's diet. Almost all of them have a low glycemic index and a low concentration of carbohydrates. There are also exceptions:
- Eggplants, along with tomatoes, zucchini, cabbage, onions, beans, are among the allowed vegetables for this form of the disease.
- The list of forbidden crops consists of boiled and fried potatoes, corn, beets, pumpkins.
You may or may not eat certain vegetables for this disease, depending on the situation. In any case, everything must be treated responsibly. You should not overdo it with allowed products, but the categorical prohibitions are also not absolute. It all depends on the course of the disease in a particular patient, the reactions of his body. Prohibited product in small quantities will not harmin the event that it is compensated by a strict diet in relation to other components of junk food.
What else can you eat with type 2 diabetes?
Milk with its derivatives are allowed in type 2 diabetes and are even recommended. Dairy nutrition has three important functions:
- They are supplied to the intestines with bacteria that improve the microflora of the mucosa.
- Protection of the digestive system from putrefactive bacteria.
- Positive effect on ketone and glucose levels.
When choosing a dairy food for a diabetic, one must remember the only rule: it must be low-fat. Milk with cottage cheese, low-fat varieties of hard cheeses, curdled milk and sour cream should be the basis of the patient's diet. But there are also exceptions. Some dairy foods have a high glycemic index.
Fruits and berries, vegetables
What can you eat from fruits with type 2 diabetes? They are not prohibited, but still preference should be given to vegetables containing a large amount of indigestible he althy fiber. True, many vegetables, for example, potatoes, carrots and beets contain a lot of starch, so their inclusion in the diet should be limited. Fruits for type 2 diabetes can be consumed in moderation, and only those that do not contain an excessive amount of carbohydrates (unfortunately, there are a lot of those in bananas, grapes and melons). They are not recommended because they can increase blood sugar levels.
Meat and fish
These are perhaps the ideal ingredientsany diabetic menu. They do not contain carbohydrates that affect glucose levels. Their index is zero. There are a few things to keep in mind when including fish and meat in your diet:
- They are rarely prepared as a meal on their own, and if oil or flour is added, the index rises.
- The heat exposure time also affects the glycemic index of foods. Therefore, you need to choose recipes with the shortest cooking time.
The only meat not recommended for diabetics is lamb, which can contribute to the occurrence of comorbidities. Preference should be given to diet sausages and sausages. They do not oversaturate with spices and do not affect the concentration of glucose.
It's still easier with fish. Diabetics are allowed any of its types, with the exception of perhaps exotic varieties. An important role is played by the method of preparation. What is wrong with type 2 diabetes from fish? Smoked and s alted fish are prohibited. It is best to eat boiled. You can eat it no more than 150 grams per day, and include it in the menu three or four times a week.

Type 2 diabetic leg injury
In patients with this disease, various pathological changes in the legs often appear, and even a common problem (for example, a callus or a crack) can lead to a serious complication: the development of diabetic foot syndrome (ulcer, gangrene). The main reasons for the development of such lesions are:
- Availabilitydamage to nerve peripheral fibers, i.e. neuropathy, which leads to a decrease in peripheral sensitivity.
- Impaired blood flow in the arteries of the legs due to atherosclerosis. In type 2 diabetes, this condition is very common.
- Occurrence of deformity of the arch of the foot.
Symptoms of the development of peripheral neuropathy can be the appearance of a crawling sensation, along with convulsions, affected nerve fibers that lose sensitivity to heat and pain, as well as pressure. This means that the patient may not feel his injury, for example, he is not able to notice a foreign object in his shoes, and in addition, he will not feel the burn if the feet are warmed by the fireplace until the wound forms.
The defeat of the nerve fiber can lead to deformation of the fingers and arches of the feet, which also ends in an ulcer. The main causes of atherosclerosis in diabetes are poor glycemic control along with high blood pressure, atherogenic lipid disorders and smoking.
Thus, in order to prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis, the above factors should be controlled. The main symptom of this disease of the lower extremities is the appearance of pain while walking, which disappears some time after stopping. If a diabetic has this symptom, you should immediately stop smoking. Among other things, it is required to regularly take drugs that will control pressure and reduce atherogenic lipids in the blood. In some situationsMedications that improve peripheral blood flow may be effective.
Now consider a menu with recipes for type 2 diabetes, which can be used as part of a diet in the presence of this disease:
- One of the popular dishes that is perfect for an afternoon snack is baked apples with cottage cheese. So, let's find out how to cook them. To do this, you need 150 grams of cottage cheese, six apples, two tablespoons of powdered sugar, a pinch of vanilla and the same amount of starch. Apples are best taken in the same size. Their color and grade do not matter. Wash the fruit and cut off the "caps". Using a teaspoon, carefully remove the core with seeds, while leaving thick walls. Then put cottage cheese with powdered sugar, starch, vanilla and egg yolk into the blender bowl. Processed into a homogeneous mass. You can add dried raisins if you like. Apples are placed in a suitable form, pre-lubricated with butter. Fill them with cottage cheese filling and bake at one hundred and ninety degrees in the oven for thirty minutes.
- Another suitable recipe would be pink salmon cooked in a slow cooker. In addition to 500 grams of fish, you will need 150 grams of green beans and fennel, as well as half a lemon and a spoonful of olive oil. All vegetables are washed and dried. Beans and asparagus are cut into two centimeters. Fennel is peeled from the first layers and chopped. The slow cooker is set to frying mode, olive oil is poured. Then everything is fried and stirred for three minutes, no more. The lemon is cut in half. Remove the zest from one half and squeeze out the juice. Lightly s alt vegetables, mix and level. Then set the "extinguishing" mode for fifteen minutes. The fish is laid out on a vegetable pillow, poured with lemon juice and sprinkled with zest. Pour in two tablespoons of water, close the lid and bring to readiness.
We considered it to be type 2 diabetes. It is a serious disease that requires a strict diet and regular medical supervision. It is worth noting that compliance with medical recommendations on these issues allows you to minimize its harmful effects on the body.