Toxic erythema of newborns: causes, treatment

Toxic erythema of newborns: causes, treatment
Toxic erythema of newborns: causes, treatment

A newborn baby, after being born, learns to live in a new environment for him. He needs to learn how to breathe, and the body - to regulate its own body temperature. Often there are all sorts of adaptive reactions of the child's body, and toxic erythema of newborns is one of them. What is it and how to help your baby?

toxic erythema of the newborn
toxic erythema of the newborn

What is erythema

Erythema is a rash on the skin, in which the general state of he alth does not change. The skin turns red due to external or internal stimuli. The shade of the skin varies from pink to burgundy, more blood flows to the affected areas than to he althy ones. Neonatal toxic erythema of newborns is characterized by the fact that the spots merge into one large area. In adults, this condition can provoke stress or emotional tension. As a rule, erythema is a variant of the physiological norm. Howeverif redness does not go away for a long time, you need to seek help from specialists.

neonatal toxic erythema of the newborn
neonatal toxic erythema of the newborn

Manifestations of erythema in newborns

There is both physiological and toxic neonatal erythema. The first is the reaction of the skin to the environment. The natural protective lubricant is washed off, the body learns to contact with air and clothing. Redness usually disappears after a week and does not require any special therapeutic measures. This condition is observed in most newborns (up to 80%). Toxic erythema is the reaction of a small organism to a foreign allergen protein. Also, many are interested in the question of when toxic erythema of newborns begins to develop, to what age it passes. This condition develops in the first days of a baby's life (approximately on the second or fourth) and disappears after a few weeks or days.

toxic erythema of newborns photo
toxic erythema of newborns photo

Signs of toxic erythema

As a rule, toxic erythema manifests itself in the form of reddened areas of the skin, which can have different sizes. Perhaps a slight induration of the cover, rash, blisters and tubercles (gray, yellowish). It is worth noting that the child behaves restlessly, as all these rashes are flaky, itchy. In some cases, body temperature may rise. Rarely, there are changes in the internal organs (for example, an enlarged spleen). On examination, the specialist may note slightly enlarged lymph nodes.knots.

Erythema forms

Depending on the location and severity of the course of the disease, the following forms of erythema are distinguished.

1. Localized toxic erythema of newborns - characterized by small single rashes, in which the general condition of the baby does not change. Redness is observed in the buttocks, back, on the bends of the elbows, under the knees.

2. With a common form of rash, the lesions are quite large, the affected areas of the skin are large. In this case, the child becomes lethargic, irritable. Sometimes there is an increase in temperature.

3. Generalized toxic erythema of newborns (photo below) covers large areas, rashes are plentiful. The child is apathetic, capricious.

toxic erythema of newborns treatment
toxic erythema of newborns treatment

There are also two forms of the course of the disease:

  • acute (changes disappear after a few days);
  • prolonged (the skin returns to normal after a few weeks.

Toxic erythema of the newborn: causes

After the birth, the child finds himself in new conditions of life. Accordingly, his skin is the first to react, which is in direct contact with air, clothing, hygiene products, and water. However, experts identify a number of factors that can cause the appearance of toxic erythema. This is toxicosis of the mother during pregnancy, taking medications during this period. The presence of diseases of the endocrine system, work in harmful conditions - all this can also provoke the development of erythema. In addition, it also mattershereditary factor. If parents have a tendency to allergic reactions, then in most cases the child will be diagnosed with toxic erythema of the newborn. Among the possible causes are intrauterine infection, the state of hypoxia. Doctors also note that the development of erythema can be caused by late attachment to the breast - usually later than 6 hours after birth.

toxic erythema of newborns up to what age
toxic erythema of newborns up to what age

Toxic erythema of the newborn: diagnosis and treatment

Mostly, to confirm this diagnosis, doctors perform a visual examination. Additionally, some tests may be prescribed. If the symptoms do not disappear for a long time, an analysis of the mother's milk will also be required. Treatment as such is not required, it is only necessary to take care of the baby's skin more carefully. Clothing should be exclusively made of natural materials, free in its cut. Also, do not swaddle the baby tightly. Water procedures should be daily. Do not overheat the baby, as diaper rash will only aggravate the situation. If the toxic erythema of newborns (the photo is located below) is quite large, the affected areas are lubricated with special ointments. The generalized form in most cases requires the use of antiallergic drugs. In addition, air baths have proven themselves very well. It is worth starting to keep the child naked for several minutes, gradually increasing the interval. This will help improve skin condition, relieve itching from friction.clothes.

neonatal toxic erythema of the newborn
neonatal toxic erythema of the newborn

What to look out for

Since newborn erythema is a physiological condition, there are no special preventive measures. Symptoms disappear after a few days (or weeks). If toxic erythema of newborns is diagnosed, treatment consists in proper and careful care of the baby's skin. The danger in this condition may lurk in the addition of a secondary infection, which will only worsen the situation. In this case, you will need to consult a specialist, and special skin care products. However, the main danger lies elsewhere. Toxic erythema of newborns is a signal that the baby is prone to allergic reactions and atopic dermatitis. Therefore, it is worth introducing new foods into the diet with extreme caution. It is also necessary to carefully choose detergents for washing children's things, various foams, creams that will be in direct contact with the skin. And expectant mothers are advised to avoid potential allergens, harmful chemical fumes, and unnecessary medications. Such measures will help reduce the likelihood of developing a condition such as toxic erythema of the newborn. He alth to you and your children!
