The gallbladder is involved in the production, accumulation and delivery of bile to the duodenum when food enters the gastrointestinal tract. Diseases of this organ are considered fairly common pathologies. Their symptoms and treatment are somewhat similar, but there are certain differences that must be taken into account.
With incorrect or untimely therapy, various kinds of complications can occur, which is why you should consult a doctor immediately, at the slightest suspicion of a pathology.
Concepts and functions of an organ
The gallbladder belongs to the digestive organs. It is located next to the liver, lower right side. This organ stores bile, which is required for normal digestion.

He is directly involved in the functioning of the excretory system. Toxic substances are not filtered by the kidneys, therefore, they are excreted from the body through bile. Like other organs, the biliary system hastendency to wear out, which is why you need to know what problems with the gallbladder are and what exactly they are characterized by.
Main reasons
Bile dissolves and breaks down fats that come with food so that they are absorbed by the body. Gallbladder problems can occur for reasons such as:
- change in the chemical composition of bile;
- infectious inflammation of the mucous membrane of the organ;
- malnutrition and alcohol abuse.
These are just the main reasons why such violations occur. It is very important to recognize the course of the pathology in a timely manner and carry out complex treatment.
Major diseases
Problems with the gallbladder and its ducts are fairly common diseases and are in 3rd place after heart disease and diabetes. Often they provoke liver disorders. Often, women over 40 years of age suffer from a similar problem, although recently such pathologies have been found even in children. The most common gallbladder problems are:
- cholestasis;
- cholecystitis;
- gallstone disease;
- cholangitis;
- polyps in the gallbladder.
These pathologies are difficult to diagnose. With the development of gallstone disease, there are serious problems with the liver and gallbladder. It is characterized by the formation of sand in the bile ducts. Periodic or constant stagnation of bile in this organ or a change in its composition leads to the formation of stones. Leakagethe disease takes quite a long period and is almost asymptomatic. You can find out about the presence of stones and problems with the gallbladder quite by accident, during an examination by a doctor.

The disease can be manifested by the movement of the contained stones, which can be caused by eating, hitting, awkward movement. Among the main symptoms of such a violation, it is necessary to highlight such as:
- pain in the lumbar region;
- nausea;
- chill;
- vomit.
Another fairly common disease is cholecystitis. It occurs against the background of a violation of the outflow of bile. In the acute course of the disease, gallstones can form. If the calculi are up to 3 mm in size, then they are capable of independently through the ducts. Larger stones clog them, causing severe pain and colic. Such a situation necessarily requires an urgent operation. Among the main signs of cholecystitis, it is necessary to highlight such as:
- paroxysmal pain under the ribs;
- temperature increase;
- yellowing of the skin.
When the motility of the digestive organs is disturbed, dyskinesia occurs. The disease is characterized by the fact that there is a sharp deterioration in the tone of the walls and valves of the bile ducts. Among the main signs to highlight:
- lack of appetite;
- general weakness;
- heaviness in the right side.
Among the problems with the gallbladder, cholangitis should be highlighted. This disease is characterized byinflammation of the biliary tract. Basically, it occurs as a complication of the underlying disease, traumatization, infection penetration. The disease is dangerous because it develops rapidly, and if medical care is not provided in time, the patient may die.
Cancer of an organ occurs as a complication of ongoing inflammatory chronic processes that affect the membranes and its ducts. A malignant neoplasm is characterized by rapid progression and metastasis.
Many of the listed pathologies are treated quite well with conservative methods, but cholecystectomy should be performed. After excision of the gallbladder, a person must follow a strict diet and limit physical activity.
Main symptoms
With problems with the gallbladder, the symptoms of diseases are in many ways similar to each other, but each pathology has some features. Therefore, only a doctor, based on the data of the examination, will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment. It is worth noting that there may be certain problems after removal of the gallbladder, therefore, it is necessary to continue the prescribed therapy. Also, in the absence of this organ, you need to adhere to a special diet.
Among the main symptoms of gallbladder problems, the following should be highlighted:
- loss of appetite;
- flatulence;
- nausea;
- burp;
- stool disorder.
Painful sensations can have a very different degree of intensity, which mainly increasesafter consumption of fried, fatty or spicy foods, as well as alcoholic beverages. In addition, pain can be caused by intense physical activity, fasting to lose weight, stress. This is the first sign of problems with the gallbladder and its ducts. When stones are present, a sudden, sharp, burning pain occurs, which is called hepatic colic.
In the event of an inflammatory process, the temperature may rise. Basically, the occurrence of a pain syndrome indicates advanced cases, since at the initial stage, most diseases of this organ are asymptomatic. In addition, there may be certain symptoms of problems with the gallbladder on the face, which manifest as the appearance of a yellowish tint of the skin and sclera of the eyes. However, it should be noted that this symptom is also characteristic of liver pathologies.

Quite often, a yellowish coating appears on the tongue, which occurs due to the fact that bile is thrown into the esophagus, and from there it enters the oral cavity. A characteristic symptom of gallbladder disease is an unpleasant bitter taste in the mouth.
When many pathologies of the biliary tract occur, discoloration of feces and darkening of urine are observed. All these signs indicate the presence of problems with the gallbladder, which is why, if they occur, you should definitely visit a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.
Which doctor to contact
Many people, when experiencing soreness, are interested in which doctor to contact whenproblems with the gallbladder for diagnosis and treatment. First of all, you need to visit a therapist who conducts an initial examination and history taking. Based on the data obtained, he directs the patient to a gastroenterologist or prescribes an ultrasound scan. If the initial diagnosis is confirmed, then the treatment is carried out by a gastroenterologist.
It is this specialist who prescribes additional types of research. In addition, you may need to consult a surgeon, an infectious disease specialist, an oncologist. In no case should you treat yourself, because without knowing the diagnosis, you can only significantly aggravate the situation and provoke serious complications.
The doctor should be consulted at the first signs of the formation of the disease, as it can lead to the development of complications, as a result of which, it may even be necessary to remove the organ.
When the very first signs of problems with the gallbladder in a child or adult appear, you need to visit a doctor and conduct a diagnosis. To make a correct diagnosis, simply describing the existing symptoms is not enough, since in some cases it is blurred or a person simply may not attach importance to it until an attack occurs.

Outside of an exacerbation of the disease, general and biochemical blood and urine tests can be absolutely normal. During an acute attack, an increase in the number of leukocytes is observed. In a biochemical study, approximately 1-2 days afteracute attack, bile acids may be detected, as well as a slight increase in bilirubin.
More detailed information can be obtained during laboratory and instrumental examination of the functioning of the biliary tract. Ultrasound diagnostics allows you to detect stones in the affected organ, as well as pathologies that lead to their formation.
In addition, angiographic techniques are used to accurately track the dynamics of the outflow of bile. Duodenal sounding makes it possible to determine whether bile enters the duodenum. With the course of the disease in a child, a similar technique is used quite rarely.
Features of treatment
For problems with the gallbladder, treatment must be comprehensive, and it includes the use of medications prescribed by the doctor, as well as diet. Each pathology has its own specific course and various means and methods are used for treatment.
With cholelithiasis, strict adherence to bed rest, diet, weight normalization, and certain medications are indicated. In particular, the doctor prescribes antibiotics, antispasmodics, hepatoprotectors, analgesics. If an attack of acute hepatic colic is repeated often, then surgery is required, that is, excision of the gallbladder.
In chronic cholecystitis, bed rest for 7-10 days is indicated, antibiotics, enzyme preparations and antispasmodics are taken. With dyskinesia, it is imperative to eliminate the stressful situation. To do this, you need to take sedatives and antidepressants. Drugs are also required to eliminate spasm of the muscles of the affected organ, choleretic and herbal remedies. With dyskinesia, physiotherapy is indicated, in particular UHF, inductothermy.
In the case of acute cholangitis, the doctor mainly prescribes antibacterial agents, enzymes, antispasmodics, antipyretics, analgesics. Treatment of a malignant neoplasm largely depends on the spread of the tumor process. Basically, an organ excision is performed, a partial excision of the liver and nearby lymph nodes. Combination therapy is required, that is, it must combine surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy.
Drug therapy
To prevent attacks of the disease, a prerequisite for therapy is taking medications. Medicines are selected by the doctor, and it depends on the characteristics of the course, the ability of a person to regularly take prescribed drugs. Types of drugs prescribed for gallbladder disease:
- antispasmodics ("No-shpa", "Drotaverine", "Mebeverine");
- choleretic drugs ("Flamin", "Allochol", "Holosas");
- toning ("Cerebron", "Elkar");
- anti-inflammatory ("Diclofenac", "Nalgesin");
- hepatoprotectors ("Gepabene", "Karsil", "Essentiale", "Hofitol").
Painkillerspreparations for the treatment of biliary pathologies are undesirable, since their effectiveness is rather low, however, there is a risk of peptic ulcer. To eliminate pain, it is much more effective to use antispasmodics.

Cholagogue drugs are used without exacerbation, since their use during biliary colic can provoke a deterioration in the patient's well-being. Hepatoprotectors are required for all pathologies of this gallbladder, as well as the liver, to maintain its normal function. They are drunk mainly in courses during the period of remission. Also required are tonics that normalize the functions of the affected organ.
Surgical treatment of the disease - excision of the diseased organ. Often resorted to in the course of gallstone disease. The operation can be performed endoscopically or laparotomically. The use of endoscopic techniques is considered a more advanced method.
Among the indications for laparotomy is the impossibility of performing an endoscopic operation, as well as if a complication of cholecystitis is suspected. This operation is much more traumatic and is prescribed only strictly according to indications.

Intervention to excise a diseased organ is performed as planned or urgently. An indication for an emergency operation is an acute attack of gallstone disease, which cannot be eliminated with medication. During childbearing, intervention is notconducted.
After the operation, it is imperative to follow a strict diet and take medication. It is especially important to control the intervals between meals.
Diet for gallbladder problems is very important. It is the various errors in it that can cause an exacerbation. During the period of remission, it is necessary to limit the consumption of spicy, smoked and fatty foods. Fluid can be consumed without restriction.
Food for problems with the gallbladder should be balanced and some intervals between meals should be strictly observed. You need to eat in small portions, but often. The interval between meals should be no more than 4 hours. This is especially important after surgery. The consumption of alcoholic beverages should be completely eliminated.

If there are serious problems with the liver and gallbladder, the diet should be very tough. It is forbidden to eat food until the attack of biliary colic is eliminated. The liquid is also not recommended to drink. You can only periodically moisten your lips with warm water or unsweetened tea. After normalizing your he alth or eliminating the pain syndrome, you can eat just a few tablespoons of carefully mashed vegetable soup, drink diluted juice or unsweetened tea.
Diet for problems with the gallbladder implies the rejection of sweets, canned food, muffins and fresh bread. It is recommended to eat mostly fresh or boiled vegetables.
In the development of diseasesof the gallbladder, many different factors play an important role, each of which is quite possible to prevent. An important role for prevention is played by a he althy lifestyle, quitting smoking, drinking alcohol, limiting the consumption of spicy and fatty foods, and moderate physical activity. All this helps to prevent the development of the disease, even if there are anatomical anomalies in the development of the organ.
It is important to remember that all existing chronic diseases must be treated by a doctor, and folk remedies therapy is permissible only after prior consultation with the doctor, so as not to harm he alth.
The gallbladder performs a very important function and any disturbances in this organ negatively affect the general condition of the digestive organs, therefore, timely diagnosis and treatment is required.