Hands and feet sweat: causes, how to treat

Hands and feet sweat: causes, how to treat
Hands and feet sweat: causes, how to treat

Excessive sweating of hands and feet is a huge problem for a person. After all, it always happens at the most inopportune moment. It’s scary to take off your shoes at a party or shake hands with a friend. Such a problem in medicine is called hyperhidrosis and can occur for the most harmless reasons: either due to heat or a genetic predisposition, or signal the presence of a pathological process in the body.


Classification of hyperhidrosis is represented by two types:

  • Primary type, that is, an independent pathology.
  • Secondary type, that is, a disease that appeared against the background of another pathology.


Sweating hands and feet against the background of hereditary predisposition and for the so-called secondary reasons, that is, in the presence of any disease. If the secondary cause is not related to the high temperature outside, then you should definitely consult a doctor to find out what disease provokes hyperhidrosis.

hand sweating
hand sweating

Endocrine diseases

Pathologies associated withendocrine system are a common cause. Hands and feet sweat in this case because it is the endocrine system that is responsible for sweating. The most common diseases that cause hyperhidrosis are:

  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Hypoglycemia.

If you have profuse sweating and one of these pathologies, you need to contact an endocrinologist to adjust the treatment.

Hormonal disorders

Hormonal failure can occur at any time in life. In adolescence, failures begin during puberty. Also, this condition is typical for the period of gestation and breastfeeding the baby. At an older age, hormonal failure occurs at the time of menopause, when the body is rebuilt again.

Increased sweating is possible against the background of physical and emotional stress.

It is important to remember that if you do not fight hormonal failure, it can take a chronic form, and this is not only hyperhidrosis, but also other he alth problems.


Almost every person at the moment of strong emotional experiences feels increased sweating. But for some people, this condition is observed even with the slightest emotional mood swing. It could be fear or joy. Sweating hands and feet in an adult due to a tendency to hyperhidrosis. Against this background, such people are very worried about their problem, they are afraid that someone will notice, and they sweat even more.

In this case, it can be recommended to undergo a course of treatment with a psychotherapist,to try to cope with the constant feeling of fear and anxiety.

Hazardous environmental conditions

Why do my hands and feet sweat a lot? The reason may be the high atmospheric temperature. At such moments, the body's thermoregulation is activated so that overheating does not occur.

In this case, there is only one salvation - the rejection of clothes and shoes made of synthetic materials, the use of antiperspirants. In this case, it is impossible to eliminate increased sweating - this is a normal protective process in the body. In some cases, if sweat causes great discomfort, it makes sense to resort to cosmetic procedures, such as laser surgery or undergo iontophoresis.

one of the reasons
one of the reasons

Increased body temperature

When an infection enters the body, it almost instantly reacts to it and tries to remove toxic substances from the body through sweat.

For this reason, the hands and feet sweat, the whole body, there may even be a burning sensation in some places. There is only one way to cope with this problem - to recover from a cold.


Not only children have helminthic infestations. They can enter the body with unwashed fruits and vegetables, if standard hygiene rules are not followed.

For this reason hands and feet sweat a lot. This is due to the fact that the body is trying to remove the toxic waste products of worms from the body in any way possible.

What to do? Of course, he will turn to an infectious disease specialist and undergo a course of treatment.

sweating problems
sweating problems

Hereditary predisposition

May sweat hands and feet due to hereditary tendency to hyperhidrosis. By the way, this disorder is more typical for the male half of humanity. Although it has been observed that this tendency is still passed on to their children by their mothers.

Cure in such a case is impossible, because it is actually a genetic failure. You can alleviate the symptoms with frequent hygiene and cosmetic procedures.

Children's problems

The above reasons are equally applicable to any age, but there are those that arise solely through the fault of the parents.

The most common problem is when parents violate the baby's temperature regime. This means that the child is not yet able to express his dissatisfaction, and the parents continue to tightly wrap, swaddle and dress him. It should also be remembered that in small children the body temperature is slightly higher than in an adult, so it is not surprising that parents do not understand why the child sweats when the temperature is comfortable for them. The younger the children, the more comfortable they are at a lower temperature, which should ideally be at +20 degrees. As they grow older, it becomes easier for the baby to tolerate higher atmospheric temperatures. In adolescence, a comfortable temperature is already equal to that which is suitable for an adult - at the level of +24 degrees.

Therefore, if parents observe excessive sweating in their child, you should reconsider your attitude towardscompliance with the temperature regime.

Do not forget that the quality of clothes and shoes is of great importance. The wardrobe of a baby, as well as an adult, should not consist of synthetic things that do not allow air to pass through.

Infectious diseases in childhood also have their own characteristics. Even after it was possible to normalize the baby's body temperature, he may still sweat for some time. In this case, the extremities of the arms and legs sweat due to the fact that the recovery process is somewhat inhibited in children, so increased sweating is observed for some time after the body temperature stabilizes.

The most dangerous thing is that hyperhidrosis in childhood can be a harbinger of rickets.

A teenager's hands and feet sweat due to hormonal failure, or rather, due to a complex process called puberty. This condition does not require medical intervention, especially if no deviations from the norm are observed.

children's problems
children's problems

Other reasons

The most common causes are described above, which are quite simply eliminated. But there are other pathologies that can cause symptoms of hyperhidrosis.

May sweat hands and feet in adults for reasons:

  • renal diseases of various etiologies;
  • due to the presence of vascular distance or other problems at the level of the vascular system;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • oncology or benign neoplasms;
  • tuberculosis;
  • somaticdisorders.

All these pathologies require mandatory treatment, not elimination of the symptoms of hyperhidrosis.

An interesting fact is that sometimes even due to an overabundance or lack of vitamins in the body, hands and feet sweat. The reasons, in principle, are clear, because these substances play an important role in our body. A striking example is the development of rickets due to a lack of vitamin D in the body.

When to worry?

The answer to this question is not so simple. First of all, you should observe your body, at what moments sweating increases, if this is due to nervous strain, then you should try to control your emotions. The same goes for teenagers. After the end of the formation of the reproductive system, everything will return to normal and hyperhidrosis will disappear.

In other cases, you still have to see a doctor to determine the true cause.

Treatment measures

Before you go to the pharmacy and buy ointments or tinctures, it is still better to consult a doctor and identify the true causes of hyperhidrosis. In fact, all products based on hydrocortisone (or with another similar composition) relieve only the symptoms, but do not get rid of the cause, therefore, they eliminate the problem only for a short time. It is clear that in parallel with the treatment of the underlying pathology, symptomatic therapy will also be used, but it is still better for a doctor to prescribe it.

sweaty feet treatment
sweaty feet treatment

Botulism toxins

How to treat? Sweaty hands and feet. Are the reasons already known? Then you can contactbeauty salon and make Botox injections. Yes, this substance is used not only to smooth out wrinkles, but also to alleviate the condition of hyperhidrosis.

What is the secret of this substance? It's very simple: Botox does not make it possible to transmit nerve impulses to the sweat glands. As a result, if there is no signal, then there is no pot.

The botulinum toxin injection technique has been used very recently. However, it should be understood that this procedure is purely cosmetic and allows you to cope with the problem only for a short period of time, from 2 to 6 months.

botox treatment
botox treatment

Iontophoresis and laser technique

Treatment of the causes of sweating feet and hands can be done with iontophoresis. The essence of the technique is that the patient immerses the limbs in a bath with a special liquid. Weak discharges of electric current are passed through the liquid.

The effect of the treatment lasts up to 6 months, but 10 to 15 treatments will be required.

Laser technique involves the introduction of optical fibers under the skin that damage the walls of the sweat glands, and thereby neutralize their work.

Other traditional techniques

In some cases, patients manage to solve the problem with ordinary compresses and lotions with pharmaceutical drugs.

The doctor may recommend wiping problem areas with a solution of aluminum hexachloride, thiamine and other similar agents with a similar effect. However, it should be understood that these drugs often cause allergies and solveproblem only for a short time.

Therefore, if traditional drugs do not help, surgery may be recommended. According to statistics, 95% of all patients who decide to have surgery forget about hyperhidrosis forever.

The essence of the operation is that the nerve endings that are responsible for the functioning of the sweat glands are removed. The operation can be carried out by making incisions or through punctures. The postoperative period is short.

Folk remedies

Do your hands and feet sweat? We have already discussed the reasons. And the recipes from the grandmother's chest will help to remove the symptoms.

A good way to get rid of excessive sweating of the hands is ammonia. In one liter of water, one or two tablespoons of ammonia are diluted. With the resulting composition, you need to wipe your palms several times a day.

You can use vinegar, a teaspoon of which is added to a glass of water. Use the mixture to wipe problem areas before going to bed and in the morning.

You can also make decoctions of medicinal herbs and wipe them in places of strong sweating. To prepare a decoction, nettle, sage, oak bark, chamomile are suitable. Components can be used individually or mixed.

folk ways
folk ways

Rules for every day

In the presence of hyperhidrosis, it is recommended to stop eating too hot and spicy foods. To get rid of toxins that are excreted by sweat and give it an unpleasant smell, visit the sauna regularly. If you have problems with weight, then you should lose weight.

Do not wear shoes and clothes fromartificial materials. In this case, it's not a whim. Even if the problems are only in the palms and feet, do not think that clothes do not affect the amount of sweat. Synthetic materials do not allow air to pass through, the body, in turn, tries to regulate body temperature by removing sweat. And most of the sweat glands are located on the feet and palms.

Uncomfortable, low-quality and made of artificial materials shoes - this is not only a strong sweating, but also a huge risk of developing fungal diseases.

And the most important thing is personal hygiene. During bathing, problem areas should be thoroughly washed with soap. It is recommended to do a contrast shower, which allows you to clean the pores well.

Following these simple rules, along with the treatment recommended by your doctor, will reduce the symptoms of hyperhidrosis and feel a full member of society.
