Headache and nosebleeds are symptoms of serious pathologies. Some of these ailments are a direct threat to life. There are many reasons for this phenomenon. When such symptoms occur, an examination is necessary. Why does my nose bleed and my head hurt? This is covered in sections of the article.
How does pathology manifest itself?
There are several types of nosebleeds:
- Front. It is not very intense and most often stops on its own or after first aid measures.
- Back. Appears as a result of violation of the integrity of large vessels. This bleeding is quite intense. It is very difficult to stop it on your own. This phenomenon leads to a strong deterioration in well-being.
If my nose bleeds and my head hurts, what could be causing these symptoms?
Probable causes
There are many factors that explain the appearance of these signs. Suchsymptoms are seen in both adults and children. If there is blood from the nose and a headache, the cause may be pathology, mechanical damage, or exposure to adverse external circumstances. In most cases, these manifestations occur in the fairer sex. They occur less frequently in men.
Unfavorable external factors
If there is bleeding from the nose and a headache, the cause of this phenomenon may be:
- Dry air in the room, which makes the capillaries more fragile, reduces the elasticity of the vessels.
- Exposure to too high temperatures.
- Blood pressure fluctuations (when climbing, diving, traveling by plane).
- Mechanical damage to the head or olfactory organ.
- Abuse of drugs to reduce the volume of blood vessels.
- Allergic reactions.
- Electric shock.
- Burn of the nasopharynx.
- Intense cough, strong blowing nose.
- Exposure to radiation.
- Use of drugs, alcohol-containing drinks.
- Medication side effect.
- Intoxication (poisoning with chemicals, poisonous gases, aerosols).

Pathologies causing symptoms
These include the following states:
- Disorders of the myocardium and blood vessels.
- Hormon imbalance.
- Stroke.
- Inflammation of the meninges.
- Hypertension.
- Disorders of the blood coagulation process.
- Malignant neoplasms in the brain, nasal cavity.
- Problems with the activity of the adrenal glands.

If the nose bleeds frequently and the head hurts, a person needs to see a doctor to determine the cause of this phenomenon.
Hypertensive crisis
This pathology is characterized by the following symptoms:
- Dizziness.
- Swelling of facial tissues.
- Deterioration of the visual apparatus.
- Headache.
- Bouts of nausea.
- Nosebleed.
- Increase in blood pressure.
- Tinnitus.
- Increased heart rate.
If your head hurts, your nose bleeds, your blood pressure is elevated, perhaps a combination of these symptoms indicates a hypertensive crisis.
Mechanical damage
Injuries to the organ of smell and the head often occur in children and adolescents. They can range from minor to serious, such as a fracture.
After a bruised nose, the bleeding is insignificant. There is pain in the area of the affected tissues, shortness of breath. As a first aid method, you need to place a lotion with ice or a cloth soaked in cold water on the bridge of the nose, give tablets with an analgesic effect. Do not tilt your head back and use means to reduce the volume of blood vessels. As a rule, such a bruise resolves on its own within a few days without special treatment.
A broken nose is considereda more serious injury that occurs when hitting a hard blunt object, falling, sports training. Such an injury is often accompanied by cracks in the bones of the skull. If, as a result of mechanical damage, blood flows from the nose and the head hurts, there is discomfort in the eye sockets, cheekbones, a feeling of weakness, drowsiness and nausea, you should contact a medical facility as soon as possible.
Heat and sunstroke
This is another common cause of these symptoms.

Pathology is accompanied by other signs of deterioration in well-being. Heat stroke occurs when you stay in a stuffy and hot room for a long time. Sunny - with long and intense exposure to ultraviolet radiation. If your head hurts, you feel sick, your nose bleeds, one of these conditions may be the cause. In severe cases, the patient loses consciousness. In case of heat or sunstroke, exposure to harmful factors should be excluded (get away from the direct rays of the sun, from a stuffy room), unfasten the collar or tight clothing. A mild degree of pathology does not require special therapy. Her symptoms resolve within sixty minutes.
Allergic reaction
In this condition, mucus accumulates in the nose area. This leads to difficulty breathing, increased pressure, blood flow. Various medications are used as methods of treating allergic reactions ("Zodak", "Suprastin", "Prednisolone").
Infectious pathologies
If inas a result of viral diseases (influenza, rubella, SARS) headache, blood from the nose, why does this happen? With these ailments, the walls of blood vessels become thin, which leads to damage to the capillaries. There are also symptoms of intoxication (drowsiness, feeling overwhelmed), as well as a runny nose and coughing fits.
Hormonal imbalance
If a patient has a headache and nosebleeds, the cause of this phenomenon may be endocrinological pathologies. Violations of the functions of the sex or adrenal glands, thyroid often lead to increased fragility of blood vessels. A change in the concentration of hormones in the body is typical for puberty, menopause, pregnancy.
Causes for the development of pathology in juvenile patients
If a child or teenager has a headache and nose bleeds, it may be due to the following circumstances:
- Mechanical damage to the olfactory organ.
- Tranio-cerebral injury.
- Presence of foreign objects in the nasal passages.
- Recurring respiratory infections.
- Frequent and intense blowing.
- Incorrect treatment of ailments of the nasal mucosa.
- Sensitivity of the olfactory organs to changes in environmental conditions.

If there is bleeding from the nose and a headache in a child or teenager, there is a feeling of nausea, bruising under the eyes, general malaise, you need to contact a medical facility. In the case when the state of he alth has worsened after a fall, blow or bruise, you need to visitemergency room.
Onset of symptoms during gestation
Bleeding from the nasal cavity and pain in the head often disturb a woman during pregnancy.

Such phenomena are not dangerous for expectant mothers if they happen less than 1 time in one trimester.
They can be caused by the following circumstances:
- Hormone imbalances. This phenomenon is accompanied by a feeling of nausea, nasal congestion, dizziness.
- Lack of vitamins, nutrients.
- Poor blood clotting.
- Increase or decrease in blood pressure (this condition poses a serious danger to the life of the fetus).
- Sometimes expectant mothers get headaches and nosebleeds due to late pregnancy toxicity.
- Influenza and acute respiratory infections, to which the body of pregnant women is especially sensitive.
- Heat or sunstroke.
- Mechanical damage.
Expectant mothers need regular visits to the gynecologist to avoid he alth problems during pregnancy.
When should I see a doctor?
Sometimes headaches and nosebleeds indicate serious illness or injury. When do you need to call an ambulance? It is necessary to immediately contact a medical facility in the following situations:
- When symptoms appear after taking medicines, especially medicines that containhormones.
- In case of a strong feeling of weakness, dizziness, blurred vision. You need to measure your blood pressure. The patient should lie down or sit down.
- If, as a result of a fall, bruise or blow, the nose bleeds, then the head hurts, there is a deformation of the olfactory organ, swelling, discomfort.
- The man lost consciousness. His skin became very pale, his limbs cold. Bleeding does not stop for fifteen minutes or increases.
Diagnostic measures
To find out the cause of the symptoms, experts recommend the following examinations:
- Laboratory tests of urine, blood (general, biochemical).
- Taking swabs from the nose and throat.
- Electrocardiogram.
- Computed tomography of the head.
- Rhinoscopy.
- Encephalogram.
First Aid Methods
If your nose bleeds and your head hurts, you need to get rid of these symptoms first of all.

To do this, follow these recommendations:
- Place the patient in a horizontal position. His head should be above his chest.
- Unbutton top buttons, remove tie, scarf.
- Provide fresh air.
- Place an ice pack on the bridge of the nose. Keep it for no more than ten minutes.
- To the back of the head attach a cloth dipped incold water.
- A nostril that bleeds is pinched with fingers or cotton with hydrogen peroxide or saline is injected (it must be removed very carefully so as not to damage the mucous membrane).
- Take medication for headaches (Paracetamol or Analgin).
- If the person is unconscious, they are placed on a horizontal flat surface. The head is turned to the side so that in the event of an attack of vomiting, the patient does not suffocate. Then you need to call an ambulance.
- When bleeding from the nose, do not lean back.
Prevention measures
To avoid the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, you must follow these recommendations:
- Do not consume excessively hot food and drinks.
- Stop exercising for a week after an attack occurs.
- Take medications that help strengthen the walls of blood vessels ("Venoruton", "Ascorutin", nettle decoction). However, drugs should be used only with the permission of a specialist.
- Rinse the nasal cavity with solutions containing sea s alt.
- Take your doctor's prescribed vitamin supplements.
- Include legumes, olive oil, cereals and seafood in your diet.
- Use a humidifier, ventilate the room regularly.
- Avoid activities and situations that can lead to mechanical injury to the head.
- Limit sun exposure.
- Exclude alcoholproducts.
- Don't overwork, give enough time for a night's rest.
Headache accompanied by nosebleeds is a symptom to look out for.

This phenomenon often indicates the presence of dangerous pathologies. Therefore, when it occurs, you must contact a medical institution and undergo the necessary examinations. To avoid repeated attacks, it is necessary to lead a he althy lifestyle, avoid overwork, physical overload, use vitamin supplements, eat right, do not stay in the open sun for a long time, in stuffy rooms, drink pills prescribed by a doctor.