If you feel sick with a hangover, then the best solution is to empty your stomach as much as possible. Vomit will leave the body, and with them the degree of intoxication will decrease. The problem is that the withdrawal syndrome is characterized not only by the presence of nausea, but also by a number of other symptoms that are much more difficult to deal with. If a person has a withdrawal syndrome, then it is likely that chronic alcoholism has already developed. And there is only one way: a complete rejection of alcohol in any, even the smallest dosages.
The difference between hangover and withdrawal symptoms
For most people, the phrase "withdrawal syndrome" means nothing. We are used to thinking that a hangover makes us dizzy and nauseous, that the next day this state will disappear as if by hand. But it happens that a bad state does not go away on the second or third day. In this case, we are already talking about the manifestation of withdrawal syndrome. This is a rather complex condition, whichrequires some therapy and indicates developed alcoholism.
Let's figure out what is the difference between a hangover and withdrawal symptoms.
- Hangover syndrome appears due to intoxication of the body. If a person drinks a large amount of alcohol the day before, then he will feel sick in the morning with a hangover. And this is very good: the body is cleansed in this way. Few of us are familiar with information about the toxic effects of ethyl alcohol, which is part of any alcoholic beverage. Meanwhile, ethyl alcohol has a destructive effect on the liver, its decay products are toxic to the cells of the nervous system, pancreas. When drinking alcoholic beverages, the esophagus, stomach suffers, and jumps in blood pressure may begin. There is practically no system in the body that does not suffer from the toxic effects of ethyl alcohol. And a hangover is a natural result of abuse. It makes no difference what kind of drink a person drank - wine, vodka, cognac, beer or cocktails. If a certain dosage is exceeded, a hangover the next day is inevitable.
- Withdrawal syndrome is the body's reaction to constant poisoning. Abstinence often develops when the gag reflex is lost during alcohol abuse. In narcology, this condition is classified as the second stage of chronic alcoholism. It happens that a person thinks that he is very sick with a hangover. However, the condition does not improve either on the second or on the third day. In this case, you should definitely see a doctor. It may not even be an ordinary abstinence, but a symptom.any chronic disease. Chronic or acute pancreatitis, peptic ulcer, colitis, cholecystitis - all these diseases inevitably develop sooner or later in people who abuse alcohol. So if you are very sick with a hangover and this condition does not go away, you should consult a doctor. And then think about what caused the condition - a hangover or withdrawal, how to get rid of alcoholism. Withdrawal syndrome is characterized not only by a feeling of nausea, but also by problems with the nervous system (insomnia, depression, suicidal thoughts, irritability, etc.).

Why do you feel sick with a hangover and have a headache?
Nausea and subsequent vomiting is a natural physiological way for the body to cope with poisoning at least partially. Of course, most of the breakdown products of alcohol are already in the process of excretion through the kidneys and intestines, some are excreted with sweat and breath (fume), and a small proportion - with vomit.
Why do you feel sick with a hangover? The process is due to the fact that the enzymes that digest alcohol are present in the body of each person in different quantities. That is why some people experience a strong feeling of nausea after the first small dose of alcohol, while others do not even have a headache after a bottle of vodka. But sooner or later, depending on the state of he alth, any person who abuses alcohol will first be overtaken by a hangover, and eventually a withdrawal syndrome. Approximately 70% of people always throw up with a hangover. What to do in such a situation and what drugsaccept, described below.
The head after drinking hurts due to the withdrawal of s alts and dehydration. Also, after abuse, many cells of the nervous system die - neurons, which are not subsequently restored. Also, due to ethyl alcohol poisoning, many people develop oxygen starvation. This medical condition is called hypoxia.
Hypoxia has a negative effect on the cerebral cortex. Regardless of the amount of alcohol consumed, clots begin to form in the blood. This is due to the fact that alcohol significantly increases the level of blood clotting. After 4-6 hours, dead cells begin to be removed from the body along with decay products. It is at this moment that a headache with dry mouth and weakness appears, a person is sick with a hangover. What will help in this case? Rest, sleep, and medications as described below.

Drugs to restore water-s alt balance
If you feel sick with a hangover, what to do at home? Below are the most effective and cheapest medicines for restoring the water-s alt balance. Any of these drugs should be taken within three to five days from the moment of poisoning. Already after the first day of taking patients feel a noticeable relief.
- "Rehydron" is a glucose-s alt powder for preparing a solution. Developed by WHO to correct electrolyte and energy balance in dehydration of the body of various etiologies (for poisoning, diarrhea, intestinal infections).etc.). Take three servings per day.
- "Alvogen" - effervescent tablets for dissolution in water. Reception helps to restore the water-s alt balance in adults and children. Like Regidron, Alvogen should be taken three times a day. In a serious condition, the amount of the drug taken can be increased, it is optimal to consult a doctor before this.

Drugs to restore sleep during withdrawal
Most patients after poisoning are interested in the question: "I feel sick with a hangover, what should I do?" However, on the second or third day, after the nausea passes, the withdrawal syndrome begins. One of its most striking manifestations is sleep disturbance. A person is tormented by insomnia, he manages to switch off for several hours, but since the sleep phases are disturbed, the brain and body do not rest. Often the patient is also haunted by nightmares. List of drugs to help improve sleep after severe alcohol poisoning:
- Atarax is a very mild tranquilizer. In some pharmacies you can buy without a prescription, but formally the pharmacist has to require a prescription from a doctor. Taking Atarax helps relieve irritation and tension, as well as reduce vomiting spasms and fall asleep soundly. Be careful: "Atarax" is undesirable to take immediately after poisoning, as there is a high risk that a person will vomit in his sleep and death will occur from mechanical asphyxia (blocking the airways with vomit).
- "Fitosedan" - herbal tea, which includes valerian and motherwort. Has a mild soothing effect. During a hangover or withdrawal syndrome, taking this tea with a sedative effect will help relieve anxiety and anxiety, fall asleep all night and not wake up from nightmares. If the withdrawal syndrome is pronounced, then the action of Fitosedan may not be enough. In this case, you need to go to a narcologist or psychiatrist and honestly explain the situation, ask for a prescription for a more powerful drug with a sedative effect.

What to do if you feel sick with bile after drinking?
This is a much more dangerous condition than regular vomiting. If after a hangover you feel sick with bile, then you should consult a doctor. It is highly likely that the outflow of bile is disturbed, this may indicate liver disease, acute cholecystitis or other pathologies of internal organs.
If there is no way to see a doctor, then you should not experiment with pills. It is better not to eat anything fatty and harmful, and even more so not to drink alcohol. Every three hours you should eat oatmeal on the water. Taking medications without a diagnosis can make the condition worse.
An even more dangerous signal is the presence of blood in the vomit. This indicates the onset of internal bleeding. In this case, you need to call an ambulance as soon as possible.
Drugs to restore the liver and gallbladder
Select oneor another drug is possible only after the exact diagnosis becomes known. The most commonly prescribed drugs are:
- "Ursosan" with long-term use is able to dissolve gallstones. It has a mild choleretic, moderate antispasmodic effect, has a beneficial effect on liver function.
- "Heptral" will help the liver "recover" after alcohol poisoning. Available in the form of capsules and solution for intravenous effect. It has a mild antidepressant effect. One of the best drugs in the period of withdrawal and hangover syndromes.
- "Karsil" is a hepatoprotector, the main active ingredient of which is silymarin. To restore the liver, you need to take Karsil for at least two months, while refraining from drinking alcohol in any quantities and adhering to nutrition according to the principles of medical table No. 5.

The importance of proper nutrition during the recovery period
If you feel very sick with a hangover, what to do? First of all - to refuse the repeated use of alcohol. The second step is to think about what you ate the day before. And the third step is taking restorative drugs.
The role of nutrition in case of poisoning is huge. For two weeks from the moment of ethyl alcohol poisoning, one should adhere to the principles of medical table No. 5 (such a diet reduces the load on the liver and gallbladder):
- eliminate fatty meat, sausages, sausages;
- refuse to eat red fish and seafood;
- exclude fast food;
- bread can only be dried and no more than 150 g per day;
- fermented milk products can be low fat;
- banned spicy and fatty sauces - mayonnaise, ketchup, etc.;
- confectionery is also prohibited (it is permissible to occasionally eat lean cookies);
- nuts should also be avoided due to their high fat content;
- fried foods are prohibited, you can add vegetable oil to vegetable salads or stews.
If you feel sick and throw up with a hangover, what can you eat? In the acute period, cook oatmeal or rice porridge in water, add s alt and a teaspoon of olive oil. There is a little, literally a few spoons. If the body does not take any food or water at all, then you can starve for a maximum of a day. If after this period the body rejects food, you should consult a doctor.
What is chronic alcoholism and how to deal with it?
If a person drinks so much that in the morning he has a hangover, feels sick, has a headache and sleep is disturbed, then he is in danger. It is highly likely that a person has already developed or will soon develop chronic alcoholism. We are accustomed to consider as alcoholics those people who have slipped down the social ladder, have lost their jobs, homes, families. But these are representatives of the third, final stage of alcoholism.
At the first stage, chronic alcoholism is quite harmless, at first glance. A person gets drunk every weekend, citing the fact that he is tired, that he needs to relieve stress. When a person begins to get drunk in the morning, we can already talk about the second stage of alcoholism. Only a narcologist can accurately determine the stage of the disease. When a person reaches the third stage, there is no longer any talk of a cure, since ethanol becomes part of the metabolism. Personality completely degrades, a person dies from fatal diseases provoked by alcohol consumption.
It is generally accepted that if a person becomes an alcoholic, then this is for life. He will never again be able to take a little alcohol, even from tiny doses he will be tormented by withdrawal symptoms. There is only one method of dealing with alcoholism - a sick person must himself realize that he should never drink.

Methods of treatment of chronic alcoholism
Today, the following treatments exist:
- sessions of individual psychotherapy (a specialist must have experience working with addicted people);
- Attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and completing the 12-Step Program to Change Your Personality;
- coding according to Dovzhenko or classes with a hypnotherapist;
- "sewing" with a capsule of the drug "Esperal" is a relatively unreliable method, since the patient does not change his attitude to alcohol, but hopes for "maybe";
- independent work to change their established views on the need to drink alcohol.
On which of the methods to stop, the patient himself must decide. Remission depends entirely on thepatient. Alas, the help of loved ones is useless here. Moreover, the stronger the relatives put pressure on a sick person, obliging him to encode, the more resistance grows in him.

How to avoid a recurrence of the disease?
The insidiousness of alcoholism as a disease is that only the patient considers that he has been cured - and a breakdown occurs. And again, a person is tormented by withdrawal symptoms, nausea, vomiting, headache, depression, pangs of conscience, etc. How to avoid a relapse in alcoholism? It is necessary to support the work constantly, not to forget that a person is an alcoholic, not to give up visiting a therapist and an anonymous alcoholics group. There are cases in narcology, and there are many of them, when alcoholics in the second stage achieved remission for a period of 15 years or even more. It all depends on the patient himself - what is his motivation, what is he willing to do for the sake of his sobriety?
It is important to understand that even if a person with alcohol addiction drinks alcohol after ten years of sobriety, he will be overtaken by abstinence exactly to the same extent, as if these ten years never happened. The production of enzymes responsible for the breakdown of ethanol is disrupted, and it will never recover. There is no magic pill or miracle cure that will allow you to drink alcohol without experiencing a hangover or withdrawal symptoms.