Spasm of the abdominal muscles is a fairly common occurrence. The human musculature is constantly tense. Muscle contractions ensure their normal operation. But sometimes the fibers shrink involuntarily. If the spasm is too strong, the person feels discomfort. In the case of frequent occurrence of such a symptom, it should not be ignored.
Common causes
Spasm of the abdominal muscles occurs as a result of many different factors. Why does the abdominal press reduce? The appearance of discomfort can be explained by the following reasons:
- Psychological stress, severe fright.
- Intensive sports, excessive exercise.
- Wrong diet. An excess of sugary foods, fatty foods that impair the functioning of the gallbladder.
- Deadly addictions. Frequent use of alcohol-containing products leads to muscle spasms.
- Inflammation of the appendix.
- Pathologies of internal organs (gastrointestinal tract, urinary system, liver).
- The formation of blood clots in the bloodvessels.
- Using medicines that contain hormones (such as contraceptives).
Causes of abdominal muscle spasms are often violations of the digestive system. In such cases, discomfort is accompanied by diarrhea or stool retention, a feeling of nausea, bouts of vomiting, increased gas formation, dizziness and weakness. Depending on the factor that provoked the appearance of pain, it can be aching, sharp, cramping.
Wrong diet
The abuse of fatty, high-calorie foods and sweets, eating a large amount of food in a short period of time leads to the fact that the digestive tract can not cope with its work.

The muscles of the stomach and intestines are strongly compressed. Muscle fibers are stretched. Improper diet and overeating often lead to a feeling of nausea, increased gas formation, discomfort in the peritoneum. Usually the discomfort goes away on its own within a few hours.
Pathologies of the digestive system
Spasm of the abdominal muscles is a symptom that often indicates the presence of ailments of the gastrointestinal tract. With gastritis, the discomfort is aching or acute. It is localized in the upper part of the abdominal cavity, increases after eating. Intestinal colic is another cause of discomfort. Spasm of the abdominal muscles in this pathology increases in the case of eating foods containing a large amount of fiber. Pain hassharp, intense character, appears suddenly.
Disorders of the female reproductive system
Most of the fairer sex feels a spasm of the muscles of the back and abdomen during critical days.

This phenomenon is not considered abnormal. It is due to a change in the balance of hormones. At the same time, the muscles of the uterus are intensively reduced. However, sometimes discomfort can be caused by an inflammatory process in the endometrium, fallopian tubes, and sex glands. Discomfort in these diseases radiates to the lumbar spine and is accompanied by fever.
Disorders of the liver and gallbladder
These pathologies often cause discomfort in the upper part of the peritoneum. Especially intense pain is observed with cholecystitis. The fact is that the walls of the gallbladder are very sensitive.

In patients with acute inflammation of this organ, palpation of the abdominal cavity causes discomfort and nausea. They notice a bitter taste in their mouths. Biliary colic is another cause of abdominal muscle spasm. Discomfort occurs suddenly, after eating, emotional or physical overload. It has an acute character, is localized in the upper part of the peritoneum, under the right rib. As a rule, such attacks pass in about six hours. The patient needs therapy to prevent their recurrence.
Renal colic
Spasm of the abdominal muscles may result fromviolations of the process of excretion of urine. In such cases, the discomfort is pronounced. It is localized only on one side, in the lower part of the peritoneum, radiates to the side.

In most patients, discomfort is accompanied by flatulence, stool retention, and disturbances in the process of urination. When such symptoms appear, you should call an ambulance as soon as possible.
How to relieve spasm of the abdominal muscles? If this symptom is associated with an improper diet or addictions, the patient should reconsider his lifestyle. It is necessary to exclude alcohol-containing products, smoking, the use of soda, fatty, spicy, fried foods, confectionery. You need to eat small amounts, but often. In addition, emotional overload, too intense training should be avoided.
If cramps are not associated with serious pathologies of the abdominal organs, this symptom can be eliminated with the following drugs:
- "Buscopan".
- "No-Shpa".
- "Papaverine".
- "Baralgin".
- "Spazmalgon".
These medications help the patient feel better quickly.

However, if the discomfort is pronounced or the attacks often recur, a person should contact a medical institution to find out the cause of the discomfort and begin adequate treatment. After all, a spasmoften a signal of violations of the body. In situations where the patient's condition deteriorates sharply (for example, if there are symptoms of renal colic), an ambulance service should be called, as the patient needs therapy in a hospital.