The face is red and burning: possible causes and treatments

The face is red and burning: possible causes and treatments
The face is red and burning: possible causes and treatments

Most people don't go to the doctor for facial redness. But the cause of this phenomenon can be a disease, an allergy, a sunburn. If you ignore the problem, there is a risk of starting the disease and complicating its treatment in the future. If the face turns red and burns, it is necessary to identify the cause of this, on the basis of which the doctor prescribes therapy. Read more about the features of the problem in the article.

Types of redness

Face redness can be permanent or temporary. The first type usually manifests itself with a genetic predisposition. A temporary phenomenon arises from external factors.

face flushed and burning
face flushed and burning

Redness can be in the form of:

  • inflammation;
  • small localized rash;
  • stains;
  • pustule;
  • subcutaneous bumpy acne;
  • papule;
  • burn injuries.

Whatever the type of redness, you need to see a dermatologist. If you delay with the treatment of the disease, that isrisk of disease progression.

External causes

A fresh complexion has long been a sign of good he alth. It is still considered beautiful. Women even began to use rouge, and in ancient times this role was performed by beet juice.

If no means are used, and the face turns red and burns, then this may be due to various external causes. Usually this phenomenon is associated with:

  • strong wind;
  • being in the sun;
  • heat outside;
  • frost.

If the blood vessels are too close to the skin, then even small changes in ambient temperature or wind can overwhelm the capillaries with blood. This leads to the fact that the face turns red and burns. You also need to take into account that after being outside, such symptoms also appear, since the temperature of the environment and the room is different.

Weather factors can cause not only reddening of the skin, but also peeling. To prevent this, cosmetologists and doctors advise using sunscreen in the summer so that there are no sunburns. We also need special creams in winter to protect against frostbite.

If the face turns red, the reasons for this phenomenon may be the use of inappropriate or low-quality cosmetics. It is also important not only quality, but also quantity. With the thoughtless use of various creams, decorative products, there is a risk of allergies. The face is red and burning - the usual symptoms when using expired cosmetics.

Physiological causes

If the face suddenly turned red and began to burn, then this may be due to a state of he alth. In addition to allergies, the reasons are:

  • diseases;
  • menopause;
  • pregnancy;
  • drinking a lot of alcohol;
  • smoking.
face covered with red spots
face covered with red spots

There are serious ailments in which the face becomes red and itchy. It is associated with:

  • heart problems and blood supply to the skin;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • infectious diseases;
  • lack or excess of vitamins;
  • non-communicable skin diseases;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • intoxication;
  • hormonal changes.

If the face turns red, the reason may be a hereditary predisposition, if the skin is thin. In this case, it is required to monitor he alth, lifestyle, nutrition, selection of cosmetics. For washing, it is better to choose warm water, not to be in the sun for a long time. You should also minimize alcohol consumption, exclude cigarettes.

From cosmetics, it is desirable to choose those in which there is no ethanol. The daily menu should consist of fruits and vegetables. If the face turns red and burns, then this can be eliminated with herbal decoctions, for example, based on linden or chamomile. The main thing is that there is no allergy to these components.

At pressure 200/100 there is often a rush of blood, which is usually manifested in men. The vessels become congested, dilated. Small capillaries located near the skin lead toemergence of the problem under study. If the face turns red, the pressure has increased, the person must be given first aid so as not to cause a deterioration in the condition.

If there is hypertension, then you need to change the pressure. With increased numbers, you need to call an ambulance. For example, with a pressure of 200/100, the obligatory help of a doctor is needed.


Redness on the face occurs with food allergies. Often associated with:

  • chemicals when growing berries, vegetables;
  • preservatives in finished products;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • abuse of sweets;
  • allergic to certain foods;
  • alcohol additives;
  • hereditary factors.

Allergies can occur from hypothermia, which can turn into cold dermatitis. If there is a negative reaction to the sun, then phytodermatosis may appear. Allergies arise from synthetic clothing, a sharp change in climate, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, insect bites, wool, poor living conditions, flowering plants.

Psychological problems

If the face is covered with red spots, this is also associated with psychological factors. Often such a reaction appears when:

  • shame;
  • anger;
  • anger;
  • strong fear or fright;
  • emotional stress.
cause red face
cause red face

If the person bakes from psychological reasons, then the symptom disappears after the normalization of the state of mind. With a tendency to such manifestations, psychologists advise avoiding stress and learning how torelax.

When Pregnant

Redness often appears during childbearing. The reason is a strong increase in the amount of blood. There is a load on the vessels, they burst, a mesh appears. During pregnancy, redness may be a reaction to changes in the immune system.

Urgent medical attention is needed, as there is a threat to the development of the fetus, especially in the early stages. Cheeks burn with allergies to familiar foods, plants, household chemicals.

After meals

Often this occurs with allergies to food products, berries, vegetables, fruits. Another reason is the presence of irritants in foods that speed up blood flow. Vessels that are close to the skin dilate, resulting in a sharp reddening of the face and neck.

pressure 200
pressure 200

What to do if redness occurs after eating? Nutrition needs to be adjusted. Do not include seasonings, fast food, spices, alcohol, marinades, soda, smoked meats in the diet.

Eliminate redness

When burning the face, drastic measures and simple methods are used. All procedures have a positive effect, the difference is only in time. The beauty salon will help you quickly fix the problem:

  • photocoagulation;
  • plating;
  • sonic cleaning.

Before performing such procedures, you should consult a specialist. After all, for some people they may be contraindicated. Then you need to use folk remedies.

What to do?

If the facecovered with red spots, you need to see a therapist. Help is required if this symptom persists for a long time. You will need to pass tests, after which treatment is prescribed.

If the cause of redness is a disease of the internal organs, then you first need to cure the disease, and not eliminate the redness. In these cases, self-medication can be harmful. And if the problem is irritation, chapping, folk remedies are used:

  1. Cucumber should be peeled, grated on a fine grater, mixed with cottage cheese in equal amounts. Then olive oil is added (2-3 drops). The finished gruel should be applied to the face (excluding eyes, lips, nose). The mask is kept for 15 minutes, and then washed off with warm water.
  2. Fresh aloe juice is applied to the skin, and then a moisturizer is smeared on top. Repeat the procedure no more than 1 time per day. The course of therapy is 14-21 days.
  3. Chamomile flowers (1 tbsp. L) are poured with boiling water (500 ml) and kept for half an hour. In the finished infusion, moisten clean gauze, which is placed on the face. The procedure lasts 20-25 minutes. Such manipulations can be carried out no more than 2 times a day.
  4. Young potatoes should be passed through a meat grinder, the pulp is wrapped in clean gauze and the juice is squeezed out. They wipe their face 2 times a day.
face is red and itchy
face is red and itchy

The use of folk remedies helps to quickly restore facial skin. With them, redness, peeling disappear. Such procedures can also be used as a preventive measure.

Cosmetic clay

Get rid ofredness will turn out with ordinary cosmetic clay. It is advisable to choose white, red, blue, green. It will take 1 tbsp. l of powder, which is diluted with water to a creamy state.

The mask should be applied to the face, hold it until dry (usually 15-20 minutes). The skin should then be washed with water without cleansers.

Cosmetic Paraffin

This is an excellent remedy for removing irritations on the face. To eliminate redness, melt it in a steam bath and apply to the inflamed area. Then, after drying, it is removed by hand.

bakes face
bakes face

Paraffin is an effective remedy for skin irritation. It can be used for any type. Paraffin is not suitable only for individual intolerance.


If redness appeared after squeezing out acne, pharmacy tinctures are used. Calendula tincture is especially effective. It must be applied strictly locally, on the affected areas, as it is active and can adversely affect he althy skin.

An alcohol tincture of aloe juice, which is sold in a pharmacy, is also suitable. The level of alcohol there is minimal, it is only a preservative. This product is suitable for the treatment of the entire skin of the face, even with extensive inflammation.


Special products are used in the treatment of allergies. This is:

  1. "Suprastin".
  2. Claritin.
  3. Fenistil.
  4. "Loratadine".
  5. Zodak.

Dosage of antiallergic drugs for childrenshould be 2 times less than for adults. Regarding the use of such funds, you need to consult a doctor.


To normalize the complexion, the following procedures are performed:

  1. Protection from irritants: wind, heat, cold.
  2. Rejection of long exposure to the sun or in the solarium.
  3. Using moisturizers.
  4. No make-up.
allergy flushed face and burns
allergy flushed face and burns

Weak, not yet fully recovered facial skin needs to be protected from mechanical damage. Therefore, you should not injure her with various cosmetic procedures.


To prevent facial redness, you need to follow simple tips:

  1. It is important to control emotions: anger, resentment, embarrassment.
  2. The skin must be protected from environmental influences - cold, wind, sunlight.
  3. Requires a balanced diet. The diet should be less fried meat, starchy sweets, foods with additives.
  4. Need to give up bad habits: smoking and alcohol.
  5. It is important to go outside often.
  6. Should exercise and work hard.
  7. Need a quiet lifestyle.

Reduce the risk of various ailments that cause reddening of the skin, it will turn out with vitamins and vitamin complexes. Timely identification of the problem and treatment will quickly improve the condition of the face.
