Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Tunnel Syndrome of the Ulnar Nerve: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments

Tunnel Syndrome of the Ulnar Nerve: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments

Ulnar tunnel syndrome is a fairly common problem, especially when it comes to athletes, factory workers and representatives of some other professions

Hemosiderosis of the lungs: manifestation and treatment

Hemosiderosis of the lungs: manifestation and treatment

Hemosiderosis of the lungs is a serious disease that is quite difficult to diagnose. At the same time, it can be treated if all the requirements of the doctor are met and appropriate medications are taken

Polycythemia vera. Causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Polycythemia vera. Causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Polycythemia vera is a disease that can only be identified by looking at a person's face. And if you still conduct a diagnostic examination, then there will be no doubt at all

Voice disappears regularly - what to do?

Voice disappears regularly - what to do?

Why is my voice disappearing? What to do in such a situation? It depends on the reason for the loss. Let's figure it out

Thickening of the gallbladder wall: causes and treatment

Thickening of the gallbladder wall: causes and treatment

What is hardening of the gallbladder wall? This sign is found on ultrasound of the digestive organs in case of chronic cholecystitis. In order not to start the disease, it is necessary to treat the inflammatory process in a timely manner

Basic pneumonia in a child: symptoms and treatment

Basic pneumonia in a child: symptoms and treatment

Child hilar pneumonia: general information and brief description. Disease symptoms. Signs and provoking factors of the disease. Forms of the disease and diagnostic measures. features of the diagnosis in children. Phased treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of morbidity

Pneumonia without cough in children: symptoms, causes, treatment and recovery period

Pneumonia without cough in children: symptoms, causes, treatment and recovery period

Is there pneumonia without coughing in children and how to detect it in time? All you need to know about this dangerous disease: causes, symptoms, diagnostic methods, effective treatment, rehabilitation period and prevention

Sepsis: symptoms, possible causes, diagnosis and treatment

Sepsis: symptoms, possible causes, diagnosis and treatment

To know what kind of disease - sepsis - the symptoms inherent in it should be any modern person. Pathology belongs to the number of infectious, is systemic, provoked by an infectious agent when it penetrates into the circulatory system. The second name of the disease is blood poisoning. Inflammatory reaction can be initiated by fungi, bacteria, infectious toxins

Why I don't feel the taste of food: reasons

Why I don't feel the taste of food: reasons

In modern medical practice, there is often a complete or partial loss of taste. All these cases are associated with various failures that occurred in the human body. But most often they are found in otolaryngology

How to restore the stomach: causes, symptoms, alternative methods of treatment, medications for recovery

How to restore the stomach: causes, symptoms, alternative methods of treatment, medications for recovery

Due to malnutrition, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the mucous membrane of the stomach is damaged. Inflammation of the mucous layers can be a side effect of medications, as well as after the penetration of harmful chemical components. Therefore, there is a malfunction of the stomach. Various means are used to improve his condition. How to restore the stomach, described in the article

Water pimples on the fingers: causes, treatment and prevention

Water pimples on the fingers: causes, treatment and prevention

Water pimples on the fingers should not be left unattended. This phenomenon can be a symptom of a serious illness, in addition, they cause significant discomfort to a person and look very unaesthetic. However, before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out the cause of the pathology, because otherwise the therapy will be ineffective

Pleurisy in a child: symptoms, treatment, complications and clinical recommendations

Pleurisy in a child: symptoms, treatment, complications and clinical recommendations

Pleurisy is one of the most common diseases of the respiratory system. It is often referred to as a disease, but this is not entirely true. Pleurisy of the lungs is not an independent disease, but a sign

Coxsackievirus in Turkey: symptoms, treatment, prognosis

Coxsackievirus in Turkey: symptoms, treatment, prognosis

What form of the Coxsackie virus infected Russian tourists in Turkey? What is the mechanism of spread of infection, how to treat it? What agents affect the virus? The article provides answers to these other questions

Veins protrude on the legs: what to do?

Veins protrude on the legs: what to do?

Quite often people bulge veins on their legs, especially if there is a predisposition to varicose veins. There are several causes of the disease. It is imperative to recognize the development of the disease in a timely manner, to diagnose and subsequently comprehensive treatment

Bloating: symptoms and treatment

Bloating: symptoms and treatment

Bloating, the symptoms of which are familiar to many, is a common and unpleasant phenomenon. A feeling of fullness in the abdomen, squeezing pain, shortness of breath, palpitations - this is bloating. What is the cause of these phenomena?

Myocarditis: symptoms, types, diagnosis, treatment, clinical recommendations

Myocarditis: symptoms, types, diagnosis, treatment, clinical recommendations

What is myocarditis? This is an inflammation of the muscular membrane of the heart, which is usually infectious-allergic, infectious and rheumatic in nature. It is quite common, so now it is worth talking in detail about the symptoms of myocarditis, its types, as well as the specifics of diagnosis and treatment

Intestinal cleansing "Lavacol": reviews and instructions

Intestinal cleansing "Lavacol": reviews and instructions

What is the drug "Lavacol"? Use before colonoscopy. The use of the drug for weight loss. Tips, reviews, detailed analysis

Norm of the TSH hormone: causes of deviations and when to sound the alarm?

Norm of the TSH hormone: causes of deviations and when to sound the alarm?

Hormones literally rule the human body, so their levels must be closely monitored. And what is the norm of the hormone TSH and what is he generally responsible for? Worth looking into this in detail

Can bananas be eaten with diarrhea? Quantity and features of use

Can bananas be eaten with diarrhea? Quantity and features of use

When diarrhea occurs, every person wonders what to eat and what not. In such a situation, a strict diet should be followed

Treatment of shortness of breath in heart failure with breathing exercises, folk remedies, drugs. Treatment of dyspnoea in heart failure in dogs

Treatment of shortness of breath in heart failure with breathing exercises, folk remedies, drugs. Treatment of dyspnoea in heart failure in dogs

In our time, we increasingly meet people who complain of heart failure. The cause of the disease can be different: lung disease, myocardial infarction, poor circulation, etc. But whatever the cause, all people face the same problem - the treatment of shortness of breath in heart failure. There are different ways to treat shortness of breath, and in this article we will tell you about the possible remedies to help deal with this problem

Pimple in the mouth: causes and treatments

Pimple in the mouth: causes and treatments

Such a phenomenon as a white pimple in the mouth is quite common. There is little pleasant in such a situation, since such formations are quite painful, especially during conversation, drinking or eating. For those who have no idea what acne looks like in the mouth, the photo below will help to get a general understanding. In the event of a problem, this will make it possible not to get confused and take all necessary and correct measures

Seborrheic dermatitis: treatment, main manifestations, causes

Seborrheic dermatitis: treatment, main manifestations, causes

Many people are familiar with an unpleasant skin disease - seborrheic dermatitis. Treatment should be started only after a thorough diagnosis and search for a factor that has become a trigger for the reproduction of fungal flora. Effective therapy includes the use of a range of drugs for external and internal consumption. What provokes the disease and how best to cope with it

Angina: antibiotic treatment in adults. Consultation with an otorhinolaryngologist

Angina: antibiotic treatment in adults. Consultation with an otorhinolaryngologist

Angina is an infectious disease. The cause of this disease is bacteria, less often viruses. Microorganisms that most often cause angina are staphylococci and streptococci

Fungal tonsillitis: symptoms and treatment in children and adults

Fungal tonsillitis: symptoms and treatment in children and adults

Fungal tonsillitis can occur in both adults and children. In order to prevent the development of complications, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner. The disease is dangerous because it can become chronic. For this reason, it is necessary to carry out timely and complex therapy

Ventricular septal defect: diagnosis, ultrasound

Ventricular septal defect: diagnosis, ultrasound

In the presence of a ventricular septal defect, one should not be inactive and let the course of the disease take its course. Only in extremely rare cases, the defect does not significantly affect the quality and life expectancy

Laryngotracheitis in adults: causes, symptoms and diagnosis, treatment methods, reviews

Laryngotracheitis in adults: causes, symptoms and diagnosis, treatment methods, reviews

It would seem that laryngotracheitis is a disease that should not occur in adults. Immunity in people of mature age is formed. A he althy person is protected from most colds that children suffer from. However, there is laryngotracheitis in adults. What is the cause of this disease, what complications can occur and what measures should be taken to get rid of the disease?

Fetal distress during childbirth

Fetal distress during childbirth

The period of pregnancy is the most exciting and important for a woman. Throughout the entire period, it is important to know that the baby is fully developing and feels good. Any abnormalities may indicate the presence of fetal distress. To diagnose fetal distress syndrome, it is necessary to conduct CTG and ultrasound. According to the examinations, it will be seen whether the baby has a heartbeat disorder, reduced activity, or the presence of special reactions to contractions

How to increase blood pressure at home with pills or folk remedies

How to increase blood pressure at home with pills or folk remedies

Low blood pressure is a very unpleasant state of the body. It is accompanied by weakness, fatigue, memory loss, fear of noise and bright light. People suffering from hypotension feel chronic fatigue. And even a full sleep does not bring cheerfulness if a person wakes up with low blood pressure. Hypotension dramatically reduces performance and interferes with an active life

Congenital muscular torticollis: treatment

Congenital muscular torticollis: treatment

Congenital muscular torticollis has been known since ancient times and was described by Horace and Suetonius. Pathology develops as a result of dysplastic changes in the sternocleidomastoid muscles and ranks second among the most common congenital childhood defects, the percentage of its occurrence is up to 12%

How does Chvostek's symptom manifest itself?

How does Chvostek's symptom manifest itself?

For the first time, the symptom was described by a military therapist from Austria, Franz (according to other sources, Frantisek) Khvostek Sr., who collaborated with another scientist, a neurologist from Germany, Friedrich Schulze. It happened in 1876

Lacunar tonsillitis in a child. Symptoms, treatment, photos of lacunar tonsillitis in children

Lacunar tonsillitis in a child. Symptoms, treatment, photos of lacunar tonsillitis in children

Lacunar tonsillitis in a child is quite common. In this case, the symptoms can manifest themselves in different ways. However, this pathology should be treated without fail

Bruised toe. Treatment

Bruised toe. Treatment

Everyone is familiar with bruises of various parts of the body. These troubles accompany any of us throughout life. However, the most common is a bruised toe. It is enough just to stumble or drop a heavy object on the lower limb

Where did the sore on the lips come from? How to treat it?

Where did the sore on the lips come from? How to treat it?

Almost every person has encountered such a nuisance as a sore on the lips, which is caused by the herpes simplex virus. Is it possible to get rid of this cosmetic defect forever? We read about how to treat herpes in the following article

Herpes on the tongue. Causes of the disease and its treatment

Herpes on the tongue. Causes of the disease and its treatment

If you notice that you have blisters in your mouth, you may have herpes on your tongue. He appears in the indicated place quite rarely. Such rashes indicate that you have problems with the immune system

Crust on the lips: possible causes and treatments

Crust on the lips: possible causes and treatments

The face is the "calling card" of any person. In most cases, aesthetic imperfections lead to persistent psychological discomfort. The appearance of dry crusts on the lips may be the result of banal weathering or serve as a symptom of the development of a serious illness. If they are constantly observed on the mucous membrane, while active moisturizing of the tissues does not lead to a positive result, it is recommended to consult a doctor

Nutrition for arthritis: diet, proper nutrition, allowed and prohibited foods, cooking rules, recipes and mandatory medical supervision

Nutrition for arthritis: diet, proper nutrition, allowed and prohibited foods, cooking rules, recipes and mandatory medical supervision

Today we will look at proper dietary nutrition for arthritis. Let's start by explaining what kind of disease it is. This is the most common pathology of the joints. Some varieties of the disease can lead to rather serious consequences, up to disability, and this is quite scary when it comes to young people

Cyst in the lungs. Air cyst of the lung: causes and treatment

Cyst in the lungs. Air cyst of the lung: causes and treatment

Lung cysts are called intrapulmonary cavities of polyetiological origin, usually containing mucous fluid or air. Due to the wide variety of pathomorphological forms of the disease, it is rather difficult to judge the true prevalence of lung cysts in the population. How to deal with such a problem? Read more

Lung neoplasm: causes, symptoms, diagnostic testing and treatment

Lung neoplasm: causes, symptoms, diagnostic testing and treatment

Encrypted by numerous code combinations in the ICD-10, neoplasms of the lung are a serious oncological problem that has become increasingly common in recent years. With timely identification of the case and the start of adequate therapy, the patient can count on good prognosis, but with certain forms, a high degree of malignancy of the formation and at an advanced stage, if the risk of incurability of the condition

Subhepatic abscess: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, reviews

Subhepatic abscess: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, reviews

A subhepatic abscess is an abscess that is localized in the peritoneal cavity, between the intestinal loops and the lower surface of the liver. The subhepatic type of abscess is formed as one of the complications with purulent cholecystitis or with penetration of a stomach ulcer. Diagnosis of this disease can be difficult, often requires the use of paraclinical research methods

Can you die from sinusitis? Launched sinusitis - consequences

Can you die from sinusitis? Launched sinusitis - consequences

Unfortunately, in the modern world, death from sinusitis (or rather, from its complications) is not such a rare occurrence. People often overlook symptoms that can lead to death and turn to the doctor when treatment requires radical methods