Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Meningitis in a child: symptoms, causes, treatments and prevention

Meningitis in a child: symptoms, causes, treatments and prevention

How parents want their children to be he althy, cheerful and cheerful! But the reality does not always coincide with the desired. Children sometimes get sick. Some simply resist a mild cold, while others become more severe. Symptoms of meningitis in a child should not be ignored. In this case, medical intervention is mandatory

How and how to treat atherosclerosis? Which doctor to contact, general principles of therapy, drugs

How and how to treat atherosclerosis? Which doctor to contact, general principles of therapy, drugs

A doctor who treats atherosclerosis can tell you what drugs to use if such an unpromising diagnosis is made. Healers can also give some advice - folk wisdom is rich in recommendations and options for preparing compositions. If atherosclerosis is already detected, treatment should not be delayed. The sooner the patient changes his lifestyle and revises the diet, starts taking the drugs indicated by the doctor, the higher the chances of living a long and happy life with a minimum of he alth complications

Vascular dystonia - what is it?

Vascular dystonia - what is it?

Vascular dystonia is a pathology of the autonomic nervous system, manifested by headaches, heart palpitations, excessive sweating. Read more about this condition in the article

Vagotonia: what is it and how does the disease manifest itself? Treatment of vagotonia

Vagotonia: what is it and how does the disease manifest itself? Treatment of vagotonia

Children whose severity of autonomic disorder is accompanied by increased fatigue, poor sleep and the presence of other additional problems suffer from such an ailment as vagotonia. What is it and how the disease manifests itself, because it is observed not only in children, but also in adults, today we will determine

Itching without external manifestations: causes and treatment. What ointment for skin itching is better to use

Itching without external manifestations: causes and treatment. What ointment for skin itching is better to use

Itching of the skin is the first signal that the body is experiencing some discomfort and the influence of various negative factors. There are many varieties of this skin disease, but itching without external manifestations is one of the most dangerous of them, due to the absence of obvious localization of irritations and the long-term treatment process

Encephalopathy in children: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Encephalopathy in children: causes, symptoms and treatment features

One of the most terrible diseases is encephalopathy in children. This pathology can be congenital or develop in the process of life. It is a brain lesion that can cause serious complications. The term "Encephalopathy" in medicine refers to a group of brain diseases of non-inflammatory origin

Problems with cerebral vessels: symptoms and treatment

Problems with cerebral vessels: symptoms and treatment

The human brain is the most important organ. Not only the basic functions that ensure the vital activity of our body, but also the behavior of people depend on its normal operation. The brain serves as a kind of control room for the body. It accepts incoming external and internal information, and then analyzes it, further determining the most correct course of action

What to do if the husband scalded the eggs: tips and tricks

What to do if the husband scalded the eggs: tips and tricks

Most often to the question: “What should I do if my husband scalded the eggs?” - we start laughing, imagining how it happened. But this is not a joke. Burns of the testicles and penis are a fairly common occurrence, because everything happens in everyday life. Most often, such burns occur in two cases: if you accidentally poured boiling water on yourself or got under a stream of hot water in the shower. Moreover, such injuries occur not only in adults, but also in children

Red eyes in a child: causes, treatment and prevention

Red eyes in a child: causes, treatment and prevention

Very often, parents are faced with such a problem as red eyes in a child. Redness can be both in the morning and in the evening. The most common causes of this phenomenon are long computer games, chronic lack of sleep and tears. Also, the eyes may turn red if the child often rubs them with his hands. There can be many reasons. Let's see why the eyes turn red, how to eliminate redness and how to prevent such a phenomenon

If there is mitral valve prolapse, do they take the army?

If there is mitral valve prolapse, do they take the army?

Many have heard that there is such a disease - mitral valve prolapse. But not everyone knows where the valve is located, how dangerous this disease is during physical exertion

Eyeballs and head hurt: causes and treatments

Eyeballs and head hurt: causes and treatments

If a person's eyeballs and head hurt, then this can be a sign of a wide variety of pathologies. In some situations, you can get rid of unpleasant symptoms with the help of drug therapy, and sometimes surgery is required

Presses on the temples and on the eyes: possible causes, diagnosis, treatment

Presses on the temples and on the eyes: possible causes, diagnosis, treatment

Pressing sensations in the temples and around the eyes may indicate the development of meningitis, migraine, cerebrovascular accident, etc. An accurate diagnosis can be made by a doctor after a comprehensive examination. In no case should you self-medicate

Nutrition for tuberculosis: diet, he althy foods, a balanced diet

Nutrition for tuberculosis: diet, he althy foods, a balanced diet

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by various types of mycobacteria. In order to quickly overcome the disease and restore strength, you must not only take all the medicines prescribed by the doctor, but also adhere to the recommended diet. In today's article, we will talk about the nutritional features of tuberculosis patients

Why do my elbows peel off?

Why do my elbows peel off?

What if the elbows are peeling? The situation is extremely unpleasant, especially for women. What can cause this, and how to restore an attractive and he althy appearance to the skin? Read in this article

Ebstein anomaly: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Ebstein anomaly: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

One of the critical heart defects is Ebstein's anomaly. With this disease, a fatal outcome is inevitable if the operation is not performed on time. The surgeon can make a valve repair or install a prosthesis

Gargling with hydrogen peroxide for sore throats

Gargling with hydrogen peroxide for sore throats

Hydrogen peroxide is a universal antiseptic. It is used in the treatment of wounds and disinfection of the skin and mucous surfaces. Hydrogen peroxide helps with angina as a rinse. Due to the antimicrobial action, the agent is able to suppress the reproduction of bacteria and free tissues from pus. The rules for using peroxide are described in the article

Rheumatism: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Rheumatism: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Timely identification of signs of any disease in the early stages is an important condition for its effective treatment, especially if there is a predisposition to this disease. The same applies to diseases such as rheumatism. The correct diagnosis is also important, which is carried out using diagnostics by various methods. In this article, we will consider what are the symptoms of rheumatism, the types of the disease, its treatment and prevention

Case histories: hypertension grade 2

Case histories: hypertension grade 2

The article talks about the problem of the last two centuries - arterial hypertension (hypertension), the causes and mechanisms of its occurrence, risk factors, and also gives examples of histories of this disease

Precancerous diseases of the skin and soft tissues

Precancerous diseases of the skin and soft tissues

Precancerous diseases of the skin and soft tissues are two different groups of diseases that must be considered separately. Their common characteristic is that this complex of diseases is characterized by the occurrence of malignant tumors and it is divided into two subgroups: obligate (high degree of malignancy) and facultative (with optional malignancy)

Neurogenic bladder: causes, symptoms and treatment

Neurogenic bladder: causes, symptoms and treatment

Neurogenic bladder is a term used to refer to a whole range of urinary disorders. These disorders are united by only one reason, which is a violation of the functioning of the nervous system. At the same time, that part of the system that is responsible for the excretion of urine is violated

Compacted roots of the lungs: diagnosis, consequences, methods of treatment

Compacted roots of the lungs: diagnosis, consequences, methods of treatment

One of the most frequently diagnosed pathologies associated with impaired functioning of the respiratory system is compacted roots of the lungs. As a rule, going to a chest x-ray, people do not even suspect that they have this problem. Despite the fact that it does not pose a serious threat to he alth and life, nevertheless, in order to avoid various complications, timely treatment is necessary

Tuberculosis of the intrathoracic lymph nodes: diagnosis, forms of the disease

Tuberculosis of the intrathoracic lymph nodes: diagnosis, forms of the disease

Tuberculosis of the intrathoracic lymph nodes is a form of the disease that is still not fully classified. Some believe that it can be attributed to independent diseases, others believe that it should be left as part of the primary tuberculosis complex

What is bronchitis? Causes, symptoms and treatment

What is bronchitis? Causes, symptoms and treatment

What is bronchitis? What are the main symptoms of bronchitis. Types of disease. Is coughing always a sign of bronchitis? Treatment of bronchitis in adults with drugs and folk methods. Reviews of patients about the treatment of bronchitis

Have you overcome pain on the right side under the ribs? Hurry to the doctor

Have you overcome pain on the right side under the ribs? Hurry to the doctor

Aching or dull pain on the right side under the ribs is a fairly common symptom. Probably everyone has experienced them at least once in their life. Such an unpleasant sensation is associated with a dense arrangement of organs located in the area of u200bu200bthe ribs on the right

What is jetlag? How to deal with jet lag syndrome?

What is jetlag? How to deal with jet lag syndrome?

What is jet lag, how to avoid it? These questions are of interest to every person who faces a sharp change in time zones. The article discusses the most effective methods of dealing with an unpleasant syndrome

Osteophytes of the spine. Osteophytes of the cervical spine

Osteophytes of the spine. Osteophytes of the cervical spine

Osteophytes of the spine are pathological bone growths. They look like sharp spikes or small elevations. Most often, these growths are formed in the cervical, less often in the thoracic and lumbar spine. Sometimes osteophytes provoke the fusion of bone tissue

Deforming arthrosis of the foot: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Deforming arthrosis of the foot: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Human legs, especially the small joints of the feet, experience considerable stress every day, withstanding body weight is often excessive. If concomitant diseases of the musculoskeletal system join this, then the cartilage tissue of the joints wears out and leads to deforming arthrosis of the feet

DiGeorge Syndrome: Causes, Treatment

DiGeorge Syndrome: Causes, Treatment

DiGeorge Syndrome refers to primary immunodeficiency states. Its main manifestations are a tendency to infections, convulsions and developmental anomalies. Treatment of this syndrome consists of substitution and symptomatic therapy

Ascaris in children: symptoms, complications and treatment

Ascaris in children: symptoms, complications and treatment

Ascaris in children can provoke many different complications, as they affect the organs and systems of the baby. That is why, when the first signs of ascariasis occur, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive diagnosis and subsequent treatment

Nonclostridial anaerobic infection: causes, symptoms, treatment

Nonclostridial anaerobic infection: causes, symptoms, treatment

Nonclostriadial anaerobic infection is a pathology caused by bacteria that can grow and multiply in the complete absence of oxygen. Its toxins are highly penetrating and are considered very aggressive. That is why, when the first signs appear, it is imperative to visit a doctor for diagnosis and treatment

Treatment of autoimmune hepatitis: methods, drugs, side effects, prognosis

Treatment of autoimmune hepatitis: methods, drugs, side effects, prognosis

If diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis, what does it mean? This serious pathology, for completely incomprehensible reasons, gradually destroys liver cells. Moreover, the body's own immune system helps in this process

Fatty liver hepatosis: treatment with folk remedies (reviews)

Fatty liver hepatosis: treatment with folk remedies (reviews)

The filter of the human body is the liver. Passing through itself an abnormal amount of alcohol and fatty foods, this body begins to work in an enhanced mode, which leads to the accumulation of fatty deposits in its tissues. Fatty hepatosis of the liver, whose treatment with folk remedies is quite effective and has positive prognosis, requires, first of all, regular cleaning of the damaged organ

Salpingitis and oophoritis: symptoms, treatment and prognosis

Salpingitis and oophoritis: symptoms, treatment and prognosis

Salpingitis and oophoritis are very similar in their characteristics. In most cases, along with the inflammatory process in the ovaries, there is also damage to the fallopian tubes - salpingitis. A variety of harmful microorganisms can cause disease. Interestingly, they can be combined with each other, which makes them very resistant to most antibiotics

Rhinitis. What is this pathology?

Rhinitis. What is this pathology?

Rhinitis - what is this disease? In everyday life, it is called a runny nose. The phenomenon of a stuffy nose is familiar to us. Often, experiencing this state, we do not pay due attention to it. Of course, rhinitis is accompanied by not very pleasant sensations

Causes of lower back pain in men. Prevention, treatment

Causes of lower back pain in men. Prevention, treatment

The article offers to get acquainted with the main causes and diseases that cause pain in the back in men. Descriptions of methods for diagnosing, treating and preventing these painful symptoms are given

Hemorrhoids in women: treatment, causes, symptoms

Hemorrhoids in women: treatment, causes, symptoms

Currently, a disease such as hemorrhoids in women is quite common. Treatment will depend on the form of the disease and the degree of its development

Intestinal candidiasis: symptoms and treatment, drugs

Intestinal candidiasis: symptoms and treatment, drugs

Today, there is an increase in opportunistic diseases of an infectious nature, which is caused by an increase in the degree of influence of negative environmental factors on the human body. The first place in the number of fungal infections of the digestive tract is thrush, while in 80% of cases people develop intestinal candidiasis

Hemophagocytic syndrome: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Hemophagocytic syndrome: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Hemophagocytic syndrome as a nosological form includes a group of acquired and congenital pathological conditions, which are based on dysregulation of the immune response to anomalies in the activation of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes and macrophages and the occurrence of damage mediated by them to the affected inflammatory organs

Compression pad "Insta Life" for back pain: reviews of doctors

Compression pad "Insta Life" for back pain: reviews of doctors

The effectiveness of using the Insta Life compression pad for back pain is considered from the point of view of doctors of different speci alties

How does thrush manifest in infants?

How does thrush manifest in infants?

Thrush in infants is a fairly common disease at the moment, which manifests itself in the form of a curdled plaque on the mucous membrane of the mouth itself. In this article, we will consider this disease in as much detail as possible, and also tell you how to deal with it