Babies still have unstable immunity, so they often get sick, especially with infectious and inflammatory diseases. One of these diseases is hilar pneumonia. In a child, it can develop both in infancy and in adolescence. The danger of the disease lies in the fact that it is difficult to diagnose: at the first stage, it is almost asymptomatic, which can lead to serious complications.
General information
Basic pneumonia is a pathology that affects the root of the lung. It is for this reason that pathology is difficult to diagnose.
As a rule, when a child develops hilar pneumonia, there are no wheezing, there may be a slight increase in body temperature, and breathing also remains unchanged.
In the future, the clinical picture changes somewhat. The baby loses his appetite, you can notice how his breathing quickens, especially when running or during games. There may be increased sweating. In some children, the nasolabial fold turns blue,so-called cyanosis.
It is already possible to notice an increase in temperature up to 39 degrees, skin tissues (in the region of the ribs) can even be drawn into the pathological process.
Different children react to the disease in different ways: some show increased excitability, others show apathy.
Symptoms may vary depending on the pathogen. If the disease is of viral origin, then there may be wheezing in the lungs and a cough. If the disease is of atypical origin, then its symptoms strongly resemble SARS: the baby has a runny nose, itchy throat, the temperature rises slightly.
The disease is also characterized by a protracted course, when compared with ordinary pneumonia.

Symptoms during an exacerbation
Symptoms of hilar pneumonia in children worsen over time. The temperature is already rising to 40 degrees and it is almost impossible to bring it down. Wheezing becomes stronger, shortness of breath increases and is observed even during the rest period. The cyanosis has already spread to the lips and nails. If there is a cough, then sputum appears. There may even be impaired consciousness and heart failure.
The most common cause of hilar pneumonia in a child are pneumococci, other microbes are less common: staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa or Haemophilus influenzae, Klebsiella, aerobic microbes. Even less commonly, mycoplasmas, fungi and chlamydia become the cause of the disease. Other possible causes include allergies and exposure to chemicals.
Incentives forthe appearance of pathology can become:
- prematurity;
- congenital heart defects;
- pathologies that arose during fetal development;
- rickets;
- developmental delay;
- compromised immunity;
- hypothermia.
Passive smoking also negatively affects the he alth of the baby, which can cause the development of pneumonia.

Pathology in infants
When a disease appears in a child in infancy, the diagnosis is even more complicated, because the baby is not able to express the problem, to talk about what hurts him - he can only cry. The main symptom to look out for is loss of appetite.
Cyanosis may occur, which is best seen when feeding. The skin around the ribs may retract, but to see this, you need to lay the baby on a hard surface with the stomach down.
Disease forms
Both in adults and in children, 2 forms of this disease are distinguished:
- Inflammatory. In this case, the disease is transient, the stage of exacerbation quickly sets in, then the disease passes into the stage of compaction and gradually resolves.
- Tumorous. The pathology is long and the symptoms practically do not manifest themselves. At this time, the root becomes bumpy.
Depending on the location, the following types are distinguished:
- Left-sided hilar pneumonia. In a child, as in an adult, this form occursvery rarely. This is due to the fact that in this part of the bronchi have an elongated and narrow shape.
- Right-sided hilar pneumonia. In a child and an adult, this is the most common occurrence and this is due exclusively to the structure of the bronchopulmonary system. On this side, the bronchi are short and wide in shape, so it is much easier for viruses and infections to settle there.

Diagnostic measures
The diagnosis is based on x-ray and laboratory tests. However, on x-rays, the focus of the disease merges with the pulmonary root, so this pathology is often confused with cancerous neoplasms in the lungs or bronchi, and sometimes with tuberculosis. Therefore, it should not be surprising that tuberculosis samples are often taken from a child.
An important research technique is auscultation, that is, listening to wheezing and breathing. At the same time, if the data obtained from listening and x-rays differ, most likely, this is hilar pneumonia in children, the treatment of which should begin immediately.

Diagnostic features
Computed tomography can be used as additional measures to make a correct diagnosis.
Blood testing is not always an effective method. With pneumonia, cancer and tuberculosis, the ESR in the blood is increased, so it is impossible to make a diagnosis based on these data. If the treatment does not give proper results, then they resort to a biopsy.

Features of treatment in childhood
Regardless of age and symptoms, hilar pneumonia in children is treated in a hospital. The child is discharged home only when the danger to the life and he alth of the baby disappears.
Therapeutic measures are based on the relief of factors that provoked the onset of the disease.
First stage of treatment
At the initial stage of the disease, when the pathology is diagnosed, antibacterial treatment is carried out. Depending on age and a number of other factors may be used:
- antiviral drugs;
- antifungal;
- bronchodilators.
Drugs that can support immunity are often used. In parallel, the child is prescribed medications that reduce body temperature and eliminate a feverish state. With the correct diagnosis and well-chosen drugs, improvements can be observed as early as the second or third day after the start of therapy.
Second stage of treatment
After the elimination of the main symptoms and the normalization of body temperature in the treatment of right-sided hilar pneumonia in a child (as well as left-sided), the second stage of therapy begins, consisting of physiotherapy and breathing exercises. Massage and warming can also be prescribed. With a weakened heart muscle, glycosides are prescribed to the child.
During the recovery period, it is very important for parents to monitor the child's drinking regimen. At this time, he needs an increased amount of warm liquid. On thisstage from the diet will have to eliminate heavy foods.
Herbal inhalers may be recommended for a speedy recovery - babies usually tolerate them well.

Rehabilitation period
How to treat right-sided hilar pneumonia (and left-sided) is determined by the doctor, but at the recovery stage, much depends on the parents. First of all, the child needs fresh air, that is, you will have to walk with him more often. Do not forget about breathing exercises and exercise therapy, for which the doctor individually prescribes medicines.
At the rehabilitation stage, phytotherapy can be a good help to restore the body - it is recommended to take the child to a sanatorium. After a full recovery, it is better to harden the baby, teach him to eat right and treat him for viral diseases in a timely manner.
Possible Complications
Don't assume that he althcare professionals are trying to scare parents. Pneumonia is indeed a serious disease with a wide list of possible complications. Late diagnosed or undertreated pneumonia can cause myocarditis. This pathology is inflammatory in nature and affects the myocardium or heart muscle. To date, the viral origin of this disease has already been proven.
You can also develop endocarditis or exudative pleurisy, and this is the accumulation of fluid in the pleura, which can often be eliminated only by drainage.
It is also possible the appearance of heartpulmonary insufficiency or even the formation of an abscess in the region of the pulmonary root. An abscess is characterized by the formation of pus in the tissues, in this case in the root region, which is limited by a bag of connective tissues. In cases where the disease lasts a long time, it becomes chronic, and there may be several foci themselves.

When you neglect the basic rules, it can lead to the development of hilar pneumonia in a child and in an adult. First of all, we are talking about hypothermia and diet. In no case should you feed your child unhe althy foods.
During the period of exacerbation of viral diseases (autumn-spring season), it is recommended to give the child vitamin-mineral complexes to support immunity. You should not allow a long course of viral and respiratory diseases, and you should not self-medicate - it is better to immediately consult a doctor.
It is necessary to eliminate all infectious foci as much as possible and protect the baby from allergenic factors. Parents are advised to stop smoking so that the child is not a passive smoker. You should also take the child for preventive examinations in a medical facility. Do not refuse recommended vaccinations.
Despite the fact that the symptoms of hilar pneumonia in children are often mild, vigilant parents will notice that something is wrong with their child.