Can you die from sinusitis? Launched sinusitis - consequences

Can you die from sinusitis? Launched sinusitis - consequences
Can you die from sinusitis? Launched sinusitis - consequences

Sinusitis is a complex therapeutic disease that not only brings discomfort to a person's life, but also reduces its quality. Wrong treatment of the common cold turns into sinusitis. It is worth knowing how to treat sinusitis in adults. At home, without going to the doctor, not paying attention to the development of the disease, it is not so easy to get rid of a running cold. The pus that accumulates in the sinuses is very close to the brain.

Is it possible to die from sinusitis in a dream or just during vigorous activity? Similar cases met in medical practice. Therefore, frivolity is incompatible with a disease that provokes inflammatory processes in the body. Next, we'll talk in more detail about whether people die or not from sinusitis.

how to treat sinusitis in adults
how to treat sinusitis in adults


Symptoms of advanced sinusitis are the following signs:

  • permanent blockage of the nose, discharge of yellow-green color mixed with pus;
  • headaches that can't be cured with strong painkillersdrugs;
  • increased body temperature (above 38 degrees);
  • weakness, chills;
  • puffiness of the face.

Many do not know how to determine the stage of sinusitis. When the form is running, the exacerbation can be replaced by remissions and begin again with even greater force.

sinusitis in advanced form
sinusitis in advanced form


You should never take your he alth lightly. Self-medication and traditional medicine are definitely not helpers here - they can only aggravate the situation. Only a doctor can prescribe treatment, having examined the patient and carried out the necessary procedures. Sinusitis differences by type:

  • Viral sinusitis, which is characterized by inflammation, is a consequence of an acute respiratory viral infection, often occurs without purulent discharge.
  • Bacterial sinusitis occurs in a purulent form, there is a specific smell of discharge, body temperature rises to forty degrees, chills, fever appear.
  • Fungal sinusitis is not common, the form immediately becomes chronic, most often due to a weakened immune system or antibiotics.
  • Allergic sinusitis is caused by some allergen, manifested by severe swelling of the sinuses, nasal congestion, abundant mucus.

Different type of disease is treated according to the scheme determined by the doctor.

Treatment needs to be supplemented with an exception:

  • tobacco smoking increases the chances of getting a chronic form of sinusitis;
  • alcohol consumption, blood vessels dilate, leading to excretioninfections in the blood and rapid spread throughout the body, and antibiotics taken with alcohol will reduce the effect several times;
  • taking drugs.
is it possible to die from sinusitis in a dream
is it possible to die from sinusitis in a dream

Diagnosis of disease

Diagnosis of advanced sinusitis is carried out using X-ray of the sinuses. If the disease is running, this is evidenced by:

  • thickening of the nasal wall, as well as its swelling;
  • complaints of severe headaches, worse at night and when trying to lie down.

Most often, the cause of the complication of the disease is a weakened human immune system. Body temperature during the period of exacerbation is kept at around 37.0 - 37.2 degrees. It cannot be lowered, and it cannot rise higher.

Another sign is the color of the discharge - it becomes yellow-green, possibly with an admixture of pus, there is an unpleasant putrefactive odor. Next, the patient is sent for a CT or magnetic resonance imaging.

Here you should know how to treat sinusitis in adults, because the consequences can be very different.

from sinusitis die or not
from sinusitis die or not

Complications of sinusitis

As already mentioned, sinusitis is a disease characterized by the accumulation of purulent deposits in the maxillary cavity. Most often occurs with a runny nose. If the disease is not treated, it will not go away by itself. The question of death can be answered in the affirmative. In the absence of competent treatment or, which often happens, with self-medication, the risk of complicationsincreases several times. Nearby organs of vision and hearing may be affected first. The acute form of sinusitis can easily become chronic, as well as bronchitis or pneumonia.

Otitis media

The most common form of complication is otitis media. The infection enters the ear due to blowing the nose. At this time, pressure rises in the nasopharynx, and mucus with microbes enters the ear auditory tube. A feeling of stuffiness in the ear begins to appear, then a painful sensation, which begins to disturb in the evening and at night. Pain symptoms intensify, and then completely become unbearable. Purulent discharge appears from the ear canal. The development of congestion and tissue edema occurs due to chronic diseases of the maxillary cavities.

When an infection enters the blood, the brain suffers. The pathogen quickly spreads throughout the body. There are complications: meningitis, meningoencephalitis, sepsis. If these infections are detected, urgent hospitalization is required.


Meningitis is characterized by inflammation of the soft membranes of the spinal cord and brain. It can be sluggish, or it can be fast-paced. Symptoms appear in just a few hours. If a lot of pus has accumulated and it flows out of the sinuses, blood poisoning or, in other words, sepsis begins. If blood poisoning has begun, then you can die from sinusitis. Every year, thousands of people die from sepsis and meningitis. Sometimes doctors are simply powerless.

Other complications

To other complications from sinusitisinclude:

  • damage to internal organs: liver, heart, kidneys and lungs;
  • eye damage;
  • inflammation of the bones of the upper jaw.
neglected sinusitis consequences
neglected sinusitis consequences

Can you die from sinusitis?

Sinusitis itself is not a fatal disease, but the inflammation and complications it causes are. It can be life-threatening if not properly treated and self-medicated. Then the infection affects not only nearby organs and tissues, but also, getting into the blood, spreads throughout the patient's body. Naturally, no disease goes away on its own. Timely treatment and adherence to the recommendations and advice of the doctor will quickly put the patient on his feet, and there will be no trace of the disease. If sinusitis is not treated, it can easily become chronic.

Back to immunity again. If it is weakened in a person, then the infection enters through the protective membrane of the brain and can cause meningitis. When asking the question: “Is it possible to die from sinusitis?”, You need to know that having started the disease, you must be prepared for the consequences. This applies to any disease, even a minor dental caries. The inflammatory process in the body can end in a sad outcome.

There are symptoms that you should immediately call an ambulance or see a specialist yourself:

  • face swollen and sore;
  • the quality of vision and hearing has deteriorated significantly;
  • eyelids swollen, conjunctivitis may have appeared;
  • losssmell and taste.
how to determine the stage of sinusitis
how to determine the stage of sinusitis

Reducing the risk of complications

In order to avoid sinusitis in advanced form, it is necessary to start treatment correctly and on time. Only selected according to an individual scheme will benefit and help the patient recover quickly. No self-activity! Folk methods can be used only after consulting a doctor, if it does not harm the body. You can not overheat, as well as supercool the body during illness.

can you die from sinusitis
can you die from sinusitis

Following some rules, you can reduce the risk of sinusitis and the consequences of an advanced form:

  • treat the runny nose in time;
  • visit the dentist once every six months, monitor the he alth of the teeth;
  • strengthen immunity with proper nutrition, morning exercises and hardening;
  • stay away from large crowds during virus epidemics;
  • fix the crooked baffle if necessary.

Massage and physiotherapy have a good effect. During the massage, the blood circulates in the sinuses, there is a feeling of warmth and warmth in the area being massaged, which favorably affects the entire circulatory system and helps to remove congestion in the paranasal sinuses.

The answer to the question "is it possible to die from sinusitis" is obvious. It is worth taking care of yourself and consult a doctor at the first symptoms.
