Angina: antibiotic treatment in adults. Consultation with an otorhinolaryngologist

Angina: antibiotic treatment in adults. Consultation with an otorhinolaryngologist
Angina: antibiotic treatment in adults. Consultation with an otorhinolaryngologist

Angina is an infectious disease. The cause of this disease is bacteria, less often viruses. The microorganisms that most often cause angina are staphylococci and streptococci. This disease is transmitted by airborne droplets or through common dishes. The course of the disease can be quite acute, but the most dangerous are the consequences, expressed in the form of complications. Only a doctor can identify the cause, the consequence of which was a sore throat. Antibiotic treatment in adults and children is only for bacterial infection.


Angina is quite easy to recognize by the symptoms characteristic of this disease:

  • acute onset accompanied by high fever;
  • pain when swallowing;
  • deterioration of the general condition associated with intoxication;
  • increase in the size of the tonsils;
  • appearance of purulent formations and plaque on the surface of the throat;
  • Precervical lymph nodes become inflamed, enlarged and painful.
angina antibiotic treatment in adults
angina antibiotic treatment in adults

If a patient has these symptoms, then he is diagnosed with "angina". Antibiotic treatment in adults and children in this case is recommended.

Types of disease

Doctors call angina acute tonsillitis and distinguish the following types of it:

  • Lacunar. This species is characterized by the presence of a white-yellow plaque in the form of a film that covers the entire surface of the pharynx or is localized in lacunae.
  • Follicular. With this type of angina, there is the appearance of white-yellow nodules that are visible through the mucous membrane.
  • Film-ulcerative. With this disease, there is both plaque and small wounds on the tonsils and pharynx.

When is the causative agent a virus?

A very common phenomenon is tonsillitis due to acute respiratory viral infections or influenza. A viral infection has a depressing effect on a person's immunity, and the bacterial flora joins it.

best antibiotic for angina
best antibiotic for angina

The consequence of this phenomenon is a sore throat. Treatment with antibiotics in adults and children in this case is prescribed by a doctor.

But sometimes the causative agent of a sore throat is the viruses themselves. So, for example, it occurs with herpes, adenovirus and enterovirus infections, scarlet fever, syphilis, agranulocytosis, tularemia and mononucleosis. It also happens that angina occurs with leukemia.

If the cause is a bacterial infection

Bacterial angina is caused by the following pathogens:

  • streptococcus - 10% of all cases;
  • streptococcus with staphylococcus -10%;
  • hemolytic streptococcus - 80% of cases;
  • gonococcus or chlamydial infection - isolated cases.

What are the symptoms of a sore throat in children?

In babies, purulent tonsillitis is the most common. Antibiotics are prescribed by a doctor without fail, as soon as the bacterial nature of the disease is confirmed.

penicillin series
penicillin series

Before making a diagnosis, the otorhinolaryngologist pays attention to the following symptoms:

  • no cough or runny nose;
  • high body temperature (over 38.5 ˚C);
  • lymph nodes in the neck are enlarged and painful;
  • no rashes on the body (except for scarlet fever);
  • the tonsils are enlarged, have an intense red color and a white coating.

If these facts are true, then the doctor diagnoses "tonsillitis". Antibiotic treatment in adults and children is considered mandatory.

If the pathogen is a fungus

It is not uncommon for angina to be caused by fungi. During prolonged antibiotic therapy, a local decrease in immunity occurs. In humans, yeast-like microorganisms begin to multiply intensively in the pharynx. Symptoms of fungal tonsillitis are as follows:

  • intoxication is mild;
  • slight increase in body temperature;
  • cheesy loose plaque on the mucous membrane of the larynx, this film is easily removed, under it a red surface of the inflamed pharynx is found.

If a patient has similar symptoms, then the doctor-The otolaryngologist diagnoses fungal tonsillitis. Antibiotics (tablets and suspensions) in this case will not produce an effect. This condition is corrected with antifungal drugs.

Antibiotic treatment

Antibiotics are medicines that should only be used with a doctor's prescription. Uncontrolled intake of these medications can cause irreparable damage to the human body.


Antibiotic treatment is prescribed only when the patient is diagnosed with bacterial tonsillitis.

It is only the doctor who determines which drug to prescribe, its dosage and duration of use. He examines the severity of the disease, the age and weight of the patient, whether he has a tendency to allergies or sensitivity to certain types of drugs. Depending on the type of antibiotic, the course of treatment can be from 5 to 10 days.

Which medicine is the best?

Many patients are concerned about the question of what is the best antibiotic for angina? Doctors have a clear position on this matter. Of course, if there are no contraindications, then drugs are prescribed that make up the penicillin series of antibiotics. It is believed that they cause the least harm to the body and at the same time effectively fight bacteria.

There is the following classification of antibiotics:

  • First row - Amoxicillin, Penicillin, Amosin, Flemoxin Solutab, Hikoncil, Ecobol. It happens that the pathogen shows resistance to this group of drugs. Thenthe doctor prescribes antibiotics that combine penicillins with clavulanic acid. These include Flemoclav, Amoxiclav, Medoklav, Augumentin or Ecoclave.
  • purulent tonsillitis antibiotics
    purulent tonsillitis antibiotics
  • Second row containing azithromycin. "Azitsid", "Sumamed", "Azitroks", "Zi-Factor", "Zitrolid".

If the prescribed penicillin series of antibiotics is ineffective and the temperature does not decrease within 72 hours, then the doctor prescribes a second-line medication. In the absence of an allergic reaction in a patient, these remedies help very effectively.

How dangerous is a sore throat?

Bacterial angina must be treated with antibiotics.

bacterial tonsillitis
bacterial tonsillitis

This disease threatens with serious complications, including:

  • sinusitis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • encephalitis;
  • otitis media;
  • rheumatic fever;
  • hemorrhagic vasculitis;
  • pancarditis;
  • acute pyelonephritis;
  • myocarditis.

To avoid such serious illnesses, you should seek medical help in a timely manner. An otorhinolaryngologist will carefully examine the cause of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Usually, if the antibiotic is chosen correctly, then on the 2-3rd day of treatment, the patient's temperature drops, the general condition improves significantly. Sometimes a doctor may prescribe a combination of antibacterial and antipyretic drugs based on Paracetamol or Ibuprofen. However, it is important to remember the following:at temperatures below 38.5, it is not recommended to bring down the heat with medicines. At this time, the immune system is actively fighting the infection, and lowering the temperature means depriving oneself of natural protection.

How to take antibiotics correctly?

There are several rules for accepting the described funds. If they are observed, the effectiveness of treatment will be fully achieved. All these rules are mandatory:

  1. Treatment with antibiotics is prescribed only by a doctor after research and visual examination of the patient.
  2. All information about taking medications should be written down. The name of antibiotics for angina, as well as the way they are taken, is very useful information.
  3. Don't push for antibiotics if your doctor says otherwise. If it is possible to cope with the disease without these drugs, the specialist will certainly recommend this method to you. Moreover, you should not ask to prescribe “stronger” antibiotics. If the pharmacy offers you an analogue, specify the name of the main active substance and its dosage. Before buying, be sure to consult a doctor.
  4. In order to determine the best antibiotic for angina for a particular patient, a sensitivity test should be taken. To do this, a swab is taken from the pharynx and laboratory seeding is performed. Next, a sensitivity test to various antibiotics is carried out. Based on the test results, the patient is prescribed the correct effective antimicrobial agent.
  5. Recommendations for taking antibiotics should be followed exactly. Importantobserve the dosage, time intervals for taking the drug and the duration of the course of treatment. Correct intake of the antibiotic will provide its certain concentration, which must be maintained. If the medicine was prescribed to drink 3 times a day, then the interval should be 8 hours, if twice, then 12 hours. The course must be completed to completely destroy harmful bacteria and avoid relapse or complications.
  6. Do not adjust the antibiotic dose yourself.
sore throat antibiotic pills
sore throat antibiotic pills

Reducing it will result in treatment failure, an increase can harm the body.

  1. If there are no special instructions, antibacterial drugs should be washed down with non-carbonated water. How to combine medication with food is usually indicated in the instructions.
  2. In order to normalize the intestinal microflora, probiotics should be taken along with antibiotics. These include "Hilak Forte", "Linex", "Normoflorin", "Narine" and similar drugs. They must be taken separately from antibiotics, in the interval between two doses. It is especially effective to drink a probiotic at night.
  3. During the period of antibiotic therapy, it is worth adhering to a sparing diet and following the principles of a he althy diet. As you know, many antibacterial drugs have a negative effect on the liver, so food should be as light as possible and not contain a lot of fat. During this period, fried, smoked, spicy, fatty (especially animal fats), as well as alcohol and sour fruits should be excluded from the diet. Necessaryinclude in the diet protein-rich foods (lean meat, cottage cheese, eggs), cereal cereals. You should also eat plenty of fresh vegetables and sweet fruits.

If you follow all these rules, the treatment will quickly bring the desired result. Do not forget about strengthening the immune system, lead a he althy lifestyle, eat fully and varied, observe sleep and wakefulness, exercise, and then all diseases will bypass you.
