In the autumn period, it is not uncommon for a person to suddenly lose his voice. "What to do?" - there is a reasonable question. The problem is often the result of a viral infection or the common cold. But the cause of the loss of voice can be both overstrain of the vocal cords and hypothermia.

Voice often disappears: reasons
The first and most common cause of loss of voice is a disease of the upper respiratory tract. Scientifically, this is called laryngitis - inflammation of the larynx. The mucous membrane becomes inflamed, the process can take place without fever or any other symptoms. The timbre changes, becomes lower, sharper, there is perspiration, dryness, cough, which irritates the throat even more. As a result of all this, the voice is lost. What to do? Naturally, treat, but more on that later.
Ligaments suffer even with the simplest hypothermia. Talking in the cold air, freezing hands and feet, not having a scarf in the autumn wind, high humidity in the cold air - all this is quite capable of affecting the condition of the larynx and leading to voicelessness.

You can also lose your voice due to stress. nervousovervoltage affects the entire body as a whole, sometimes choosing a specific point for maximum damage. And the victim is often a person's ability to speak and sing. Another reason for the loss of voice can be a high load on the vocal cords. This affects people who have to talk a lot - teachers, lecturers, singers, stage and theater artists. Since ligaments are a working tool for such people, it is very important to know how to quickly restore a lost voice. There are many ways, which one to apply - depends on the initial reasons.
When the voice disappears - what to do?
First of all, be quiet. You are unlikely to be able to pronounce articulate sounds, and you should not strain the already injured ligaments. It's even better if you don't even whisper, or at least keep whispering to a minimum. The fact is that during a whisper, the ligaments tense much more than during a normal conversation.

And now you have no temperature, nothing hurts, but your voice disappears. What do you do when you have to go to work? No, you need to stay at home and provide your throat with dry heat and plenty of non-hot drink. Warm milk with honey helps a lot. Temporarily give up spicy, hot and s alty - you do not need additional irritation of the larynx. If there is no temperature, steam your legs, put mustard plasters or a not very hot heating pad on your chest. Ordinary rinses will help you return your voice, as with sore throats - s alt, soda, iodine or calendula tincture, or chamomile decoction. Don't hesitate to dosoothing inhalations with chamomile and eucalyptus oil. If the reason for the loss of the voice lies in a nervous strain, you need to drink a sedative, give yourself rest, sleep.
It is important to remember that only a doctor can establish the true cause, so do not be too lazy to go to the clinic and consult. Self-medication is rarely safe and without a trace. Take care of yourself and stay he althy!