Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Prevention, consequences and features of the treatment of colds during pregnancy

Prevention, consequences and features of the treatment of colds during pregnancy

Colds are the most common ailments for people of any gender and age. They do not pose a threat to life and are treated within a few days. Another thing is if a cold appears in a pregnant woman

Symptoms, Causes and Treatment of Restless Leg Syndrome

Symptoms, Causes and Treatment of Restless Leg Syndrome

An abnormal condition of the nervous system, leading to discomfort mainly in the lower limbs, associated with the need to move them, and there is a sign of restless legs. These obsessive symptoms do not allow a person to sleep fully and often lead to a depressive state. In most cases, the cause of the disease cannot be identified. It appears spontaneously

Sand in the kidneys: treatment, causes and main symptoms

Sand in the kidneys: treatment, causes and main symptoms

What to do if there is sand in the kidneys? Treatment should begin with a trip to the urologist or nephrologist. The doctor will prescribe the necessary studies, and then, based on the results, determine the method of therapy

Treatment of rosacea on the face: means, methods and results

Treatment of rosacea on the face: means, methods and results

If rosacea has appeared on the face, you should not hesitate with treatment. The problem is extremely unpleasant, spoils the appearance, and therefore becomes a source of self-doubt. Sooner or later, it can even provoke mental disorders

Rotavirus infection in children: treatment, symptoms, possible complications and prevention

Rotavirus infection in children: treatment, symptoms, possible complications and prevention

Treatment of rotavirus infection in children is carried out with the help of medications and folk remedies. In addition, be sure to follow a special diet to prevent complications

What is conjunctivitis? Symptoms, causes and treatment of conjunctivitis

What is conjunctivitis? Symptoms, causes and treatment of conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation or infection of the clear membrane (conjunctiva) located under the eyelid and covering the white of the eye. When small blood vessels in the conjunctiva become inflamed, they become more visible. The white of the eye, respectively, acquires a reddish or pink color

Ulcerative membranous angina: causes, symptoms and treatment

Ulcerative membranous angina: causes, symptoms and treatment

Ulcerative membranous angina (Simanovsky-Vincent) is a special kind of purulent type tonsillitis, which is extremely rare in modern medical practice. This is due to the underestimated contagious activity of the pathology. That is, this type of angina is practically not contagious. In addition, the development of pathology requires the coincidence of several provoking factors

Treatment of tonsillitis according to Komarovsky

Treatment of tonsillitis according to Komarovsky

Young children are prone to colds due to weak immunity. ARVI often provokes a sore throat in a child. It should be noted that the correct name for this disease is acute tonsillitis, or inflammation of the tonsils. The main cause of the disease is an infection that has entered the body

Profuse diarrhea: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Profuse diarrhea: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Profuse diarrhea is a condition that almost every one of us has experienced in our lives. This is diarrhea, which is accompanied by a lot of watery discharge. Depending on the presence or absence of parallel symptoms, we can talk about serious consequences up to death. The article describes the most common causes of profuse diarrhea, its symptoms, as well as effective treatments

What is shigellosis and how to treat it

What is shigellosis and how to treat it

A lot of people have heard about such a problem as dysentery. What is shigellosis, the features of this disease, the causes and ways of getting rid of it - all this will be discussed in the provided article

The first signs of chickenpox in adults and children: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

The first signs of chickenpox in adults and children: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

At the initial stage, the ailment in question can easily be confused with other diseases. The first signs of chickenpox in a child and an adult are not much different. Despite the fact that every year it becomes more and more difficult to find a person who would not have been ill with this disease, some still suffer from the disease already in adulthood

Causes and treatment of a runny nose in a child

Causes and treatment of a runny nose in a child

Treatment of a runny nose in a child is carried out with the help of various medications, as well as folk remedies. The peculiarity of therapy largely depends on the type of rhinitis, as well as the characteristics of its course

Ankle fracture: signs, first aid and treatment features

Ankle fracture: signs, first aid and treatment features

The ankle joint is complex as it is made up of several bones - the tibia, fibula and talus. An ankle fracture is considered to be damage to one or more bones, as well as ligaments and the joint capsule that connects them. This type of fracture is one of the most common

Madelung syndrome: causes, treatment and prevention

Madelung syndrome: causes, treatment and prevention

Madelung's syndrome is a type of lipomatosis. The disease is associated with a violation of metabolic processes in the body

Gastroduodenal bleeding: symptoms, possible causes, treatment

Gastroduodenal bleeding: symptoms, possible causes, treatment

Today, the problem of treating gastroduodenal bleeding in surgery is one of the most important, as it is a severe complication of peptic ulcer and is diagnosed in 20% of patients with this disease. In modern medicine, the tactics of treating patients with this pathology have not been sufficiently developed. In addition, the methods of endoscopic hemostasis used are unsafe, insufficiently effective and reliable

Myositis: symptoms, types, causes of the disease, diagnosis and treatment

Myositis: symptoms, types, causes of the disease, diagnosis and treatment

Modern "office sickness" - myositis, the symptoms of which are familiar to most. This collective term refers to pathological conditions that are accompanied by sharp pain in the skeletal muscles. Not every muscle pain indicates myositis, but each such backache makes you think. In the article we will understand the causes and symptoms of myositis. And also in the types of this disease, the consequences and methods of treatment

Symptoms of meningitis in children: how to recognize the disease

Symptoms of meningitis in children: how to recognize the disease

Each parent should know the symptoms of meningitis in children, because a bacterial disease that is not recognized in time, almost without timely treatment, always leads to serious complications

Treatment, causes and signs of rotavirus infection

Treatment, causes and signs of rotavirus infection

Signs of rotavirus infection are quite common in young children. Nevertheless, this disease requires some attention. Read more about this infection in the article

Chologenic diarrhea: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, and treatment

Chologenic diarrhea: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, and treatment

Diarrhea, regardless of the causes that provoked it, delivers a lot of inconvenience, and is also the main factor in the development of such a dangerous phenomenon as dehydration. Important nutrients are no longer absorbed, washed out with feces from the intestines. As a result, the body suffers from acute exhaustion

How to recognize meningitis? Signs in a child

How to recognize meningitis? Signs in a child

Meningitis is usually severe from the start. Its symptoms are quite specific, and therefore easily recognizable. The first sign of the disease can be called a sudden significant increase in temperature, its level can reach up to 40 degrees

Symptoms of viral meningitis in children and adults. Can this disease be prevented?

Symptoms of viral meningitis in children and adults. Can this disease be prevented?

Symptoms of viral meningitis are rarely specific, different from those of bacterial meningitis. It is also necessary to treat this meningitis, it can also lead to serious complications or even death. The article contains the experience of a resuscitator working in an infectious diseases hospital

Enteroviral meningitis: causes, symptoms and treatments

Enteroviral meningitis: causes, symptoms and treatments

Enteroviral meningitis is a fairly large group of diseases, each of which is accompanied by inflammation of the meninges of the brain of varying severity. Interestingly, such diseases are considered seasonal, since the largest number of outbreaks of the disease occurs in spring and summer

Meningitis: signs in children, incubation period, types of disease

Meningitis: signs in children, incubation period, types of disease

Meningitis is a life-threatening disease that often occurs in childhood due to the immaturity of the immune system. His symptoms should be known to parents in order to correctly assess the situation and not hesitate to call for medical help

Meningitis: signs in adults, treatment and consequences

Meningitis: signs in adults, treatment and consequences

Signs of meningitis in adults can be different and are characterized by fever, severe headaches, neck muscle tension, impaired consciousness. It is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination, as well as subsequent treatment

Why is my mouth sour?

Why is my mouth sour?

If you have a feeling that sour in your mouth, then you need to pay attention to your own he alth. A sour taste is a signal from the body that problems have begun inside, and some organs have begun to work incorrectly. Ignoring and thinking that the sour taste will pass as suddenly as it appeared is unreasonable. Why is it sour in the mouth?

Hygroma of the foot: methods of treatment, photos, reviews

Hygroma of the foot: methods of treatment, photos, reviews

This disease is a sudden formation on the foot, which is localized, as a rule, in the area of the joint. Such a tumor causes concern and fear, but often they are groundless, since this pathology is easily cured and diagnosed as foot hygroma

Dislocation of the jaw: symptoms and treatment

Dislocation of the jaw: symptoms and treatment

No one is safe from a dislocated jaw. If such an injury occurs, you should immediately contact a traumatologist so that he can prescribe treatment. Solving the problem on your own is not recommended

Congenital dislocations of the hip joints in children and adults: causes and treatment

Congenital dislocations of the hip joints in children and adults: causes and treatment

Congenital dislocation of the hip joint is dangerous for its complications. If treatment is not carried out on time, the child may become disabled. In adulthood, it is very difficult to correct the situation. Let's take a closer look at this anomaly and its features

Melanosis of the colon: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Melanosis of the colon: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Melanosis of the colon is a benign growth that requires immediate treatment. If any of the symptoms appear, it is important to see a doctor. At an early stage of development, unpleasant signs of the disease can be easily eliminated

Diffuse osteoporosis: signs and treatment

Diffuse osteoporosis: signs and treatment

To date, diseases of the musculoskeletal system have become younger. If a few decades ago it was believed that aged people suffer from such problems, now you can see quite a lot of young people near the offices of osteopaths, vertebrologists and orthopedists. Diffuse osteoporosis is also considered a "rejuvenated" disease requiring complex diagnosis and treatment

Low platelets in the blood - what does it mean? Causes and treatment

Low platelets in the blood - what does it mean? Causes and treatment

The results of a clinical blood test make it possible to judge the state of the immune, cardiovascular and other systems of the human body. Thus, a deficiency of platelets in the blood jeopardizes the formation of a hemostatic plug, which restores the integrity of the damaged vessel. If the defect that has arisen is not “sealed” in time, even the most trifling cut can lead to a number of serious consequences

How does lichen begin: first signs, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

How does lichen begin: first signs, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Not all people can know what lichen looks like, especially since today there are a huge number of its varieties. Few people realize that such a disease can pose a serious threat to human he alth

You need to know exactly what to do with a wasp sting

You need to know exactly what to do with a wasp sting

The wasp is a fairly harmless insect until it wants to sting you. Ordinary people sometimes panic for no reason, instead of taking measures to avoid the consequences of an insect bite

Staphylococcus on the skin: symptoms and treatment

Staphylococcus on the skin: symptoms and treatment

At the moment, staphylococcus is one of the most common microbes on our planet. Surely everyone has heard about its negative impact on the body. Note that the concept of "staphylococcus on the skin" is a kind of collective name for very serious ailments. Of this group of microorganisms, perhaps the most dangerous is Staphylococcus aureus

Fregoli syndrome: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Fregoli syndrome: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Fregoli's syndrome, or Fregoli's delusions, is a mental illness that got its name in honor of the Italian comedian of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, known for his talent for impersonation. People with this pathology are prone to persecution mania. Moreover, they are convinced that they are constantly pursued, and the pursuers themselves are extremely cunning (to the point that they are able to change their appearance beyond recognition)

Treatment of the hip joint: features of the process

Treatment of the hip joint: features of the process

Treatment of the hip joint should be carried out comprehensively. That is, medications, physiotherapy, massage and gymnastics are used

How to get rid of back pain at home?

How to get rid of back pain at home?

Many people suffer from back pain. Such diseases are very common. Pain can be both acute and chronic. Acute pain usually comes on suddenly and is intense. And chronic gives a person inconvenience for a long time. How to get rid of back pain?

Pain in thoracic osteochondrosis: the nature of pain and how to distinguish it from heart pain

Pain in thoracic osteochondrosis: the nature of pain and how to distinguish it from heart pain

Pain in thoracic osteochondrosis is an unpleasant symptom that many patients have recently experienced. The danger of this disease lies in the fact that it is not easy to diagnose due to vague and fuzzy symptoms. Often osteochondrosis is confused with various other ailments. Because of this, the patient does not receive the necessary treatment, and in some cases he does not attach importance to such an ailment

Orchiepididymitis: treatment, causes of the disease, symptoms, features of the diagnosis and medical supervision

Orchiepididymitis: treatment, causes of the disease, symptoms, features of the diagnosis and medical supervision

Epididymoorchitis needs careful medical treatment. As an addition to traditional therapy, traditional medicine can also be used, provided that the attending physician agrees to such a combination

Fraser's staple - painless treatment of ingrown toenail

Fraser's staple - painless treatment of ingrown toenail

Fraser bracket in its functional purpose is similar to dental braces. It is a safe analogue of surgical treatment, which is highly traumatic and contributes to complications. Correction of an ingrown nail plate is performed using plates and staples made of plastic and metal