Fetal distress during childbirth

Fetal distress during childbirth
Fetal distress during childbirth

The period of pregnancy is the most exciting and important for a woman. Throughout the entire period, it is important to know that the baby is fully developing and feels good. Any abnormalities may indicate the presence of fetal distress. To diagnose fetal distress syndrome, it is necessary to conduct CTG and ultrasound. According to the examinations, it will be seen whether the baby has a heartbeat disorder, reduced activity, or the presence of special reactions to contractions.

fetal distress
fetal distress

Deciphering the term

The concept of "fetal distress" implies the presence of hypoxia (oxygen starvation) in the baby. As a result, there is a rapid development of deviations in almost all systems of life. The most severely affected are the brain, respiratory and cardiovascular systems. In some cases, fetal distress requires immediate delivery.

Intrauterine hypoxia may develop under the influence of external adversefactors (poor ecology and living conditions, unhe althy diet or lifestyle of a pregnant woman). They significantly impair blood flow from the uterus to the placenta, as a result of which the fetus does not receive enough oxygen and other substances necessary for development.

fetal distress syndrome
fetal distress syndrome

Approximately twenty percent of women (out of all pregnant women) are diagnosed with fetal distress.

Varieties of the syndrome

Depending on the period of development, distress is distinguished:

  • during pregnancy;
  • at birth.

It is important to note that an early diagnosis carries more threats to the life of the baby than a syndrome that develops after 30 weeks, since a caesarean section is possible during this period.

  • The development of distress in the first trimester leads to impaired development of vital systems and spontaneous abortion (miscarriage).
  • Fetal distress in the second trimester provokes a delay in the development of the baby, miscarriage, fading, premature birth.
  • Syndrome that occurred during childbirth, requires a lot of attention from doctors. The second stage of labor is the most dangerous period, so if distress occurs, an emergency caesarean section should be performed.
  • fetal distress during childbirth
    fetal distress during childbirth

If the fetus is fixed too low in the uterus, the second stage of labor is accelerated using perineotomy or vacuum extraction methods.

Stages of severity of the syndrome

Fetal distress syndrome is also classified according to the severity of the course in relation to the child. Distinguish:

  1. Compensation stage: its duration is about 3-4 weeks. Causes hypoxia, developmental delay. Represents chronic distress.
  2. Subcompensation stage - lasts several days, causes severe hypoxia, requires prompt medical attention.
  3. Decompensation stage - characterized by the presence of fetal asphyxia (suffocation), requires immediate surgical intervention.

Antenatal fetal distress has severe consequences for a child's life. Hypoxia or asphyxia have a negative impact on the subsequent viability of the child. In the most severe cases, the baby may die. Fast and qualified medical assistance will help minimize all the consequences of the syndrome.

Causes of fetal distress during pregnancy

It is quite difficult to indicate the exact cause of the syndrome. Most often, it is a combination of several factors. The he alth of the mother is the most important in this matter. In the presence of the following diseases, a diagnosis of "hypoxia" can be made:

  • metabolic problems (obesity, diabetes);
  • kidney disease;
  • problems in the work of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, heart disease, rheumatism);
  • liver disease (viral hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver failure);
  • blood pathology (clotting problems, anemia).

Also a great influence on the prenatal statefetus renders:

  • multiple pregnancy;
  • premature abruption or placental infarction;
  • wrong lifestyle (alcohol, smoking, drugs);
  • preeclampsia;
  • infectious diseases (rubella, cytomegalovirus);
  • pathology at the genetic level.

The appearance of such a symptom as distress syndrome is also affected by the intake of certain medications.

Distress during childbirth

Oxygen starvation during labor is caused by short-term squeezing of the myometrium (there are blood vessels in it) during a contraction. As a result, the fetus does not receive enough oxygenated blood, and hypoxia develops. If the pregnancy went smoothly, then a slight oxygen starvation in the active stage of labor will not harm the baby and his he alth.

The following factors can cause fetal distress during childbirth:

  • preterm birth;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • narrow mother's pelvis that does not match the size of the fetal head;
  • large fruit;
  • weak or rapid labor activity;
  • Uterine bleeding from placental abruption.
  • antenatal fetal distress
    antenatal fetal distress

Fetal distress during childbirth should be clearly monitored in order to provide the necessary assistance in time, if necessary, to minimize the negative consequences for the he alth of the baby and mother. Most often this is a caesarean section or vacuum extraction.fetus.

Signs of fetal distress

The main manifestation of oxygen starvation is a violation of the heart rhythm. Normal contractions range from 110-170 beats per minute. They are clearly audible and are rhythmic. Impaired heartbeat during a contraction should recover after it ends.

An important criterion is the nature of fetal movements. In the passive stage of labor, the baby should move at least five times within half an hour. In the active absence of movements is not a pathology.

signs of fetal distress
signs of fetal distress

It is necessary to know the signs of fetal antenatal distress in order to provide the necessary assistance at the right time and save the life of the baby, as well as to minimize all the negative manifestations of hypoxia for its further development.

Consequences of the syndrome

Any pathology of the period of embryogenesis carries a danger to the child, fetal distress is no exception. The consequences of this syndrome have a great impact on the state of all body systems. Most heavily affected:

  • heart and circulatory system;
  • brain (pathologies develop, and the work of the central nervous system is disrupted);
  • respiratory system;
  • excretory system.
  • prevention of fetal distress
    prevention of fetal distress

Defective functioning of even one of the systems leads to a malfunction of the whole organism.

Diagnostic Methods

During pregnancy and during labor, certain diagnosticstudies showing the condition of the fetus:

  • Listening to the heartbeat: starting from the 20th week, the gynecologist listens to the fetal heart at each appointment. This allows timely detection of any violations.
  • Activity: within half a day, the child should make about ten movements. In case of any violations (excessive or, conversely, insufficient activity of the child), it is necessary to immediately inform the doctor about this.
  • Indicators of the height of the fundus of the uterus and the circumference of the abdomen: in this way gynecologists determine the approximate weight of the fetus. In case of stunting, it is also necessary to conduct an examination and find out if there are any developmental delays or pathologies.

Timely diagnosis and qualified assistance in most cases help to save the life and he alth of the baby.

Syndrome prevention

An important step in preventing any disease is preventive measures. Prevention of fetal distress should be carried out even before conception. This means that at the stage of pregnancy planning, it is necessary to conduct a complete examination of the parents and cure all existing diseases. In this case, the mother's body will be able to fully cope with the burden placed on it - bearing a he althy baby.

During pregnancy, you need to carefully listen to your feelings. It is important to observe the correct sleep and nutrition regimen, give up bad habits, walk a lot and have a good rest. Then the baby will not be in danger.

fetal distress consequences
fetal distress consequences

Prevention of fetal distress syndrome will allow you to avoid unnecessary worries and possible problems with the development and he alth of the child. That is why during pregnancy it is necessary to carefully monitor your he alth and well-being.
