Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Does alcohol kill worms? What are good tablets for worms for adults

Does alcohol kill worms? What are good tablets for worms for adults

There is an opinion that people who drink alcohol cannot have worms due to the fact that strong drinks have a negative effect on parasites. Based on this, there are theories according to which it is possible to completely cure the invasion by drinking alcohol. Are worms and alcohol related - let's see

Babinski's reflex. All about pathology

Babinski's reflex. All about pathology

Pathology called the Babinski reflex is a fairly common occurrence among newborn babies. In a he althy child, this disease disappears as the cerebral cortex develops

Syphilis in women - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Syphilis in women - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Syphilis is considered one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. The infection is transmitted mainly during unprotected intercourse, although other ways of spread are also possible. Syphilis in women is accompanied by a very characteristic set of symptoms, the appearance of which should not be ignored

What is ringworm in humans?

What is ringworm in humans?

According to experts, today ringworm occurs in people as often as in our smaller brothers. That is why this disease is mainly detected after direct contact with animals. The incubation period lasts from five to fifteen days, after which reddish spots appear on the skin, covered with crusts

Pink lichen Zhibera: photo and treatment

Pink lichen Zhibera: photo and treatment

Pityriasis versicolor is a skin lesion of unknown origin, presumably possibly of a viral nature. This disease manifests itself in the form of characteristic spotted rashes, and at the initial stage it can be represented by only one (maternal) spot

Atheroma: treatment and causes of its occurrence

Atheroma: treatment and causes of its occurrence

It can be said that atheroma, the treatment of which depends on the stage of development, is a subcutaneous capsule containing a curd mass. Sometimes a hole is observed in the middle of the atheroma formation, contents with an unpleasant color and smell can be released from it

Do you have a bump on your hand? This is a hygroma

Do you have a bump on your hand? This is a hygroma

The article tells about the causes of the formation of subcutaneous bumps on the hands - "hygrom", methods of their treatment

Cough with pharyngitis. How to treat dry and wet cough? Pharyngitis in children: symptoms and treatment

Cough with pharyngitis. How to treat dry and wet cough? Pharyngitis in children: symptoms and treatment

Treatment and sore throat, a feeling of a lump and a desire to clear your throat - these symptoms are familiar to every person. Often they accompany pharyngitis. Today's article will tell you about this disease

Low hemoglobin in men: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Low hemoglobin in men: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Laboratory blood tests can reveal what is going on in the human body. There are a number of diseases that may not make themselves felt for a long time, and only a blood test can alert the therapist. For example, low hemoglobin in men, the reasons for the decrease in which may indicate a wide variety of pathologies. That is why it is so important to undergo a complete medical examination at least once a year

Lactic acidosis - what is it? Symptoms, treatment

Lactic acidosis - what is it? Symptoms, treatment

Lactic acidosis - what is it? You can find out the answer to the question asked from the materials of this article. In addition, your attention will be provided with information about what are the symptoms of this deviation, the causes of its occurrence and existing methods of struggle

What to give children for diarrhea, how to treat and causes of diarrhea

What to give children for diarrhea, how to treat and causes of diarrhea

Diarrhea is a disorder of a person's stool. Such a violation of the digestive process in medical terminology is called diarrhea. It is a sign of a failure that has arisen in the human body. Diarrhea in young children is characterized by loose stools. What to give children from diarrhea, how to treat, what are the causes of diarrhea - read more in this article

Diseases of the digestive system: prevention, treatment, elimination of the cause of the disease and recovery from the disease

Diseases of the digestive system: prevention, treatment, elimination of the cause of the disease and recovery from the disease

What is the human gastrointestinal tract; pathology of the digestive system; gastritis and its symptoms, manifestations, therapy, traditional medicine to combat it, as well as preventive measures; botulism and its symptoms, signs, methods of treatment and prevention

Hyperuricemia - what is it? Types and treatment

Hyperuricemia - what is it? Types and treatment

Increased levels of uric acid in a person's blood are classified as hyperuricemia. What it is? This is the result of a violation of purine metabolism, more often due to environmental factors (nutrition and others) and a genetic factor. This pathology attracted attention after repeated screening studies that revealed its impact on the course of cardiovascular diseases. It is also considered the leading biochemical sign of gout. Hyperuricemia is often

Rhinolalia: what is it, types, causes, methods of correction

Rhinolalia: what is it, types, causes, methods of correction

Dyslalia, dysarthria, rhinolalia are pathological conditions associated with the functioning of the vocal apparatus. Let us consider in more detail what rhinolalia is, what are the features of this disorder, in which a person's ability to produce sounds suffers. In addition, pathology affects the timbre of the voice. The reason for this is the anatomical, physiological imperfections of the organs necessary for speaking

What is retinopathy in diabetic patients? Retinopathy in diabetes mellitus: symptoms, treatment with folk remedies

What is retinopathy in diabetic patients? Retinopathy in diabetes mellitus: symptoms, treatment with folk remedies

What is retinopathy in diabetes? What are the stages and varieties of this disease? How is retinopathy in diabetes treated? Symptoms of the disease

Myasthenia gravis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Myasthenia gravis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

In the article we will talk about such a pathology as myasthenia gravis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment of the disease - we will try to discuss all these points in as much detail as possible. In addition, we will find out who is most susceptible to the disease, and whether there are ways to avoid such a nuisance

Abdominal ascites: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests

Abdominal ascites: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests

According to the ICD 10 classification, abdominal ascites is coded as R18. These symbols hide a pathological secondary state of accumulation in the peritoneal region of liquid secretions - exudate, transudate. The condition is accompanied by an increase in the size of the abdomen. A person suffers from pain, breathing is disturbed, there is a feeling of heaviness

Diarrhea in an adult: treatment and diet

Diarrhea in an adult: treatment and diet

Probably, any person at least once in his life faced such an unpleasant phenomenon as diarrhea or, as doctors call it, diarrhea. In an adult, treatment should be carried out comprehensively - otherwise it will not work

Diarrhea with water: causes, treatment

Diarrhea with water: causes, treatment

Intestinal upset is a common ailment in both children and adults. Most often, this phenomenon is not given much importance, since it is believed that this is a temporary ailment, which passes rather quickly if you take a few tablets of the remedy advertised on TV. However, you should not put aside such a problem as diarrhea with water

Understanding when and where to get a flu shot

Understanding when and where to get a flu shot

The article tells about when and where to get a flu shot. And also about those categories of the population for whom vaccination may be useful and desirable

Corn - what is it? Description and types

Corn - what is it? Description and types

Corn is a formation on the skin that occurs when there are provoking factors, in particular, such as wearing tight shoes

Fibroma of the larynx: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Fibroma of the larynx: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Fibroma of the larynx is a benign tumor that is most often located in the vocal cords. This neoplasm is small in size, but significantly impairs the quality of human life. The patient's voice changes, it becomes difficult for him to speak. Singers, actors, teachers, announcers often suffer from this pathology, as they have an increased load on the vocal apparatus. Often, due to illness, they have to interrupt their professional activities

Causes of seborrhea on the face

Causes of seborrhea on the face

The problem of seborrhea on the face indicates a skin disease. This pathology is especially common among adolescents. It is during puberty that failures in the work of the sebaceous glands occur. This leads to the appearance of seborrhea on the face

Why is it clicking in my ear?

Why is it clicking in my ear?

Question: "Why does it click in the ear?" - ask constantly. This phenomenon occurs due to muscle spasms, and due to otitis media. What to do and where to turn, you will learn from this article

Why is my head spinning? Causes and treatment

Why is my head spinning? Causes and treatment

If you feel dizzy every now and then, the reasons may be serious. Therefore, in this case, you should consult a doctor, not expecting an exacerbation of a possible disease

Tinnitus: causes and treatment

Tinnitus: causes and treatment

Tinnitus is a concern for many people. After all, this is an unpleasant phenomenon. At the moment, this disease is quite common among people. A similar symptom in medical parlance is called tinnitus. Most often it affects people who have already reached the age of 45, as well as allergy sufferers

Chronic tubo-otitis: symptoms and treatment methods

Chronic tubo-otitis: symptoms and treatment methods

How to diagnose chronic tubo-otitis and how to get rid of this pathology? Features and causes of the disease, characteristic symptoms, clinical manifestations, methods of detection and the most effective therapeutic methods

Fracture of the femoral neck in old age - is it a sentence?

Fracture of the femoral neck in old age - is it a sentence?

Older people are more likely to be injured than others. This is primarily due to a decrease in the strength of bone tissue due to age-related changes occurring in the skeleton. The most common and at the same time the most insidious injury is a fracture of the femoral neck in the elderly

Treatment of dry cough in adults with drugs and folk remedies

Treatment of dry cough in adults with drugs and folk remedies

Treatment of dry cough in adults. Reasons what medicines will help. Recipes of folk methods of treatment. List of drugs for the treatment of dry cough in adults

Inhalations for laryngitis with a nebulizer: what drugs to use?

Inhalations for laryngitis with a nebulizer: what drugs to use?

With laryngitis, which appears due to exposure to pathogenic microflora or viruses, therapy with medications is usually prescribed. All medications should be prescribed by the attending physician after the results of the examination appear. But an additional method can be inhalation. With laryngitis, this is an effective method of treatment. More details about the procedure are described in the article

Cavernous hemangioma on the head of a child

Cavernous hemangioma on the head of a child

Hemangioma on the head in children is often present from birth. With such a pathology, five to ten percent of babies are born. Among premature babies, this problem is even more common. Outwardly, the hemangioma resembles a dark red spot of various sizes. In this article, we will talk about the symptoms, causes and treatment of this disease

How to get rid of back acne? Why do acne appear on the back

How to get rid of back acne? Why do acne appear on the back

How to get rid of back acne? This question is relevant for many men and women. Children, teenagers, adults - no one is immune from their occurrence. It is not worth putting up with an unpleasant phenomenon, as there are many ways to get rid of it. How to do this, you can read in the article

Herpes in children: home treatment

Herpes in children: home treatment

Article about the types of herpes in children. The features of the development of pathology, possible methods of alleviating symptoms and useful recommendations are considered. Recipes of traditional medicine are given

Why do my knees crackle? The most common reasons

Why do my knees crackle? The most common reasons

Crunching in the knee joints is not only an unpleasant and annoying phenomenon. Sometimes it is also a symptom of more important problems in the body. So why are your knees cracking? What is the reason for this discomfort? How dangerous is this to he alth? The answers to these questions will be of interest to many people

Therapeutic diet for osteochondrosis

Therapeutic diet for osteochondrosis

The right diet for osteochondrosis helps not only slow down the progression of the disease, but also significantly improve the quality of human life. Successful treatment of osteochondrosis, in which the diet is far from the last place, depends on a complete and he althy diet, the absence of bad habits, as well as adherence to a moderate exercise regimen to maintain body shape and weight

Cracking heels: what to treat and how to prevent

Cracking heels: what to treat and how to prevent

Many people think that cracked heels are purely an aesthetic defect. Doctors say that this is a consequence of other problems in the body. That's why you need to think about when your heels crack. What to treat, the examination will show

Lymphadenitis in children: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Lymphadenitis in children: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Children in the preschool period of their lives can very often suffer from various colds and infectious diseases, which are often complicated by the process of inflammation of the lymphatic system. In this article, we will talk about the symptoms and treatment of lymphadenitis in children, and also figure out what should be done in order to protect the child from such a dangerous disease

Tubular sclerosis of the brain: photo, diagnosis, symptoms, treatment, prognosis

Tubular sclerosis of the brain: photo, diagnosis, symptoms, treatment, prognosis

Tubular sclerosis (or Bourneville disease) is a rare genetic disease. The disease manifests itself in the form of benign tumors in many tissues and organs. Translated from the Latin tuber means "growth, swelling." For the first time in the middle of the 19th century, the French neuropathologist Bourneville gave a clinical picture of this anomaly, which is why she received his name

Blood clotting disorders: causes, diagnosis, treatment methods, rehabilitation

Blood clotting disorders: causes, diagnosis, treatment methods, rehabilitation

In case of a bleeding disorder, it is imperative to take measures to stabilize the condition. With the appearance of permanent bruises and difficult wounds, you should immediately consult a doctor and find out the causes of the ailment

Signs and symptoms of liver toxicity. Treatment of toxic liver damage

Signs and symptoms of liver toxicity. Treatment of toxic liver damage

Toxic damage to the liver implies a pathological condition in which the tissues of the named organ suffer as a result of exposure to toxins, poisons, alcohol, chemicals and drugs, as well as radio emission