Water pimples on the fingers should not be left unattended. This phenomenon can be a symptom of a serious illness, in addition, they cause significant discomfort to a person and look very unaesthetic. However, before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out the cause of the pathology, otherwise the therapy will be ineffective.

Most often, water pimples on the fingers appear in the autumn-winter period, and then go away by themselves without treatment. It rarely happens that this phenomenon is observed constantly. In the first case, the appearance of watery subcutaneous pimples on the fingers is associated with drying out of the skin and beriberi, in the second case, the causes may be more serious and indicate the presence of pathological processes in the body.
The reasons why unsightly and uncomfortable pimples appear on the hands can be as follows:
- infectious diseases;
- parasites;
- nervous diseases and stress conditions;
- allergy;
- metabolic disorders, endocrine ailments;
- malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract;
- fungal and bacterial skin lesions;
- influence of aggressive external environment;
- lack of proper hand hygiene and many others.
The most common causes will be discussed in more detail below.
Infectious diseases
Water pimples on the fingers and toes of a child may be associated with childhood infectious pathologies. For example, chickenpox, rubella, scarlet fever and others. In this case, pathological rashes cover not only the upper limbs, but also other parts of the body. Liquid can be seen inside the bubbles, and in most cases they cause great discomfort to the child - itching appears, the baby combs them, and the area of \u200b\u200bpimples increases. In addition, the child may develop a fever, weakness, and other symptoms.
With a fungal infection of the skin, water pimples on the fingers may also appear. In this case, they are localized in the area of damage to the skin - in the area of scratches, cuts or cracks.
Another disease, the symptom of which is the appearance of small water pimples on the fingers, is pemphigus. The causes of this disease have not been fully established by scientists, but some doctors are confident in the viral origin of the pathology. In this case, the rash initially occurs on the mucous membranes and lips, and asprogression can affect other parts of the human body. There is liquid inside the bubbles, and if the bubble bursts and leaks out, extensive erosive areas appear.

Quite often, water pimples on the fingers are associated with infection of the skin by a microscopic parasite called the scabies mite. Infection occurs through skin contact with a sick person. The disease is called scabies. The clinical picture is as follows:
- Water pimples between the fingers, on the hands and sometimes on the forearms and feet.
- Itching, the intensity of which increases at night. This is due to the fact that it is at night that the subcutaneous tick begins to actively feed and multiply. Also, discomfort may become worse after bathing in warm water.
- On the skin you can see scabies that look like stripes of gray or pinkish color.
- Drying and peeling of the skin.
- Because the patient is concerned about itching, scratches, pustules, weeping wounds and bloody crusts appear on the skin - all these are signs of infection of the scratched areas.
It is very important to understand that scabies is a contagious disease, and the patient must be aware that he poses a threat to others.
Allergic reactions
With allergies on the fingers, water pimples may appear as a response of the body to the effects of a provocateur. An allergy can develop to anything - to frost and cold,on the sun's rays, on animals, flowers, food, household chemicals and more. In the people, allergic small water pimples on the fingers are called hives. They will appear every time they come into contact with an allergen, so it is urgent to find out what exactly the patient is allergic to. An allergist can help with this, who will conduct special tests and prescribe antihistamine therapy. Knowing the causes of allergies, the patient must minimize contact with the allergen, otherwise, after treatment, pimples will appear again.
Diseases of the endocrine system
The cause of water pimples on the fingers may be a hormonal imbalance. Waiting for the pathology to go away on its own is not only inappropriate, but also quite dangerous. Hormonal imbalance is a serious pathology that can cause malfunctions in the functionality of internal organs. It must be understood that in this way the body gives a signal that its work is disturbed. Therefore, if the symptomatic treatment of water pimples between the fingers does not give a positive effect, it is necessary to consult an endocrinologist.
Lack of proper hygiene
Bacteria reproduce very quickly, and if hand hygiene is not done in a timely manner, they will not be destroyed, and they will create large colonies. In the absence of proper hygiene, the human skin becomes a favorable environment for the development and reproduction of pathological microorganisms, which, as a rule, cause itching, irritation and rashes on the skin.
The appearance of various rashes on the hands can be a signal of skin cancer. Tumors, both benign and malignant, can take the form of moles, warts, plaques, pimples, and so on.
If acne on the hands for a long time does not respond to any treatment, but continues to spread, perhaps their cause lies in a genetic disease.
Often the cause of skin rashes is nervous tension and prolonged stress. Failure of the nervous system always leaves a negative imprint on the work of internal organs, and internal diseases are already manifested in the form of acne. In this case, acne will not be the only symptom, there will be other signs.
Increased dryness - the skin loses its protective functions, as a result of which external factors provoke acne.
Disturbance of metabolic processes, pathologies of the digestive system, ailment of the reproductive system - acne in these cases first appears only on the fingers, and then can be observed on the hands and forearms.
Using harsh household chemicals without rubber gloves can itself cause acne on the hands, and in addition, harmful chemicals can damage the skin, resulting in infection, and therefore acne.
Water pimples near nails

As a rule, pimples that have arisen in the area of the nail plate are associated with dyshidrosis. This groupconditions, which can be both an independent disease and a sign of skin pathologies. In medical practice, dyshidrotic eczema and true dyshidrosis are distinguished.
Dyshidrotic eczema most often appears after strong nervous experiences, as well as as a result of allergic reactions. First, a small rash appears, and then pimples form, filled with a clear liquid and causing severe itching.
True dyshidrosis occurs with the development of pathological processes in the sweat glands.
Medication treatment

As is clear from the above, there are various causes of water pimples on the fingers, the treatment, accordingly, will also vary. Therefore, the doctor should prescribe therapy after identifying the cause of the pathology.
For the treatment of scabies, it is necessary to use external preparations, such as sulfuric ointment, for a week.
To eliminate a rash caused by chickenpox, measles or other infectious diseases, the treatment is prescribed by a doctor. In some cases, hospitalization of the patient is required.
Fungal skin lesions can be treated with antimycoid agents, which must be prescribed by a specialist, as many of them are quite toxic.
Allergic rashes are treated with antihistamines, which can be taken orally or applied externally.
Treatment with folk remedies

Ifwater pimples appeared on the fingers, traditional healers know how to treat them. It is more effective to use folk recipes as an addition to traditional treatment.
Folk recipes:
- Mix cosmetic clay with water until a paste, apply to clean hands for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.
- Anti-inflammatory effect has many medicinal herbs, such as calendula, chamomile, celandine or string. For half a liter of water, you need to take 2 tablespoons of dry vegetable raw materials, boil for a couple of minutes, insist, strain and regularly wipe problem areas with decoction.
- 3 times a day you can treat the skin with viburnum juice, aloe or birch broth.
- Raw potatoes are very good at eliminating itching and discomfort that cause skin rashes. It is necessary to grate the potatoes and apply on the affected area.
- Treats pimples and parsley, it must be crushed, squeeze the juice out of it and wipe the skin with it twice a day.
What to do during an exacerbation?

In an acute period, it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations:
- Know that lack of sleep, stress, malnutrition are provoking factors, so they must be eliminated.
- Follow your diet. Dietary nutrition implies the exclusion from the diet of foods that can provoke allergic reactions.
- It is correct and in the right dosage to use the medicines prescribed by the doctor. It must be remembered that hormonalremedies, as well as remedies for fungal infection, must be used in strict dosage to avoid complications.
- It is necessary to wash your hands more often so that an infection does not get into the wounds from burst bubbles, and if there is a need to use household chemicals at the time of treatment, it is necessary to wear rubber gloves.
- Regularly lubricate hands with hypoallergenic cream or use glycerin or petroleum jelly.
- You need to drink more fluids, as well as vitamins A, B, E.
- If the bubble burst, in no case should you peel off the skin, and you should also refrain from scratching acne. If itching is very severe, it is recommended to use folk remedies that will reduce discomfort.
- If the lesion is very severe, antiseptic dressings can be used.
- For large purulent pimples, it is necessary to consult a surgeon, as it may be a carbuncle.

To prevent the appearance of unpleasant pimples on the hands, it is necessary to follow preventive measures:
- Wash dishes, do laundry, clean indoors only with household gloves, which will protect the skin from aggressive chemical compounds.
- Reduce physical contact with people outside of your circle of friends and family. Wash hands thoroughly after shaking hands
- In cold windy weather, as well as in frost, you need to wear gloves that do notallow dehydration and chapping of the skin.
- Stress should be minimized.
- Even with minor scratches and cracks in the skin, it is recommended to carry out antiseptic treatment so as not to leave a gate for infectious pathogens.
- If you have allergic reactions, it is important to be careful when coming into contact with potential allergens.
Hands require constant care and attention, and it does not matter who their owner is - a child, a doctor, a builder or a musician. If the skin on the hands is unhe althy, this is always not only an aesthetic inconvenience, but also severe discomfort. Whatever the reasons for the appearance of acne on the hands, this problem must be eliminated without postponing “for tomorrow”. You need to see a doctor, find out what's wrong, and start the right treatment. It is quite possible that the dermatologist will refer the patient to other specialists - an infectious disease specialist, an immunologist, a gastroenterologist, an endocrinologist or a neuropathologist, because acne can cause a serious pathology that is not associated with skin diseases.