Sepsis: symptoms, possible causes, diagnosis and treatment

Sepsis: symptoms, possible causes, diagnosis and treatment
Sepsis: symptoms, possible causes, diagnosis and treatment

To know what kind of disease - sepsis - the symptoms inherent in it should be any modern person. Pathology belongs to the number of infectious, is systemic, provoked by an infectious agent when it penetrates into the circulatory system. The second name of the disease is blood poisoning. The inflammatory response can be initiated by fungi, bacteria, infectious toxins.

General information

The word "sepsis" is derived from the Greek term for "putrefaction". The disease is severe and progresses rapidly. The causes, symptoms, treatment of blood poisoning (sepsis) are relevant information, if only because spontaneous spontaneous recovery is almost impossible. Even the use of the most reliable and modern methods does not always allow saving the patient's life: if the blood is infected, the probability of death is high.

Knowing the causes, signs, symptoms of sepsis, you can understand in time that this severedisease, and therefore - to seek help. Quite often, the disease is observed against the background of infection:

  • salmonella;
  • Klebsiella;
  • entero-, strepto-, meningo-, pneumo-, staphylococci;
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Purulent processes can initiate fungi.

The disease is observed when the immune system is weakened, the inability to activate natural defense mechanisms. Often, sepsis is diagnosed in a situation where a person's immunity is unable to detect the localization of the inflammatory process, the primary focus is left without attention, and the pathogen gets the opportunity to multiply and spread.

The causative agents of sepsis in he althy people can be present in the body in different tissues and organs (most often on the mucous membranes), while there are no negative manifestations. They can also cause sepsis with an unpredictable course and outcome. More often, blood poisoning occurs during treatment with immunosuppressive drugs, as well as after complex surgical interventions.

Where did the trouble come from?

Ways of blood poisoning:

  • penetration of an infectious agent into the body during a surgical operation;
  • transition of a local disease into a systemic form;
  • Installing a catheter into a vein.

Signs and symptoms of sepsis can be observed if the body had a small primary inflammatory focus in soft tissues, articular elements, bones, and internal organs. Often, blood poisoning is initiated by phlegmon, burns, wounds, carbuncles, boils. Abortion is another factorrisk, since there is a high probability of complications, penetration into the female body of infection. Some degree of danger is associated with childbirth. These processes reduce the local protection of the mucous membranes of the reproductive system, so pathological bacteria get the opportunity to actively multiply.

sepsis first symptoms
sepsis first symptoms

Types and forms

When talking about blood poisoning (sepsis), the symptoms of the disease, it is first reasonable to consider the official scientific classification of this disease. For division into groups, several factors are taken into account:

  • etiology (type of causative agent of the inflammatory process);
  • source of infection (wound, operation, hypothermia, internal illness);
  • localization of the primary area (reproductive system, ears, oral mucosa);
  • intensity of development (instantaneous, acute, chronic, relapse, subacute);
  • anatomical and clinical signs (presence of metastases);
  • development time (late, early).

How to notice?

The first symptoms of sepsis are manifestations similar to any other inflammatory process occurring in a systemic form. Usually, the patient's attention is first attracted by heat: he begins to fever, the temperature rises above 38 ° C. At the same time, the speed of the heart beat sharply increases, the pulse per minute exceeds 90 beats. The patient breathes frequently and shallowly, and tests show a decrease in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the circulatory system. The number of leukocytes decreases or increases.

Severe symptoms of sepsis occur later. Under the influence of a pathogen,work of the nervous system, severe headache. People get irritated for no reason, they cannot fall asleep, their consciousness is clouded, darkened. Short-term fainting is possible. Especially high temperature is observed in the evening, the lowest - in the early morning. All the described symptoms of sepsis are more pronounced if the form is accompanied by metastases.

It is possible to assume blood poisoning if the patient is shivering, sweat is actively produced, weight is sharply reduced. Small red dots appear on the skin - a hemorrhagic rash. In some cases, the symptoms of sepsis include a persistent decrease in blood pressure, swelling, blood clots, phlebitis, lymphangitis. Against the background of blood poisoning, there is a possibility of bedsores. Listening to the respiratory organs reveals wheezing. The patient is short of breath.

What to look out for?

Possible symptoms of sepsis on the background of liver disorders. This is noticeable in the appearance of the patient: the skin acquires a yellowish tint. At the same time, the spleen becomes larger, and the urine becomes less dense, with purulent and protein inclusions. The progress of the disease is accompanied by the absence of urine - anuria is diagnosed.

sepsis symptoms
sepsis symptoms

Symptoms of sepsis (causes listed above) may include disruption of the stomach, intestines. Possible stool disorders, nausea, vomiting.

All of these features deserve attention, and delay is completely unacceptable. If the disease is instantaneous, only 24 hours are enough for the full development of the clinical picture, while the risk of death is categorically high. Acutethe form requires several days, the chronicle - months, while the manifestations are rather sluggish. Any of the formats of blood poisoning is life-threatening. If you suspect a disease, you must urgently seek qualified help.


Modern man needs to know what it is - the symptoms of sepsis. The treatment that can be offered in the clinic is more likely to be effective if you can get help when the disease has just begun to develop. You should not try to cope with the pathology with improvised means at home - the risks are too great.

Accurate diagnosis is only possible in a hospital setting. In the laboratory, samples of the patient's body fluids are analyzed, clinical manifestations are observed, instrumental examination is carried out, and if necessary, surgical. The baseline will be a general blood test, determination of its sterility, as well as biochemistry - this study allows you to evaluate the ratio of acids and bases, water and electrolytes. Doctors analyze the blood to determine hemodynamic characteristics. If sepsis can be suspected based on symptoms, treatment (in adults and children) should begin as soon as the diagnosis is confirmed.

To clarify the patient's condition, they are sent for ultrasound, cardiogram and chest X-ray.

How to warn?

In order not to have to find out for yourself what the symptoms of sepsis are, adults and children need to adhere to the basic rules for preventing the disease. When inflammatory foci are detected, treatment should begin immediately. It is unacceptable to start purulent diseases. It is important to follow the rules of antiseptic treatment. When performing a surgical intervention, other manipulations in a doctor's office, special attention is paid to ensuring sterility.

In order not to get personally acquainted with the symptoms of sepsis, after the doctor's recommendations on the use of antibacterial medicines, it is necessary to take a course in accordance with the specialist's prescriptions. To prevent the destruction of colonies of beneficial bacteria, the course is supplemented with pro-, prebiotics. At the same time, you need to remember: the independent use of antimicrobial drugs is unacceptable, they are used only with a doctor's prescription.

sepsis blood poisoning symptoms treatment causes
sepsis blood poisoning symptoms treatment causes

How to treat?

If symptoms of sepsis appear in adults, children, you should immediately consult a doctor. At home, the disease is not treated. Pathology is systemic, which means that therapy should be comprehensive. After confirming the diagnosis, the patient is hospitalized and suitable antibiotics are selected. As a rule, these are “reserve” medicines, with a wide spectrum of action - they are intended only for exceptional cases.

The use of antimicrobial drugs is accompanied by the sanitization of inflammatory foci. If abscesses are detected, it is necessary to remove them, if purulent foci, phlegmon are found, adequate surgical treatment is necessary, after which drainage is performed. The patient is prescribed infusions of medications, focusing on the needs of the body.

When a fungal colony is detected, drugs are usedto stop her life. Additionally, sometimes there is a need for detoxification treatment. In certain cases, a transfusion of blood (blood components) is indicated.

Fungal sepsis: features

This form can be provoked by fungi species:

  • Candida;
  • Scedosporium;
  • Mucorales.

There are cases of infection with microorganisms belonging to the genera Aspergillus, Fusarium. However, in practice, the most common case is infection with fungi from the genus Candida. Infectious foci can form on the mucous membranes, skin, from where the pathogen enters the circulatory system and spreads throughout the body with the bloodstream. This creates small nodules. Classic Locations:

  • joints;
  • intestinal mucosa;
  • sheaths of the brain;
  • internal organs.

To start the infection of the blood with fungi, it is necessary to simultaneously infect several pathogens at once. The primary focus should be in contact with the blood or lymphatic pathways. Sepsis is observed when secondary foci are formed, while the activity of pathological microflora is activated.

symptoms after sepsis
symptoms after sepsis

Possible symptoms of sepsis in newborns - the disease is intrauterine. Risk factors may be violations of the integrity of the skin and the use of poorly sterilized medical instruments. The risk is especially high if a person has diabetes, as the immune system is weakened. In addition, highthe risk of developing the disease, if established:

  • metabolic problems;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • endocrine pathology;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • exhaustion;
  • rickets;
  • avitaminosis.

And also on the background:

  • prolonged use of steroid, antimicrobials;
  • chemotherapy.

Manifestations of disease

Symptoms of sepsis in children and adults, if blood poisoning is provoked by a fungal colony, are similar to those described above. You can suspect the disease by the following manifestations:

  • breaking stool;
  • heat;
  • lower pressure;
  • dermatitis near the anus;
  • cyanosis of the nasolabial region;
  • candidiasis;
  • rapid heart rate;
  • rash, red spots on the skin;
  • hemorrhages;
  • weight loss;
  • disruption of the respiratory system.
sepsis causes symptoms
sepsis causes symptoms

Against the background of blood poisoning, a person feels bad, depressed, depression is possible. There are problems in the functioning of the respiratory system, the liver and spleen become larger. Fungal diaper rash appears under the armpits.

How to fight?

Treatment of fungal infection of the blood is only possible complex, otherwise you should not expect a positive outcome. Specific measures are chosen by evaluating the patient's condition, the characteristics of the situation. Key Course Objectives:

  • destruction of the infectious agent;
  • immunity activation;
  • fighting symptoms;
  • restoring the functionality of systems and organs;
  • cleansing the body of toxins.

Medicated course

Of the antibacterial agents for sepsis, the most commonly used:

  • "Levorin";
  • Ampioks.

All of them have an anti-inflammatory effect, inhibit the vital activity of pathological microorganisms. Klaforan and Amphotericin have a similar effect.

To stimulate the work of the stomach, intestines, you can use "Biolact", "Lactobacterin".

Targeted fight against fungal colonies is carried out by means:

  • "Nystatin";
  • Diflucan;
  • "Fluconazole".
sepsis causes symptoms signs
sepsis causes symptoms signs

To increase immunity, you can take "Immunoflazid", and to normalize the endocrine system, the work of the heart and blood vessels - the drug "Nattokinase". For general strengthening of the body, the doctor may advise folic acid, mineral and vitamin complexes. The composition of Neurobion has a good reputation.

Prevention of fungal sepsis

In order not to become a victim of a systemic disease, you should follow simple rules:

  • Treat all wounds, scratches with antiseptic compounds.
  • Use immune-boosting complexes.
  • Prevent purulent, inflammatory foci, and when they appear, treat immediately.
  • After surgery, strictly follow the doctor's advice.
  • Eat rightand fully.

Children get sick

Neonatal sepsis is a rather terrible disease, the risk of death is high. It is known that any infection in the first month of life provokes sepsis with almost one hundred percent probability. The baby's body is trying to fight the infectious agent - in general, the logic of the response is similar to the reaction in an adult; but the imperfection of the systems does not allow to cope with even a weak infection, so the consequences can be the most severe. In addition to infants, blood poisoning is more common in the elderly, as well as those suffering from chronic pathologies, HIV, and oncological diseases.

The most common cause of neonatal sepsis is:

  • strepto-, meningo-, pneumococcus;
  • hemophilic, Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
  • listeria;
  • salmonella.

The risk group includes those born prematurely and undergoing intensive care from birth. There are several risk factors:

  • weak immune system;
  • need to frequently endure invasive procedures;
  • using breathing tubes.

Any damage to the skin is a way for an infectious agent to penetrate into a weakened body.

Mother and child

Blood poisoning can be obtained during fetal development or at birth. The likelihood of sepsis is higher in complicated pregnancy and problematic childbirth, accompanied by a feverish state. The danger is infection of the placenta, uterine tissues. There is a risk of sepsis if the amniotic sacruptured before 37 weeks gestation or early in labor.

From 15% to a third of all women in labor are carriers of streptococci. During childbirth, the mother can become a source of an infectious agent for the child. The path of movement of the bacteria is the vagina or the rectum.

It is known that newborn boys develop sepsis twice as often as girls. Neonatal blood poisoning with a high degree develops if childbirth began ahead of time, and when carrying a fetus, a woman was often examined by a gynecologist. Late neonatal sepsis can be provoked by unsanitary conditions in the hospital, a long stay in the clinic.

How to notice?

Early sepsis in an infant can be diagnosed as early as the first day of life, at the latest - the 89th day of life. The disease attracts attention with the following manifestations:

  • temperature instability;
  • stop breathing during sleep;
  • diarrhea, vomiting;
  • lack of appetite;
  • decrease in heart rate;
  • yellowing of the skin;
  • abdominal swelling;
  • respiratory failure.

To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor examines the child and takes fluid samples for laboratory testing. It monitors temperature, pulse, respiration, determines which pathological microorganisms have caused infection. Additionally, he takes an x-ray of the chest.

sepsis signs and symptoms
sepsis signs and symptoms

For a baby, timely medical care is especially important - it's not about days, but about hours. The immune system is still too weaktherefore, any infection with a high degree of probability provokes a fatal outcome. The treatment program is chosen based on the results of the tests, taking into account the limitations on the possibility of using drugs for young patients. The most widely used was "Ampicillin".
