If the veins on the legs bulge, the reasons for this can be very different. To determine the provoking factor and make the correct diagnosis, you need to visit a doctor for a diagnosis.
The sooner the diagnosis is made and treatment started, the easier it will be to get rid of the existing problem.
Features of varicose veins in men
Varicosis is mainly considered a female problem, but quite often it occurs in males. If the veins on the legs of a man bulge out, then this is a very serious problem. Its danger lies in damage to the vessels that supply the genitals with the required substances. The risk group includes mainly men over 40.
If the veins on the legs of a man protrude, then it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive treatment to prevent the occurrence of complications. In particularly difficult cases, surgery will be required.

Male varicose veins are generally treated in an already neglected state, since the stronger sex often does not notice the vascular network. This disease canbe very dangerous, because if the veins on the legs bulge out, then this may be accompanied by increased thrombus formation. If the clot breaks off, the blockage of blood vessels can provoke a heart attack.
Since the blood flow is disturbed, the nutrition of the tissues of the lower extremities becomes unsatisfactory. All this can lead to the formation of trophic ulcers and foci of inflammation. Varicose veins occur with the formation of swelling. Such formations, together with a feeling of heaviness in the legs, significantly reduce the patient's performance.
Features of varicose veins during pregnancy
During pregnancy, veins in the legs of women often bulge. It is very important to take appropriate measures, as this can lead to various kinds of complications. It is worth remembering that during this period it is forbidden to use many means and methods for therapy. Pregnant women are advised to wear special compression garments.
In the second trimester, certain medications are allowed, but only a doctor should prescribe them. Complex therapy is recommended, as it makes it possible to achieve a positive result.
Varicosis in children
If a vein bulges out in a child's leg, then this may occur with a congenital disorder in the structure of the walls of blood vessels or under the influence of various factors that prevent the normal outflow of blood. In children, a similar condition can be observed in the case of:
- congenital vascular malformations;
- when squeezing the renal vein;
- presence of a functional discrepancy between cardio-vascular system;
- venous outflow disorders.
Initially, bluish or tumor-like varicose formations are noted on the arms and legs of the child. Sometimes the limb may even lose its pronounced shape. The method of treatment is selected exclusively only by a phlebologist after a comprehensive examination, depending on the severity of the disease.
Causes of occurrence
Protrusion of veins in the legs may indicate the course of various diseases and occur under the influence of various provoking factors. These include strenuous exercise. If a vein immediately popped out after a workout, then you need to carry out relaxing procedures. If it has become invisible, it means that everything is normal. If after the rest the vein remains visible, then you need to visit a doctor for advice and treatment.
When the veins on the legs bulge, the cause of this is varicose veins. It develops in case of metabolic disorders, as well as weakening of the walls of blood vessels that have a multilayer structure. Provoke the development of pathology disruption of the valves that regulate the overall blood flow. Varicose veins can occur if:
- sedentary lifestyle;
- hard physical work;
- overweight;
- wearing uncomfortable and tight clothes;
- bad habits;
- diabetes;
- adverse environmental factors.
Very often a similar problem is observed during pregnancy, since during this period there is a restructuring of the body and the load onlegs. It is important to recognize the signs of varicose veins in a timely manner and promptly inform the doctor about the changes taking place. This will allow timely treatment to begin.
This is not all the reasons that provoke the development of the disease. Scientists have proven that the hereditary factor plays a very important role.
Key Features
Many are interested in why the veins on the legs stick out and what to do about it. Protruding veins can be a sign of conditions such as:
- varicose veins;
- thrombophlebitis;
- thrombosis;
- postphlebitic syndrome.

This condition occurs due to a violation of the circulatory process in the limbs, so constant monitoring by a phlebologist is important. Varicose veins have fairly pronounced signs, such as:
- foot swelling;
- severe soreness and swollen veins;
- fatigue in the limbs after a long walk;
- itching and skin changes;
- appearance of ulcerative lesions.
Many patients note the appearance of significant discomfort and very unpleasant sensations under the knee, which may indicate the presence of a blood clot. If the veins on the arms and legs bulge out, then this may indicate the presence of thrombophlebitis, which is associated with the course of inflammation in the area of the veins. This disease appears quite often, as a result of which he experiences pain and burning along the vein. At the same time, the limbs swell and hurt a lot.
Postphlebitic syndrome is typical for patients whohad previously had thrombosis. This disease occurs due to a strong deterioration in the outflow of venous blood. As a result, there is a violation of blood circulation. Among the main signs, it is necessary to highlight such as:
- veins sticking out on the soles of the feet;
- heaviness in limbs;
- minor lameness;
- increased skin pigmentation.
Weeping eczema may gradually form on the surface of the skin, as well as ulcers localizing on the surface of the lower leg.
Noticing that the veins on the soles of the feet are protruding and it is difficult to make any movements, you should immediately consult a doctor for a diagnosis. The doctor, after conducting an examination and taking an anamnesis, will prescribe tests, send him for MRI and ultrasound, so that you can comprehensively study the general condition of the vessels.

After receiving all the required results of the study and determining the cause of the venous network on the legs and protruding veins, he will prescribe a therapeutic course.
Features of treatment
How to remove protruding veins on the legs, only a qualified doctor can say after a diagnosis. You can stop the progression of the disease by wearing compression stockings. In addition, medications are required to be prescribed to help eliminate unpleasant symptoms and normalize well-being.
Popular treatment options are minimally invasive interventions or micro-surgeries. In this case, the destroyed veins are removed with a laser. In addition, radiofrequency ablation and sclerotherapy are used. Surgical intervention is used in the most extreme cases, with severe pain, as well as significant destruction of the venous networks.
Treatment is selected strictly separately for each patient, depending on his state of he alth, age, and the presence of possible contraindications.
Drug therapy
Many are interested in if the veins on the legs stick out, what to do and how exactly the treatment is carried out. Therapy is selected exclusively by a phlebologist and treatment methods largely depend on the degree of neglect of the disease.

At the initial stages, venotonics and anticoagulants are prescribed, in particular, such as Detralex, Phlebodia, Troxevasin, Venarus. Additionally, you can use external agents, for example, "Troxevasin" and "Heparpine ointment". These remedies will help get rid of bulging vessels, strengthen the walls of the affected vein, normalize blood circulation, and eliminate swelling.
Only a doctor can choose the right drug, since each of them has certain contraindications. If it is not possible to eliminate the pain and bulge in a conservative way, then you need to resort to surgical intervention.
Non-surgical methods
If the veins on the legs bulge strongly, then other methods of treatment can be used. One of the most common ways to remove veins is sclerotherapy. The essence of this procedure involves the introduction into the affected vessel of a specialsclerosing drug, which leads to its destruction and gradual resorption. Treatment requires multiple sessions.

Sclerotherapy rarely leads to complications and is available to many patients, so this method is considered one of the most popular methods for dealing with bulging vessels.
If a vein on the leg bulges and hurts, then doctors basically decide to perform an operation. Currently, minimally invasive techniques are used. Classical phlebectomy is done only in exceptional cases. It was replaced by a low-traumatic miniphlebectomy, during which the damaged vein is excised through small punctures. There is no scarring left after the treatment, and patients recover quickly.

Laser coagulation is considered another low-traumatic method. Treatment means by itself what is introduced into the damaged vessel of the light guide, which acts on the laser beam. After that, the blood no longer circulates through it.
With the help of a short stripping, not the entire vein is removed, but only the affected area. The operation is performed through 2 incisions, and recovery takes only a few days. Radiofrequency ablation means that a vein is heated by a waveguide. This is a fairly effective method and is used on large veins.
Folk techniques
An herbal bath and medicinal teas will help eliminate swelling of the legs. Bigmedicinal sweet clover is popular, as it helps to thin the blood. You can add the dried plant to tea.
Fresh beet juice is known for its healing properties. With its regular consumption, it helps to cleanse the blood of toxic substances and increase the level of hemoglobin. Warm foot baths infused with herbs have a soothing effect and help relieve spasm, swelling and pain.

A well-established solution of apple cider vinegar, which needs to be lubricated on the affected parts of the legs. To eliminate unpleasant manifestations, you can use a decoction of nettle, despite the fact that it has certain contraindications. It is impossible to eliminate protruding veins on the legs with the help of folk remedies alone, so they must be used in combination with other procedures.
Physiotherapy techniques
Physiotherapeutic techniques are widely used along with taking medications. They are very effective if the veins are small and the changes in the structure of the vessels are minimal. Physiotherapy techniques allow you to achieve such a result as:
- increased blood flow;
- eliminate inflammation;
- recovery in the presence of a trophic ulcer;
- eliminate puffiness;
- pain minimization.
Before a course of physiotherapy, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination to make sure there are no possible contraindications.
Therapeutic gymnastics
Gymnastics when availableproblems with veins need throughout the day. This will normalize blood flow and prevent bulging of the veins. Performing therapeutic exercises does not require much effort. Therapeutic gymnastics means:
- simulating walking;
- rotation with outstretched legs until signs of overexertion appear;
- leg pull-ups.
At home, you definitely need to swing your legs and bike. Both of these exercises should be performed lying on the floor or leaning on a chair. It also allows you to engage your abs and develop fine motor skills in your toes.
Possible Complications
Pain and swelling are not the only consequences of vein problems. Gradually, the nutrition of blood vessels and tissues will begin to deteriorate somewhat. This leads to the fact that the skin becomes dry, dermatitis and trophic ulcers appear.
Venous thrombosis is often diagnosed in patients. The disease develops due to the fact that the walls of blood vessels become deformed. In especially neglected stages, when tissue nutrition is very severely disturbed, gangrene develops in patients. In such cases, limb amputation is performed.
Prevention is very important, especially if the family has relatives suffering from varicose veins. Prevention implies compliance with the following rules:
- need to exercise regularly;
- eat right;
- choose very comfortable and not too tight shoes;
- rinse tired feet with cool water.
If a person has a sedentarywork, then you need to get up periodically, as well as do simple exercises. Compression stockings or tights should be worn on long trips or flights.
When a vascular network appears on the legs, you need to contact a phlebologist to prevent the subsequent development of the disease. Only complex treatment will help get rid of the disease.