Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Costal chondritis (Tietze syndrome): causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Costal chondritis (Tietze syndrome): causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Everything you need to know about costal chondritis: causes, features of the course, clinical signs, differences in diagnosis, general principles of treatment, description of all therapeutic methods, further prognosis

What to drink for vomiting: drugs and folk remedies for nausea

What to drink for vomiting: drugs and folk remedies for nausea

Vomiting is an extremely unpleasant consequence of nausea. You can list the reasons why it occurs for a long time, but be that as it may, no one wants to suffer from it. Therefore, many are wondering what to drink from vomiting. And there are actually a lot of options

Diathesis is Types, causes, treatment of diathesis

Diathesis is Types, causes, treatment of diathesis

Diathesis is primarily a signal for parents about problems in the child's body. Its manifestations should not be ignored and considered a harmless phenomenon

Sclerocystosis of the ovaries: what is it, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, consequences

Sclerocystosis of the ovaries: what is it, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, consequences

Sclerocystosis of the ovaries, or Stein-Leventhal syndrome, is a gynecological and endocrine disease at the same time, expressed in the degeneration of the ovaries with the formation of cysts in them. It can lead to infertility, but not in all cases is a sentence. What are the methods of treatment of ovarian sclerocystosis and how effective are they, read in this article

A few words about how gastritis is treated

A few words about how gastritis is treated

This is perhaps the most common disease of the human gastrointestinal tract. Now it begins to develop even in a teenage child, but the adult population is much more prone to gastritis. In this article, we will look at the causes of this disease and tell you how gastritis is treated

Scourge of mankind - osteochondrosis. Signs of osteochondrosis

Scourge of mankind - osteochondrosis. Signs of osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is almost an inevitability for a modern person with his static lifestyle. It overtakes every second and entails a bunch of concomitant diseases. In 80% of cases, pain in the back, neck and head are signs of osteochondrosis

Displacement of the cervical vertebrae: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Displacement of the cervical vertebrae: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Displacement of the cervical vertebrae is a pathology that occupies one of the leading positions in the list of clinical changes in the spine. The disease can begin to develop for numerous reasons, it can be a congenital pathology or various injuries and diseases. When the cervical vertebrae are displaced, the child has a narrowing of the intervertebral tubule, as a result of which he has pain and the functions of various organs are disturbed

Nosebleed in a child: causes and treatment

Nosebleed in a child: causes and treatment

The most common spontaneous bleeding is nasal bleeding. They often occur in children of different ages. The reason for hospitalization in the ENT hospital in 10-15% of cases is precisely this problem

Why does the nose bleed in children? What to do with it?

Why does the nose bleed in children? What to do with it?

Probably, there is no mother who would not be frightened when she discovers that her child is bleeding from the nose. Of course, in this case there is no need to panic, but it is also unreasonable to ignore this problem. We will now try to tell you why the nose bleeds in children

Breast carcinoma: symptoms and treatment

Breast carcinoma: symptoms and treatment

Breast carcinoma is popularly called breast cancer. This deadly disease can be cured only in the first stages. In advanced stages, the carcinoma forms matastases and spreads throughout the body. What causes breast cancer? How to recognize it? What are the treatments? What is the prognosis?

Avascular bone necrosis. Avascular necrosis of the femoral head

Avascular bone necrosis. Avascular necrosis of the femoral head

Avascular necrosis of the femoral head is caused by impaired blood flow in the vascular system that feeds this area. Such phenomena occur due to squeezing or twisting when a small artery clot is blocked or trauma

How to recognize the symptom of gout and restore he alth?

How to recognize the symptom of gout and restore he alth?

Gout is an extremely dangerous disease for the joints. How to recognize it from the first symptoms and what preventive measures can be taken?

What to do if gout is diagnosed? Nutrition for gout: recommendations

What to do if gout is diagnosed? Nutrition for gout: recommendations

For a person who has severe gout, nutrition is the most important thing to improve the condition. Gout cannot be completely cured, but it is possible to get rid of too frequent and long periods of exacerbation of the disease

Feeling of a coma in the esophagus: causes, symptoms, treatment

Feeling of a coma in the esophagus: causes, symptoms, treatment

In medical practice, for the diagnosis of diseases, the method of collecting an anamnesis is used, which consists of the patient's complaints and the history of their occurrence. Some symptoms indicate serious organic diseases, while others are correctly interpreted as discomfort that is not associated with the appearance of significant pathologies. And such a complaint as a sensation of a coma in the esophagus belongs to this category

Which doctor treats diabetes? Endocrinologist. Endocrinology Center

Which doctor treats diabetes? Endocrinologist. Endocrinology Center

Who should I contact and which doctor treats diabetes? Approximately such questions are often asked by patients whose close relatives have diabetes. And considering how common this disease is and how many complications it has, they should be considered in detail. After studying this publication, each patient will understand what the disease is, what is the cause of its multiple complications and what place doctors of various profiles take in their treatment

How to distinguish heart pain from osteochondrosis: comparison of symptoms and treatment methods

How to distinguish heart pain from osteochondrosis: comparison of symptoms and treatment methods

Pain in the region of the heart is always considered by the patient as an immediate threat to life. The subsequent development of vegetative reactions as a result of fear, increased heart rate and the appearance of a feeling of dissatisfaction with the breath reinforce such fears. Meanwhile, there are more than 100 causes of chest pain, and only 6 of them require emergency assistance and directly threaten he alth

Simple contact dermatitis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Simple contact dermatitis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

This is a disease characterized by a chronic inflammatory process on the skin that occurs as a result of the action of various factors - allergens, and is caused by an incorrect reaction of the body's immune system to any irritant

Inflammation of the kidneys: symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the kidneys: symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the kidneys is a progressive disease called nephritis. Pathology equally often affects women, men, occurs in children of different ages. The inflammatory process can develop in the pelvis, calyx, tubules, vessels and glomeruli of the kidneys. Prolonged hypothermia can serve as the basis for the occurrence of inflammation of the kidneys. Also, the disease can develop as a complication of existing infectious pathologies caused by bacteria

Brown sputum: causes, treatment. Smoker's sputum color

Brown sputum: causes, treatment. Smoker's sputum color

When sputum begins to be secreted when coughing, this means that the inflammatory process has begun in the respiratory system

How to treat grade 1, 2, 3 dysplasia?

How to treat grade 1, 2, 3 dysplasia?

How to treat joint dysplasia, cervix - issues faced by people of all ages. If the pathological condition of the organs of the reproductive system is characteristic of women, then the joints can suffer both in children and in older people, regardless of gender. Consider in turn the dysplasia of the reproductive and musculoskeletal systems

Bruise under the nail: causes, description, methods and methods of treatment

Bruise under the nail: causes, description, methods and methods of treatment

Bruise under the nail is a problem that many people have. And she is very serious. Not everyone attaches importance to a dark hematoma that appears under the nail plate (usually the big toe). You can not neglect medical help in this situation - you must urgently go to the traumatologist and begin treatment. Otherwise, there may be serious consequences. About them, as well as about the causes and principles of treatment, we will discuss further

What are the symptoms of vaginitis

What are the symptoms of vaginitis

Among female diseases, vaginitis is one of the most common. It does not pose a particular danger to the female body, the only inconvenience is that the symptoms of vaginitis are very similar to the symptoms of other, more serious diseases

How is vaginitis treated at home? How to treat vaginitis during pregnancy?

How is vaginitis treated at home? How to treat vaginitis during pregnancy?

Inflammatory processes in the vagina doctors call vaginitis. They can occur due to bacteria from the intestines or as a result of a decrease in the concentration of estrogen during menopause

Acute abdomen in a child: signs, causes, treatment

Acute abdomen in a child: signs, causes, treatment

Acute stomach in a child is primarily manifested by severe and sharp pain. It has a different character and can be pronounced or insignificant, depending on the degree of development of the pathological process. Often it gradually increases, then weakens and becomes permanent. When coughing, movement, painful sensations intensify. They do not pass even during sleep, eating

What to do if the placenta is low?

What to do if the placenta is low?

Today, many expectant mothers are worried about what to do if the placenta is low. That is what we will talk about in this article

Nymphomaniac - who is this?

Nymphomaniac - who is this?

A nymphomaniac is a woman with a mental or physiological disorder of a sexual nature. This is a pretty serious disease. Let's talk about it in more detail

Symptoms of otitis media in adults

Symptoms of otitis media in adults

Ear pain is very hard to bear. As a rule, it occurs suddenly, interferes with sleep, work, and lead a normal life. The pain appears unexpectedly and for a long time unsettles. Otitis media is the most common ear disease. What is it and how to treat it?

Neurometabolic therapy: drugs, essence of treatment, results

Neurometabolic therapy: drugs, essence of treatment, results

Surely many people have heard about neurometabolic therapy. It is widely used in various medical fields - in narcology, psychiatry, neurology, resuscitation, surgery, etc. It is used to increase the overall resistance of the body to the action of extreme factors, as well as to activate metabolism. What does she represent? What are its principles? What drugs are used?

What is sinusitis? What is dangerous sinusitis, if not treated?

What is sinusitis? What is dangerous sinusitis, if not treated?

Sinusitis disease concept. Its causes, symptoms, treatment. What are the punctures. Complications of the disease. Pregnancy and sinusitis. The nuances of the disease in children

Exudative sinusitis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Exudative sinusitis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

With exudative sinusitis, people inflame the maxillary sinuses, which are also called maxillary sinuses. This disease can take place in different forms, against its background, complications are possible. This disease is the main type of inflammatory processes in the maxillary sinuses, it threatens with serious consequences

Acute maxillary sinusitis: main symptoms and treatment

Acute maxillary sinusitis: main symptoms and treatment

Acute maxillary sinusitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the maxillary sinuses. It is easy to guess why the second name of this disease is sinusitis. The disease quickly spreads to the submucosal layer, periosteal and bone tissue of the upper dentition. According to statistics, this pathology is the most common reason for a visit to an ENT doctor, because inflammation of the sinuses occurs in both adults and children

Heartburn what is it? Heartburn medications

Heartburn what is it? Heartburn medications

Heartburn is one of the common signs of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Approximately 5-19% of the adult population experiences this unpleasant phenomenon at least once a week, and 7% daily. A symptom that appears about an hour after eating, most often described as a burning sensation behind the sternum, and there is heartburn

Eosinophilic gastritis in humans: causes, symptoms and treatments

Eosinophilic gastritis in humans: causes, symptoms and treatments

An inflammatory process that affects the mucous surface inside the stomach can develop as a result of the ingestion of certain components to which a person has hypersensitivity into the digestive tract. In such situations, gastroenterologists make a diagnosis, which is called eosinophilic gastritis. Another name for this condition is allergic inflammation of the stomach, or granuloma

Chronic superficial gastritis: symptoms, treatment, diet

Chronic superficial gastritis: symptoms, treatment, diet

Gastritis of varying severity is present in almost every person. Even children of school age suffer from the disease. The older a person becomes, the more pronounced the symptoms of the disease are

Gastric parietal cell: description, features and functions

Gastric parietal cell: description, features and functions

In the human stomach are glands that digest food. These include parietal cells. During normal functioning of the glands, a person does not experience unpleasant or painful sensations. Proper nutrition is essential for the proper functioning of the body. If a person often eats junk food, then the stomach glands, including parietal cells, suffer

Purulent otitis media in children: causes, symptoms and treatment

Purulent otitis media in children: causes, symptoms and treatment

The most common purulent otitis in children. And in most cases it is recurrent. There are certain factors that can cause the development of otitis media in a child. It can be frequent infectious diseases, enlarged adenoids, or a weakening of the body's defense system

Ingrown toenail: how to treat at home?

Ingrown toenail: how to treat at home?

Ingrown toenail is an unpleasant and painful phenomenon. A person suffering from this disease feels constant discomfort when walking. Read about the causes and treatment of the disease in our article

Amenorrhoea: treatment and everything you need to know about this condition

Amenorrhoea: treatment and everything you need to know about this condition

The true causes of amenorrhea in women of different ages. The concept of primary and secondary amenorrhea. Differential diagnosis of the disease. The main stages of treatment and the choice of necessary drugs as a therapy for such an ailment as amenorrhea

Causes of heartburn and how to get rid of it

Causes of heartburn and how to get rid of it

In the article we will consider the main causes of heartburn and how to get rid of it. Almost everyone knows what kind of pathology it is. Heartburn is an unpleasant burning sensation in the lower esophagus. The nature of the occurrence of this phenomenon is the entry of gastric juice into this area, as a result of which the esophagus is irritated, which leads to the above unpleasant symptoms

Meningitis: the first symptoms in people of different ages and first aid

Meningitis: the first symptoms in people of different ages and first aid

What symptoms would indicate that a person is developing meningitis? What should alert the parents of a baby who cannot yet complain of a headache? What to do if you are almost certain that someone in your family has meningitis?